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Lukas writes...

WHAT THE... Gregory T Farshtey, you telling that you got fired after the planning on Mask of Light, then why the Mata Nui had you wrote the books and stories about Marhi Nui, Voya Nui ETC???!!?!?!? Had they hired you again, or... (Not to be rude) Is you that responding, just a guy who is cheating us, and telling you is the old great Greg, just for fun, and moneys???? I love Greg's stories, and work! And i have translated (just for fun) the whole story on http://www.bioniclestory.com/ called Into The Darkness, but please tell me my friend, how you can be involved in LEGO if you isn't involved?

Greg responds...

I think you're mixing me, GREG WEISMAN, up with this other Greg, whom I have never claimed to be. I worked (briefly) on Mask of Light, but was let go...

I never met Gregory Farshtey, but I have a vague memory that he was doing the comics, right?

Response recorded on April 16, 2010

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metis writes...

so is Elliot still in the bionicle comic thing? (ps you still havent answerd my question in the archive in bioniclestory.com

Greg responds...

I don't know who Elliot is.

I don't know what bioniclestory.com is.

UPDATE: Okay, I just visited that site. I don't think I've ever been there before. And I don't even see an archive section. Besides, I haven't worked on Bionicle at all in YEARS.

Response recorded on November 04, 2009

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Kyle Vold writes...

I have been reading more about the Toa Nuva. I read that when the Toa Mata were drifting in the ocean for 1000 years their organic tissue dissolved. When they arrived on Mata Nui and put them selves back together did they look like that before or was that the result of being in the water for so long?

Greg responds...

I don't remember the answer to this question all these years later, since as I've said MANY times, I only briefly worked on Bionicle. And frankly, I'm not sure I EVER knew the answer to this particular question.

Response recorded on August 07, 2008

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marek writes...

Where did lhikan lives when he was a matoran?

Greg responds...

I don't remember. (Assuming I ever knew.) You have to understand that although I immersed myself in Bionicle at the time, I only worked on the project for a very short period before I got fired for yawning. Since that was somewhat painful, I divorced myself mentally as much as possible from the property. So my memories aren't the clearest.

Response recorded on July 17, 2008

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Amanda writes...

DO you think that the Lago company can hire you again? And did you come up bionicles or did the Lego company did?

Greg responds...

The Bionicle god is a great guy named Bob Thompson. I was just a hired gun for a very brief time. (I had nothing to do with the creation of Bionicle - just with plotting the story to "Mask of Light".) Somehow, I doubt Lego will be bringing me back any time soon.

Response recorded on February 04, 2008

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Bryan writes...

When the Toa Mata were finding the masks why did they get the noble style masks that the turaga had not the great version. Like the Noble Huna that Turaga Vakama had instead of the Huna that Toa Vakama had?

Greg responds...

I'm afraid my memory of all things Bionicle is pretty sketchy. Sorry.

Response recorded on January 23, 2008

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Amanad writes...

If the Lego company had to combind the Bionicle's world to our world what whould happen? How would they react in our world? Would the Toa's be our friend or wht?

Greg responds...

Didn't you just ask this?

Response recorded on December 20, 2007

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Amanda writes...

If the Lego Company had combind the Bionicle world to our world what would happen?How would they react to our world?

Greg responds...

I'll leave that to your imagination.

Response recorded on December 20, 2007

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Amanda writes...

If you had one of the Toa's power what would it be.

Greg responds...

Uh... I don't know. Water, maybe? Air?

Response recorded on November 16, 2007

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Amanda writes...

What is the bionicle story about anway? I've seen the movei's that I have but I still don't understand what it's about. And why Arn't into bionicle any more?

Greg responds...

It's been so long...

To answer your second question first, I was -- basically -- fired by Lego (for yawning). It left a bad taste in my mouth, so I don't follow the property anymore.

As to what it's about, it's about a race of robots. Beyond that basic bit of info, I can only recommend reading the comics, checking out the website or the movies.

Response recorded on August 24, 2007

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