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Concering this "Lost Race" did they know of the Gargoyles, Humans and Oberon's Children or did the three races evolve after their extinction?
They knew.
Okay, I goofed up big timeon one of my questions. My June 11th one where I'm asking about the car was a total mistake. My brain apparently flipped the image and I thought I saw it differently. This hasn't been the first time my mind has done that. Try looking at it from my point of view, everyone uses their right hand. However, I use my left hand so I sometimes get right and left confussed. Well, anyway, I'll write later or who knows I might be able to come to the next Gathering, if my mom ever stops treating me like a little baby.
Choa, The Cat(El Gato)
I'm afraid I don't remember the June 11th question. So don't sweat it.
I myself have left/right dyslexia.
Was Nought made up or did he already exist in some myth or legend?
I have some notions to connect him to a couple of mythological figures, but that came after the fact. Originally, we just made up the visual. I added the name here at ASK GREG.
Hey Greg. I found a picture of Brooklyn and Demona together in armor. Did they fight against Goliath? And I also found a picture and it said, "Goliath holding a dead Broadway". What happened at the end of the Gargoyles's series?
I'm guessing that these are stills from the episode "Future Tense".
In that episode, Puck created the illusion that Goliath arrived in Manhattan forty years into the future.
The episode was intentionally apocalyptic and many characters "died" inside the illusion before Goliath figured out the truth.
It was also designed to freak out Goliath (and the audience) as much as possible. So among other bizarre revelations, Brooklyn & Demona were mates.
I was just on a Web site and bought all the Disney's Gargoyles Movies that I could find,I've also been taping the shows that have been playing on the T.V., I was wondering if Disney or anyone (not knowing who has the legal rights) is thinking about putting the 3 seasons on VHS or DVD ?
Thanks for taking your time to answer :)
Gargoyles Forever !
Yes, the first season will be released on DVD this year (2004). If it sells well, watch for the other seasons to follow.
in the "Avalon", when Magus is talking to Elisa, there is a flashback of Tom and Katherine playing with the young gargoyles. i was curious if you knew how old the gargoyles were in that flashback. do you have in your timeline what year that was?
I do not have a fixed year for that brief flashback assigned in my timeline.
This has probably been asked already, but why was Gargoyles: The Goliath Chronicles cancelled? it was such a great show and also are there any talks of continuing the epic saga of the Gargoyles?
Gargoyles ended after 65 episodes in syndication, because 65 episodes is a standard syndication package.
Gargoyles: The Goliath Chronicles ended after 13 additional episodes on ABC, because of poor ratings and (I think) a generally lower quality of product.
I'm always talking about bringing it back, but I don't think anyone at Disney takes me seriously. However, if the DVDs sell well, that could change.
I hope these questions are alright. I was wondering if there were any episodes on video, of Gargoyles and if not, why the show was never able to. And also, what caused Gargoyles to end so early, having only three seasons, or were there more?
The entire first season of Gargoyles was released on video back in the day.
That same first season is being released this year on DVD.
The second season will no doubt become available if the first season sells well.
Who was Lexingtons mate
Not saying at this time.
Will Goliath and Elsa get further into there relashiship
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