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Liz writes...

Hey! just wanted to know if you could talk to disney over making more WITCH or could i a fan do so, also wnated to know that if disney say no could another company make a differnt spin on witch such as jetix, 'coz back here in england WITCH is played on jetix not disney

any help would be appericiated
thanks Liz

Greg responds...

It was Jetix here too. See my previous response.

Response recorded on July 28, 2008

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ollie writes...

orry for the double comment but i just read the rules again, if i broke any sorry! i'm not looking for employment or mascarading any idea's i jus wanna know if W.I.T.C.H is ever gonna continue and if theres any specific reason or any reason at all why
sorry again if i've made a mistake Ollie

Greg responds...

You're fine. See my previous post.

Response recorded on July 28, 2008

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Ollie writes...

Hey Greg, im a fan of another programme you directed called W.I.T.C.H, and I've read the introduction to this website so i know there's a chance that you won't respond, but i might aswell give it a shot! I was wondering if you would ever continue the W.I.T.C.H series and if you would you could use the ideas from the comic books (i can't sure you if you deccide to use the comic ideas as i did not right them). I'm not sure if there is a specofic reason why the W.I.T.C.H series stopped and if it had anything to do wih ideas for the show, anyway i would be really greatful for a reply and if you need any story lines you can contact me (and i promise not to sue!) on my email; mrdudeman@live.co.uk
or if you want to reply to this message seperatly (as it has nothing to do with Gargoyles - which i totaly love aswell!)
Thanks Ollie

Greg responds...

To be clear, I didn't "direct" WITCH. I was the Supervisory Producer, Story Editor (head writer) and I wrote multiple episodes.

I'd love to do more WITCH. I had plenty of ideas (all based on the comics) for a third season. But the ratings didn't support a pick-up, I'm afraid. And just in case it's not clear, it's not up to me whether or not they do more.

Response recorded on July 28, 2008

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Osman Pasha writes...

Hello Greg,
And again there is a quistion about W.i.t.c.h songs "Will to Love" and "Deamon in Me")))
I'm sure you have chords for the songs, sinse it is you who wrote them. Could you please share it? You published the lyrics, and I think publishing chords is not a bigger violation of the copyright than publishing lyrics.
We like the songs wery much and if we could play them ourselves, it would be great! I think Disney must admit that this will lift the popularity of the show and wont do them any harm or disadvantage, sinse they don't profit from keeping chords from public. But I suppose Disney don't read this page, so you can drop the previous sentence.

Greg responds...

I did NOT write the music, only the lyrics to Will To Love. The lyric to Demon in Me was written by Jon Weisman. The music was written by Noam Kaniel. He's French. In any case, I don't know the chords.

Response recorded on June 25, 2008

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wtchluver! writes...

where can u listen the full song of "The Demon In Me"?

Greg responds...

I think the full song is on the episode, isn't it? (Can't remember.)

Response recorded on May 29, 2008

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Benjamin Sharef writes...

Hey, I'm trying to track down a copy of the television show "W.I.T.C.H." for my nieces' birthday. Is it available on DVD in either a season boxset or individual epsidoes? My nieces love it, but the show is no longer on at a good time (3AM I think) so this would make a great gift.

Thanks for any help you can offer.


Greg responds...

Sorry, I have no info on this. Far as I know it isn't available. Wish it was.

Response recorded on April 25, 2008

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Claire writes...

Hey Greg,
This is Claire i am a big fan of your work especially Witch
Gargoyles and other marvelous episodes u make.
I want to know if u are planning to make any new episodes of witch and if they will stop playing the episodes late at night. i have to wait till 3:oo just to watch witch.

Thanx for your time please respond back Hope Witch does not end
Your biggest fan Claire

Greg responds...

I don't think Disney's planning on making any more, but you'd have to ask them.

Response recorded on April 04, 2008

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Cagalli writes...

Are you going to make third season of W.I.T.C.H. i mean it seemed like there was going to be another season i realy like that show but i watched it a million times

Greg responds...

As far as I know, SIP and Disney are not planning a third season of WITCH. I would have loved to have done it, and I'd still be game, although right now I'm heavily immersed in the first two seasons of THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN for Sony, Marvel and KidsWB/CW.

Response recorded on January 23, 2008

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David writes...

Hello Greg,
I know you possibly got pretty stressed out with all of those W.I.T.C.H. questions (especially the ones related to the S is for Self episode).
I understand that you don't have any rights to the songs at all, and are to remain silent when it comes to questions like this...

But I'd like to know if you'd give me any information on who should be contacted in order to discuss the possibility of seeing the W.I.T.C.H. OST(including the songs and the background music from the Animated Series) available for purchase.

Greg responds...

I'm not particularly stressed on this topic.

But I don't know whom you should contact, I'm afraid. But if you succeed, let me know. I'd like a copy too.

Response recorded on January 08, 2008

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Charisma82 writes...

Hey! I just read Bad Guys and have a question about the song "The Will to Love." I watched the Witch TV show (and loved it) and know that Matt wrote this song for Will. In the Gargoyles universe, did Matt actually write this song and was it him singing it on the radio, or was it written and performed by a different singer/group? So I guess the underlined question here is this: do the Witch and Gargoyles universes merge together here like they did for the Team Atlantis show, or not?

Thanks for your time and all that you do.


Greg responds...

Uh... geez... hmmmm.... The WITCH UNIVERSE rules are VERY different from the Gargoyles Universe rules... my gut is that the song is from the WITCH TV SHOW that aired in the Gargoyles Universe... uh... about a decade before it aired here....


Response recorded on January 03, 2008

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Mosaklus writes...

Is there a way to download all original soundtracks and songs of W.I.T.C.H second season or is there album that can be bought from somewhere? If there isn't at the moment will there come anyways for that?

Greg responds...

Not that I know of.

Response recorded on December 20, 2007

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Piano student writes...

Hi, I really like the songs called "the will to love" and "the demon in me". I will not ask if you could put the song online. I'm just wondering if you have the chords or the sheets on them, I would be really thankful if you somehow could put them on line.
It would be really fun to play it.

Greg responds...

Sorry, I don't.

Response recorded on December 18, 2007

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Matthew writes...

I have a W.I.T.C.H. question. I want to know why you chose Sand-pit and Gargoyle to throw in with Raythor and the Guardians. I think it is interesting that you chose the least human of the knights to side with the good guys.

Greg responds...

I chose the ones that I felt would turn. I couldn't see Frost, Miranda or Tracker changing sides. But Raythor cared about honor, and the other two were just along for the ride -- or so it seemed to me. They weren't intrinsically evil.

Response recorded on December 03, 2007

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Alexsandria writes...

Hey Greg
I was woundering since the Winx Club season is over why not reshow W.I.T.C.H on Fox and see how it the audience take it, Besides girls will need to watch something and what better show than W.I.T.C.H its almost like Winx Club. It just an idea to think about

Greg responds...

You know it's totally not up to me, right?

But beyond that, Disney owns WITCH. It seems unlikely they'd let Fox air it.

Response recorded on November 15, 2007

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Meera writes...

Do you know anywhere where we could buy, download or listen to the full songs from WITCH called "Demon in me" and "The Will to Love". I have fallen in love with these songs and any help or advice would be appreciated.

Greg responds...

Sorry, as I've answered before, no.

Response recorded on November 13, 2007

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incastea writes...

Dear Greg, a quote from your answer to a question about songs in S is for Self episode is as "...but I don't know how to put it online. And I'm not even sure if I have a copy." (takes a deep breath) Chances you have the songs, I'm dying to show you how to put it online (technically, of course, since I cannot convince Disney, the copyright holder of the material, to publish it under certain extents). And please, if anyone (inc. you, any collegues you worked with, Disney, SIP, anyone!) has them and there won't be any infringements which may hold anyone into trouble, I'm eventually totally OK with buying it through Disney's Stores or iTunes, etc. for about many "tens of bucks" (could have paid billions for sure if I had any) in case a free offer is unavailable. Thanks in advance.

Greg responds...

Again, I don't have a copy of the finished song. I have a demo, which I wouldn't want to put out there, and I think I have the vocals without music and/or with demo music -- and again, not wild about the idea of work product being out there when the final version isn't available, because then the work product becomes the de facto final product and that doesn't do justice to any of the hard effort put into it.

And ALL THAT is truly secondary to the fact that I don't feel comfortable putting something that DISNEY owns up on line. Seems very illegal to me.

And of course, I don't know how anyway.

Response recorded on November 02, 2007

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Charisma82 writes...

Hey Greg! It's great to be able to ask questions again. Sorry, but this has nothing to do with Gargoyles at all, but with one of your other great shows, WITCH. I just watched the WITCH episode U for Undivided (which is one of my favorite episodes; it also happens to be the one with Brenda and Marco). I had stopped watching WITCH after the 2nd season ended, so this was the first time in a while that I've watched it. It was too bad it wasn't continued, because it was a really good show. If fact, I'd say that it has been one of the best shows to come around since Gargoyles. Anyways, on to my question. In this episode we learn that Cornelia's little sister is the heart of earth and that it was because of this that Cornelia was made a guardian. We also learn that each of the guardians have a reason for being picked to be a guardian, though we only find out why Hay-Lin and Cornelia are guardians, and we are left in the dark about the other three. What I am wondering is, since I've never read the comics, did you come up with this idea or was this an idea that came from the comic books? If it was from the comic books, do you know if they ever mention why the other three guardians were chosen to be guardians? If it was you, did you plan out why the other three guardians were chosen? If so, would you enlighten me on the subject, seeing as there will not be any more seasons of the show?

Thank you for your time and all that you do.


Greg responds...

I think it was me. I had a notion for Irma, involving her birth mother and brothers -- an idea inspired by the comics, but not from them per se.

I had not yet worked out reasons for Taranee or Will, but figured they'd come to me eventually -- had the show continued.

Response recorded on October 12, 2007

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Silmeria writes...

Hey Greg,

Just curious, any chance you'll ever be able to put up an MP3 of The Will to Love, from W.I.T.C.H. Season 02? From what I've heard there's a full version that was written and recorded, but only the first verse/chorus was ever heard in the show.

Greg responds...

There is a full version, but I don't know how to put it on line. And I'm not even sure if I have a copy.

Response recorded on September 05, 2007

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DarkFaye writes...

Is it just me or are there eire simularities between charecters of Gargoyles and charecters of different shows?
Oberon/Inu no Taisho(Inu Yasha's father)
Owen/Cedric(W.I.T.C.H)(Owen just has shorter hair though)
And Puck/Yue(Card Captor Sakura)
It's really quite freaky.

Greg responds...

If you say so.

I'm unfamilar with Inu Yasha's father and Card Captor Sakura. And although I worked on both Owen and Cedric, I helped create the former and didn't have anything to do with the creation of the latter. I suppose I can see some passing similarities, but they don't seem much alike to me.

Response recorded on September 04, 2007

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Alicia Harris writes...

So is anything going to happen with Lilian? Are Nigel and Eric going to find out about W.I.T.C.H.? Is there going to be a season three? Please answer these questions for me. W.I.T.C.H. was my altime favorite series of books and when they came out with the series I was so exited, but I was left hanging at the end of the second season.

Greg responds...

I'm sorry... we were ALL left hanging. But no, to my knowledge there are no plans to make a third season. So your best bet to find out what happens to Lilian, Nigel and Eric are to check out the comics.

Response recorded on August 17, 2007

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Den writes...

Hello Greg. First of all I must apoligize for my horrible english. Im russian, you see, and though I can read and speak english, Im prety bad at typing.
My question - its about W.I.T.C.H., and specifically about some songs in season two. In episode "S is for Self" there were two cool songs "The demon in me" and "Will to love". I realy love these songs, and I have search all over the internet for them. So far I have only found rips from the toon, and I was lucky enough to find full texts of them. After I read full texts I love these songs even more, but I cant full mp3 versions of them anywhere at all. I heard you was author of these lyrics, so I thought you can help me find full version of these two exelent songs.
Please excuse me if my question was already answered - I didnt dint find it, using search and FAQ.. And sorry, if that was dumb thing to ask.

Greg responds...

I wrote "Will to Love" but "The Demon in Me" was written by my brother Jon Weisman.

Here are the lyrics for all the songs in that episode:

"S is for Self"
(Song Lyrics for #219)
W: Jon Weisman & Greg Weisman
SE: Greg Weisman

"The Demon in Me"
(Lyrics by Jon Weisman)
Performed by Wreck-55
Matt - Lead Singer, Guitar
Nigel - Base
Pedro - Keyboards
Joel - Drums

1. (Verse 1)
Didn't know why I couldn't fly
Didn't want to be stuck on the ground
I wanted to soar 'cross the sky
But something was holding me down

What had me cower in fear?
What was it I couldn't see?
The answer near, but so unclear
I was fighting the demon in me

3. (Chorus 1)
The demon in me
The demon in me
The battle weird, over all that I feared
I was fighting the demon in me

4. (Verse 2)
He fell on me when I was weak
Made me feel so lazy and dumb
He talked to me deep in my sleep
My mind and my soul overcome

I started to just let him win
I decided to just let it be
It was up to me not to give in
I was trapped by the demon in me

6. (Chorus 2)
The demon in me
The demon in me
My head in a spin, my strength wearing thin
I was trapped by the demon in me

7. (Verse 3 - quieter)
Asked myself, what did I want?
Kick back or just go for broke?
My dreams continued to haunt
I'd get close - then the demon said choke

8. (building guitar)
Somehow you gotta step up
Stop buying excuses for free
So I went face-to-face, laid claim to my space
And rocked the demon…

9. (Chorus 3 - full blast)
The demon in me
The demon in me
I recovered my spark, got free of the dark
And I rocked the demon in me
The demon in me
I rocked the demon in me…

"I'm Somebody Too"
(Lyrics by Jon Weisman)
Performed by Alchemy & the Grumpers
Alchemy - Lead Singer, Guitar
Bess - Drums
Courtney - Base

1. (Verse 1)
Oooooh, yeah…
You think all I do
Is pay attention to you
Sure it's true I care
But you're so unaware

I build up myself
More than just my health… Yeah!
I like what I see
I glory in me

3. (Chorus 1)
Hear what I say
Be you I pray
But it's 'bout time you knew
That I'm somebody too

Hear what I say
Be you I pray
But it's 'bout time you knew
I'm somebody too

5. (Verse 2)
Y'all have your story
So sweet or so gory
Whether dull or bling bling
I'm sure it's fascinating

But talk ain't so cheap
When you sow but don't reap
I bloom like the lotus
And you're gonna notice

7. (Chorus 2)
Hear what I say
Be you I pray
But it's 'bout time you knew
I'm somebody too

Hear what I say
Be you I pray
But it's 'bout time you knew
I'm somebody too

9. (Bridge)
Anyone can be a critic
But doncha be so

10. (Chorus 3)
Hear what I say
Be you I pray
But it's 'bout time you knew
That I'm somebody too

Hear what I say
Be you I pray
But it's 'bout time you knew
That I'm somebody too

"The Itsy Bitsy Spider"
(Lyrics adapted by Greg Weisman)
Performed by The Dunnsters
Uriah - Lead Singer, Guitar
Eric - Saxophone
Kurt - Drums
Clubber - Tambourine

The Itsy Bitsy Spider climbed up the waterspout.
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain.
And the Itsy Bitsy Spider climbed up the spout again.

Oh, that Itsy Bitsy Spider… he was really small.
He climbed that spout… so that he could feel… tall.
Down came that rain… dude, it was really… wet.
And that spider thought that climb was something to… regret.

He was washed away… washed away… washed away…
He was washed away… washed away… washed away…
He was washed away… washed away… washed away…

But the sun came out and put a hurtin' on the rain.
The spider was cool. Dry and feelin' no pain.
So dude, be like Spider and take it to that spout.
Climb again, cause, babe, climbin's what it's all about.

And don't get washed away… washed away… washed away…
Don't get washed away… washed away… washed away…
Don't get washed away… washed away… washed away…


"The Will to Love"
(Lyrics by Greg Weisman)
Performed by Wreck-55
Matt - Lead Singer, Guitar
Nigel - Base
Pedro - Keyboards
Joel - Drums

So many strangers on the street.
Yeah, nearly everyone you meet.
Can't relate, can't translate, can't create
A connection. No.

Easier to keep your distance.
Tread the path of least resistance.
Don't engage, keep to your cage, stay offstage
For protection.

Then everything changes.
She's there. Life rearranges.
Wingéd angel from above…
Helped me find the Will… the Will to love…
The Will to love… The Will to love…

I figured I'd stay on the shelf.
Truth be told, didn't trust myself:
Always fade, don't make the grade, too afraid
Of rejection. Oh…

I didn't think I had the strength
To find a girl on my wavelength.
Just a runt, always punt. No will to hunt
For perfection.

Then everything changes.
She's there. Life rearranges.
Wingéd angel from above…
Helped me find the Will… the Will to love…
The Will to love… The Will to love…

Game's full of surprises.
Live our share of compromises.
Still when push comes to shove…
She's just the Will to love.
She's just the Will to love.
I found the Will to love.

And everything changes.
She's here. Life rearranges.
Wingéd angel from above…
She is just the Will… the Will to love.
The Will to love… The Will to love… Oh…
The Will to love…
The Will to love… The Will to love… Oh…
The Will to love…

Response recorded on July 17, 2007

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Anonymous writes...

I was just wondering, if there was a Season 3 of W.I.T.C.H., what it would be about? I am also wondering about the end of W.I.T.C.H. Season 2. I was wondering who the new professor was at the end of "Z is for Zenith". Thanks for your help!

Greg responds...

1. A lot. Too much to go into here. I also won't pretend that all my ideas were fully formed, but I had a LOT of ideas.

2. He's the new computer teacher at the girls' school. But if you read the comics, you'll know he's much more than that...

Response recorded on June 24, 2007

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Cboy305 writes...

While working on season 2 of W.I.T.C.H., did you ever think about doing a croosover with Gargoyles? I know it wouldn't have been one of the most logical crossovers, but it still would have been nice to see Gargoyles on the small screen again.

Greg responds...

Well, that just wasn't a practical idea, given the legal set up of the show... and yet...

There's a character called Gargoyle in WITCH. And I created two new characters, Brenda & Marco, who bear more than a passsing resemblence to a certain A.D.A. and her husband.

Response recorded on June 08, 2007

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mage_cat writes...

Just writing to let you know that at least one Gargoyles fan watched the second season of W.I.T.C.H. I have to say I very much enjoyed my little fan-girl laugh in "I is for Illusion" when one of the girls asked "How do we beat up a beach?" The season as a whole was very well done, even more so when compared to the first. The first season was largely a march toward the inevitable. I mean really, who didn't know that sooner or later Elyon would wise up, and Phobos would be defeated? The second season had many more interesting twists and turns. The character development was also fun to see. With such things as the Matt/Shagon situation and the revealing of Lillian as the Heart of Earth, the relationships were much more dynamic. I also loved the choice to make Nerissa Caleb's mother. Since Caleb has no parents in the comic you were free to make his mother whoever you wanted to, and it just fits Nerissa so well. I mean, in her own twisted way, she was working toward the greater good, at least in her mind, and it just makes sense that someone like that would conceive a child just so that child could led a rebellion. I have to admit I didn't think much about the character Gargoyle other than to think that it was strange to go from the clan to this wingless creature roughly the size of a tool shed that didn't speak. In short, great job to everyone who made the season so great, and I hope to see more.

Greg responds...

Thanks! I am exceedingly proud of the work we did on WITCH. I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I'm glad at least a few Gargoyles fans checked it out ...and caught all the in-jokes. (I'm still surprised that I didn't hear more hoots (of pleasure or derision) over Brenda and Marco.

Response recorded on April 13, 2007

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Charisma82 writes...

Hey! For a long time now I've wanted to write and tell you how much I loved the 2nd season of WITCH. That show is great! I started watching it when I heard that you were working on the show. I figured if you could make Gargoyles great, WITCH had to be near its equal. The first season was good. It was interesting enough for me to want to continue watching it. I'm glad I did because you all did an awesome job on the 2nd season.

It's been a while since I've seen the show (I've seen them all), but I have to say that I loved how you put the characters Marco and Brenda (referring to Margot and Brendan) in the episode where Cornelia's sister gets her powers. I'm sure all Gargoyle fans appreciated that one. I also liked how some of the bad guys in the middle of the season (I forget their names) looked like gargoyles. I am referring to their wings and tails. One was an ice guy and the other was a fire girl (I remember the girl reminded me of Hyena).

And you can't forget Matt turning into Shagon. That was pleasantly unexpected. What was better was when he went good again and regained his power. Matt's got to be my favorite character. He really has a better story to him this time around. He wasn't a big character in the first season and I'm glad he grew to a regular character seen in the 2nd season. Plus, I really like the guy who plays his voice. He does a lot of character voices and it is easy to point out his voice because it sounds different than others. He is very talented.

I also liked the fact that you gave Will some power in this season. I used to make fun of her in the first season because all she could do was fly around and create portals (and that power didn't come until the end of the 1st season). I also like that the other guardians have new powers too, though I still like their original powers the best. I also love the fact that you find out that each guardian was chosen for a reason. For example, Hay Lin was chosen because of her connection to her grandma being in the guardian generation before them. Also, Cornelia was chosen to help protect the heart of earth, which is her sister. I have no idea why the other three were chosen, and I can't wait to find out.

Well, here's hoping you continue with WITCH and that the next season is just as good if not better than the last one. You've done a wonderful job with this show just as you did with Gargoyles. Keep it going!

Thank you for your time.


Greg responds...

Ember (the "fire girl") probably reminded you of Hyena because Cree Summer voiced both roles. Tridart (the "ice guy") was voiced by Jim Cummings, the voice of Dingo. Matt/Shagon was played by the amazing Jason Marsden.

I am surprised that more Garg fans didn't notice Brenda and Marco -- one of the things that made me think that most garg fans weren't watching the show. Heck, there's a character in WITCH called Gargoyle. I'm surprised that didn't get any comments.

I'm afraid I won't be doing a season three though. The show wasn't picked up.

Response recorded on March 13, 2007

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