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I had a question about Lexington's wings that I use to think about. When Lexington glides, it looks like he has to always hold out his arms. I would think his arms would get tired after a while. The other Gargoyles can move their arms while they glide, but it looks like Lexington can't. Also, not many Gargoyles have wings like that huh? The only other Gargoyle I saw with wings like that is in the first Awakening episode, and there were only a couple of scenes with him in it. (Maybe he's Lexington's biological father?) I was just wondering how come there weren't any more Gargoyles in the series with wings like Lexington's. Maybe some of the Gargoyles Goliath met in the Avalon World Tour could of had wings like that. I mean those kind of wings aren't my favorite, but I think having lots of different looking Gargoyles is cool. And there aren't many Gargoyles with wings like Lexington's. But the other kind of wings, like the kind the rest of the clan has, and my favorite. I just think it looks cooler, and they can cap their wings over their shoulders, which I also think is really cool looking. Thanks for reading this Greg, and I would like to hear what you think about this.
I don't have much to add. We wanted a diverse-looking group. I originally wanted Lex to have four hands -- you can see that in the original development artwork on the original pitch if you buy the DVD -- but I was told by Japan & Frank that it would be too difficult to animate day in and day out.
I think of Lex's wing-type as a minority wing-type. But as you pointed out, a type that we've shown at least on one other garg.
As for whether his arms get tired? Well, maybe they do occasionally. Take a look at "Awakening" again.
I know that the Gargoyles Movie on VHS has scenes cut out from the Awakening episodes that were shown on TV. You guys did a pretty good job editing it I think. (I'm not sure if you did that or not though.) This is just my opinion, but I'd just like to tell you about one small scene I think should of been kept in the movie on VHS. The scene where Goliath is talking to Princess Katherine and Magus, right before Magus turns Goliath to stone, Goliath says, "The eggs in the rookery will soon hatch, they will need guidance." And then Princess Katherine says, "Never fear, we will watch over them as if they were our own." I think that small scene should of stayed in the movie. If you never saw the Awakening episodes on TV, and started watching the other Gargoyles episodes on TV, I think that small scene is important so people know that Goliath asked Katherine and Magus to take care of the eggs. Maybe that's just me, but that's just my opinion, and I thought I'd like to tell you about it.
P.S. I also think on the Awakening episodes on TV, it's funny when Hudson is flipping through the channels on the TV, and there is a scene from the Lion King. Since I'm also a big Lion King fan.
I prefer the TV five-part version myself, though I'm the one who supervised the editing on the movie version.
But we left out that little scene intentionally. The Movie was not designed to be a primer for the tv show. But to stand alone. And adding egg references didn't help it to stand alone. It bothers me that they released THAT version on VHS, but the problem's been corrected now on DVD.
Hi Greg,
>>Diego writes...
Why don't you throw a brick through Eisner's window, then when he looks at the brick, he sees it's not a brick, but a small statue of Goliath. Then he'll have no choice but to bring back the show.
Greg responds...
You must have taken Logic in school.<<
Best awnser in years! ;D
So, just read through your newer comments, and there's something the got my eye: When people ask you NOW about what you think, if the show 'll ever have new EPs, you awnser "I guess." Years ago (at least 1) you still awnsered that question with the usual, "Well, looks bad..." kinda awnsers, but that changed now. So, do you think that with the DVDs out (when you'll get this they're surely out) it might be easier to convince whoever to retake the show and make new EPs?
Thanks for awnsering,
CU, John
easier, but still not a slam dunk...
Would you update your Gargoyles 2198 outline at all since the events of 9/11?
I haven't studied it -- so perhaps there's some little thing I'd change, but generally no.
Because of your affinity to make stories related to real life mythology, did you ever have a story in mind involving the European (i think) witch Baba Yaga?
Yes, as I've mentioned before.
I found information on the Internet about teleplay writing contests. The prizes consist of money and the submission of you script to an agent. I was wondering if these were for real, or just a scam? Also, if they are real, which ones would you recommend, if any?
I have no idea about any of this.
1. you've said before that Una, Leo and Griff hatched in 1898. Leo and Una haved aged normally, but Griff was pulled forward in time 55 years or so. so, the closest generation in biological age to Griff is the rookery that hatched in 1958, correct? that would make him just slightly biologically older than Brooklyn, but not as old as Goliath, right?
2. will Griff find a new mate since Una is with Leo now (and WAY too old for him)?
3. you once mentioned that "The Three" taught the London Clan the nursery ryhme about King Arthur that Griff quoted in "Pendragon". who were/are "The Three"?
4. how much time was there between when Goliath brought Griff to the modern age (MIA) and when Arthur showed up in London (Pendragon)?
1. In 1996, Goliath was biologically 29. The Trio were biologically 19. Griff was biologically 22. That would put him closer in biological age to Sora (hatched in 1958) then Yama (hatched in 1938).
2. One would hope.
3. I just tried to search through the archives for "The Three" and couldn't find an appropo reference. But I think I've covered this before... if not, I guess I'm revealing something... the three I assume you're referring to are Morgana le Fey, Nimue and the Lady of the Lake.
4. Griff gated to the present on January 24th, 1996. Arthur arrived in London on May 18th, 1996. (Though he and Griff didn't actually meet until after midnight, i.e. on May 19th.)
Well, i didn't have much con stuff, but it's a report... :)
Friday, off to NYC. flight at 7 something in the morning. waking up at 4:30 am stinks, especially when you can't get to sleep the night before for anxiety and anticipation. :P
however, flight was uneventful, got to new york, took shuttle to hotel, met up with people, fought with idiot staff over rooms, got lunch, directed people around (have you seen so-and-so? Nope, sorry. Ok!), watched opening ceremony, hung out until wee hours, finally slept. :P
saturday. the walking day. left hotel in the morning to find the MOMA (museum of modern art) which the maps showed to be by rockafeller somewhere. we go the wrong way on the subway, argue a lot, waste a couple fares and end up walking most of th way anyway. but we saw SO MUCH! radio city music hall, rockafellar center... and guess what, the darn MOMA was moved to Queens during some reconstruction. erg, annoyed. i never DID get to see Starry Night. *sob* SO! we decided to walk towards central park until we found a subway station then take that the rest of way. ha ha, NOW we know there are no subway stations there. hey, we were tourists, give us a break. ;) but we saw SO much!!! St Patricks, F.A.O. Schwarz, and before we knew it we were in central park wandering around looking for Balto and eating hot dogs. and complaining our feet hurt. Central Park has rocks, this was a major revelation. took the subway back after kevin got a map and lead us out of the wilderness. back at hotel, we decided it's time for dinner. so we walk to time's Square, argue more, and end up splitting up for food. I ate at Olive Garden, it was very yummy. After that we went to teh hershey's store, i bought chocolate, and then Toys R Us, and i got si the pink unicorn she has been seen in many picture with. it's famous! I am famous vicariously through Si once again! huzzah! ;) anyway, saturday night... masquerade, i got there late and took no pics (well, ok, i took ONE of tempest. holding the pink unicorn. bwa ha ha) but i got a lance and bitnine of my very own and lots of hugs from si and after they left we went to beed's room and played games (well, i watched, doodled and ate chocolate) then, sleep again. :P
Sunday! got up too early again and took the subway back to central park, walked over to teh MET, walked through a small part of the MET, got to see the BARE minimum i would have been able to survive with (only because i dragged arno RUNNING through at the last second to find the van Goghs) and then we had to leave to get back in time for closing ceremonies, pre-registered for next year, whee!! other clanners went off to do more touristy things but i was lazy and rested in our room except for walking around the block several times with 4 computer guys as my harem loking in vain for a freaking real pizza hut. sunday night. oh yeah! that might have been Two Towers night? shinga, jess and the others in that room did the movies-on-demand for Two Towers and we all ended up down there watching it. well, i spent the first half in my room on the phone with mom, but was fun anyway if not particularly comfortable. i got there last, i can't complain.
Monday! trim and jason were gone before i got up. up way too darn early again to go to the Nat history museum. noticing a TREND here? saw lots of cool stuff, they have a good dino display. bought a t-shirt. headed back and goofed off with a big pillow fight. duncan and guan came over. shan and kevin left. more pillow fight. rob left. MORE pillow fight. girls drew on each other with henna. played insane card game. those hardy souls remaining went to teh the Empire State Building about 11 pm to see the lights. was fun, hour went WAY too fast, we walked back with cereal and water from teh walgreens on teh corner, and watched adult swim. finally slept.
Tuesday. almost slept in. ha, yeah right. :P met up with duncan & guan, bought tickets and walked all the way to the docks for the boat tour of the island. got there, realized ther ewas no way we coudl get Beed on the boat and off again in time for her flight. whoops. so i was all selfish and said good bye to beed and dragged arno onto teh boat alone. got over feeling bad as the ride was awesome and i took WAY to many pics that i will have to scan. ouch. But it was awesome and worth it. after that, arno and i took a bus to grand central, wandered around there for a bit, had dinner in a restaurant with no AC, nearly passed out from heat, then walked back to the hotel via fifth avenue, got some souveniers, it was nice. :) my favorite day of the weekend. even if it was in the middle of the week, techncially.
wednesday. got up, checked out, it was chaotic but at least we didn't have that idiot employee waiting on us. said our good byes and took the subway to queens where we hoped to get a cab teh rest of the way to teh airport. there wasn't a cab to be found but we had a contingency plan and ended up taking a bus. it worked out fine, we got there in plenty of time, flight back was also uneventful. back in michigan! dinner at mongolian BBQ, home, to BED. sleeeeeep.
Sounds like you had fun -- on a semi-unrelated vacation to the Gathering. But whatever works!
In "City of Stone Part Four", when Canmore is invading Scotland as the Hunter, he doesn't reveal his true identity as Canmore until facing Macbeth directly just after the fall of Castle Moray. I recently found myself wondering why he did that for so long; after all, in concealing his identity as "Canmore, son of Duncan, rightful king of Scotland, come to reclaim what's his" he was apparently throwing away a great propaganda advantage. Why did he conceal his true identity for most of that time?
Let me try putting it this way: the Batman joined with the citizens of Metropolis to secure Gotham City's throne for Bruce Wayne. He simply didn't want people to know that HE was Bruce Wayne. He didn't want to make himself THAT kind of target.
Yes, of course, as Batman, he was another kind of target. But we don't see him taking the lead in any battles. If he keeps back -- as the Batman -- no one's likely to specifically go after him. Plus, as the Joker and Riddler were seen as his primary targets, than the mysterious reappearance of the Batman was a huge propoganda coup.
But that's not to say that Bruce Wayne wasn't part of the propaganda mix.
Now substitute:
Canmore for Bruce Wayne
The Hunter for the Batman
The English for the citizens of Metropolis
Scotland for Gotham City
The Gargoyles for the Joker
Macbeth for the Riddler
Are there any plans to put the entire series of Gargoyles on video/dvd?
The first season is currently available on DVD. Disney is evaluating sales figures now to decide on whether another release will follow.
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