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Ask Greg Archives

REJOINDERS 2005-11 (Nov)

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Kim J writes...

All I want know to is there going to be a new series.

Greg responds...

A new series of comic books.

Response recorded on November 11, 2005

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Bass mexican guy(also my friends call me brooklyn ^^) writes...

hey, it's me again, the mexican guy, I wana know if they're going to bring the DVDs to Mexico too, cause they're a lot of fans too, but I didn't told that are going to be in DVD cause I don't know if it's going to come here too.
By the way, Who made the goliath chronicles? sorry, but a lot of them suck, I only like "The journey" and "runaways", but the others, I hate it, and, if it's not going to be in mexico, it's right if I search for the episodes in the internet? or it is illegal? cause in mexico I can't find some channel or videos(at least in VHS "piratas"(illegal copy)) cause in Disney Channel Mexico it doesn't appear, thanks to read all this thing(todo este rollo) I hope you can respond me this

Greg responds...

I don't know what the international gameplan (Mexico included) was or is. Sorry.

Goliath Chronicles was produced by Walt Disney Television Animation, but with the exception of the voice cast, nearly the entire crew was replaced. The new crew had very little time even to familiarize themselves with the existing series.

Response recorded on November 11, 2005

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Todd Jensen writes...

This is probably going to reach you such a long time from now that the "freshness" will have most likely gone out of it by the time that you read it, but:

You raised the question as to what happened to the Elves who fought at Helm's Deep in the movie version of "The Return of the King". My own impression from the "Two Towers" movie was that they were all slain during the battle(except for Legolas), of course. Admittedly, they didn't refer to it in the dialogue for the "Return of the King".

Greg responds...

I've seen that movie at least three times now, and I NEVER got the impression that ALL were slain. Perhaps after the battle, they all headed for the coast. But there was never any indication that they were massacred down to the last elf. And it's tough to buy.

I love the trilogy, but if I have one complaint, I would have liked to have seen more elves and dwarves beyond just Legolas and Gimli fighting at the Gates of Sauron.

Response recorded on November 10, 2005

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Vinnie writes...

What are the limits on the binding spell that Oberon put on Puck? From a certain perspective Puck would be protecting Alex by using his magic on Xanatos' enemies. A premptive attack by Puck would spare Alex much trauma, so protecting Alex's emotional state in this way would be as important as protecting his phyiscal state in the result of a direct attack on his person.

Greg responds...

One bends the rules just enough so that they won't break. Besides, Puck has his own ethos... he promised Xanatos a lifetime of service as Owen -- without help from Puck. So he personally doesn't want to just go puckalicious for no reason -- or even for a trumped up reason.

Besides, who says Xanatos has enemies? ;)

Response recorded on November 10, 2005

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Big Bob writes...

Why is it that Hutson's sword dosen't trun to stone as i'm shure he must think of it as "his property" right?

Greg responds...

It's not about property, it's about whether he thinks of it as part of his ensemble or as a tool. So it's inconsistent. Basically, when he's unconscious about it, it does turn to stone. When he's aware of it as a weapon, it doesn't. If you've seen every episode, you've seen both.

Response recorded on November 10, 2005

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Chris writes...

I have one question, do you know if there is any movement on the live action movie or on another cartoon show.

Greg responds...

Chris, didn't you see that someone had posted that question just a few slots ahead of you? CHECK THE ARCHIVES.

Meanwhile, congratulate me, gang! I've finally entered 2004!

Response recorded on November 09, 2005

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DPH writes...

Happy New Year!!

1)Where did Demona get the disk to reactivate Coldstone during the events of High Noon?

2)When Coldstone was restored, was the Xanatos program put back into the body?

Greg responds...

1. I don't know that the assumptions of your question are correct. Frankly, it's just been too long. I don't recall.

2. No.

Response recorded on November 09, 2005

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J writes...

You may be interested to know that Disney is currently airing an ediitted scene in "The Gathering Part Two". When Oberon is fired at with the iron projectile, the section in which the iron punctures his body has been removed. Instead we see the weapon being fired and flash to Oberon removing it from his body. I was pretty upset by the edit.

Your thoughts?

Greg responds...

I'm annoyed by ALL of the edits. That's why I'm recommending the DVDs.

Response recorded on November 09, 2005

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Battle Beast writes...


I try not to 'ask Greg' very often because most of my questions have been answered before. However, this one has been gnawing at me for some time.

1. Was there a double meaning in the title "Long way to Morning," or did it mean just what it says, or could it have meant that 'it'll be a long time before there is mourning over a death,' or something to that effect?


Greg responds...

I'm not going to toss out secondary interpretations. And the morning/mourning wordplay has occured to me. But mostly when I came up with the title, I just thought it sounded cool. No particular double meaning was immediately in my thoughts.

Response recorded on November 09, 2005

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Brian writes...

I already understand that the first five episodes are planned to be put on the first DVD. Does the eighth episode have a chance of being recorded on one of the DVDs? I'm asking this because it is not being shown in the reruns for some stupid reason and I believe, hopefully not starting the blame game again, Disney has destroyed it so it could never be shown.

Greg responds...

I recently answered this. Check the archives. The entire first season appeared on the first DVD. No exceptions. No cuts.

And of course Disney didn't -- and would never -- intentionally destroy an asset.

You don't have to be a fan of the company to believe that.

Response recorded on November 08, 2005

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J writes...

How did Demona feel about having to kiss Macbeth in "Sanctuary"?

Greg responds...

I'm sure she told herself it was a necessary evil.

Response recorded on November 08, 2005

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Liz writes...

Just wanted to know if there is any new info on a Gargoyles
movie or Gargoyles live action movie? If there is, what is it?
thanks for your time

Greg responds...

The movie has been shelved.

Response recorded on November 08, 2005

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Liz writes...

In "Hunters Moon" who were the voice actors for the hunters Jason, Robyn,and Jon Canmore?

Greg responds...

Jason - Deidrich Bader
Robyn - Sheena Easton
Jon - Scott Cleverdon

Response recorded on November 08, 2005

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WingedBeast writes...

I've got a number of questions about Gargbeasts and their relation to the Clan. It always seemed to me that the Gargoyles had a deeper connection to their Gargbeasts than we humans tend to have with our "lesser" beasts. (Though, where dogs are concerned, I don't get how a creature that is naturally caring and loyal can be considered lesser to anything.)

1. Are Garg-Beasts considered siblings, parents, and sons/daughters by the rest of the Gargoyles in a clan? Would Goliath consider Bronx a Rookery Son and the Trio consider him a Rookery Brother?

2. Do GargBeasts and Gargoyles nurse each others offspring? (Evolutionarily, I can see the advantage in this, as it provides a greater variety of anti-bodies to the hatchlings.)

3. While I have serious doubts that a Gargbeast can ever become a Clan leader, are they ever in positions of authority or rank over the sentient Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

1. No. There is an awareness that Beasts are a separate species. But I do believe that the bond between Gargoyles and Beasts is stronger, and more akin to blood relation than the bond between humans and their pets. Beasts are not considered pets. They do not have "masters". The relationship is closer to one of equals than of master/pet. Grok?

2. I don't think so. But I'll admit I haven't given this much thought.

3. I won't say 'never'. But it doesn't seem likely. Though you should keep in mind that typical gargoyle "government" isn't exactly ripe with bureaucracy. There is the Leader and the Second. And that is all. Beasts ARE warriors. And on that score, Bronx, for example, is considered an equal to Lex or Broadway or Hudson or Angela. Only Goliath as Leader and Brooklyn as Second have actual authority over Bronx and the others. Now, keep in mind, one of the other Gargoyles might tell Bronx to do something in the heat of the moment. Or ask him to come somewhere or refuse to let him go along. But that's not authority. That's just life. Hudson might likewise tell Lexington to do something in the heat of the moment. Or ask him to come somewhere or refuse to let him go along, etc.

Good questions.

Response recorded on November 08, 2005

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Vinnie writes...

Have you ever considered starting the Gargoyles comic book back up again under a another corporation, instead of Marvel comics? In this country you can get away with whole lot more with comics then cartoons.

Greg responds...

We (SLG and creaturecomics.com) are starting the Comic up. The first issue will appear in 2006.

Of course, "getting away with a whole lot more" isn't the objective. Never was. I just want to tell great stories. Besides, it's still a Disney license. Disney reads every script I write. They're not going to let me "get away with a whole lot more".

But as long as I can do what I've always done, I'm more than fine with that.

Response recorded on November 07, 2005

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Cheryl Kiai writes...

Can the fans raise money via a campaign to purchase the rights to Gargoyles and get the series produced again since Disney is not interested in producing it again thus far. Or can a fan representative initiate doing this by petitioning another company to buy it! Is it unreasonable to try this approach!

Greg responds...

Both suggestions, sweet as they are, are completely unrealistic. If fans collectively have that much disposable income at hand, I urge them to spend that money on the two DVDs, the upcoming comic book series from SLG and CCC and on the Annual GATHERINGS. In lieu of money, please help to SPREAD THE WORD!

At this point in time, these are THE best methods for increasing the series' profile and giving us a REAL chance at bringing it back.

Response recorded on November 07, 2005

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Desty L. writes...

I know that my question will not get a response right away, most likely in a year or two it will, but I' am patient, plus I know you are extremely busy and I thank you for taking your time to read my question.

My question is, have you thought about taking up your ideas to Cartoon Network, so that perhaps they might utilize resources and purchase the rights to Gargoyles in hopes that you will be able to continue your fascinating story.

For you see, in my personally opinion, Gargoyles would make a great contribution to Cartoons Network's edition to the Adult Swim block.

Thank you,


Greg responds...

I've answered this MANY, MANY times. Check the Archives.

Response recorded on November 07, 2005

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James writes...

Ok, there are three things I know:
1. Disney owns the rights to Gargoyles
2. Disney is releasing the DVD's in 2004 to coincide with the 10th anniversary
3. Disney doesn't like the epiosde "Deadly Force" and stopped showing it on TV

That leaves me with two questions.....
1. Is Disney even going to include this episode in their DVD release?
2. And if they are, is it going to be censored like it was on TV?


Greg responds...

1. True
2. The first season, yes. Volume One of the second season is being released on December 6th, 2005.
3. That's not quite accurate. Obviously, for a time, they were gunshy (pun intended) about showing it. But I understand they show it now. Besides, Disney has a lot of divisions. What the S&P department at Toon Disney feels, doesn't necessarily reflect what the folk at Home Entertainment feel.


1. It did. The episode is present on the first DVD released last year (December 7th, 2004).
2. All episodes are uncut, uncensored.

Response recorded on November 04, 2005

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Lisa writes...

First of all, I love Gargoyles, and still watch them to this day. I've been watching since it was aired, and I'll be watching my tapes until the day I die. Anyways, I've never really understood the episode M.I.A. Una and Leo recognize Goliath when he arrives, but Goliath has no idea who they are. Goliath then uses the Phoenix Gate to travel back in time to try and save Griff, and figure out what is going on. Goliath saves Griff, brings him back to the 1990's, and all is well. Goliath then tells Elisa that he 'first had to travel back in time to meet them' (Una and Leo). But I don't understand. Supposedly, he was frozen in stone when he met Griff, Una and Leo. So how would they (Una and leo) have known him? It doesn't make sense. If you could explain, it would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Greg responds...

Sigh. (I sigh because if the explanation -- let alone the demonstration of that explanation -- from the episode wasn't clear, I'm unlikely to be able to make it clearer for you in writing here and now.)

Yes, Goliath was frozen in stone in Scotland during WWII.

But in the 1990s, THAT Goliath (the Goliath of the 1990s) went back in time and met Leo and Una and Griff DURING WWII. So they met him THEN. But he (the Goliath of the 1990s) hadn't met them yet, when they first encountered him AGAIN outside the magic shop at the beginning of the episode.

As he said, first HE had to go back in time to meet them.

It's a time loop. What I call a "Working Paradox".

It's easy to draw a picture of on a piece of paper, so come to the GATHERING in Los Angeles this summer, and I'd be happy to demonstrate.

Response recorded on November 04, 2005

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Kronz McLoud writes...

Hi Greg, I have a question you may have answered, but I didn't find any evidence of it in the archive, so here it goes. Is there of was there at any point and North American gargoyles? I just got to thinking about it one day, I mean there were gargoyles everywhere, but there was no mention (not that I can recall anyway) of there being any in North America. Thanks.

Greg responds...

I think at some point there must have been.

Response recorded on November 03, 2005

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Msil writes...

It´s about the Random stuff... on Thursday, December 18, 2003. I know it will be a while until the time you read this...but anyway..I love The lord of the rings: Return of the King and I understand you! I was Dying to see it. And its a fantastic adaptation.
By the way, I love the idea of "*I'd like to see a music video from Goliath's POV -- but featuring Elisa -- of "Amazing". (I think that's the title. I'm not sure who the artist or band is.) " And the band is Aerosmith (My fauvorite)

Greg responds...

It's been so long, I can't even summon the song into my head, though I remember posting about it.

Response recorded on November 03, 2005

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Deana writes...

Hello Greg, I love you work on the Gargoyles! I just want to know, why did you stop? It was an amazing show! I loved all of it! I was very upset when I saw the last episdoe! Anyway, have you ever thought of starting it back up again?

Greg responds...

Deana, I've answered this so often, at length and ad nauseum... so I'm going to refer you to the ASK GREG Archives.

Response recorded on November 03, 2005

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J writes...

How did the Hunters replace the hatch on their airship that Goliath flung off? If they didn't replace it, wouldn't that have caused some problems when their airship was submerged underwater in "Hunter's Moon Part Two"?

Greg responds...

I guess they had a spare.

Or maybe duct tape. Yeah, duct tape.

Response recorded on November 02, 2005

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LEET HAXOR writes...

1.In Hunter's Moon why did Demona use a carrier virus to spread the detergent? Why not a bacteria seeing how they are more resilent abd there has been more research in using bacteria to produce certain compounds while viruses generally seemed to be used to insert genes.

2.How exactly did Demona hope to stop the carrier virus from mutating the chemical that it was suppose to carry especially since the component like the detergent would have killed the hosts and thus the virus thus there would have been a lot of selective pressure for the virus to not kill the host so that the virus could reproduce more in the human?

Greg responds...

1. Maybe Demona isn't as up-to-speed as you are.

2. Uh... huh? Magic?

Response recorded on November 02, 2005

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J writes...

In "Future Tense" when Broadway is "killed" Goliath says "Goodbye, my friend". This surprised me. Wouldn't Goliath think of Broadway more as his son? The word "friend" just seemed awkward to me in context of the relationship between Goliath/Broadway. What are your thoughts?

Greg responds...

Broadway is too old for Goliath to regard him as a Rookery-Son. And too young for Goliath to regard him as a Rookery-Brother. Now, without a doubt, Goliath regards Broadway as family, as part of his clan, as a cousin, as someone so close to being a "little brother" that it might not be unexpected for him (if he were human) to use the term.

But Gargoyles aren't humans. They don't use the term "little brother" to describe that relationship. Or any relationship, really.

And the word "friend" to a gargoyle carries real weight. It's not insignificant or casual.

Response recorded on November 01, 2005

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Black Knight/Wispering Wind writes...

I'm bringing up the DVD question again. I know you say all over this question not til 04 and likly only the first season. However recently a friend of mine said he found all seasons on DVD @ wal-mart... Has the release date changed, comments?

Greg responds...

Your friend's "find" back in 2003 sounds suspicious at best. I'm sure one can acquire bootlegged DVDs of the whole series, but I doubt you could find those at WalMart.

The first season was in fact released on December 7th, 2004.

Volume One of the second season is scheduled for release on December 6th, 2005.

One would expect Volume Two in 2006, but that's not definite and will, I'm sure, be dependent on the sales of Volume One.

Response recorded on November 01, 2005

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