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COMEBACKS 2007-02 (Feb)

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Makhasu writes...

Did Macbeth have any advisors other than Demona? If so, how well did they get along with Demona?

Greg responds...

Clearly, he had Bodhe, who was probably afraid of Demona. But I'm sure he had others, and some would have gotten along with her better than others did. But I tend to think that Demona reported directly (and to some extent privately) with Macbeth, limiting her "camaradery" with the rest of his "staff".

Response recorded on February 25, 2007

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Makhasu writes...

What's Macbeth opinion about Gargoyles as a species?

Greg responds...

See issue #2 of the comic for a fairly good idea.

Response recorded on February 25, 2007

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Makhasu writes...

The Scottish people seemed pretty hateful/fearful towards gargoyles before Macbeth's reign. How was he able to change opinions and get people to accept Demona and her clan?

Greg responds...

Winners tend to get to make the rules. And the gargoyles helped the winning side win. So that went a LONG way toward reducing more OVERT prejudice.

Response recorded on February 22, 2007

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Makhasu writes...

Did the English really care about exterminating Demona and her clan like Bodhe thought?

Greg responds...

It was only an excuse. They had larger political, religious and territorial concerns. (Not that they LIKED gargoyles.)

Response recorded on February 22, 2007

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Makhasu writes...

Does Macbeth have any close friends? If so, do any of them know who he really is?

Greg responds...

I'm not revealing this at this time.

Response recorded on February 22, 2007

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Makhasu writes...

Who came up with the idea for the Paris scheme against Macbeth? Thailog or Demona?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 22, 2007

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Makhasu writes...

What did Demona plan on doing with Goliath and his clan if her plan in Hunter's Moon had succeeded?

Greg responds...

Present it as a fait accomplis and hope that they came around...

But who are we kidding? The notion that Demona gave much real thought to the aftermath of Operation Clean Slate is iffy.

Response recorded on February 22, 2007

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Makhasu writes...

Demona seemed pretty pleased with Goliath's vengeful attitude towards the Hunters in HM, part two. She even comments "perhaps you and I are not so different after all." This was quite a change from her usual homicidal rage towards him. Why did she behave so differently towards him?

Greg responds...

Again, I'm tempted to just say "Why do ya think?"

I mean, haven't you really answered your own question?

Response recorded on February 21, 2007

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Makhasu writes...

Is Macbeth conciously aware of how much his morals have changed since his youth? He does things in the present that he would never have done when he was young (attacking innocents to trap an enemy, theft, etc...) If he does realize how much he's changed, how does he feel about it?

Greg responds...

I'll leave that to audience interpretation, I think.

Response recorded on February 21, 2007

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Makhasu writes...

You said that Gruoch's brother, MacBodhe, was murdered in 1033, and that Gillecomgain was the one that assasinated him. How is this possible? Gillecomgain died in 1032.

Greg responds...

I'm pretty sure I said that King Maol Chalvim II (or some combination of Maol & Duncan and/or someone OTHER than Gillecomgain that one or the other hired) murdered MacBodhe in 1033. If I said anything to imply that Gillecomgain himself killed MacBodhe, that was an error. But I don't think I said that.

Response recorded on February 21, 2007

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Makhasu writes...

In 1020, Gruoch and Bodhe are referred to as guests at Moray castle. Where did they live, and how often did they visit Moray after Findlaech's death?

Greg responds...

They did not live at Castle Moray. I'm sure Bodhe had his own keep, but that keep was somewhere in Moray, and Bodhe's family were probably frequent guests of the Castle.

Response recorded on February 21, 2007

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Makhasu writes...

What did Bodhe think of Gruoch being betrothed to Gillecomgain? He didn't seem nearly as enthusiastic at that wedding as he was when she married Macbeth. Which 'suitor' did he prefer her being married to?

Greg responds...

I think he LIKED Macbeth better (who wouldn't?) but he was too afraid to defy Duncan.

Response recorded on February 21, 2007

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Makhasu writes...

In COS part one, when Findlaech raises his sword to kill Gillecomgain, Bodhe can be seen next to Gruoch behind him at the entrance to the balcony. Do you consider this an animation mistake or canon?

Greg responds...

I'd have to look at it again.

Response recorded on February 21, 2007

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Makhasu writes...

Why didn't Goliath and co. (when they were in Paris) tell Macbeth about the Weird Sisters controlling him and Demona? Even if only to prevent him from being susceptible to their manipulations again.

Greg responds...

How do you know they didn't?

Response recorded on February 21, 2007

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Makhasu writes...

What was Hippolyta like? Why did she have a name when most other gargoyles didn't?

Greg responds...

Hyppolyta no more had a name than Othello, Desdemona and Iago had names. "Hyppolyta" is a designation for us poor humans.

Response recorded on February 21, 2007

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Makhasu writes...

You've said that Hudson had a young daughter, a generation down from Broadway, that was a child when the clan was smashed. What was she like?

Greg responds...

I'm not revealing this at this time.

Response recorded on February 21, 2007

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Makhasu writes...

What was Macbeth's position in WWII? We know he fought in it, but from what angle? Was he in the British or American militaries? Did he fight independently? Other?

Greg responds...

I'm not revealing this at this time.

Response recorded on February 20, 2007

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Makhasu writes...

You've said that Macbeth doesn't get involved after the Space Spawn invade Earth in 2198, until some time later. Why? Surely he wouldn't just ignore his planet being taken over. He fought in WWII. Why would he stay out of this far more important war?

Greg responds...

I'm not revealing this at this time.

Response recorded on February 20, 2007

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Makhasu writes...

Why did Goliath forgive the Captain of the Guards? Sure, he may not have intended for the Gargoyles to die, but he had no problems with the deaths of the soldiers of the castle, the refugees who were unlikely to be spared, etc... He even helped Hakon chase down Katherine when she tried to flee. This guy's just as creepy as any other villain we've seen.

Greg responds...

Forgiveness helps the forgiver at least as much as the forgiven. Or that's the theory.

Response recorded on February 20, 2007

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Makhasu writes...

Macbeth said to King Arthur that he was too long a king to serve another. Does this mean that he's never served or worked for anyone post-1057?

Greg responds...

No, it doesn't necessarily mean that.

Response recorded on February 20, 2007

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Makhasu writes...

How did Xanatos' mother die? How did Xanatos react?

Greg responds...

I'm not telling this story at this time.

Response recorded on February 20, 2007

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Makhasu writes...

You've hinted that Luach was conceived during the time that Gruoch was married to Gillecomgain, with Macbeth being the father. Why would he and Gruoch take such a risk? He gave her up for her own safety... committing adultery would probably have resulted in her execution.

Greg responds...

Yep. So why would they take the risk?

The only answer I have is... why do you think?

Just to be clear, I'd like to make the point that I haven't "hinted" that Luach was conceived during Gruoch's marriage to Gillecomgain. Luach was definitely conceived during that time. I have suggested that PERHAPS Macbeth was the biological father, but that neither Gruoch or Macbeth know for sure.

Response recorded on February 20, 2007

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Makhasu writes...

What does Demona think of Delilah?

Greg responds...

What do you think she thinks?

Response recorded on February 19, 2007

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Makhasu writes...

What does Elisa think of Delilah? It must be pretty disconcerting to know there's a clone of her and Demona.

Greg responds...

As of issue #2 of the comic book, Elisa hasn't seen Delilah in person. But knowing someone like Delilah exists is probably disconcerting enough.

Response recorded on February 19, 2007

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Makhasu writes...

This is the first of MANY questions. I've submitted them individually, despite shared subjects. I didn't want an entire lot of questions removed because one was judged to be against the rules. I'm praying that these don't get deleted because I posted them all separately. Anyway... here goes.

Does Xanatos regret any of the things he's done during the course of the series? For moral reasons, not because the plan failed. Is there anything he's done that he's felt was morally wrong?

Greg responds...

Xanatos is (a) largely amoral and (b) not one to cry over spilled milk.

Response recorded on February 19, 2007

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