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I saw TITUS on Saturday with my wife Beth and three people who worked on GARGOYLES.

1. Fred Schaefer, who was a development associate who helped develop the show. (I think it's safe to say that Talon was sort of Fred's idea in a very early pre-Derek form. We called the character Catscan then.) Fred is currently a producer/executive/story editor at Porchlight Entertainment.

2. Monique Beatty was my assistant during the Gargoyles years. She did a lot of research for me. She's now a producer at Kinofilms.

3. Tuppence Macintyre is an old friend of mine. She also did a lot of Scotish research for Gargoyles, just as a personal favor and because it interested her. She's a Deputy District Attorney in Los Angeles.

Anyway, the five of us went to see TITUS in Santa Monica. The film is based on one of Shakespeare's early tragedies, TITUS ANDRONICUS. It was adapted and directed by Julie Taymor, who adapted and directed THE LION KING for the Broadway stage. So it's not surprise that the film is visually stunning. Monique didn't like the anachronistic style of the film (depicting chariots and motorcycles side-by-side for example), but it's not the first time I've seen that kind of interpretation, so it didn't bother me.

And the acting is fantastic. Anthony Hopkins (who I've loved forever -- does anyone remember the movie MAGIC?) plays Titus. He's brilliant. His lament to the stones is heartbreaking. Jessica Lange is good as "Tamara, Queen of the Goths" (now tell me that isn't a Gargoyles' character in the making). And Alan Cumming (who voiced John Castaway in "The Journey") is a nice, twisted villain as Saturninus, the Roman Emperor. But the revelation is Harry Lennix as Aaron the Moor. Amazing.

The story of Titus is not for the squeemish or for children. It's a real pot-boiler. Something just this side of a horror movie with a hard R rating for violence and nudity, though thankfully a minimum of on-screen gore.

The play was a big hit for Shakespeare in his day. But it's been dismissed as a critical flop. And I can see why. I've read it a couple times and thought it awful. Which coming from a bardolitor like myself is pretty harsh. It seemed like none of the characters were sympathetic or interesting.

But I'd never seen it performed, so I was looking forward to the movie. As usual, Shakespeare plays tens times better than he reads. In the movie, I had -- at moments -- plenty of sympathy for nearly all the characters. And the wonderful thing is that my sympathies are constantly shifting. No one is without sin. All share the blame except for Aaron's son. And Aaron himself is amazing.

Although, I can't help agreeing that Shakespeare wrote TITUS at least in part as parody of the tragic genre -- the way SCREAM was designed to be both parody and exemplar of the horror film -- I can also see flashes of KING LEAR, HAMLET and CORIOLANUS in Titus' character.

But Aaron prefigures Othello, Iago, Edmund and Shylock at least. He's a remarkably progressive character for the time. A villain, who is the only character to succeed in preserving a sliver of innocence within the world of the play.

Anyway, I really enjoyed it. And I recommend it to any Gargoyle Fan over the age of 17.

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Airwalker writes...

1. How old is The Director?

2. What are the ages of the rest of the BAD GUYS cast?

Greg responds...

1. Uh, don't hold me to this, but I'd say 50.

2. Robyn Canmore was 14 in 1980.
Dingo was in his mid-thirties in 1994.
Matrix was born in 1995.
Fang was in his early thirties in 1994.
Yama was in his late twenties (biologically) in 1996.

Response recorded on January 10, 2000

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Wing writes...

What were <some of> your plans for the Mutates <specifically Claw, but not necessarily just him>?

Greg responds...

Wing, Wing, Wing, Wing, Wing...

Same deal. This is not the format or forum for novel-length responses.

As I've mentioned many times, Fang would join the Redemption Squad.

Claw, Talon and Maggie the Cat would remain in the Labyrinth.

Wolf (who's also a mutate technically) would join the Ultra-Pack.

Response recorded on January 07, 2000

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Airwalker writes...

Just how long was Talon planning on keeping Fang in a cell?

Greg responds...

You know, I never bothered to figure that out. I think they had some kind of trial and a punishment was meted out (loosely based on New York State law. But since I knew that first Demona and Thailog, and later Sevarius would bust Fang out. And that Fang would ultimately wind up in the Redemption Squad, I never bothered to decide the length of time that Fang WOULDN'T end up having to serve.

I'm always hesitant to reveal things like that. Like admitting that every detail WASN'T etched in stone, somehow destroys the magical mystical illusion that everything on the show did tie together. But...

Response recorded on January 06, 2000

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Airwalker writes...

How does Diane Maza feel about the fact that it was her advice that finally helped Derek decide to work for Xanatos?

Greg responds...

Probably pretty lousy. Wouldn't you think?

Though of course her advice was sound based on the info she had at the time.

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

How does Talon feel about raising a Gargoyle/Human hybrid who looks and sounds exactly like his big sister?

Greg responds...


(What did you expect me to say?)

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

On the Mutate redesign, why eliminate the cat tails? I always thought it gave a sense of balance to the designs.

Greg responds...

That was Frank's call. You'd have to ask him.

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

In THE CAGE, while I understand Talon was eager to look for any excuse to blame Goliath for his troubles, how could he take in Xanatos' story so easily? I mean, he heard the whole presentation in METAMORPHASIS, he knew Xanatos financed everything, how could he be so willing to ignore that?

Greg responds...

You're asking this from the man who had Demona say "What have I... What have THEY done to you?"

Never underestimate the power of denial, pal.

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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OnyxStar writes...

Well, I've been reading over the questions and responses already posted, and they're inspiring questions of their own. I'll try to separate my posts into topics. And thanks again for doing this for us- you're keeping your series alive with the fans.

1. How did we learn that Hudson was Broadway's father? Does Hudson know this, and if so, how did he find out?

2. You didn't want to say whether the Mutates' children would be mutated themselves. Are they still *able* to have children at all?

3. Did Coldstone's son have a name?

Greg responds...

Calling this one topic is kind of a stretch, but you squeeked by...

1. I don't know that anyone inside the world of the series cares about this detail. Hudson is one of Broadway's many Clan Fathers. For that matter, Brooklyn and Lex would feel the same way. I think fandom learned that Hudson was Broadway's biological father from me. It was just something that always seemed right to me.

2. I'm not ruling it out.

3. If you mean his biological son, that's Gabriel.

Response recorded on December 29, 1999

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Niner writes...

Dear Mr.Weisman,
I have a kazillion questions but I'll try to keep from going over five.

1)What did you have planed for a)Max Loew and the Golem?

2)Would King Arthur have recruited any more new knights besides Griff?

3)Would Sora, Taro, Vinnie, Talon, or the Pack have appeared in "Bad Guys"?

4)Finnaly, would the Clones become more intelligent or would they stay dirt stupid?

Thank you very much.

Greg responds...

These are kinda all on separte topics, but....

1a. No immediate big plans, but I had some adventure stuff in mind.

1b. Adventure and romance.

1c. See 1a.

2. Eventually, but not right away. I didn't want the cast of a quest show to grow too big or unwieldy.

3. Sora and the Pack definitely. Taro & Vinnie, maybe. Talon. Doubtful. (At least not in my immediate plans.)

4. They were never dirt stupid. They were dirt ignorant. There's a huge difference. And in my plan, they would have been educated.

Response recorded on December 16, 1999

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