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Vid the Kid writes...

A few comments on Issue #3...

My opinion is mixed on the artwork. I mean, it's a different medium from the animated series, so it's not going to look exactly the same. Without motion, more detail is needed to convey the same feeling that was done through gestures in the cartoons. Just like a radio play needs narration. (Which, by the way, you are AWESOME at...) On the other hand, I'm not entirely sure that this particular character drawing style is necessitated by the medium. (Somehow, Agent Hacker looks a lot more organic than everyone else; why can't the other characters have a little bit more of that organic feel in their designs?) And there is a bit of inconsistency. Bluestone struck me as looking a lot like David Hyde Pierce in his second panel. Although the artwork may be less than perfect, it is still at least acceptable, and certainly does not distract from the story.

And the story is great! Already an order of magnitude better than The Goliath Chronicles. I especially like the layered reveal of what organization Hacker really represents. I have a tendency to forget details, so I didn't get it until the second shot. Anyway, great job! I really look forward to future issues!

Greg responds...

Wow, talk about damning with faint praise. (I'd hope we're better than Goliath Chronicles.) I'm glad you're liking it though. And I still like the art. It may not always be perfect, but I think it's powerful when it needs to be, and relays the emotions that I'm looking for. And I think David is improving all the time. We have fill-ins by great artists in 4, 5 and 6, but I'm also looking forward to David's return in issue #7.

Response recorded on April 09, 2007

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Shannon "Shan" Muir writes...


I've read and very much enjoyed issue 3. As someone familiar with the series there is much to appreciate.

But when trying to see the comics from the view of someone who knows nothing else about the universe, based solely om the three issues, what cues are there that anyone be rooting for the Gargoyles per se? Perhaps, like the way you often describe Xanatos as a complex villian even in the TV series, you are meaning to potray everyone a little less clear cut? The writer in me is curious to hear your thoughts about that.

Greg responds...

If the cues aren't obvious, I'm not sure there's much point in me discussing them.

I would think that (for example) Castaway's thinly disguised hate-speech in issue #1 would automatically make the gargoyles and Goliath specifically sympathetic. And if that didn't work, the fact that Banquo and Fleance tried to smash him in his sleep... well, you get the idea.

On the other hand, I do like shades of gray.

Maybe in a few years, I'll ramble on these comics. When I've got more distance and perspective. But right now, I'd prefer (largely) to let them stand or fall on their own merits.

Response recorded on April 06, 2007

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Chip Coffin writes...

Okay, it's me again. After re-reading issue #3 again and mulling it over in my mind another question did spring to mind. The teenage girl that Al was talking to...who is she? Besides being a device to explain to new readers (and refresh old readers)? We never learned her name (because Talon was interrupted) and it just kind of struck me as odd. Is she significant in some way or am I just reading to mush into things?

Can't wait till May
Rock On-Chip

Greg responds...

She's not just a device. Was Al just a device in "Kingdom"? If so, then is he still just a device?

Response recorded on April 06, 2007

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PenAgain writes...

Wow! Having just read issue 3 of the comic, I must say... I was astounded! I have had my reservations about the first issues, mostly because I was uncertain of the pacing of it all. But now, things are moving briskly, but we are still seeing flashes of our characters, even when they appear only briefly in an issue. It was amazing finally seeing NEW story progression after all these years!

In the letters page, you mentioned the idea of audio comics, and let me tell you... I'd pay a very reasonable (maybe even unreasonable) price to be able to listen to this issue read in the original voice actors' voices... but I suppose we should always have something to fight for out here in Garg fandom.

My question, at last- Since issues 1 and 2 equated roughly to one 22 minute episode... do you have any sort of fixed guideline you follow in a pages to minutes conversion? Does issue 3 feel like a 22 minute episode to you, or just part of one? I'm just curious, and I know that in teh long run my question's really rather irrelevant.

Thanks for making it so easy to keep having faith in the Gargoyles Universe, Greg! And if we ever get Season 2 Volume 2 on DVD, you better be at the front of every episode with introductions again. I loved those and found them charming, not goofy (as someone once commented here... or was that you?)

Greg responds...

I do think they're goofy (which is not to say I didn't have a lot of fun doing them).

I'd also love to do audio comics, but we'd need to see more evidence that there's a market for them. Hopefully, now that we're on schedule again, we'll be able to build the sales up on the comic.

To answer your question, I generally view each issue of the comic as being equivalent to one act of an episode. This is not a hard and fast rule, but it seems to be how things are breaking down. I was able to fit my adaptation of "The Journey" into two issues because the first issue had extra pages. But normally, I'll need three issues to do MOST stories justice. (Three acts to a TV episode = three issues of the comic.) Or so it seems. I'll admit that I'm still thinking TOO MUCH in TV terms. Issue #6 is a more stand alone story, but issues #7-9 tell one story and issues 10-12 will tell another that will bring the 12 issue Clan-Building arc to an end. It's like this:

Story #1 - Issue #1 ("Nightwatch") and Issue #2 ("The Journey")
Story #2 - Issue #3 ("Invitation Only") and Issue #4 ("Masque") and Issue #5 ("Bash")
Story #3 - Issue #6 ("Reunion")
Story #4 - Issue #7 ("The Rock") and Issue #8 (TBA) and Issue #9 (TBA)
Story #5 - Issue #10 (TBA) and Issue #11 (TBA) and Issue #12 (TBA)

Twelve issues, five stories, one arc. As you can see, this barely scratches the surface of my Season Three plans, let alone my LARGER tapestry plans. But it's a start.

Response recorded on April 03, 2007

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dph_of_rules writes...

dph's Review of Comic #3

Artwork is much better.

I loved the make-up of the Gargoyles Task Force, especially Matt's opening remark about their primary objective. Aside from Bluestone, Maza, and Morgan, will you tell us which precints the rest of the police are from?

Love the nice bit of continuity with Martin Hacker showing up. Why the numbers "36" and "32"?

I loved how it was Morgan who approached Elisa, but wouldn't it be a little problematic being that Elisa Maza outranks Morgan Morgan?

It's nice to finally hear about Elisa's wants for a long-term relationship really are.

I enjoyed Xanatos's conversion with Martin Hacker. More about that later, though.

I liked Elisa hinting to look around at Deliliah.

I loved the nice bit of continuity with Demona showing up.

I loved the nice way of explaining the backstory of the mutates and the clones to the new readers.

Poor Brooklyn. ;) He gets shafted by own his clan leader when looking for a date. ;)

Nice to see Hacker checking in on Castaway. If the quarrymen ever get raided, I just hope Hacker isn't caught with Castaway.

Anyways, back to one of my earlier questions. Are the Illuminati Society deliberately to manipulate the gargoyles task force, Xanatos's plans, and the quarrymen to divert attention from something even bigger going on?

Nice to see Thailog back and fully recovered.

Nice laying out of plot threads for future development.

Greg responds...

Most are from the 23rd. Travanti's been Morgan's partner for years. (I think you first saw him in "Temptations", but don't hold me to that.)

As for the numbers, you'll just have to wait ... heh heh heh And as for the Illuminati... NO, WAIT!! STOP!! I WASN'T GOING TO TALK! DON'T SH--

Response recorded on March 30, 2007

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Greg Bishansky writes...

Gargoyles #3 - A review

Well, that was certainly a let down. Fox getting all weepy, she was so out of character. The real Fox would kick ass and take names, till she found out where her son was. And Pat Doyle was the most pointless villain I've ever seen...

... whoops, this isn't "Ransom"

The first new canon story in eleven years, and I enjoyed every page of it. I have not been this excited for a comic book in a long time, and I read a lot of comic books.

Clearly part one, and thus some set-up needed, and having to remind readers who the Clones and the Mutates are and where they came from. But, understandable. Very understandable.

I loved Martin Hacker in this issue, playing everyone, telling everybody what they want to hear. Matt, of course, does not seem to trust him at all.

Castaway has a nice appearance here, behaving sane and not like a raving lunatic, as many in the fandom seem to think he behaves as 24/7. I'll blame TGC for that. Here, he was rational, cool, and wisely giving an order for the Quarrymen to be unarmed this night.

BTW, is that the same Chaz that was one of Fang's flunkies in "Kingdom"?

Already knew Xanatos would be visiting the White House thanks to the solicitations, should be interesting to see what he's up to.

Jason's cameo was very welcome, and I'm ruling him out as Elisa's date. Morgan actually asked her out, Jason is handcuffed to a bed and obviously bitter. Hope to see more of him.

Goliath & Elisa - The emotional meat of the story. Their talk did not disappoint. Elisa was nothing but reasonable anr realistic. This is not like dating and hoping for a future with someone of a different race and/or religion. Goliath and Elisa are different species. It would not make sense if she wasn't having second thoughts.

Nice cliffhanger ending, with Thailog bursting into the Labyrinth, guns blazing. Makes me all the more eager to read #4... gotta wait till May.

Poor Brooklyn, having to watch Broadway and Angela make nice, and then try to work up the nerve to ask Delilah out, only for Goliath to beat him to her. Though, the way Goliath looks, he'd probably have preferred to let Brooklyn have her.

"Thirty-six", "Thirty-two". That's gotta be a reference to something, I just know it.

And, Demona. Great to see her again, she's always been my favorite. Even if it's only for one page, and with no dialogue. Aw well, I'm hopeful we'll see her again very soon.

Thanks for the read Greg. May can't come soon enough.

Greg responds...

Yep, Castaway's talking to Lou about Chaz. (Good catch.) You can see why the Quarrymen might appeal to them. Look for Lou and Chaz appearances (subtle ones) in issue #4. And you thought you couldn't wait for May before!

Response recorded on March 30, 2007

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Chip Coffin writes...

Not so much a question as an exclaimation! AAAAHHHH! THAILOG'S BACK! (Which was what I said in the store too) I waited outside my local comic store for Issue #3 until they opened and I am pleased to say that I was not dissapointed. I cannot wait for issue #4 (and yet sadly I must) I also cannot wait until Pigeon Forge. (Which reminds me, I still haven't submitted my Journal from Gathering '06) That was my first Gathering.
Oh wait, I guess I do have a quetion: Where are Hudson and Bronx off too? (I have a guess...)

Stone Warriors Rule-Chip

Greg responds...

Sorry, Chip, but you'll have to wait until issue #4 to find that out.

Response recorded on March 29, 2007

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KingCobra_582 writes...

Wow. It seems like I'm posting the first issue #3 review here. Cool. :D

Thank you for the first (and the first of many more to come) canon Gargs story in 11 years. It is really great.

Okay, enough of the euphoric gratitude and onto the review.

STORY: It was great. Top-notch writing done here. I felt for Goliath, going through that discussion with Elisa, and though I was in a slight state of "Arrrrrrgh....!" with her there, I could also kind of understand where she was coming from. Looking forward to seeing how this will get resolved later on, Greg. Moving along, it was great seeing Demona again. Ditto with Talon and Maggie (though they're not my favorites, I still didn't care. It is the 1st canon story in over a decade and I embrace every element of it.), along with the clones. And is it just me, or is Brooklyn starting to have a thing for Delilah now? She says "Hello" to him, and the next couple of panels just make it seem like he was aggravated with Goliath beating him to the punch. *sighs* Poor guy. Brooklyn just can't get a break. Well, at least until 'Timedancer' comes along, that is.

ART: The artwork is great here. The characters seem to be drawn well, though they looked... off... in some panels, I was able to let it go, b/c it was a rare oddity. Great little touches put in there (i.e. Alex's gargoyle costume.) that were cool. Talon was... okay-looking, but it's still early in the series (comic-wise, anyway) so I'm sure he'll improve design-wise. That close-up of Thailog's leering grin in the last panel gave me the willies. *shivers* Of course, I loved it. :) Hell, just the cover alone had me stoked. I felt like a carnivorous (sp?) dino at a McDonald's. Metaphorically speaking, of course.

Hindsight, this issue gets a perfect 10 out of me. The art could still use some work (Matt looked weird in his first panel, and Talon was okay for a 1st time appearence.), but the story captured my interest in the beginning, broadened it in the middle, and had me on the edge of my seat at the end. I definitely can't wait for #4. Kudos for the great writing, Greg. I'll buy you a soda or something at the next con for that.

Cheers. :)

Greg responds...

Thanks KC.

I picked up the book myself yesterday, and was kinda psyched and yet frustrated, cuz I now can't wait to see your response to issues 4 and 5 (and 6 and 7). I'm scripting issue #8 now (having also completed Gargoyles: Bad Guys #1). That's the curse of being ahead. Just as you guys have to wait to see the stuff, I have to wait FOR you to see it all.

Response recorded on March 29, 2007

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