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COMEBACKS 2007-04 (Apr)

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Charisma82 writes...

Will you ever tell who Tom's father is in the comic books or in a TV show if you made one? If so, would it be in GARGOYLES or in one of the 5 spin-off shows?

Thank you for your time.


Greg responds...

Eventually, I'd get to everything. This might happen in Dark Ages, but a Gargoyles flashback or even a TimeDancer episode might get us there first.

Response recorded on April 03, 2007

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Charisma82 writes...

Okay, this is a question that's been on my mind for a while now. I've always wondered, was it a little harder for Lex to learn to type on a computer because he only has 4 fingers on each hand instead of five? Would it take him longer to type something up than a human because of this?

Thanks for your time.


Greg responds...

Never having had five fingers and never having had a keyboard before, I think he wasn't too hampered by a handicap he wasn't aware of. Though a keyboard is designed for ten fingers, to a first-time observer, one could argue that it was designed for someone with 48 or more fingers. Yet we all adapt.

Response recorded on April 03, 2007

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ColdFusion writes...

I realize this might be similar to your "how on earth do all the gargoyles get enough food in Manhattan" question-slash-bane-of-existence, but I'm actually just honestly curious:
What's there to eat on Avalon? Does a lot of fruit grow there? Are there wild beasts in suitable population for the occasional harvest? I would imagine being-always-summer would make agriculture interesting.

Greg responds...

There's food. I'll admit I haven't dedicated a lot of thoughts to the logistics, but there's food.

Response recorded on April 03, 2007

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Frank Retana writes...

Hello Greg,

I was wondering have you considered doing a live action movie or television series for the Gargoyle Franchise. And would you consider another person's script.

Greg responds...

I have answered this MANY times before.

I'd love to do a movie or tv show, live action or animation -- though it is of course NOT up to me. I would not cold read anyone else's script (to protect myself from lawsuits), and obviously my first choice would be to write it myself.

Response recorded on April 03, 2007

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PenAgain writes...

Wow! Having just read issue 3 of the comic, I must say... I was astounded! I have had my reservations about the first issues, mostly because I was uncertain of the pacing of it all. But now, things are moving briskly, but we are still seeing flashes of our characters, even when they appear only briefly in an issue. It was amazing finally seeing NEW story progression after all these years!

In the letters page, you mentioned the idea of audio comics, and let me tell you... I'd pay a very reasonable (maybe even unreasonable) price to be able to listen to this issue read in the original voice actors' voices... but I suppose we should always have something to fight for out here in Garg fandom.

My question, at last- Since issues 1 and 2 equated roughly to one 22 minute episode... do you have any sort of fixed guideline you follow in a pages to minutes conversion? Does issue 3 feel like a 22 minute episode to you, or just part of one? I'm just curious, and I know that in teh long run my question's really rather irrelevant.

Thanks for making it so easy to keep having faith in the Gargoyles Universe, Greg! And if we ever get Season 2 Volume 2 on DVD, you better be at the front of every episode with introductions again. I loved those and found them charming, not goofy (as someone once commented here... or was that you?)

Greg responds...

I do think they're goofy (which is not to say I didn't have a lot of fun doing them).

I'd also love to do audio comics, but we'd need to see more evidence that there's a market for them. Hopefully, now that we're on schedule again, we'll be able to build the sales up on the comic.

To answer your question, I generally view each issue of the comic as being equivalent to one act of an episode. This is not a hard and fast rule, but it seems to be how things are breaking down. I was able to fit my adaptation of "The Journey" into two issues because the first issue had extra pages. But normally, I'll need three issues to do MOST stories justice. (Three acts to a TV episode = three issues of the comic.) Or so it seems. I'll admit that I'm still thinking TOO MUCH in TV terms. Issue #6 is a more stand alone story, but issues #7-9 tell one story and issues 10-12 will tell another that will bring the 12 issue Clan-Building arc to an end. It's like this:

Story #1 - Issue #1 ("Nightwatch") and Issue #2 ("The Journey")
Story #2 - Issue #3 ("Invitation Only") and Issue #4 ("Masque") and Issue #5 ("Bash")
Story #3 - Issue #6 ("Reunion")
Story #4 - Issue #7 ("The Rock") and Issue #8 (TBA) and Issue #9 (TBA)
Story #5 - Issue #10 (TBA) and Issue #11 (TBA) and Issue #12 (TBA)

Twelve issues, five stories, one arc. As you can see, this barely scratches the surface of my Season Three plans, let alone my LARGER tapestry plans. But it's a start.

Response recorded on April 03, 2007

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