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COMEBACKS 2007-04 (Apr)

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Ylm writes...

Aside from your gargoyles related comics work such as the new Gargoyles sequel and the upcoming Bad Guys mini, will we be seeing any more comics written by you?

Greg responds...

I hope so. Tell your favorite comic company to contact me.

Response recorded on April 06, 2007

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Ylm writes...

In your opinion, which one of the newly introduced characters from the Avalon World Tour did you find the most fascinating and interesting? Which ones did you want to further develop and to write more about?

Greg responds...

They're all my children. I don't play favorites, and I have plans for all of them.

Response recorded on April 06, 2007

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Ylm writes...

1. Why did the Archmage-Plus specifically pick Macbeth to serve him alongside Demona other than just following the directions of his future self?
2. How did the Archmage intend to deal with the returning Oberon and his entourage? Could he have fought Oberon off if he had succeeded in taking Avalon from the gargoyles?
3. Who was the greater threat in the Avalon Three Parter? The Weird Sisters or the Archmage?

Greg responds...

1. Do you think he needed a better reason? (I do, but I may be a touch smarter than he is.)

2. Not sure he knew about Oberon's pending return.

3. Depends on whether you're the Magus or Goliath.

Response recorded on April 06, 2007

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Matthew writes...

Hello, I'm a big fan of the show and can't wait to the third issue of the comic arrives. In a previous question, a fan asked if you would ever consider a cross-over and mention several comic related ones. You answered maybe and mentioned that you'd do none of those mention because they are all part of a larger fictional universes (barring an Earth1/Earth 2 type story). What copy-righted character do you think might make a good cross-over with Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

There literally isn't a single non public domain character that I'd be psyched to include. None. I'm not saying that a good cross-over story couldn't be written, but my mind just doesn't seem to want to go there. They've all (largely) got their own universes, and are complicated enough without trying to make everything work in concert with ours.

Having said that, there are literally a TON of public domain characters that I'm anxious to begin including. With Macbeth, King Arthur, etc., we've barely scratched the surface.

Response recorded on April 06, 2007

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Shadow Wing writes...

Enough about WW2 - What was Demona doing in the 1960's/70's?

Greg responds...

Uh... the hokey-pokey?

Response recorded on April 05, 2007

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Wesley Nichols writes...

You mentioned that the Wyvern Clan was created mostly from members of the Manhatten clan, who are themselves decended from the old Wyvern Clan. Does this mean that we would meet more survivors from the clan as the series progressed?

Greg responds...

No, that's not what it means.

Response recorded on April 05, 2007

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Wesley Nichols writes...

We seen that Demona has a great deal of affection for her child, Angela. Since Samson is a descendant of hers, won't that affect how she feels about him? Or will his similarities affect her normal affection for her kin?

Greg responds...

We'll have to wait and see.

Response recorded on April 05, 2007

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Shadow Wing writes...

When Fox had her name legally changed, did it become "Fox Renard" or just "Fox"?

Greg responds...

Just "Fox". (As if that's not enough!)

Response recorded on April 05, 2007

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Shadow Wing writes...

In Norse mythology, Odin had sacrificed one of his eyes (in most depictions I've seen, his left) to gain wisdom and omniscience. When the Eye of Odin was restored to him, did this have any repercussions on what he had "bought" with it?

Greg responds...

The short answer is no. We put a spin on the legend to make it "insight".

Response recorded on April 05, 2007

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Shadow Wing writes...

When they speak of Oberon's Law and/or The Law that Cannot Be Broken, does this refer only to the law of non-interference, or in a more general, "his word is law" sense?

Greg responds...

Depends on context.

Response recorded on April 03, 2007

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