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COMEBACKS 2007-04 (Apr)

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Charisma82 writes...

These questions have to do with your spin-off ideas for Gargoyles:

1a. I know that you are doing the BAD GUYS spin-off in comic book form and that you said you did that particular spin-off because it was next in your timeline. If Disney aloud you to bring back one of your spin-offs as a TV show, would you do the same? I mean, would you keep it in order and do BAD GUYS, or, since you could only do one of them, would you choose another spin-off?
1b. If you decided not to keep them in order according to your time line and didn't do BAD GUYS for the TV show, which spin-off would you do?

2. I know that you have posted up 6 different spin-off show ideas. Do you have any other spin-off ideas in mind that you have not posted up yet? I mean, do you have any other story lines in mind that could become spin-offs all on their own, but have not mentioned anything about them (for whatever reason)?

Thank you for your time.


Greg responds...

1a. Honestly, this question is TOO hypothetical. I NEVER have that much freedom to make those kind of decisions. I'd do what I could SELL. Not sell what I felt like doing.

1b. You lost me.

2. Yes. Including one I have mentioned once or twice, featuring Rory and Molly.

Response recorded on April 09, 2007

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A new OCCASIONAL feature here at ASK GREG...

This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

April 7th...

The curate of the Archbishop of Paris consecrates the Paris catacombs as tombs.

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Jarrod writes...

Hello Again Greg! I hope you are well. And now onto the Question:

Are Goliath and Elisa the Only Cross-Species couple out of favorite 8 Gargoyles, the Manhattan Clan?

We know that Booklyn ends up with Katana, Bronx with Boudicca, and Broadway with Angela, Hudson has already had and lost a mate. I guess it is pretty apparent as to why I ask this question, for you are no fool at all. I will gladly join the ranks of the fans who have an intense interest in Lex's mate whoever he is. When I was younger and watched the show I always felt Lexington was the cutest one, and now that I am an adult, I still feel the same. I also seem to (coincidentally) be attracted to men with a build similar to Lex's, and I would love to know what kind of guy, gargoyle, Fae (or alien???) our little green friend would go for.

I hope you find it in your heart to answer! Thanks to you and yours!!

Lata dayz


Greg responds...

Jarrod, it's a perfectly legit question. But, no. I don't find it in my heart to answer. I've given away SO much already. The fact that you can blithely mention Katana in a post, as if you've already met her is somewhat depressing, you know? You gotta leave me a few secrets now that I have the comics.

Response recorded on April 06, 2007

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Shannon "Shan" Muir writes...


I've read and very much enjoyed issue 3. As someone familiar with the series there is much to appreciate.

But when trying to see the comics from the view of someone who knows nothing else about the universe, based solely om the three issues, what cues are there that anyone be rooting for the Gargoyles per se? Perhaps, like the way you often describe Xanatos as a complex villian even in the TV series, you are meaning to potray everyone a little less clear cut? The writer in me is curious to hear your thoughts about that.

Greg responds...

If the cues aren't obvious, I'm not sure there's much point in me discussing them.

I would think that (for example) Castaway's thinly disguised hate-speech in issue #1 would automatically make the gargoyles and Goliath specifically sympathetic. And if that didn't work, the fact that Banquo and Fleance tried to smash him in his sleep... well, you get the idea.

On the other hand, I do like shades of gray.

Maybe in a few years, I'll ramble on these comics. When I've got more distance and perspective. But right now, I'd prefer (largely) to let them stand or fall on their own merits.

Response recorded on April 06, 2007

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Chip Coffin writes...

Okay, it's me again. After re-reading issue #3 again and mulling it over in my mind another question did spring to mind. The teenage girl that Al was talking to...who is she? Besides being a device to explain to new readers (and refresh old readers)? We never learned her name (because Talon was interrupted) and it just kind of struck me as odd. Is she significant in some way or am I just reading to mush into things?

Can't wait till May
Rock On-Chip

Greg responds...

She's not just a device. Was Al just a device in "Kingdom"? If so, then is he still just a device?

Response recorded on April 06, 2007

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Shannon "Shan" MUir writes...

As you know, you and I were both recently at WonderCon in San Francisco. After the panel we did together, I stayed for yoyr spotlight panel which I enjoyed very much.

However, as I was leaving, I wound up behind two young women. I didn't catch all of their conversation but one line was along the lines of: "Thailog... Coldstone... I had no idea what he was talking about."

Now, granted this may only be a minority reaction. The bigger question is, how challenging do you find it in your convention appearances when speaking to people with a varied range of knowledge about GARGOYLES?

Greg responds...

I don't find it challenging at all... but then I guess I didn't think about this aspect much, did I?

These things can be a mess. At this point there are a ton of spoilers from the original series that it never occurs to me not to spoil most times. And more than once, I've heard groans as newer fans are spoilt by something I've said in a panel.

But there's careful and there's careful. And at some point, I just have to go for it. I'm obviously going to be MUCH more circumspect about Spider-Man, which won't air for another year than I'm going to be about Gargoyles, a property where I've spent a decade giving stuff away.

Response recorded on April 06, 2007

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Todd Jensen writes...

I was wondering if you could give us some advice on how to spread the word about "Gargoyles". The one potential problem with doing so on the Internet that I can think of is that I want to do so without making it look as if I'm just spamming whatever forum I'm visiting (something that would be more likely to turn people off "Gargoyles", which I obviously don't want). Do you have any suggestions on how we can spread the word without appearing like, say, pesky telemarketers?

Greg responds...

I wish I did. But as many of you know, I'm not that facile with computers or the internet. I've learned a lot from your fellow gargoyles fans, but I'm not a regular visitor to fan boards, and I don't know the ettiquette. Obviously, we don't want to come off as spamming someone else's board. But on the other hand, there must be SOME way to say the equivalent of "Hey, I'm a big ElfQuest fan. And I'm also a big Gargoyles fan. If you like ElfQuest, you might like Gargoyles too." I know that sounds pretty transparent, but maybe if one establishes one's creds on this board or that, so that the crowd there knows one and trusts one not to spam, it would help. Maybe.

Response recorded on April 06, 2007

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Ylm writes...

Aside from your gargoyles related comics work such as the new Gargoyles sequel and the upcoming Bad Guys mini, will we be seeing any more comics written by you?

Greg responds...

I hope so. Tell your favorite comic company to contact me.

Response recorded on April 06, 2007

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Ylm writes...

In your opinion, which one of the newly introduced characters from the Avalon World Tour did you find the most fascinating and interesting? Which ones did you want to further develop and to write more about?

Greg responds...

They're all my children. I don't play favorites, and I have plans for all of them.

Response recorded on April 06, 2007

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Ylm writes...

1. Why did the Archmage-Plus specifically pick Macbeth to serve him alongside Demona other than just following the directions of his future self?
2. How did the Archmage intend to deal with the returning Oberon and his entourage? Could he have fought Oberon off if he had succeeded in taking Avalon from the gargoyles?
3. Who was the greater threat in the Avalon Three Parter? The Weird Sisters or the Archmage?

Greg responds...

1. Do you think he needed a better reason? (I do, but I may be a touch smarter than he is.)

2. Not sure he knew about Oberon's pending return.

3. Depends on whether you're the Magus or Goliath.

Response recorded on April 06, 2007

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