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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

I'm sorry to hear you are feeling some vitriol coming your way for the differences between the Young Justice comic book and coming cartoon. As a huge fan of YJ I was hoping for a Spec Spidey type treatment of the original source material and I bet others were too. That said, I just keep repeating to myself that that is not to be so I should just look forward to a different great cartoon.

I did have the thought of, 'then why not use a different name?' If I can come up with a couple more ridiculously bad ones to balance the numerous "Blah" ones I may post some names that came to mind...

Greg responds...

It IS a very Spec Spidey treatment of the source material. It's just that our definition of the source material is BIGGER and more EXPANSIVE than yours seem to be. Just as on Spec Spidey, we developed YJ to combine characters from different eras to create a cohesive, coherent yet contemporary whole, without losing what's classic and iconic about these teen characters. That meant borrowing from classic Teen Titans as well as Young Justice and other arenas as well. Just as we borrowed from Spidey's high school years, his college years and more recent arenas as well. On Spec Spidey, we said it was early days in the Marvel Universe (recast as 2008). On YJ, it's early days in the DC Universe (recast as 2010).

It's the exact same thing -- from my point of view at least. It's adaptation with a starting point. Where it goes from that starting point...? Time will tell.

Response recorded on September 21, 2010

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Oscar writes...

Hi i am a big fan of spider-man and i have a few questions

1)Will the new show for spider-man be starting all over or continue where you left off on the spectacular spider-man?

2)Do you think the new spider man show will better?

3)Are y'all going to use the same characters?

4)Why did the Spectacular spider-man show get canceled?

5)Do you think y'all could have gone far with the spectacular spider-man more than the 1994 series?

6)Last question Do you think there will be ever a chance that they could bring back the Spectacular spider-man if the the new one won't receive good ratings or it crashes like other shows that lasted 13 episodes or less?

Thank you for your time

Greg responds...

1. Ask the new creators. I have no idea, but I can't imagine they'll be picking up where we left off.

2. Not for me to say.

3. I did Spectacular. Ask the new guys about the new show.

4. See the archives.

5. If given the opportunity, we could have kept SpecSpidey going pretty much indefiinitely. But I'm not in competition with any other series.

6. It seems highly unlikely.

Response recorded on September 13, 2010

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Algernon writes...

Hey again Greg,
I've recently started rewatching "The Spectacular Spider-Man", and I thought I'd test the waters with a question you probably would never have answered while the show was on the air. If every character from the show was taken from the comics, then who was Hammerhead's female chauffeur?

Greg responds...

We did have some thoughts on that subject, but I'm not too inclined to go into them...

Response recorded on September 13, 2010

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Alan Gavinchki writes...

Dear Greg,

I forgot to ask, when will season 2 of TSSM be released on DVD? I am not patient as you can see. Would the DVD feature any plans you had for a possible season 3? Sorry I forgot to ask you that question in my previous question.

Your fan,

Greg responds...

I have no idea about the release schedule, but I don't see how it could have any "plans for a possible season 3" since I wasn't involved in the extras (if any) at all.

Response recorded on September 08, 2010

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Alan Gavinchki writes...

Dear Greg,
I was really looking forward to a season 3 of TSSM, but due to recent news, I am a little disappointed that we won't see that show again. I have a few things I want to say. Firstly, I want to thank you for this great show. The two year run was my favorite two years yet. I have a few questions.

1. Would we have seen the Punisher? I'm a huge Punisher fan and I would've loved to see him.

2. I already know Scorpion and Hobgoblin would appear, but what other villains would we have seen?

3. Would Sandman become a good guy?

4. In the episode "Accomplices", Roderick Kingsley got away from the fight with Spidey, Silver Sable, and Hammerhead and ended up running away without a coat. But at the parking garage, Kingsley is seen in a different car (his limo was destroyed and appeared to have no other form of transportation) and had his coat back. When he saw Rhino, he seemed less surpirsed rather when he was attacked by Silver Sable. Was this Roderick's identical twin brother Daniel?

5. Speaking of Rhino, I loved seeing him and Spidey team-up. Would Spidey team-up with any other villains?

6. When the symbiote went into the sewer, was it possible that it reproduced and would create the Carnage symbiote?

7. Final question, would Miles Warren become the Jackal? If so, would he do something like the clone saga and make Ben Reilly? I'm a huge Scarlet Spider fan and I was really hoping we'd see him.

That's all I have, thanks again for a great 26 episodes.

Your fan,
Alan Gavinchki

Greg responds...

Alan, I appreciate your obvious enjoyment of the series. But I've pretty much made the decision that there's nothing in it for me to just spit out ideas I had for future seasons. Absent the execution of said ideas, they just become fodder for debate on whether or not they were good ideas. A debate that has little to do with whether they MIGHT have been good ideas if we had had the chance to execute them. So...

1. As I've stated MANY times before, we weren't given access to characters like Punisher. And at this point, it's a little moot to theorize what we might have done had Punisher become available. It was never considered.

2. Some are obvious, given the fact that we had already introduced them in their civilian identities or other hints we dropped. Beyond that, I'm not saying.

3. Things aren't black and white.

4. Again, I'll leave that to everyone's interpretation.

5. I wouldn't rule it out, but that's so specific. We never got into detail breaking down Season Three.

6. And STILL, I'm not interested in using this forum to reveal unexecuted ideas.

7. Ditto.

Response recorded on September 08, 2010

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GEOGNE writes...


Greg responds...

It wasn't my choice to not renew the series. I would have loved to do more. The combined forces of Disney, Sony and Marvel chose to discontinue it.

Response recorded on August 31, 2010

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Clark Cradic writes...

If the series had continued long enough for you to include the Scorpion, would you have made the source of his powers like the Rhino or like Kraven?

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on August 31, 2010

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Tyler writes...

Hey Greg ,

I have another question about the episode storytelling in the Young Justice cartoon. Is the cartoon's episodes going to be told similar to The Spectacular Spiderman and Gargoyles with one long story arc, that ends each season with a big bang, But in each season the characters still recall what happened in the first season or will the show be told similar to Teen Titans and JLU where each episode has its own story?

Greg responds...

Like all my shows - including SpecSpidey - Young Justice is both episodic and sequential, with building arcs.

Response recorded on August 30, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

Man, every Spidey question you answer that ends with some form of "it's moot now" or "we'll never see it" is depressing. I miss the show so much, miss anticipating what great new direction you guys were going to take it in, miss the awesome surprise of each new design by Cheeks, the great voice acting and sharp writing, the structure of the seasons and the way you were organically growing Spidey's world, etc. I'm really excited for Young Justice and think it looks great, but at heart, I'm mostly a Marvel, and specifically Spider-Man, fan. So basically, just thanks for the show. I loved it, it's a credit to your great talent in the field, and it was unquestionably the best animated Marvel adaptation ever made, series, movie, or otherwise.

Greg responds...

Thank you.

Response recorded on August 30, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

in the future where u know for a fact that spectacular won't get renewed-even though it was made pretty clear-would u ever consider posting something talking about some of your plans for the characters on the show. no every single character because that will take forever but some of the thing that ended on a cliffhanger like one question about man-wolf and kraven...and what you might've been planning for hobgoblin and scorpion. also, do u think the sales of the second season dvd's could have anything to do with sony not renewing the show because it kind of seems like they're waiting for that to get money out of the people who want a third season and think buying the dvd will help? the reason i ask that is because i read on marvel animation age that spec spidey is still a sony production and its up to them.

Greg responds...

Marvel says its up to Sony. Sony says its up to Marvel. Either way, the show's not coming back. But a new Ultimate Spider-Man series is currently in production with a number of good people on board.

As I've said RECENTLY, I probably will not be revealing much of what my plans might have been.

Response recorded on August 26, 2010

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