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Todd Jensen writes...

One of my favorite touches in the first season of "The Spectacular Spider-Man" was the sense of the passing year. The first episode was set in September, with Peter returning to school. Spidey's big battle with the Green Goblin was set on Halloween, and his confrontation with Venom in the season finale was set on Thanksgiving.

Will you be showing more of the year's cycle in Season Two? I hope so, because I thought it made Season One all the better.

Greg responds...

Yes, indeed. Season Two runs from December through March of his Junior year of high school.

Response recorded on August 04, 2008

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Arcturus writes...

Thanks for the response Greg! I have been able to view all 13 episodes of Spectacular Spider-Man season 1 and I've got to say that you and the crew have really brought us a wonderful show. Every episode was impressive, the plots were compelling and overall, Spectacular Spider-Man has turned out to be my favorite Spider-Man show. I can't wait for season 2 to start! I do have one more question for now, is there a possibility that you may include Hydroman in the series?

Greg responds...

Yes, eventually (given enough seasons/episodes).

Response recorded on August 04, 2008

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Webhead2006 writes...

Hello greg, I just wanted to say season 1 of SSM was very good and i cant wait to see many many more seasons come for the series. I loved it alot besides a few changes here and there i didnt like at first but grew on me over time and it works for the show itself. I just had a question i was wondering on the production side of things for the show. How long does it take to animate a single episode for the series?

Greg responds...

It takes eight to ten months - give or take.

Response recorded on August 01, 2008

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Jesse B. writes...

One more question: since Molten Man is appearing next season in SSM, does that also mean we'll be seeing Spencer Smythe?

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on August 01, 2008

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Jesse B. writes...

Hey Greg,

Stellar first season of Spectacular Spider-Man. This show has been everything I've been hoping for and even more. I hope that your current creative team is able to soldier forward together for all 65 episodes and any DTVs that follow. Although this show has clearly been able to push the envelope for content in not only a Spider-Man cartoon but also Saturday morning cartoons in general, I've noticed that it's still been sprinkled with the occasional "S&P moment". As far as I can tell, all of these moments involve either guns or references to death. In regards to the former, while I'm very impressed that you guys managed to get actual guns that look like guns into the show, it always seems like you have to pull off some kind of trick in order to fire them. Things like the silencer on the chauffeur's gun or the burglar firing while hidden in shadow seemed like very clever ways to get around restrictions. However, other times we have instances where guns are pointed but not fired, or that bizarre moment in episode 11 where the police are barraging the Rhino with gunfire coupled with laser sound effects, despite the fact that some kind of projectile is clearly being fired at him. However, you've mentioned before that some S&P things are going to be changed for the DVD release. Since you guys have been careful not to have police or regular thugs firing random laser weapons (unless they were experimental weapons stolen from Oscorp), this struck me as a change for broadcast. Are we going to be seeing more use of guns on the home video release, or at least hear more definitive gunfire sound effects?

And in regards to death references, I've been kind of disappointed by how the script has obviously been forced to dance around the words "die" or "kill", which was especially apparent when Uncle Ben's death was being discussed in episode 12. Is there any chance that we'll also hear some of this dialogue "fixed" on the video release? Or are we still going to have to deal with the frequent "I will destroy you" syndrome that cartoons have been inflicted with on-and-off for the past decade?

Greg responds...

More definitive gunfire sound effects.

Listen/watch episode 12 again. I wasn't restricted on it. When the audience and the characters share knowledge, it can be more potent NOT to say obvious things. And I'm sure when Pete confronted the Burglar, the language didn't pull any punches.

Some of the "destroy" language is inevitable, but if that's your only complaint... well, I can live with that.

Response recorded on August 01, 2008

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Durkinator writes...

This is question in regards to censorship in Spectacular Spider-Man. Back in the 90s series, there was an obnoxious amount of censorship (Spidey couldn't throw a punch?!) that sometimes hindered the story in obvious ways. Now, Spectacular Spidey is obviously a bit of a lighter tone, so I don't expect to see people dying all over the place or anything, but I am curious about how the censorship from the studios of this series differs from other shows you've worked on, like Gargoyles--which I think was great about being delightfully edgy whilst still obeying the censors. Gargoyles was much darker that Spider-Man currently is, obviously; I'm just curious as to how similar the rules regarding the amount of death and violence and such are and if it has changed a lot since your work in the 90s.

And just to be clear, I'm not complaining or asking for Spider-Man to be darker or more violent or anything, I'm very happy with how everything has been handled and balanced without getting too "gritty" thus far (and I'm usually a sucker for dark stories). I'm just curious, you know?.

Greg responds...

I'm hinky about the way you throw the word "censor" around. The biggest rule is, was and always has been our own personal standards of what's right and wrong, what is and isn't appropriate. After that, both Gargoyles and Spectacular Spider-Man benefited from having smart, intelligent and understanding S&P executives (Adrienne Bello for Gargoyles, Patricia Dennis for Spidey). As I've mentioned before, there wasn't much we wanted to do on Spidey that was disallowed. The realistic sound of gunshots comes to mind... and those are being restored on the DVDs. I think it has less to do with the era, and more to do with the individual looking over your shoulder.

Response recorded on July 31, 2008

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Derek G writes...

Hi Greg,

I know you've probably gotten about a billion "When is Spectacular Spider-Man on DVD?!!" questions, which so far it seems you have absolutely idea about, but I do have a question in regards to it.

Just out of blatant curiosity, do you have any idea about (or choice regarding) audio commentaries on episodes on a future DVD? I imagine that's probably more related to Culver Entertainment or whoever, but I am just curious as to if you are planning on doing any commentaries, and if so, whether you have any idea what episodes you would (or would like to) do. Commentaries are my favorite features on any DVD, and your Gargoyles commentaries were absolutely fascinating and entertaining, so I know I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on any of the Spider-Man episodes.

Can't wait for Season 2!

Greg responds...

The first Spidey DVD will be released on September 9th, 2008. Vic and I would like to do audio commentaries, but none have been recorded so far.

Response recorded on July 31, 2008

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avalon writes...

A spectacular SpiderMan question (one of these days you'll probably need to devote a separate SpiderMan Ask Greg! :))....some of the script and storylines are flat out funny and witty, I love it! Do you come up with these lines in your writing as well or is there a separate staff that does this?

Greg responds...

There isn't a SEPARATE staff. There's just THE staff: myself, Randy Jandt, Kevin Hopps, Matt Wayne and Andrew Robinson on Season One. Nicole Dubuc joined the staff for Season Two. It's a team effort on breaking stories. Dialogue generally comes from the writer credited on the episode with an assist from me.

Response recorded on July 30, 2008

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Todd Jensen writes...

My comments on the season finale of "The Spectacular Spider-Man".

I enjoyed it, just like all the others. It had many fine moments in it. A few that I'll mention:

Spidey visiting Tombstone again to make it clear that the deal's off - after which Venom comes by, and Tombstone comments "I'll need to start locking the windows".

Venom's web with the words "Guess Who?" written in it (looking like a twisted version of "Charlotte's Web").

Spidey's spider-sense not working against Venom's attacks (which makes Venom all the more threatening).

The twist in making Venom's target Gwen Stacey rather than Mary Jane (which Peter and most of the audience would have initially suspected). And the part about Flash Thompson and his football buddies helping to rescue her.

The revelation that Aunt May had been writing a cookbook. (I definitely hadn't seen that one coming.)

Peter's disastrous attempt at cooking Thanksgiving dinner, and the consequences of his disposing of the gene cleanser. (I laughed at that last one - it fits Peter's characterization so well.)

Thanks for an enjoyable first season, Greg.

Greg responds...

You're very welcome. We worked hard -- and still had fun -- doing it.

Response recorded on July 30, 2008

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Algernon writes...

I wish I could keep a bit more up to date with these Spider-Man reviews but time is a tad scarce for me at the moment…


One of the reasons it's taken me over a week to review this episode is that it was so mind blowingly fantastic that when I first saw it I was left in a state of mind numbing euphoria! If you had asked me my opinion at the time it would probably have been something along the lines of "spidey, good!". So I decided to put it off for a few days before putting my thought in some sort of order.

I really liked the way you handled Pete's turn to the dark side in this story arc. It's been a subtle and gradual change, symbolized by the black suit's often evolving appearance. But it truly reaches a crescendo here with Pete viciously lashing out at his friends and even asking Tombstone for a job.

The "Journey to The Centre of Peter Parker" portion of the story is the real heart of this episode particularly with the rather surreal take on the classic origin. It was also a neat surprise to hear Ed Asner as Uncle Ben, I'm amazed you managed to keep that under wraps in the age of the internet. Liked the way you gave the symbiote More of an actual character here, hearing it talk to Pete in his own voice was particularly creepy. And I found the battle between the symbiote and the memory of Uncle Ben very dramatic.

I know I complained about Eddie Brock last time but I thought he was well portrayed here. His descent into homicidal mania is put in context, between losing his Job, education and the not so subtle influence of the alien.

Other random bits I liked…

A more three dimensional flash.

MJ telling Gwen to go for it.

"even Sally feels sorry for you.", so she does have a soul after all!

Curt Conners' rather cavalier approach to science, "genetically engineered super spider on the loose? What could happen?"

Thanks again, I'm looking forward to the season finale.

Greg responds...

Hope you liked it.

Response recorded on July 30, 2008

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