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anonymous writes...

Hello, sir,
1.) What storyarc do we see Rhino return in for season two? Is he in the first storyarc (the first four episodes of season two) or in a later storyarc?
2.) Will Tinkerer and Rhino appear in more than one episode in season two?
3.) Is it possible we will see a Spider-Man/Hammerhead fight in season two?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not saying now.

2. Yes, for both.

3. Anything's possible.

Response recorded on October 09, 2008

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Lemmy Pierce writes...

So I unexpectedly came off work early today and found myself with a bit of free time-- not much, mind you, but enough. I don't know what it says for my intelligence or creativity that my thoughts immediately wandered to television, but eh . . . free time is supposed to make you feel good, not benefit humanity as a whole. And it felt like it'd been awhile since I'd gotten to actually sit down and watch anything (as opposed to, say, piping up the volume and listening from another room while I do this, that or the other thing). I wasn't sure what, if anything, I was in the mood for, and cast a casual eye onto my DVD shelf.


Well, why not Gargoyles? The quality ratio and fun factor with that show is so high that the only difficult part there is choosing which episode to run. So I pulled down Season One.

Initially I thought to watch Awakenings, but that's a lot of time to commit for one sitting when I had other things to be doing later on. I decided I'd watch "Enter Macbeth" instead.

It is, of course, one of my all-time favorites. mainly because of its titular character.

I actually watched it two times through for the hell of it. When I was finished, I ended up thinking and rethinking through a lot of it . . . and then somewhere in the back of my mind I remembered ASK GREG.

So, I thought I'd ramble. That *is* allowed, isn't it?


Yeah, we'll tell the truth on this one: The episode does kinda look like . . . well, crap. I have a much more affectionate eye for the episode than I did upon first viewing and look past a lot of it now, but there are still moments of "Enter Macbeth" that I can't get out of my head as something to say, "God, that's some [your negative adjective goes here] animation." I can't quite put my finger on what it is-- the whole episode just feels so off from a visual standpoint.

This would, in fact, become the start of one of the things I disliked most about this particular studio. When gargoyle wings fold over cloak-like, you should not see the three "limbs" as you do when seeing their interior. Or at least, you don't in the better animation studios. Drive me nuts; don't know why.

And of course, there was that one shot of Macbeth with the most yellow friggin' teeth. WTF?!

Greg, it's been many years since I've checked the archives in any great detail, but I think I remember you saying something like, "I was sure that the bad animation would make it so that almost no one would be interested in seeing Macbeth again." Well, this is one of those instances where the characters and plot shine through to make up for an episode's lackluster animation. (I call them "Korean Incidents".) It never detracted from the story. Not for me, anyways.

Let's start with Macbeth himself. This is an interesting character. At first glance, he appears to come out of nowhere. His motivations are unclear, so for now he's just "the bad guy". So how do you sell him without the cool backstory that will be developed later?

You have him kick copious amounts of ass, both literally and figuratively.

The scene with him posing as a prison guard is a highlight. So much of the credit for this episode should go to John Rhys-Davies, who from what I can tell just leapt into the role. Although, is it my failing memory or is this practically the only time that Xanatos and Macbeth have any real interaction with one another? If this is true, then that's a shame because they play well off of one another. But why would Macbeth introduce himself as . .. well, *himself*, rather than Lennox MacDuff (presuming that this is the identity he's gone by for many hundreds of years as a cover)?

Look at this guy, though. Not only does he wait for the gargoyles to awaken, he takes them all on single-handedly and wins. Not only that, but he takes prisoners. All on their home turf, and without so much as breaking a SWEAT. His knowledge in these "creatures" is so expert that he knows precisely what to do and how to do it with cold and calculated precision.

Check that attack. He throws (an admittedly off-guard) Broadway into Hudson and over the castle edge with ease. Then before anyone else can react, he tosses the smoke pellets and gains the upper hand over everyone else. Confusion ensues. The gargoyles who can't see and don't move end up blindsighted by gargoyles who can't see and DO move in very wrong directions. Or by Macbeth himself, who most assuredly can see and makes short work of Brooklyn before he can do a damned thing.

From there, it's just zap zap zap and it's finished. "Captured me three gargs in under 20 seconds, EL-OH-EL."

I always found this battle to be interesting in and of itself. Macbeth, for as much as we know this far in the game, is ordinarily human. He doesn't have biological enhancements or special powers or even henchmen; he's as human as you or me. And he takes them ALL down. Hell, Goliath himself probably gets the worst of it-- the outcome is so nakedly humiliating that I'm blushing. Oh, and that body slam into the fusebox didn't help either.

And is it me, or was Elisa WAY too close when Goliath came swooshing down after being electrified by the hull of Macbeth's ship? I say that she was damned lucky: If he had actually COLLIDED with her at that speed, I say that she might've been crushed to death.

So now Goliath leaves to track them down. Hudson and Broadway are left to defend the castle, but of course that's another subplot all its own.

Elisa warns Goliath that it's not safe to stay at the castle. Hell, she says it three times in a row. And his best reaction is to shrug her off-- something he won't be so apt to do in later episodes. He took off awful fast to rescue the other gargoyles at that point, almost as though he couldn't avoid the conversation fast enough.

Something else we don't see a lot of in later episodes tends to show in abundance with regards to Season One and particularly "Enter Macbeth", and that's Goliath Pissed Off. It was only juuuuuuust last episode that he was in a rage over what he thought was Elisa getting shot by Dracon. Goliath holding Dracon over the railing was a powerful dramatic moment. (Although in hindsight, he does that a LOT. Twice in "Awakening" with Hakon and Xanatos, Dracon in "Deadly Force" and I think at least once more somewhere down the line, although I can't remember when.) But in "Enter Macbeth", it's kinda flipped around. Goliath caught Dracon with relative ease, and it was clear what he would have done had Broadway not fessed up in time. Goliath never catches Macbeth, though. And he spends so much time chasing mirrors and shadows that I think Goliath might have been pissed enough to do worse than simply drop him. So we get to see a lot of vicious anger on his part in this ep. Roaring. Tearing through walls. Getting into a slugfest. Goliath isn't just another species, he's a dangerous one when it comes to the defense of his clan.

But that just makes Macbeth even cooler. Now it's Goliath who's handled with ease. Think about that for a moment. GOLIATH. A gargoyle warrior who is more than a match for just about any human out there. But against Macbeth, and especially on his turf, that same gargoyle finds himself at a disadvantage. And what makes that so interesting is that Macbeth isn't this ZOMG "genetically-engineered gargoyle sorceress hybrid mutant clone" superior foe. He's a human being. A human being with technology up the wazoo, but still human.

Look at the way he handles himself in their duel, after the chase is over. It's completely even. It was smart of Goliath to grab for a weapon when he got the chance, because even if weaponry isn't his habit I think he knew that against a sword-swinging Macbeth it was his only real chance. Even so, Macbeth doesn't relent. Goes on and on. Fights until the mansion is about to go up in flames . . . and he never gets too angry or panicked even when forced to escape. Is he pissed because the plan went to rot and his house burned down? Sure, why not? But he still takes it all with a certain amount of stride. No loud threats for vengeance, no personal grudge against Goliath, no real "villainous" actions taken at all (except, maybe, leaving the other gargoyles to burn alive). He just leaves when the gettin's good, and knows a little more for next time.

Love that little slip-out-of-the-jacket thing, by the way.

No, Macbeth doesn't have extra emotions to waste on Goliath and company. He wants Demona, Demona, Demona. The other gargoyles are just pawns (albeit useless ones as it turns out). I think it was a wise decision for her to not show up in this episode at all; it would have been too convenient, not to mention that it would also have detracted from Macbeth's character study. This is his episode.

Back at the castle, the remaining Gargoyles decide to take the Grimorum off Xanatos' hands. Now Owen gets his moment, too.

Hudson: Who's going to stop us? You?
Owen: Indeed.

You can tell by Hudson's attitude that he didn't expect Owen to knock his ass onto the floor. I don't think any of us did! Then, before Broadway can intervene, he's got a loaded gun pointed at his head. (I don't think that S&P would let that slide nowadays.) Owen is capable and reasonably prepared, no matter the circumstances. I think it's great that it's Elisa throwing a crutch at him that effectively turns the tables-- for all their strength, the gargoyles ended up pretty helpless otherwise.

Ah, well. All part of the job for Owen Burnett. However, I wonder if he faced some sort of penalty or reprimand for failing to prevent the theft of the Grimorum.

I despise when recurring characters are introduced via Korean outsourcing. I would say, introduce them some other way, and then give them crap animation somewhere down the line. Macbeth has a great character design; it should have been introduced through one of the better studios, perhaps the best one. (Not that I'm implying fault. You can give only so many episodes to Japan's Tokyo outlet; you make your choices and you live with 'em.) This is one of those episodes that I say to myself, "Damn, I'd love to see what this would'a looked like with kickass animation."

The "City of Stone" four-parter becomes interesting for this reason, given that we see how many changes Macbeth has gone through throughout the centuries . . . again, both figuratively and literally. It's not done by the Tokyo studio, but we're given so many designs for Macbeth. It's wonderful.

I've gotta start dinner now, so I guess that about does it for me. Later!

~Da Lemmy

Greg responds...

We couldn't know while writing scripts which episodes were headed for Korea vs. Japan. Of course, nowadays, things in Korea have improved quite a bit. ALL of The Spectacular Spider-Man is animated there, and we're generally thrilled with the results.

Response recorded on October 08, 2008

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Masterdramon writes...

Good day to you. I'm a long-time lurker, though a first-time poster.

First of all, I'm quite glad that "The Spectacular Spider-Man" Season 2 finally has a concrete air-month. I was extremely impressed by the series as a whole, and it is without a doubt the greatest adaptation of Spider-Man outside of the original comics. Its character development, multi-layered storylines, and sheer coolness are nearly unparalleled in the realm of animation, with the notable exceptions of the DC Animated Universe, "Avatar: The Last Airbender," and of course "Gargoyles." Now it's time for us fans to cross our fingers for Season 3...

Anyway, a long while back you made a very insteresting post discussing how a good villain invariably acts as a foil for some aspect of the hero. To demonstrate this point, you gave a list of who you considered Batman's greatest villains:

a) The Joker, who represents the chaos that opposes Batman's order...
b) Two-Face, who personifies Bruce Wayne/Batman's duality...
c) Catwoman, who symbolizes the darkness that continually seduces Batman's soul...
d) The Scarecrow, who, like Batman, exists to inspire fear...
e) And Ra`s al Ghul, who takes Batman's pursuit of order to fascistic extremes...

This sort of thread simply fascinates me. So I was just wondering - could you do the same with Spider-Man's rogues gallery? Who, in your mind, are the greatest of Spider-Man's many great villains? And how do they speak to Peter Parker's soul? I have some ideas in my head as to the answers, but I'm very interested in hearing what your take on the subject is.

Thanks a lot, and good luck with "The Spectacular Spider-Man"! May it live long enough to introduce the greatest Spidey villain of all time: A Guy Named Joe!

(Well, let's hope it lives long, anyway...)

Greg responds...

I won't go through EVERY Spidey villain, but here's a sampling...

Vulture's age in opposition to Spidey's untried youth.
Venom's dark reaction to the tragedies that Peter faced.
Doc Ock represents the science that Peter loves run amok.
Spider-Man (like Anansi the spider) is a trickster figure. Green Goblin takes the trickster to a negative extreme.

Response recorded on October 08, 2008

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skeeJay writes...

A lot's been said about how great season 1 of SSM is. I'll try to be quick about it.

Background: I wasn't old enough to follow the source material the first time around, but my dad was. He likes to tell how his favorite issue was ASM #6, notable for the return of the Vulture and some classic Spidey quippage. We were both watching SSM.

SSM really made me sit forward for the first time with the introduction of Mary Jane, who nails her first line ("Invisible Hand"). Was great to see the continuity lead this right into Spidey's first Green Goblin encounter on the very same night for Peter in the following episode; handoffs like this make it feel like you're "watching" a comic book on the screen, and it's a fun effect.

I love to see a Saturday morning cartoon using in medias res ("Catalysts").

Really appreciated the way the Sinister Six are used. By pairing up their introduction with Spider-Man's "black period," you implicitly suggest he needed the black suit to defeat them ("Group Therapy"). Thus, the threat is greater when they (inevitably) return.

It's clear "Intervention" was crafted with care; the times Peter uses "I" versus "we," the way the symbiote moves from an "evil" version of Peter's voice to its own, the decision to wait until the end of the season to retell the origin story.....arguably after the biggest battle of the season against the Sinister Six. It's an impressive move that reminds me of something the excellent Farscape used to do; the climactic, balls-to-the-wall, stuff-blowing-up spectacle wouldn't be the last episode, but an episode or two before the end of the season. The final episode would be low-key, much more personal, and it opens the door to a different kind of cliffhanger, a more emotional one.

Season 1 ended how I hoped it would, and it emboldens me to make a prediction to myself about how far season 2 will go.

Some classy animation that cought my eye: Spidey firing his webbing at the camera during freefall (Nature vs. Nurture).

In general, high marks from both a twenty-somthing Gargoyles fan and a fifty-something Spider-Man fan. Looking forward to season 2.

Greg responds...

Thank you. It's great when all those little touches are noticed.

Response recorded on October 08, 2008

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Anonymous writes...

Generally speaking, about how many pages is the script for an average 30-minute television episode?

Greg responds...

Well, for starters, it's really 22-minutes (once you subtract commercials, credits, etc.) Our scripts for Season One of Spectacular Spider-Man were 36 pages. But we were often long and were often forced to cut material that was scripted and recorded. So for Season Two, we cut back to 34 pages. And still we were often long and forced to cut material that was scripted and recorded.

Response recorded on October 07, 2008

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Matthew writes...

Is carnage going to make an appearance in season three, by the way I'm a biggest and #1 fan of Spider-Man.

Greg responds...

Not gonna spoil anything more about Season Three at this time.

Response recorded on October 07, 2008

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Stuart writes...

I didn't see these asked and/or answered before, but if they were, sorry. I was just wondering if you wouldn't mind answering a few quick questions regarding "The Amazing Spider-Man", please:

1.) When there is a confirmation that there will be a third season, do you know which villains and/or stories you would like to see used for season three? I read that Scorpion and Hobgoblin have already been pencilled in for season three, but I was wondering if any returning or any other new characters were planned too, even if you can't confirm which ones.

2.) Will Dr. Ashley Kafka return for an episode or two of season two?

3.) After what happened in season one, I hope that Peter will try to make amends with the Connors family after what happened with the Lizard. I know you probably can't confirm that, but will we at least see any of the Spider-Man/Dr. Connors friendship in season two?

4.) Let's say that "The Spectacular Spider-Man" does get all 65 episodes, like you all intend (and since the show is so good and popular, I imagine it will). But let's say that the network wants another season and asks you for 13 episodes for a sixth season. I mean, shows like "Spongebob Squarepants" are still going strong after being on the air after all these years. Would you be interested in doing more seasons beyond season five, or do you think you'd rather have the college years stories remain as direct-to-DVD movies like you have planned?

Thanks for your time.

Greg responds...

1. I do have some rough plans for the season, including new and returning villains. But given that I've already revealed Scorpion and Hobgoblin, I'm not inclined to scoop too much else.

2. Yes.

3. You'll see more of Dr. Connors.

4. I'll do as much and in whatever format they let me. I may have preferences, but I'm not going to be too picky.

Response recorded on October 07, 2008

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Patzo3000 writes...

I am a huge fan of the Spectaculare Spiderman!!I have a few questons.
1.What do you think of the 90's spiderman series?
2.Is there a chance that we might see a homage to amazing spiderman 33# in the Master Planner arc?
3.Why did you let Dr.Connors have a robotic arm?(dont get me wrong I love the idea!!)
4.Has the death of Captin Stacy and Gwen Stacy interested you in a way?
5.What is your favorite Spidey villan?
6.Do you get quips from diffrn source material or do you just make it up on the spot?
7.Has it been hard getting these things(sex lingo,saying death and kill .ect)?
8.Why did you stick with the J.K. Siimmons voice for Jamason?(Once again I still like it)
9.Who came up with the hilariouse words joke between peter and Jamason?
10.Who cam up with the baby found driving her car joke?
11.Any possability of a Spectacular Spiderman video game in the future?
12.Will the comic con footage be online any time soon?(The guys at superheroehype are going nuts waiting for it!!!)
Thats all!!Love the show mister wiesmen!!I will keep watching for sure!!

Greg responds...

1. I haven't seen much of it.

2. I'm not going to scoop myself on this site.

3. It was a prosthetic arm, not a robotic arm.

4. I'm not sure what you mean by "interested".

5. I don't have a single favorite.

6. Mostly my writers and I come up with them to suit the situation.

7. We do have S&P concerns at times. But what you've seen is what we got. So I'm not complaining.

8. We didn't. Daran Norris plays Jonah.

9. The writers and I. Sometimes Daran throws something funny in too.

10. Andrew Robinson.

11. I don't know.

12. I think it's up now.

Response recorded on October 07, 2008

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Genesis2 writes...

I really love this show. Thank you for showing us your vision of Spiderman.

One thing I really have to know is that Josh Lebar's actual laugh or he just does it for the show? I love Flash Thompson's laugh its the funniest thing I've ever heard. Keep up the good work.

Greg responds...

It's probably an exaggerated version of Joshua's laugh.

Response recorded on October 06, 2008

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Stuart writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman.

I checked the archives and didn't see this question asked or answered or anything, but if I missed it and it's been asked before, sorry.

Anyway, I was wondering. When you get to the direct-to-DVD movies of Peter Parker's college years, would you be interested in including the marriage of Peter and Mary Jane as one of the college years movies? I'd love to see this as a direct-to-DVD movie, as Peter and Mary Jane are my favorite married couple in all of comics (despite what's unfortunately happened for the couple in current "Brand New Day" continuity).

Thanks for reading.

Greg responds...

You're just so far ahead of me... but, yes, eventually.

Response recorded on October 06, 2008

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Sean writes...

Hi Greg,
I absolutely enjoy the show!Every episode has been perfection in my opinion.I was wondering were the red light on Spidey's belt came from? Did you get it from the comics or was this another great idea from you and the crew? I'm sorry if this question has been asked already but I didn't see this question.
Thanks for your excellent work, and can't wait to see season 2!

Greg responds...

It's right out of the comics.

Response recorded on October 03, 2008

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Arthur Jr. writes...

To evade confusion, Rtkat3 is my screen name. Sorry I didn't put my real name down.

Greg responds...

It's okay.

Response recorded on October 02, 2008

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Rtkat3 writes...

When it comes to Iron Man's enemies, Spider-Man has fought Blacklash, Dreadknight, and Grey Gargoyle. Imagine if there was an issue where Spider-Man encountered the Mandarin.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 02, 2008

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Arthur Jr. writes...

To follow up on a question received on this site on Sat, August 02, 2008 05:50:34 PM, I forgot to list Hydro-Man for a possible appearance.

As a supporter of your work on The Spectacular Spider-Man, a possible season featuring him meeting other heroes should feature him working with them to fight other bad guys with examples being Fantastic Four villains Doctor Doom and Wizard (Sandman used to work for Wizard's Frightful Four), X-Men villain Magneto (a reimaging for the show could result in a crossover with the upcoming X-Men series), Captain America villain Red Skull, Daredevil villain Owl (of course you can also establish a Daredevil series with Cam Clarke reprising the title role and attempt to obtain Kingpin for that), Thor villain Loki, and Namor villain Tiger Shark. I don't recall which enemies of the Hulk that Spider-Man had fought.

Of course, you can always establish a Marvel Team-Up series.

When it comes to Sally Avril, I found info that she was Spider-Man's would-be partner Bluebird who was killed in a wreck caused by Spider-Man's battle with the Black Knight.

Greg responds...

I'm not at all interested in turning THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN into "a Marvel Team-Up series". That sounds like it would be a fun show. But THAT is not THIS show.

Response recorded on October 02, 2008

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Kyle Tonarella writes...

Hi greg i just Watched The Batman :Strange Minds and that is your strongest joker episode Yet.
Here is my question will there be a strong green goblin episode in season 2 that you wrote ?

Greg responds...

I like to think all our Spidey episodes are strong. I did write one episode in Season Two, which I hope will turn out well. Goblin's in it. You can be the judge when it comes out.

Response recorded on September 30, 2008

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Rupert writes...

Dear Greg,

I am a major fan of your work (espescially The Spectacular Spider-man). Unfortunately I have never been able to watch Gargoyles, but I have been trying to get the first season. I loved The Rubberface of Comedy and Meltdown in the Batman. That is my favourite version of clayface. I think you did those episodes.
Anyway, questions on the spectacular spider-man, great show.

Firstly I LOVE Dr.Octopus! He is my favourite spider-man foe in comics, movies and your show. However I love all the villains, from the cowboy shocker to the nightmare on elm street vulture. My first question is that in season two I know that the master Planner will appear early in the second season but wil his other persona be Dock Ock. I'm not to sure because of that surprising, yet brilliant Tombstone/Big Man change from the Foswell/Big man.

My second question is that because the Master Planner is appearing, will the famous story in Amazing Spider-man 33# appear?

My final question. I discovered that you will not be on CN any more. What network will you be on then?

I can't wait for season two.

Thank you very much!

Greg responds...

1. I'm not using this site for spoilers.

2. Ditto.

3. We were never on CN. We were on the CW. I'm not allowed to say which network we'll be on in March.

Response recorded on September 30, 2008

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mike p. writes...

related to my previous question: Will the episode involving Molten Man (assuming they are related as in the comics) provide more insight into Liz such as why her last name is Alan (not a hispanic name)?

Greg responds...

Not really. But another episode will.

Response recorded on September 29, 2008

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mike p. writes...

I have a question regarding Liz Alan. Is she Puerto Rican? I am Puerto Rican myself and judging from the shows setting (New York) I've made the assumption that she is buecause of the large population of immigrants from the island, but wanted to make sure.

Greg responds...

In our minds, Liz's mom is Puerto Rican and her dad is Caucasian. Liz spent her early years in Puerto Rico, where her dad built and operated hotels. Then they moved to New York, when dad opened the Park Allan there.

Response recorded on September 29, 2008

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anonymous writes...

Hi there:

1.) I didn't know if you knew, but your show currently holds the record for the most episodes to feature Sandman on any Spider-Man animated series, as he's never appeared in more than one episode of a Spider-Man cartoon. I've noticed some villains that have appeared on the various cartoon shows have been used surprisingly little. Mysterio's had no more than four episodes (as shown on the Fox Kids, 1990s "Spider-Man" show), Electro's had three (from the 1960s animated series), and Kraven's had three or four appearances at the most, I think (also from the Fox Kids TV show). Do you have any plans for future seasons to try and break these villains' current records and let the villains appear in more episodes?

2.) Is there any chance we will see Doctor Octopus meet with Mysterio in season two, or maybe in another season?

3.) When season two is a huge hit (which I'm sure it will be), will you guys get started animating season three or does it usually take a few months of planning before you can get right back to work on another season?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not interested in records, just in telling the best possible stories I have in my arsenal.

2. There's always a chance.

3. Planning, arcing, outlining, scripting, voice recording, pre-production, design, direction and all sorts of levels of approval must happen before animation can start. If we don't get a pick-up - for scripts at least - until Season Two airs and is (hopefully) declared a success, than there will be over a year gap between Seasons Two and Three.

Response recorded on September 29, 2008

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Stuart writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman,
I had a few questions about the future of "The Spectacular Spider-Man" animated series, if you don't mind:
1.) I didn't see this in the archives, but if you answered it and I missed it, sorry. Anyway, I know you've said you're not able to use Kingpin because of the "Daredevil" license and legal issues. However, does this mean you can use the Rose or not? Even if it's not Kingpin's son Richard Fisk as Rose, can you use the ex-Daily Bugle employee Jacob Conover version of the Rose?
2.) For the first season, certain episodes were broken into storyarcs and put together on DVDs, like how the first three episodes of season one will be on one DVD and the next three episodes will be on another. Is there any chance we'll see storyarcs like this that share a same theme, like, for example, how one storyarc could be about men who turn into monsters (like how Michael Morbius becomes Morbius the Living Vampire, John Jameson transforms into Man-Wolf, and Dr. Curt Connors reverts back to the Lizard)?
3.) Doctor Octopus is my favorite villain and there are so many good stories with him in in them that would make for great episodes. I mentioned before I'd love to see the Doc Ock/Aunt May story as a storyline one day on either "Spectacular" or another Spider-Man animated series if there's no room for the story on "Spectacular", but which Doc Ock story is your favorite?

Thanks for reading. I can't wait to see what's in store for season two!

Greg responds...

1. I don't know.

2. They do share themes, but I'm not commenting on your specific example.

3. You'll see in Season Two.

Response recorded on September 29, 2008

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Anonymous writes...

Will Ben Riley ever make an appearance?

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on September 25, 2008

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Arthur Jr. writes...

Hey Greg, recent Comics Continuum mentioned the appearance of Master Planner in Season Two of "The Spectacular Spider-Man." Master Planner is an alias of Doctor Octopus in the comics. Could this be a coincidence or is there going to be a different Master Planner?

I know Xander Berkeley voiced Quentin Beck in Season One and I think he might reprise him as Mysterio. There was already comments that Thom Adcox will voice Phineas Mason when he takes on the Tinkerer (Phineas had no dialogue in "Persona"). As for Kraven the Hunter, Molten Man, Calypso, Richard Kingsley, and Silver Sable, do you have any knowledge on who will be voicing them. I was just wondering as I am a top contributor at VoiceChasers.com where I added your voice role in an episode of "Gargoyles."

If the show becomes successful after Season Two and a proposed Season Three, will there be any plans for appearances of villains like Beetle, Ben Reilly, Big Wheel, Boomerang, Carlyle (if featured, I recommend Neil Ross for the reprisal from the Spider-Man 3 video game), Carnage, Cyclone, Gibbon, Grizzly, Jackal, any of the two Kangaroos, the Lobo Brothers, Prowler (Hobie Brown already made an appearance), Puma, Ringer, Ringmaster and his Circus of Crime, Rocket Racer, Scorpia, Spot, Stegron, Swarm, Walrus, and White Rabbit. Any one of them ought to appear in this series.

I still think a proposed season where it reaches the point of Spider-Man meeting other superheroes would still be good.

Greg responds...

By paragraph...

1. I'm not telling.

2. Xander indeed is the voice of Mysterio. Thom Adcox is the voice of the Tinkerer. And, yes, I know the voices of everyone you named, but the only one that's been publicly revealed so far is Eric Vesbit as Kraven the Hunter.

3. No comment.

4. Maybe, but I wouldn't want it to start to become a stunt.

Response recorded on September 25, 2008

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Chimmy Char writes...

Are there plans to include Lance Banyon or the Daily Globe in the second season of SSSM?

Greg responds...

Daily Globe was in Season One.

Response recorded on September 25, 2008

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anonymous writes...

which comics were your season three ideas based on?

Greg responds...

Mostly Spider-Man comics.

(I haven't started season three yet.)

Response recorded on September 24, 2008

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richard writes...

mr. weisman
why is the new spiderman series's season two getting released next year?
i mean are you insane???

Greg responds...

I don't think I'm insane. And I agree. (But I haven't decided.)

Anyway, as opposed to what? Releasing it in two years? Not releasing it at all? What seems insane about releasing it next year? Am I insane, or are you just impatient?

The fact is that legal contracts prevent us from releasing it before March of 2009, and in any case, we won't be done posting the show until January (i.e. until next year) of 2009 anyway. To get the second season any sooner than that, Sony would have had to pick it up sooner.

I think the key point to remember is that NONE of this is up to me. So let's keep questions about my mental state to a minimum when discussing issues I have no control over. (I second that!)

Response recorded on September 24, 2008

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