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Spectacular Spider-Man, The

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Anonymous writes...

Hello, I saw on Wikipedia the other day that Doctor Octopus, Mysterio, Sandman, Electro, Vulture and Hobgoblin will be the next Sinister Six team, is that treu?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

No comment

Response recorded on June 25, 2009

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marvelman writes...

when will the spectacular spider-man season 3 come?and will other superheroes be in the series like ironman,x-men,prowler,fantastic four and captain america?

Greg responds...

I've answered these questions many times. I'm tired of rewarding people for not checking the archives. So check the archives.

Response recorded on June 24, 2009

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Alexnader writes...

Hey Greg
I've just watched the last episode of season two and I'm askin' myself - when you introduce a character by his name (like Gragan in the last episode, or Ben Reily) just for 2-3 seconds, do you plan to include them to the storyline or just for making us glad that we heard the name of Reily (cuz lots of people wanted Reily to be part of the show)?
And one more - God, how do you come up wit this stuff - the storyline, the relationships? (You're awesome)

Greg responds...


When did you hear the name Reilly? I honestly don't recall putting that in anywhere. It is, of course, May Parker's maiden name. But I don't even recall using it for that.

As for Gargan, I've already stated that Scorpion is part of our proposed Season Three.

Response recorded on June 24, 2009

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Anton writes...

Would you make an episode with Spider-man 2099 (aka Miguel Ohara, Parkers successor in the future)?

Greg responds...

I honestly don't know if I have the rights to that character.

Response recorded on June 24, 2009

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Paul writes...

1) If The Spectacular Spiderman gets a third season, will Aunt May, Betty Brant and Robbie Robertson get more screentime than they did in season 2? They were criminally underused in season 2.

2) If there's a third season, will Debra Whitman actually speak and be an important part of certain episodes?

Greg responds...

1. I've answered this before. Check the archives.

2. No comment.

Response recorded on June 24, 2009

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Forrest writes...

Greg do you think Spectacular Spider-Man will do good on Disney XD. I have been watching it every Monday, and the other days its on, (I tell my mom I'm sick, so I dont go to school, because its always on when I'm at school). So If you CAN, could you change the hour to like 4:00 or 5:00 P.M., instead of 9:00 and 10:00 A.M. (I'm at school at that time). Thank You

Greg responds...


I appreciate your love of the series, but...

I have ZERO control over the time period. I don't know what timezone you are in, but in most of the country the newest episode premieres somewhere between 4pm and 8pm on Mondays. And if you are REALLY skipping school to watch the show, then I'm NOT happy. Cut it out. No television series is worth that, including any or all of mine. It would be much better, if it's at all possible, if you could find a way to record the show, using TiVo or some other DVR or a VCR. There are also DVD releases. But skipping school is NOT okay with me. And telling your mom that you're sick when you're not is even worse.

Response recorded on June 24, 2009

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Mo writes...

Hello. I've recently watched the second season of Spectacular Spider-Man and I gotta say, this is the best cartoon to come out of Marvel. Spider-Man is an amazing character and seeing him get such great animation treatment is an absolute godsend. So thank you for that.

Now onto the questions:

1) I understand that the 3rd season is very under wraps at the moment, but I just want to know if you plan to introduce any other Marvel heroes in the series (e.g. Daredevil). Spider-Man is known for his encounters with other heroes and I want to know if that will play out here.
2) Was the revelation of the Green Goblin's identity planned from season 1 or did it just come about when season 2 was being developed?
3) Is there any character you'd really like to see in the series?

Thank you.

Greg responds...

1. Mo, I've answered this over and over. Please check the archives.

2. Planned from day one.

3. Yes.

Response recorded on June 24, 2009

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Thailog (from Wikia) writes...

P.S.: Forgot to ask these:

1. Why did Doc Ock go from shy to psycho after the accident? It has something to do with the neurotransmitter that short-circuited (or melted?), or was the traumatic event pushed him over the edge?

2. Was Mysterio a robot right from the get-go (in "Reinforcement") or was the real Beck arrested and then escaped, leaving a robot in his place?

3. How did Sandman, Rhino, and Vulture escape in "Reinforcement"?

Greg responds...


1. I think physical trauma from the "accident" played a part, certainly. But I think subconsciously, the key moment is when he cries out, "But I've been good!" right before the explosion. Now, (a) one could argue he hasn't actually been good, but (b) from his point of view "good" means obedient, subservient, nebbishy. And his "reward" for that behavior is, well, <BOOM>! So his mind rejects his past behavior entirely and does a complete personality 180. Otto Octavius was ALWAYS smart enough to be Doctor Octopus. Now he had the mindset to go with it.

2. Wouldn't Spider-Man like to know? (And you too, I gather.)

3. You forgot Electro and Kraven. Anyway, I don't think the specifics are too important. But I imagine that Rhino sank to the bottom of the river (putting on the oxygen mask/tank that Spidey gave him) and slowly WALKED to shore. Then busted Sandman out of the ice. Tinkerer had some of the Master Planner's men cut a hole out beneath Vulture and cut Electro out of his rubbery confines. Kraven, I think, just slipped out during the confusion.

Response recorded on June 24, 2009

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Thailog (from Wikia) writes...

Hi, Greg.

Sorry for using this Gargoyles platform to ask you yet another Spider-Man question, but this one has a constructive purpose, of sorts. I've been writing character bios for the Marvel Animated Universe Wiki and I have one question about the show's timeline that I can't seem to find in the archives:

When exactly was Peter bitten by the radioactive spider? In "Survival of the Fittest" Peter's teacher reminds him of the field trip hosted "last year" by Dr. Connors. However, judging by Peter's overconfident narration, he didn't have his powers before his summer vacations... So, he must have gotten his powers by the end of the previous school year, right? Late June? His opening narration also seems to convey the same idea.

However, and this is the biggest source of confusion, Uncle Ben died after Peter became Spider-Man and before school started ("Survival of the Fittest"). So that must have happened in July or August. Although when Aunt May speaks about him, it sounds like she got over it (isn't two months too soon?). Moreover, Peter doesn't sound too shaken up in the opening narration for someone who must have lost his beloved uncle only two or one month before...

Does that make any sense? Anyway, I'd like to clear that up for the sake of accuracy.

Great season finale btw, didn't see that coming.

Hope we get a season 3.

Greg responds...

When Mr. Warren says "Last year..." he meant the last SCHOOL year, not the last calendar year. So, yes, in my mind, Peter was bitten in late May of his sophomore year of high school. He DID have his powers over summer vacation. I think that's fairly clear from his voice overs. He just never faced any super-villains until September, the Vulture and the Enforcers.

Uncle Ben died shortly after Peter got his powers, in early June.

Aunt May is NOT over his death by any means. Neither is Peter. But we missed the HARDCORE grieving that took place over the first couple months of summer. In "Survival of the Fittest", May is -- largely for Peter's sake -- trying to put a good face on the new school year. And I think she's also not the type to just completely fall apart. But--


I think one reason she's SO oblivious to Doc Bromwell's overtures is because she cannot fathom the thought that she isn't still married.

As for Peter, I don't think of him as shallow, but you cannot deny he's had a TON of distractions -- in both of his identities -- to keep him from dwelling overmuch on Uncle Ben. Still, I like to think we've made Ben a strong presence in the show whenever possible (i.e. whenever we could afford the screen time) in episodes like "Survival of the Fittest", "Natural Selections", "Nature vs. Nurture", "Reinforcement", "Opening Night" and, of course, "Intervention" (among others).

I'd like to do more with Ben, admittedly. I had initially hoped to bring Ed Asner back as Ben once a season. But we just couldn't find room for a Ben flashback or appearance in Season Two. Hopefully, in Season Three. That's not a spoiler, by the way. I haven't got a specific plan. Just a desire to include more Ben and an excuse to see Ed again.

And speaking of Ed, how about his work in Pixar's "UP"? LOVED THAT MOVIE!!! And Ed's performance was wonderful. So funny and heartbreaking and everything. Seriously, I feel blessed to know the guy and to have been able to work with him.

Good question, by the way. Happy to clear this up. And much relieved not to be answering another "Has the Third Season been picked up yet?" or "Will you please spoil all your future plans?" question.

Response recorded on June 24, 2009

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg, since Harry became the New Goblin in the movie Spider-Man 3, will we see him in that form on a future season of The Spectacular Spider-Man? Because I bet it'll be cool.

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on June 20, 2009

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