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Anton writes...

Greg wrote:

"We have a Radio Play (that has nearly killed me to get ready in time) that presents an ORIGINAL Feature-Length crossover between Gargoyles and The Spectacular Spider-Man, with EVERY voice actor guest performing with fans."

Question, is it canonical to either side?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 19, 2010

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Jim writes...

So now that you've released the cast list/title of the Spidey crossover radio play, I have to ask: Is "Religious Studies 101" out of the running for arc titles?

Greg responds...

Probably, but not because of the Radio Play.

Response recorded on January 18, 2010

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Clark Cradic writes...

Have Peter and Aunt May ever seen the Cat Burgler after Uncle Ben's murder? I assume they would have been there for the his conviction.

Greg responds...

I imagine they went to his trial -- or more likely his elocution.

Response recorded on January 15, 2010

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Aidin writes...

Hi Greg,

I didn't know it until a few weeks ago, but I'm a pretty big fan of your work (Buzz Lightyear of Star Command, The Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot, The Batman, Men in Black: The Series, Gargoyles and the Spectacular Spider-Man).
I was very excited last year when The Spectacular Spider-Man premiered on the CW, and I thought the first season was beyond fantastic.

I have a few questions for you and I hope you don't answering them.

First off, I've noticed that there seems to be a lot of doubt and uncertainty regarding future seasons, is there anything we as fans can do to help?
I'd hate for tSSM to die like the last spider-man series I enjoyed (Spider-Man Unlimited; which while heavily panned I enjoyed greatly.)
(Then again my opinion may be tainted being that I just a younger kid while that was still on the air;but I digress)

How long does it take to produce one episode, and a complete season?

What kind of animation is being used? Traditional pen and paper? Computer? or Hybrid?

Why is the airing of season two in the US being delayed? I just noticed that the next episode has been delayed until October 5th; which adds two months in between episodes.

What is your stance on creating original characters for the series? I do believe that every character has appeared in the comics in some form, and I'm just curios as to see whether you'd consider creating any new characters.

Will the series get any "darker" in tone and style as in progresses? Or will it remain mostly up-beat?

Would the series adapt the One More Day/Brand New Day (the greatest Spider-Man FAIL ever in my opinion) If the series were to continue that long?

Next to last, I'm starting to view tSSM as a series not unlike Batman Tas; that being said, do you thing tSSM could become the starting point for animated series based on other Marvel comics Characters; not unlike the way Batman Tas "spawned" Superman:Tas, Batman Beyond, Static Shock, Justice League, etc.?
So Basically, Is tSSM to Marvel as Batman: tas was to D.C.?

And lastly, I've read several times that there won't be any cross-over with characters from other parts of the marvel universe because you don't have the rights to them. IF you had access to any Marvel character(s) in the Marvel Universe, would you have cross overs and what kind of cross overs would you have?

Greg responds...

You hope I don't answer them? Hmmm....

1. See the archives.

2. It takes between eight to ten months from start to finish to produce an episode, add a week or two per additional episodes and you'll get the total time for the season.

3. It's cel animation, but with computerized color and a few toon-shaded computerized elements, like vehicles or the occasional building.

4. I think they saved the later episodes for sweeps.

5. We made the decision early on not to have any original characters.

6. It is what it is.

7. I liked Mr. Negative a lot.

8. I'd be all for it, but no one's asked me.

9. Check the archives.

Response recorded on January 06, 2010

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Anicomicgeek writes...

Hey. I wanna start off by saying I love our work, Greg, especially on Gargoyles and Spectacular Spider-Man. Anyway, I know why you decide to diversify the cast and think it's okay.

So, it may be a stupid question, but was Jean DeWolff one of the characters whose race you'd changed? I mean, her skin seems darker, so I thought I should ask.

Greg responds...

We made DeWolff Native American.

Response recorded on January 04, 2010

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Natan writes...

Hi Greg!
I'm a big fan of Spectacular Spidey, and just like everyone else here, I really hope the show gets renewed and lasts for a really long time.

My question is, IF the show is not renewed, or IF the show ends earlier than you anticipate - will you continue the show in comic book form (similar to how you did with Gargoyles)? Or maybe continue the show with a series of straight to DVD movies?

Thank You!!! Best of luck with the show!!

Oh yeah - I was at the Spidey panel for Comic Con - great stuff.
Unfortunately I couldn't make it to The Gathering - is this a yearly convention also, or is it just a one time thing?

Thanks again!!!

Greg responds...

The Gathering WAS an annual convention, but it's over now... at least for the foreseeable future.

As for continuing Spec Spidey, it's not up to me. But I'd love to.

Response recorded on December 18, 2009

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amazing spider-man writes...

1.What type of animal is Kraven? I thought lion but he then I saw stripes on his face so is he a tiger or a combination of both?

2. You notice his animal form looks like Scar from Lion King? Was that intentional(since it's a Disney show) or no?

Greg responds...

1. Watch the episode again. He lists the animals he's been "built" from.

2. You'd have to ask Cheeks if it was intentional on his part. It wasn't on mine. The idea was to key off his original costume and the animals he was genetically borrowing from.

Response recorded on December 17, 2009

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Josh writes...

Could you be more polite? I admire you, but every answer that you give to someone, you clearly seems irritated... we are fans.... just that.. we like what you do... by the way congratulations... i loved the first and second season from SSM.. maybe a third in the next three months?

Greg responds...

Okay, let me be frank. I find your post irritating. I do. I find a LOT of posts irritating. I try to be civil AND polite, but I also try to be honest, and I won't deny that sometimes my irritation is palpable. And frankly, though this isn't per se my intent, I'm okay with that.

And, yes, I get that people who post here tend to be fans, but there are certain categories of posts that do get on my nerves. These include (but are not limited to):

1. People asking questions that I've already answered ad nauseum, because they are too lazy to check the archives -- but feel I'm supposed to just put up with it, as if somehow I'm supposed to be okay with the fact that they're wasting my time even as they refuse to spend any of theirs.

2. People who seem to be asking me to confirm that me or my team screwed up in some way. (Especially when the real story is that their tastes and ours simply don't coincide.) I'm fine with someone who says, "That's not to my tastes." [For example, the previous poster wrote that she doesn't like it when characters break the fourth wall and address the audience directly. Personally, I think it's fun. But I have no problem with her having different tastes than I do. She wasn't telling me it was a mistake. Just that she didn't like it. Which, of course, is her 100% prerogative and just fine.] When someone instead says (even a more polite version of), "Admit it, Greg, that sucked," I do find it annoying. [I'm supposed to change MY tastes to match theirs? I don't think so.]

3. People who state something as fact that is either (a) dead wrong or (b) really just their opinion. Even if I AGREE with them, I find this approach grating on principle.

So yeah, sometimes answering questions here grinds on me. It does. THAT is a fact. But I keep at it, because I value the fans and want to at least try to give something back in some small way. If my means of doing it isn't to your liking... don't read it. That's not defiance. It's just common sense. But telling me to be more polite makes me want to tell you to be less presumptuous. And how does that make you feel? (My guess is, it makes you feel about how I feel right now. Irritated.)

Meanwhile, thanks for your kind words about Spider-Man. Of course, there's no way you'll see a new season in the next three months, or even in the next eight. But here's hoping that sometime in the next year...

Response recorded on December 17, 2009

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Halo Child writes...

Greg what happened? Why did they stop airing the rest of TSS-M season 2? Why? The Gang War and the Return of GG arc will make it to Disney XD in October. Does this mean that we have to wait until November for season 3?

Greg responds...

November of what year?

Response recorded on December 16, 2009

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David B. Jacobs writes...

Hey Greg!
What's Dr. Bromwell's first name?

Greg responds...

I forget.

Response recorded on December 16, 2009

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