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Spectacular Spider-Man, The

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Robby Barrows writes...

I wonder, how would you handle Carnage and Cletus Cassidy in [i]Spectacular Spider-Man[/i]? Are there any plans for season three for them to appear?

And are more Marvel characters going to appear? Like Thor, the X-Men, Captain America, Black Panther, Iron Man?

Greg responds...

Cletus already appeared.

The rest is moot, though as I've said MANY times, we were not given permission to use other Marvel heroes, so it wasn't up to us.

Response recorded on May 19, 2010

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David B. Jacobs writes...

Hey, again, Greg!
So, I recall you saying somewhere (I think on the Season Set) that the reason you redesigned the Vulture was because you didn't want too many green villains....
So, and I'm not sure if you can say this, but I don't really see it as a spoiler, when you guys design Scorpion, do you want to use his blue suit? Or have you not yet decided yet?
Thanks Greg! Good luck tomorrow! (I'm writing this the day before the finale airs - you'll be able to tell me how it went by the time you get this!)

Greg responds...

I think Hasbro didn't want too many green villains. We didn't mind, but I do think our version of Vulture turned out very cool. And he's still a bit green (what appears mostly black is really very dark green, I think).

But Scorpion's design is a bit moot now.

Response recorded on May 19, 2010

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adam g writes...

so is there any news on spiderman i know its a faq but i just want to know if they have given you the green light?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

I've already answered this. Please check the archives.

Response recorded on May 18, 2010

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Rottieboy writes...

Greg-Spetacular Spider-Man is a great show! I hope it has been renewed by the time you read this. Anyways my question is why did Pete try to destroy the symbiote by freezing it when it came from the vacuum of space? How could anything on Earth top the cold of space?

Thanks to you and all your staff and actors for the best Spider-Man adaption ever.

Greg responds...

Very good point. I think at the very least he hoped to contain it.

Response recorded on May 17, 2010

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nicholas writes...

im a big fan of the spectacular spiderman who is the man in the airport in the last episode of season 2 and why did you all show him
if the season 3 is aloud to be aired would it come out next year

Greg responds...

Not up to me. Sorry.

And I think you know who the man in the airport is: Vic Cook!

Oh, you meant the OTHER man: Curt Connors.

Or were you talking about Mr. Roman?

Response recorded on May 17, 2010

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David B. Jacobs writes...

Arthur Jr. writes...
* I got your response for the Sinister Syndicate question. While Boomerang, Hydro-Man, Leila Davis (who became the second Beetle), Rhino, Scorpia, and Speed Demon are Spider-Man's enemies, you might be right about the other three. Outside of Beetle first appearing to fight the Fantastic Four and later fighting Spider-Man when getting revenge on Human Torch, Blacklash is an Iron Man villain who Spider-Man helped fight in Marvel Team-Up #72 and #149. Constrictor first appeared in Incredible Hulk #212 and fought Spider-Man and Moon Knight alongside Ringmaster in Marvel Team-Up Vol. 3 #7. Just giving any side info there in case you gain some inspiration for one of the possible future seasons.

Wow.... I have just been out-geeked....
I am going to tell myself that he looked that up....

Greg responds...

Hey, it out-geeked me too!

Response recorded on May 17, 2010

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David B. Jacobs writes...

Paul writes...
2) Is there a voice modulator in the Green Goblin's mask? (Surely there must be, since it's hard to believe that Norman puts on the Goblin's voice himself).

Greg responds...
2. I believe so.

Now how come when I asked that same question, you wouldn't answer? :(

Greg responds...

When did you ask? What had aired at that time?

Anyway, don't take it personally. This site is totally dependent on my whim, my mood, etc. Catch me on a good day, and I can be quite cooperative. On another day, not so much.

Response recorded on May 17, 2010

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Fred M. writes...

Not really a question but something I thought of today... I absolutely love the fact that Doc Ock continues to refer to Spider-Man as "arachnid" and Shocker continually refers to him as "bug"...Obviously Doc Ock is a doctor and an extreme intellect and Shocker is portrayed as a little more of a "good ol' boy" type who wouldn't worry about such detail.... I thought of that today and thought "Hmm, that's a very interesting layer to the series" Kudos on the depth of this "kids" show!!

Greg responds...

We tried our best to give each of Spidey's opponents his or her own voice, and not just give them generic villain dialogue. Thanks for noticing.

Response recorded on May 17, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

Do you know if they plan to make season 3 of "The spectacular spider-man"?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Check the archives.

Response recorded on May 17, 2010

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Arthur Jr. writes...

Mr. Weisman, I just read your response about the amalgamizing of characters. I have some other questions here:

1. Though the Ringmaster and his Circus of Crime is one of Spider-Man's enemies, they first appeared in "The Incredible Hulk" #3. I was wondering if that will prevent you from using Ringmaster and his Circus of Crime in any episode of "The Spectacular Spider-Man" in case you don't get the rights for the character.

2. I read on the archives that someone asked if Stan Lee will have more cameos in any proposed season of "The Spectacular Spider-Man." He's also voicing the Mayor of Super Hero City in "The Super Hero Squad Show" which is voice directed by Jamie Simone (who provided Akamaru's vocal effects in "Naruto"). In case you've seen the episodes that feature his characters, what do you think of Stan Lee's performance in that show?

3. If Courtney B. Vance reprises Roderick Kingsley in the proposed Season Three, will you use another voice actor to voice Hobgoblin like you did with Alan Rachins voicing Norman Osborn and Steven Blum voicing Green Goblin? I think something like that also occurred when you and Jamie Thomason casted Clancy Brown to voice Ox in "Survival of the Fittest" and later casted Danny Trejo as Ox in "Probable Cause." Do you have any comment on that?

Greg responds...

1. All moot now.

2. I haven't seen it. But Stan is great.

3. All Clancy did for Ox was grunt a couple of times. He was NEVER the voice of Ox. As for Alan and Steve, we ALWAYS intended to have a separate actor for Goblin, so as not to let casting reveal his true identity. The rest of your question is obviously moot.

Response recorded on May 14, 2010

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