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COMEBACKS 2007-08 (Aug)

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dph writes...

1.Before humans made contact with gargoyles, did gargoyles have a unique (non-written)language unto themselves?

2.Before gargoyles made contact with humans, did gargoyles have a unique written language unto themselves?

Greg responds...

1. We've discussed this before... it might not have been necessary for them... isn't language a process of naming?

2. No.

Response recorded on August 09, 2007

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Jade Griffin writes...

This be my con journal for the year:) A bit abbreviated since I don't want to snore anyone out:)

I travel every year I can make it, from Reno, NV to wherever the con happens to be: from Montreal, Canada to my home state to Williamsburg, WV to Fort Worth, TX. Why? Read on:)

I was approached by email by the wonderful Eden asking if I could be on the Con Staff this year. Boy, would I! No, I am not insane:) So I told my husband I was going and got my tickets and travel plans. The Gathering of the Gargoyles 2007 would be in Pigeon Forge, TN. I would fly to Memphis, TN and drive the 6 hours on a mini road trip with three other great people: Admiral Trimm, Beedoo!, and Arno. And that's exactly how it happened. As soon as I got off the plane, I jumped in Trimm's jeep and we were off! It actually took 8 hours, given the dumb construction. Bah. Silly humans.

Arriving at the hotel, which was a lot less than we anticipated it would be --- in size, not price -- I got fed up w/ them and headed over to the main hotel to find the con suite and my fellow staffers (we had been moved to a hotel across the street due to some overbooking or some such nonsense). Got my registration packet, shirt, badge, etc. and headed back for sleep around 12am local time.

Day one was setting up the art show and sitting in the art room for most of the day. This would be the majority of my task while the Art Show Coordinator this year: babysit the art room. No biggie. Most of the Con I am either in a panel or in the art room anyway drawing up a storm. I learned the hard way being the Art Show Coordinator left little room for actually drawing while most of it went to coordinating, lol.

Boy, did we have a lot of new people this Con. So many new hands raised at Opening Ceremonies, it was awesome!! Met some neat new people, too:)

I hosted three panels while at the Con: Gargoyles Physiology and Culture with Greg Weisman and Lynati, Mystery Gargoyle Theater 3000, and an Open Writing session and discussion panel (i won the writing contest this year. Wee!!). It was a blast, despite hassles with elevators and hotel personnel. And me, Beedoo!, Trimm, and Arno finally got a room in the right hotel. Yay!

We basically ignored the bad hotel stuff until it culminated into a bit of a fiasco. The Masquerade and dance is a big event at our Con. Earlier in the day, the women's restroom next door had flooded. The hotel staff was fairly prompt in coming to dry (and not clean) the carpet but it was still a bad event... In the midst of our costumed frolicking and boogying, someone ran in and said they needed volunteers because the art show/dealer's room roof was leaking-- on top of everything in the room! We ushered our decked out behinds up to the art show/dealer's room and lo and behold, the ceiling was leaking! It had rained earlier that day. It being around 10pm local time and the dealers all gone to bed, plus the hotel staff unwilling to send anyone to help us move our stuff, we took matters into our own hands! Hudson coordinating this awesome march, approximately 25 con-goers (and yes I mean fans!) hupped to it and moved all of the dealer's merchandise including thousands of dollars of comic books to the room next door. Bad on top of worse... Though our move occurred in about 10 minutes, we learned that the next room also had a leaky ceiling!! Egads, people! So, improvisation among such brilliant minds as ours isn't hard to find. We took every table stacked the merchandise on one, and put another table over that table to shield it. All but the comic books. Someone brought in their own tarp and someone got some drop cloths to put over the rest of the delicate merchandise. Saved! As for the artwork, the set-up was promptly broken down, the artwork sorted by artist, purchased, auction, etc. and taken to the safe haven of the blessed con suite. All hail the snacks!

Did such dark moments hamper our most awesome Con? Naw:) You cannot believe the aura of goodness from this convention. It is truly the best experience anyone will ever have of a fandom. We pull together like we've known each other for decades, good friends who've known each other face to face forever, and some of us have just met:) It makes fun stories to tell each other afterwards. It really was a great Con despite the ... interesting... hotel. Hanging with the rest of the fans, our wonderful guests, hosting a panel beside Greg Weisman, laughing all night with Arno, Trimm, Beedoo!, and so many others... Oh, and of course the Blue Mug;P You will not find a better group of people drawn together under the banner of fandom and that's the truth. So, join us, won't you? It's a family reunion where you don't hate any of your relatives. It's great and you GOTTA come. That's my soap box:) Gargs forever! And don't forget to get the comic books!!

Greg responds...

Thanks, Jade! You did a great job and were always such an enthusiastic presence on the staff!

Response recorded on August 09, 2007

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ashley bourke writes...

what will brooklyn be like when he gets back from his timedancer adventures is he more grown up or still the way he was when he left and what will be the clans reaction

Greg responds...

Wait and see.

Response recorded on August 08, 2007

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Derek writes...

You said Thailog would have insisted on Delilah laying an egg, does he want his own offspring?

Greg responds...

Did I say that? Where? When?

Response recorded on August 08, 2007

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gargoyles make me cry writes...

hi i was reading gargoyles #4 for the millionth time and i had the raido on when phill colins "one more night" came on when i was at the part
where elise was braking up with golith is was sad :( so it got me thinking that if there was a sad part in the "movie" if it ever comes out
they should use that sog, just a thought what do you think ?

Greg responds...

I'm not gonna get that far ahead of things myself, but you are all welcome to score things in your head however you like!

Response recorded on August 08, 2007

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patrick writes...

were their plans to use the character puck in more episodes, and if there were proposed plans can you explain them?

Greg responds...

Yes. Yes, I could.

Response recorded on August 08, 2007

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odinsmagic writes...

i think there should be a movie. With real actors in make up portraying real gargoyles
if they can turn ron pearlman into hellboy why not make do the same with gargoyles

Greg responds...

I'm all for it.

Response recorded on August 08, 2007

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

August 8th...

Xanatos' programming of Thailog is in full swing.

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gary j writes...

how can we bring back new episodes of gargoyles. you say we need to see the show but it comes on at 2:30 3:30am central time and whos gonna watch t.v. that late. is there another way to bring back the show

Greg responds...


Yes, for the umpteenth time (see the archives if you don't believe that I've answered this ad nauseum) we need to SPEND MONEY. Buy the DVDs. Buy the COMICS. Attend the GATHERING.

And we need to SPREAD THE WORD to THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of people so that some percentage of those people SPEND MONEY. Buy the DVDs. Buy the COMICS. Attend the GATHERING.

Response recorded on August 07, 2007

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projectrun writes...

How much did Fox know about the thailog project plotted by Xanatos?

Greg responds...

As much as she thought to inquire about, I'd guess.

Response recorded on August 07, 2007

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