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Brian writes...

In High Noon when Desdemona splits her self in three and says, "Even shadows must be true to thier shade". Her three images have the same different hair as the Wierd Sisters. Coincidence, I think not.

Greg responds...

I think not too.

Response recorded on September 27, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

I was watching my tape of "Cloud Fathers" and wondered over one line in it. In the "Arizona - 1960" flashback scene, Carlos Maza protests his son's decision to leave his people to live with the "Waseshu". Who are the "Waseshu"? (I assume that it's a name for the people of Manhattan, given the context, but want to make certain).

Greg responds...

It's a perjorative term for caucasians. Or so I was told.

Response recorded on September 26, 2000

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Denis writes...

Hello, Greg!

About the episode future Tense
when Goliath "kills" Xanatos' perso, shouldn't it have killed Lexington by feedback (like it killed Alexander, Brooklyn, Angela and Demona?

Was it a glitch in Puck's illusion, or the Xanatos persona was a mere artificial intelligence?
((Next time, before Puck create a cyberpunkish illusion, he would gain to read William Gibson's Neuromancer ;p))

Greg responds...

Why would it have killed Lex? He wasn't hooked into Xanatos. He simply manipulated the program.

Response recorded on September 26, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

In "Bushido", when Taro is arguing with Kai over Kai's decision to leave, he reaches for a small gargoyle statue on his podium and tilts the head. Nothing happens, however (the one element in the gargoyle theme park that we see afterwards that it could possibly have triggered, the laser weapons firing from the cathedral towers and other such places, doesn't start up until some time later, when Taro gives the actual verbal order for it). What exactly was it supposed to do?

Greg responds...

I'd have to watch it again. I don't remember.

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Sixshot writes...

In "The Reckoning", we see Demona in a exosuit. Did she built it or stole it from the Golden Cup?

Greg responds...

Stole it.

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Elizabeth Mason writes...

Okay, Hi I love your show and am currently watching City of Stone and reading the play Macbeth. But I do have a question reguarding the human statues.

1. Were the human beings killed and if so why wasnt there a news cast or some sort of uproar about it?

2. If they were killed then why is the lawyer couple Margert Yale and hubby still alive if they were statues, and I saw them as statues when demona was hanging on them.


Greg responds...

1. There might have been. We just didn't show it to you.

2. Looks a lot like them, doesn't it? But it wasn't.


Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Vilija (Demona's greatest fan) writes...

Hi Greg! I was wathching "The Reckoning" last night on the family channel (Yay, Canada!)I noticed that when (Fang?) was in the cell beside Demona's, he asked Goliath a joke. I couldn't help but wonder, what was the second part of "How many Gargoyles does it take to screw in a lightbulb?" Anyway, thank you to all of you guys for giving the fans a great show. Gargoyles is the best.

Greg responds...

Actually, I might save that for a contest. Thanks for reminding me.

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

In "M.I.A.", when Una is attempting to dissuade Griff from going off with Goliath to defend London from the Nazis during the Battle of Britain, she says that she has "a bad feeling about tonight". That very night, of course, is the night that Griff disappears (thanks to Goliath and the Phoenix Gate, who brought him to 1995).

Did Una's uneasy forebodings have a prophetic element in them (given that she is a practicing sorceress), or did they stem purely from her mundane fears that Griff would be killed in the fighting, that merely seemed prophetic from the vantage point of hindsight?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Mara Shinigami Cordova writes...

Quick Q...

In the FUTURE TENSE universe ( ie, had Goliath not realized that it all was a big hoax by the changeling Puck and it thereby became Goliath's reality)

1. Did Brooklyn and Demona have any eggs?
2. During the roof scene between Demona and Goliath, she begs him to save their daughter. I'm assuming off-camera he had explained the entire situation to the surviving clan... doesDemona at this point harbor any grudge towards Elisa or is she forgotten?
3. In Future tense... WOULD gargoyles make marks on hardwood floors?

suimasen, Weisman-sama

Greg responds...

None of these questions make much sense, except maybe 3. You're looking for completeness and rationales in a VERY incomplete faux world. Did you see the Truman Show? Think of what Goliath was presented with as a glorified Hollywood Movie set. Puck didn't work any harder than he had too.

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

In Puck's "Future Tense" illusion, was he attempting to use guilt as a weapon against Goliath to break him down, as well as shock and grief? Brooklyn and Lexington both berated Goliath severely for "running away" and leaving the clan and Manhattan defenceless against Xanatos, making it clear that in their eyes, it was all his fault that the city was in the condition that it was. Lexington also implied (at least, how I saw it) that Goliath's "abandoning" the clan was a reason for his turning evil. So, was Puck attempting to fill Goliath with guilt to weaken him all the more?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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