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1. If any more Gargoyles projects ever get launched, have you considered what platform you want it have? Streaming on exclusive platform or TV? It would be amazing to have a more mature rating, so Gargoyles can tell mature stores without worrying about censoring anything.
2. I donât know if you answered this already, but just in case - what are Gargoyles views of sexuality? Lexington is gay, Iâm curious about how they views of LBGTQ.
3. I think Gargoyles would an awesome video game one day! Have you ever thought about it? I play with Brooklyn (my favorite) the most, what about you?
4. I know you love make allusions your works in your other shows. Will there for allusions to Gargoyles in upcoming episodes of Young Justice? Zatannaâs arc is next, Iâll keep my eyes peel!
5. Aside of Gabriel and Angela, I wish we could know more about the Avalon clan! I know during a break in the World Tour arc, Goliath spend time with the them. Was any moments you would have like to have show with Goliath bonding with his children and introducing more named members of the clan?
1. Honestly, I'll take what I can get. But I assume the most likely venue is Disney+. At least at the moment. Not that they've asked.
2. They have no issues with it. Basically, they have a "You Do You" mentality.
3. There was a Gargoyles video game back in the day. But I think you had to be Goliath. I'm not sure though. Never played it. I'm not a gamer.
4. By now, you should have seen a few...
5. I have lots of stories. Just need a venue...
How many seasons would you have planned for Gargoyles and its Spin-offs to realize your own vision?
1. Gargoyles
2. Bad Guys
3. Time Dancer
4. Dark Ages
5. Gargoyles 2198
6. Heroes of Ulster
7. New Olympians
8. Pendragon
1. As many as possible until the series caught up to Gargoyles 2198.
2. As many as possible until the premise resolved or the series caught up to Gargoyles 2198, whichever came first.
3. As many as possible until Brooklyn's journey catches up to his return with his family to Gargoyles.
4. As many as possible until we catch up to the Wyvern Massacre in Gargoyles.
5. As many as possible.
6. As many as possible until the premise is resolved or until the series caught up to Gargoyles 2198.
7. As many as possible until the series caught up to Gargoyles 2198.
8. As many as possible until the series caught up to Gargoyles 2198.
Hi there,
Will there ever be a time that they'll reveal their full plans for Gargoyles? Or will they remain completely unsolved if the franchise is not continued?
I'm not sure I understand the question. Who are the "they" that you refer to?
Hey! I'm a recent gargoyles fan (and am currently obsessed), and I actually have a couple of questions about the comics.
1) If you were to ever adapt the comics into a cartoon or a comic dub/radio play, for the comic exclusive gargoyles, like Katana and Gnash, who would your dream cast be for their voices?
2) Also, have you ever thought about adding onto the comic series after "Phoenix", or do you feel like the Clan Building arch is good where it was left and it would be good to move on to a new chapter of the Gargoyles saga?
1. I've learned not to answer that in advance of actual casting. You can't always get the person you're thinking of, and I prefer not to make the actor who actually helps bring the character to life to feel like a second choice.
2. I've been DYING to make more Gargoyles comics and have been trying to sell Disney on the idea ever since.
Hey Greg I'm a newbie who just started watching your show on disney+ and first off wow! How did miss this? Now that gargoyles is on a exclusive streaming service is there any new possibilities for it to come back? -also while typing this would you be open to a kingdom Hearts crossover or a gargoyles video in general?
We're trying to get everyone to #KeepBingingGargoyles over and over again on Disney+ - because we DO think there's a possibility that Gargoyles might be able to come back, if fans prove to the company that there's an interest.
I don't know much about Kingdom Hearts, but I'm certainly open to including Gargoyles. That's been discussed in the past, but never happened - to my knowledge.
And I'd love to do Gargoyles in ANY medium, if given the chance.
The thing to keep in mind is that it's not up to me. But the fans (collectively) have more power than they think, if they understand how to exercise it.
Hey greg â" Adam Barnhardt here. Iâm a reporter with ComicBook.com and a massive fan of Gargoyles. Iâve been covering the show for the site and thereâs certainly a platform for more content â" especially if we talk about the #KeepBingingGargoyles movement.
Any chance youâd have a chance to speak with me on the phone or via e-mail in the coming days about all things Gargoyle? Would help provide some serious media coverage for the movement.
You can reach me at abarnhardt@comicbook.com â" look forward to hearing from you.
Hey Adam,
I believe we spoke in 2020: https://comicbook.com/movies/news/gargoyles-movie-reboot-jordan-peele-greg-weisman-involvement/
Bit of a click-bait title to the article, but otherwise, I thought it came out well.
Just learned about the proposed spin-offs after all these years, and I ask:
Dude?! Seriously, why was 2198 never picked up?
That spin-off would've been awesome. I'm truly upset Disney or any other company overlooked such an amazing idea.
No other company except Disney could have picked it up. And for a couple decades after Goliath Chronicles basically bombed, no one at Disney was interested in Gargoyles.
Hi greg i have two questions.
1.If you were to bring back Gargoyles on Disney plus,how many seasons would it have?
2. Would you also attempt to do Gargoyles Dark Ages and Gargoyles 2198,and have them on Disney plus if you ever get the chance?
1. How do I answer something so incredibly hypothetical? If it were up to me, it would never end. But that kind of thing is NEVER up to me.
2. Given the chance, I'd do all of it.
Hi, with Disney+ getting ready to launch, I know the the original Gargoyles series will be streaming there... Have you ever thought about doing a pitch for a live action version for the streaming service? I got my wife hooked on the show and even she asked the question... "Why has this never been done as a live action movie/series?" It's amazing how timeless this series is... I own the graphic novels from Slave Labor too and those also feel like watching the show when reading. Thanks for your time! =)
I've been pitching Gargoyles non-stop for over two decades now. Animated. Live Action. More comics. Etc. I'm still talking to people at Disney, but as always, it's not up to me.
If fans want this kind of thing, the answer is pretty simple. BINGE WATCH GARGOYLES OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER on Disney+. #KeepBingingGargoyles
If you had a chance to do another season of Gargoyles (and hopefully you will for Disney+ at some point), but Disney stipulated you had to keep season 3 in continuity, would you still return?
Yep. I'd find work arounds.
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