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Bringing Gargoyles Back

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Vic writes...

If the Gargoyles property was bought from disney by some other company, if they asked you to work on it, would you? Would there be certain stipulations?

Greg responds...

Yes, of course I would. But that's NEVER going to happen.

Response recorded on February 07, 2001

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SEM writes...

Given what you learned from STARSHIP TROOPERS and MAX STEEL -- if you were told that you could do GARGOYLES again but only if it could be done in 3D Animation would you? Do you think GARGOYLES could even work in 3D?

(I know it's a hypothetical, but this was the main selling point that got VOLTRON back on the air after 10 years as VOLTRON: THE THIRD DIMENSION for 26 episodes.)

BTW for the person who asked what program MAX STEEL is rendered in -- I know Netter Digital (now defunct) used Lightwave, and that Foundation Imaging used Lightwave for season one (as well as for the work they did on STARSHIP TROOPERS). I presume its still being used for the current season but not sure. Lightwave's major competitor is a program called Maya.

Sorry if I wandered too far off topic, Greg, but since I knew this came up thought I'd answer it for the archives.

Greg responds...

Yes, I think Gargoyles could work in 3-D. And if that was my only option for bringing it back, I'd jump at the chance.

If I had multiple options, however, I'd use the animation style that best suited the subject matter of the series.

Response recorded on February 07, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

I was just wondering.
1) In the event Gargoyles makes a come back would you try to re-do the episodes from "TGC" that still held basic ideas that you wanted to work with?

I read that some of the episodes were actually supposed to happen, but that they were made differently.

2) Or would those episodes just be considered spilt milk?

Thank you

Greg responds...

1. One way or another, yes. But they were so different, you might not even be aware I was REDOING. For example, if I hadn't told you about the connection, would you recognize "TimeDancer" in "Runaway".

2. Yeah, that too.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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Greg James writes...

Hi there

You have a lot of questions to answer already so I'll try to be brief but I doubt I'll succeed.
How did the Gargoyles series come to Disney? Did you aproach them?
Also, Disney has cancelled some fantastic shows in the past, what was the reason for them cancelling Gargoyles, and will it ever come back in series or movie form?

On www.imdb.com there is a Gargoyles movie with the date 1999 on it but no other info? Which one is this?

Lastly, I think we should storm the Disney execs and get them to release the Gargoyles series and movies on Special edition DVD'S! Sometimes I just can't understand their thinking!


Greg responds...

I was already working for Disney as a development executive when my team and I created and developed the show.

As to why it was cancelled and whether it will come back...

I've answered that so many times. Did you even glance at the archives?

Briefly, it was cancelled because the syndication package was complete and the third season (on ABC) performed poorly in the ratings. And I do hope it will come back and am working conscientiously to bring it back.

I don't know what imdb.com is. So I have no response to that question.

"Storming" isn't such a good idea. But petitions wouldn't hurt. But I'll tell you, the best thing you can do is to attend the Gargoyles convention this June in Los Angeles. If we get a high enough attendance, we'll invite the Disney Execs and let them see first hand what a huge following the series has.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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demona writes...

if the show where to come back on the air would u be appart of the show ?

Greg responds...

I got that.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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demona writes...

what i ment was S.O.G.(save our gargoyles)? sorry did'nt finish last question

Greg responds...

I got that.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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save our gargoyles writes...

hi have u herd of my group S.O.G.?

Greg responds...

Sort of. I think I saw a mention of it in the Comment Room, right?

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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demona writes...

i herd from someone that there was some consideration for geting the show back on is that true?

Greg responds...

There is no official plan for that at this time. But I have hopes, and I am pursuing those hopes on at least three fronts. One way everyone can help is by attending (or supporting) the annual gargoyles convention: THE GATHERING. This year's convention is in Los Angeles. We have over twenty-five guests scheduled to appear from the cast and crew of the show, including Star Trek's Marina Sirtis (the voice of Demona) as well as the voice actors who portrayed Brooklyn, Owen, Broadway, Lexington, Hudson and Angela, among others. We also have many members of the crew coming. Artists, directors, producers, composer, etc. And we're not done recruiting guests. You really don't want to miss this.

And if our attendance goal of 500 is reached, we'll be bringing current Disney execs to the con, to give them a sense of JUST WHAT they're missing, by not putting Gargoyles back on the air.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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John writes...

Hi Greg,
At first, I like to wish you a happy Xmas. Now the question:
If Gargoyles ever gets back (and I hope so), will you get in more things for the older fans, like love scenes and things like that?
CU, John
P.S.: Is it allowed to ramble about The Goliath C`s?

Greg responds...

I suppose it's allowed to ramble about Goliath Chronicles, but I'd prefer you didn't.

As to your question, John, it sorta depends what you mean. If you mean sex scenes, than obviously not. If you mean will we deepen the budding romances between various characters, than yes.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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GuardianX writes...

Are there any plans at all to continue Gargoyles? A movie, picked up by another station, has Disney come to its senses?

Also, if the show had continued, what was the direction the Goliath/Elisa thing was going to go?


Greg responds...

Check the appropriate archives.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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demona writes...

GREG DO U THINK if the show would have continued that there would be vmore romance? if so who would be together?

Greg responds...

Always, there is romance.

Anything else would be telling.

Response recorded on December 21, 2000

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JADE writes...

Percent-age wise what's the chace of Gargoyles coming back on the air. Is they do come back will the Gargoyle voices still be the same? Will add any new Gargoyles? If so what might be their names? Would it be a female or a male?

Greg responds...

I see no point in trying to quantify this thing. But down the long haul, I think the odds are good that the show will come back. In the short term, not good at all.

If it comes back and I'm in charge we'll be using as many of the original cast as we feasibly can.

There will be some new characters, I'm sure. A lot depends on what form the bring back comes in.

Response recorded on December 21, 2000

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JADE writes...

Do you have any plans for the future as far as trying to get the Gargoyles back on the air? I mean have you talked to anyone within the last year or so about it? If so or not what do you think the % is of haveing Gargoyles come back on? If they were to come back on would you re-play sesons one and two and make up a new third seson, or keep the third seson the way it was?

Greg responds...

I am working conscientiously toward getting the Gargoyles Universe going again. I'm not in a positition to discuss details at this time. But I'm attacking the problem on multiple fronts with multiple people. (I know this sounds like vague baloney, but it's not.)

As I've mentioned recently, I haven't decided what to do about Goliath Chronicles, but my current leaning (and that's all it is) is to dump those episodes, and use the internet to handle any questions that arise out of that decision.

Response recorded on November 17, 2000

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JADE writes...

Hey Greg!
Um, I was just wondering, I heard a rumor at school that Gargoyles would start back up again of Kids WB, is that true? My freind said she heard it on her T.V., on the Disney Channel---is that true? (I don't have the Disney Channel) I hope so!

Greg responds...

No. Sorry.

Response recorded on November 15, 2000

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demona writes...

just information from the inside i have a clan of my own they are me demona anglia titanya and elisa aney information would help in our quest and i bet u have herd this befor i will not give up i never have given up on aneything in my life and i will not stop now

Greg responds...

Uh, great.

(Was there a question in there?)

Response recorded on November 13, 2000

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John writes...

Hi Greg,
Well, you have understood me wrong in my last question. I`ve ask you about what spin-off you would choose, if there is too less money, and you could only create one. You thought, I meant even to less for one. But I don´t meant that. I meant, there is only enough money for ONE spin-off show. So you could create one with all the voice actors, special efects etc., but only ONE. So, Which one would you choose?
Hope, now you´ve undertsood me.
CU, John

Greg responds...

Yes. Now I understand.

Right now, it feels like the answer is 2198, because I'm immersed in that. But honestly, I don't care. I just want to get back into these characters, this universe. I'll take anyway in that I can get.

Response recorded on November 13, 2000

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John writes...

Hi Greg,
Lets say, you get the show back, but Disney (or whoever got the show then) says, you could only make one of your spinoff shows, because of a verry low budget. Which one would you take?
CU, John
P.S.: Thanks for the awnsering of the question with the Wyvern-Gargoyle.

Greg responds...

Wait... the one spin-off will have a very low budget? So I'm making my decision based on which show would work the best on the least money?

That's not a fun hypothetical even if I liked hypotheticals.

Which I don't. Sorry.

Response recorded on November 10, 2000

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demona writes...

greg do u want to get the show back

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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Alexandra Freeberg writes...

please let gargoyles be back on the air i will do aney thing e-mail me at avalon@rome.com

Greg responds...

I'd do nearly anything myself. But I don't control the property. Again, Alexandra, if you really want to help than PLEASE attend the GATHERING 2001 in Los Angeles.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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John Edward writes...

Hey Greg,...I am a Gargoyles Fan, and i wanna know about some future proyect, you know, like a movie or more Chapters of the serie......Thanx a million

Greg responds...

There's a live-action movie in development at Touchstone Pictures (a division of the Walt Disney Company). I hope to bring the series back in one form or another some day. And I'm working to that end.

The best way you can help is by attending the Gathering 2001 in Los Angeles.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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Aaron E. writes...

Thanks for answering all out questions Greg, mine is somewhat production related. I'm not real familiar with the way Disney handles it's licenses, but It's occured me (and perhaps a hundred others I'm sure) that the possibility exist to see if the License for Gargoyles could be sold to another studio, such Warner Brothers, or Paramount. While the inherent dangers exist of production control being in flux, it might be a start to possibly getting Gargoyles back on the air. Any thoughts on that? Thanks :)

Greg responds...

I think it's beyond unlikely.

First off, I doubt Warners would want it. (And Paramount doesn't even have a studio.) But also, Disney doesn't risk letting others be succesful with their animated product. They'd look too foolish.

Response recorded on November 02, 2000

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chris writes...

why don't you make more gargole shows i really enjoyed them please repond at cobra89y@aol.com

Greg responds...

Suddenly, we've got either a whole new set of fans here, or else one person with a lot of aliases.

Anyway, see my last few responses.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Cjay writes...

I was just wondering if you are going to make any more gargoyels its one of my favorite shows please keep making them

Greg responds...

I hope to some day.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Damien writes...

Disney Channel UK has just introduced Toon disney UK and tahat means gargoyles is back on in the UK!!! And instead of being on in the middle of the night, they're showing two episodes a day at 6:00. Who know's with the Friday the 13th gargoyles marathon in America and gargoyles returning to televisions in the UK, that we may someday see new gargoyles episodes on our telvision screens.

Greg responds...

I hope so. Keep the faith, offer praise when Disney does something with the show. And attend the Gathering!!

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Selen writes...

im a big fan of yours and i love gargoyles. im begging you to please make more. i get addicted to watching them like when i read Harry Potter books.(BIG compliment)i like mermaids and gargoyles. i wish i could give you a suggestion but i want you to read this. i will never see, ever have any of your merchandise (i do want some though), but i want to tell you that i love the work. keep new gargoyles coming on tv.

Greg responds...

Thanks. Unfortunately, Disney isn't making anymore right now. But some day...

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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