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Bringing Gargoyles Back

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joe c. writes...

I would like to know when will the "Gargoyles" series be on tv again.

Greg responds...

So would I.

Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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Cyberwolf writes...

I dont know if any body knows this but DVD Animania has aGargoyles petition going on, right now they have about 220 signatures. If were ever going to see any gargoyles dvd's theyre going to need a lot more so please help.

Greg responds...

Uh, a link might have helped.

But thanks for helping me spread the word. Everybody, please, sign up!!

Response recorded on July 24, 2000

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Laura aka 'ad astra' writes...

Glad to see Ask Greg running again! I had downloaded the old archives, (or most of them) sometime last year. I checked periodically and it seemed the page was down. I gave up on the Ask Greg page and only checked it again on a lark. It took me weeks to read through everything!

Oh, a question-

You seem to have a much more optimistic view on the series coming back then when last I checked in. Has something changed? To be more precise- Before you seemed to say "long shot at best for the series in any form, even the live action movie seems dead". Now the movie doesn't sound dead, and the long term revival hopes good, (lost the quote, sorry). I am much heartened, and almost as curious.

I have many more questions to follow, but for now I want to say thank you for doing this, and thanks to Gorebash for running it.

Greg responds...

The movie isn't a lost cause. It hasn't progressed an inch really, but normally after this much time that would result in its death. They'd give up. But they absolutely haven't given up. In fact, they've just hired a NEW writer. Touchstone/Disney REALLY, REALLY wants to make this movie. So that keeps me optimistic. (And the success of X-Men doesn't hurt either.)

I don't love that Toon Disney is editing episodes and refuses to air "Deadly Force". But they ARE airing the show about twice a day. That gives me hope.

I haven't given up in any way, shape or form. I'm still in there trying to come up with ways to bring the show back in some, well, way, shape or form. In fact, I've got a new nefarious plan in the works now with Doug Murphy, a former GARGOYLES (and BAD GUYS) storyboard artist. Too soon to talk about now, but give me time.

The response here at ASK GREG is overwhelming. That means fan interest still exists. And I'm VERY heartened by the continuing success of the GATHERINGS. That gives me hope.

In fact, people ask me what they can do to help bring the show back, and what has become clear to me is that the best single way a fan can help is by attending one or more GATHERINGS. Aside from the sheer FUN FACTOR of the convention, it is the raw numbers in attendance that will help me prove to the powers that be at Disney that the show is still viable and ready to return. Come to Orlando next month. PLEASE. It's gonna be GREAT. Guests include myself, Thom Adcox, Brad Rader and Greg Guler.

And without doubt, plan to come to next years GATHERING in Los Angeles. I guarantee we will have over twenty members of the cast and crew in attendance. And if the fan attendance numbers are big enough, we will bring Disney Execs and show them first hand the opportunity they are missing out on. Do NOT MISS THAT ONE if you want to see the show back on the air.

Response recorded on July 18, 2000

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Bubbles writes...

Hey I'm a realy big fan of Gargoyles and I have two questions.
1. I was just wondering if it were true that there is a Gargoyle movie being made?

2. Do you think that Disney or who ever will ever ask you and your crew to make Gargoyles again?

Thanks for you time!

Greg responds...

1. Yes. It's in development at Touchstone pictures. They have a new writer, Simon Kinberg, who should turn in a first draft script in October.

2. I hope so. I think so too.

Response recorded on July 17, 2000

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Jade writes...

Dear Greg,
Thank you so much for responing to my Q's. It really made me feel a lot better to know that my Q's were going to the right place. I've wacthed a few of your Max Steel shows. I think it'll be a great show. But any way on to the Q's.
1. I've looked along the archives and didn't find this question, so here it goes. Is there any way to get the show back up? I've tryed every thing I could thank of! I wrote tons of letters to Buena Vista, and at first they were nice about it then on my, oh I don't know, my tenth letter? They wrote back telling me NOT TO WRITE THEM AGAIN, can you belive that I can't. I've even called Walt Disney, and what about that they put me on hold forever! Okay that felt good getting that of my chest. Anyway if you lost the question it my "ramblings" here it is:

1. Is there any way to get the show back up?
And please don't tell me to look at the archives again. I did't want that to sound rude but it came out rude, sorry.

Greg responds...

1. Uh, did you look at the archive marked "BRINGING GARGOYLES BACK"? I mean I know you asked me not to send you to the archives, but you couldn't have looked very hard. There's an ENTIRE category where I've answered almost every variation of this question.

THe short answer is ATTEND the next two Gatherings. The one in Orlando next month and the one in Los Angeles in the summer of 2001. The best way to get the show back is to prove to Disney that the fandom is huge, intense and ready to spend money on the show. Attend the Gatherings and get as many of your friends to attend with you as possible.

Response recorded on July 11, 2000

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Blaise writes...

An addendum to my thoughts on DEADLY FORCE:

I share your anger and dismay that Toon Disney is being so small-minded about this. Maybe now's the time to mention something I posted here earlier but was lost in one of the MUCH earlier "no questions in the queue" (sp?) glitch.
I have compiled a list of many of Toon Disney's edits to "Gargoyles" so that I may write a letter protesting each of them. Unfortunately, I don't have the address. Where do I send this letter?

Also, do you think it would be a good idea to use "hot-button" words, such as "offensive" (ie, "I find your edits offensive")?

Greg responds...

I don't have the address, but it can't be that hard to find. Have you looked in TV GUIDE? Or for that matter, on the net?

As for "offensive", it depends on your context, I guess. If you say something like, "I'm sure you're making these edits because you're afraid to offend some people. But I actually find the edits themselves offensive." Then it's probably all right. But I'd tend to keep the "dialogue" professional. NOT CONFRONTATIONAL. They'll just respond better. If you can make the point that not airing DEADLY FORCE is wrong-headed, and clearly explain why, it wouldn't hurt.

Response recorded on July 10, 2000

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Padraic Dewey writes...

Greg -- I notice you had (almost) nothing to do with THE GOLIATH CHRONICLES. May I commend you on your good fortune? I found TGC to be nauseatingly preachy, simplistic, and heavy-handed. (Yes, I'm aware those terms overlap.) On with the questions:

1) Anything in the works for you now? I like your style, and would love to see more of it.
2) Since Toon Disney is now airing Gargoyles and TGC, are you aware of any (remote as may be) possibility of more shows being produced? Doubtful (as ALL get out), I know, but I figured...

Greg responds...

1. I'm basically unemployed at the moment, except for a teaching gig through UCLA EXTENSION. I've been working on a live-action screenplay with my brother on spec. Otherwise, I've gone to a lot of meetings. But nothing's happened yet.
2. Not in the short term.

Response recorded on July 10, 2000

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Carissa writes...

Hey Greg,

I love the gargoyles and I realy miss them. I havent missed a day of them since I found out the were on toon disney. I just want to ask if Gargoyles on a scale between 1-10, 10 being the highest, will be coming back anytime in the near future?
And what's this talk of the gargoyle movie?
Please write back thanks.

Greg responds...

Define "near" future? Like in the next couple years. I'd give it a zero chance. Cuz it ain't in production and it takes time to launch (or relaunch) any show. If you mean sometime, than I think the chances go up to eight or so.

Touchstone is developing a live action film based on the gargoyles. They've been at it for years. They haven't given up. But they haven't put it into production either.

Response recorded on June 29, 2000

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Stephen R. "Coldstone" Sobotka, Jr. writes...

Greetings Greg!

To reply to you answer on my "Max Steel" question on 2-23-200:

Some time ago - around mid-1980's or so - Tonka (or Mattel) released a toy line called "Max Steel's Robo-Force"; basicly a series of cylindrical, claw-armed robots whose major gimick was you could attach them to any flat surface via a suction-cup. They had good guys and bad guys, and I assumed there was to be a show made for them, but the toy line never really took off. (This was during the time when shows like "Transformers", "GoBots" and the like were very popular.)

Now for a question:

If you've ever read the book "Planet X" (a Star Trek:TNG/X-Men crossover novel) then you should understand this query: If you ever got around to writing novels or making a graphic novel with Gargoyles in it, would you ever consider doing a crossover story that pits the Gargoyles with another group of characters from another licensed universe of characters (with the creator's permission of course)?

P.S. - Here's to seeing you in Orlando (if I'm lucky enough to get down there). Maintain and Check Six!

Greg responds...

Hey, Stephen, hope to see you right back.

I've never read Planet X. Frankly, it sounds awful. I can't think of two universes less suitable for crossover than Trek and X-Men. As for whether I'd consider it... the answer is maybe. First, I'd love the chance just to be doing garg stuff sans crossovers. (I've got enough ideas to crossover on my own, including New Olympians, Bad Guys, Pendragon, etc.) Then it would depend on what universe exactly we were trying to cross with. Some might be good fits. Some would not. Then the method of crossover would matter too.

As for Max Steel, it sounds like that's where Mattel got access to the name. Nothing else similar. And I'd never heard of it.

Response recorded on June 21, 2000

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Tigris Euphrates writes...

Forgive me if someone's asked this before...
I enjoy writing fanfiction, and I've had lot of my voluminous writing printed and shared them with friends. They're all encouraging me to try and get it published. What is Disney/ABC/whoever's policy about publishing fan writing. I know Paramount makes a KILLING on it - every bookstore these days has a whole section for fanfiction in print. I know I'm not the only die-hard GARGOYLES fanwriter who'd like to submit their work for printing, too. It also makes sense to try and bolster public interest in the show until the movie is released and whatever other plans are in the making (if any) for GARGOYLES. Where would recommend we start looking?
(http://gargoyles.web.com - Ladyartemis@cybergal.com)

Greg responds...

Hey, you tell me! If Disney is interested in printing original Gargoyle stories, I hope they come to me first. (Which puts us in competition, I guess.) As far as I know, however, there is no interest currently.

Also, I don't think that what you see on bookshelves is STAR TREK "fanfiction". Though it may seem like it, these are all books written by "professional writers" commisioned by Paramount and/or its licensees. By definition, that ain't fanfiction.

Response recorded on June 20, 2000

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