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Blizzard Sprite writes...

Hello. I'm a first time poster on this site, though I've been browsing it for months, reading the archives so I don't ask an already answered question. I had seen sporadic episodes of Gargoyles when I was much younger, and so I never got to enjoy the benefits of the continuing and developing storylines. It wasn't until I actually watched the entire Gargoyle series over the summer on DVR on Disney that I got finally understood my sister's pure delight in the fantastic franchise. When looking for more information on Gargoyles, I came across this place. My question really pertains to characterization of a few characters, though I’ll submit the other questions separately so this isn’t constrewed as posting one question with separate topics.

One aspect of the Gargoyles series that really stands out is the diversity of the characters in terms of ethnicity. One of the main characters, Eliza, is of African American and Native American descent. I think that was one of the factors that made the series so good. The show was definitely progressive in that aspect.

1. I was wondering if there were any challenges in pitching a show whose main human character was of color?
2. Were there certain things that you weren’t allowed to do, or topics that were generally avoided, such as active discrimination and racism against Eliza or any of the other characters of color on the show?
3. Was there any doubt amongst yourself or perhaps the channel executives that Caucasian viewers would be unable to relate to a protagonist of color?

I understand the question might come off as offensive, but I do ask out of genuine interest.

Thank you for your time, Mr. Weisman.

Greg responds...

1. Nope. No problem. When we pitched the series, Elisa was Elisa Chavez and Hispanic. Then we cast Salli Richardson and altered her ethnicity to match Salli's. But there were never any challenges about either Elisa Chavez or Elisa Maza.

2. Nope. Though we preferred to address those things metaphorically, i.e. from the Gargoyles/Humans perspective, as opposed to Black/White or whatever.

3. Nope. Never crossed my mind.

Response recorded on December 02, 2010

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Charisma82 writes...

Did Matt ever tell Elisa that he was a member of the Illuminate? I ask because in the episode Revelations Matt says that it didn’t pay to keep Elisa in the dark about things (speaking about the incident with the Dracons in The Silver Falcon). After going on and on about how they should trust each other in the episode Revelations, it would seem contradictory of what Matt had just been through to not tell Elisa. But then, maybe he has his reasons to keep it a secret. Care to shed some light on the subject?

Thank you for your time and all that you do,


Greg responds...

I do not care to shed light on the subject.

Response recorded on October 19, 2010

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Purplegoldfish writes...

Hi Greg, this is a rather silly question...

I was watching the "Avalon" trilogy the other day, and it came to the part where King Arthur, Elisa, and the Magus arrived at Oberon's Palace after Arthur is awakened. Elisa introduces Arthur to Goliath and the others, and Arthur comments that he needs someone to tell him "what is going on".

So, here's the thing...I find it hard to believe that neither Elisa nor the Magus gave Arthur any background info on the walk back from the Hollow Hill. Were they talking at all? ( I know if I were personally taking a hike with King Arthur, I would be embarassed to say anything dumb and would just cast sidelong glances at him awkwardly lol).

Greg responds...

I imagine Arthur was largely still in recovery mode from a LONG sleep.

There may have also been some delaying tactics on the part of Elisa and the Magus as they struggled to figure out exactly how to explain everything.

Mostly, my answer is "Use your imagination!" ;)

Response recorded on October 14, 2010

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Algernon writes...

Hey again Greg,
This question kinda came to me out of nowhere earlier and I tried searching the archives to see if it had already been touched on. To my suprise it doesn't seem to have come up so I'll ask it here. Did Elisa ever have a partner before Matt and if so, whatever happened to him/her?

Greg responds...

I'm sure she had at least a couple of partners over the years. But she was definitely a solo act when we first met her.

Elisa's backstory is definitely worth exploring, but I'm not going to do it here at Ask Greg.

Response recorded on September 21, 2010

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Night Angel writes...

Hi Greg I'm sure you've heard this plenty of times but I am a huge fan of the gargoyles!! One day I'm hoping to become a film editor in the future, maybe even own my own movie set! So if your ever looking for an editor sometime in the future look me up, I would love to work with you! Also I been searching and I wasn't able to find this question so I hope you haven't been asked this yet. But I've always wondered I know it obvious that Elisa and Goliath will end up being together some how, but how does Angela feel about Elisa as possibly becoming a future step mom? Would she see her in that way?

Greg responds...

I have answered this before, so you might check the archives for more detail, but basically Angela views Elisa as an older sister. That wouldn't change. But if you've read the comics, you know Angela ALREADY considers Elisa to be Goliath's mate (more or less).

Response recorded on August 16, 2010

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Kat writes...

Hey greg, what race is Elisa's family? I mean seriously, this is bothering me in the worse way. Her mother seems..black, her brother is definitely black, her father is Native American(?), and Elisa herself seems Hispanic! What's going on here? Their last name is 'Maza', and that sounds awfully Hispanic, but I just don't know....

care to shine some light?

Greg responds...

Elisa's mother Diane is African-American (which most likely means she has some Caucasian in her as well).

Her father Peter is Native American.

She is, therefore, a mix of all of the above.

She's not Hispanic per se, and the name Maza is Native American. It may not be from the correct tribe, but it is at least Native American.

Response recorded on June 07, 2010

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Pixie writes...

All too often in cartoons (specifically nowadays) female characters fall into the role of giggling love interest, counterpart to a male character to eliminate homosexual themes or are just there to fill a demographic. Writers don't seem to know what to do with them after that.

That is why I would like to sincerely thank you for your part in fostering strong female characters like Elisa, Demona and Fox.

Also, what influenced you to write those characters the way you did? Did you have specific females from your past in mind or did you choose character traits from literature and sort of mesh them for a well rounded feel?

Thank you.

Greg responds...

I honestly don't know. I've always liked writing female characters. Two of my first (unfortunately unpublished) projects for DC Comics were Black Canary and Supergirl.

I just try to write honestly for them -- removing as many of my biases as possible -- just as I would for any male character. And the result -- for better or for worse -- is what you have seen...

Response recorded on May 17, 2010

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TZ writes...

Another question...
When Elisa told (or admitted, however you want to look at it) Angela that it was true that Demona was her mother at the end of Sanctuary, was Goliath angry with her? Did they discuss it at all later or did he just let it go? Was he actually relieved to not have to be the one to tell Angela?

Greg responds...

I'm sure he was angry, but she probably convinced him of the obvious: (a) it was obvious and (b) it would have come out eventually and it was better coming from them then from Demona herself. Goliath would have grumbled at first, but known she was right.

Response recorded on May 14, 2010

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TZ writes...

Tana writes...
You Asked:
"Does anyone know if "Maza" means "iron" in any Native American language or dialect?"

According to my book of names (it's got like 20,000 names and their meanings, which is totally cool, especially the Athurian names) Maza blaska, which is a Dakota name means "flat iron." So if it's one of those languages where the adjective comes after the subject, then Maza does infact mean Iron in Dakota. Which interestingly enough adds more irony since Dakota was an early choice for Demona's name. ^_^

And you know that J.R.R. Tolkien claimed that all of his novels were fact...you seen to have the same symptom with the Gargoyles.

Greg responds...
I'm not claiming they're fact so much as acknowledging that sometimes storytelling on this show just seems to click with history, existing legend and with dramatic necessity. It's a rare feeling, and I'm humbled by it. All I'm saying is it sometimes feels like the stories are true somehow somewhere, and all I'm doing is (imperfectly) tapping into them.

But I'm not actually delusional.

Ok, this is TZ now......

I was looking over the archives and was simply amazed by this response of yours, Greg. I have always felt that art (in all forms, from literature to sculptures to music) is discovered, not created. I subscribe to that theory because there are such famous examples of great work that endure for years, sometimes even centuries. Why would something like Michelangelo's David or Beethoven's 9th remain so popular through the ages? I think it's because those pieces already existed and were "discovered" by those artists, because certain works like theirs touch us so deeply. When one of us "finds" that piece of art, and shares it, it seems to strike something in all of us. I think creativity is God's alone, but I think He gives some of us a gift to find or tap into (as you've put it) something He's already created that reveals a great truth or lesson or feeling. Anyway, just a ramble of mine to share based on something I was amazed to see here. I'm not sure if I got my point across to others (I found it really hard to put this into words) but I think you get it. Thanks for "discovering" more great art for us all!

Greg responds...

You're welcome. Glad you get what I'm getting at, more or less.

Response recorded on May 13, 2010

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Stanley dean cowens writes...

Pardon me if this question has been asked before. I've checked the archives and haven't seen it asked,but I could have missed it due to their being a lot of material to go over. In a Long Way To Morning" Demona attacks Elisa in her apartment If I remember correctly. I was wondering how she knew were Elisa lived? If she found out that she was still alive in city of stone why she didn't try to attack her again at her apartment or would you have had her try to assault her again at her apartment,but never got the chance because of what happened with season 3?

Greg responds...

Finding out where someone lives isn't really that difficult. In fact, it's so easy, I'm not that interested in how Demona found out.

As for why she didn't take further advantage of the info, there are a number of reasons, including other priorities, the fact that it didn't work the first time and... well, I'll stop there.

Response recorded on May 13, 2010

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TZ writes...

I was wondering something, and I know you don't like hypotheticals, but I wondered if you gave this any thought: Had Goliath and Demona stayed together in the 20th century, would he have still fallen in love with Elisa? Or would his love for Demona overshadow anything he could have felt for Elisa? I ask this because I wonder if Goliath and Elisa are a meant-to-be kind of thing (in your Gargs universe), and their love was inevitible, or was it only relative to Goliath not having someone (i.e. Demona)? Here's another way of looking at it as well: would he have fallen in love with someone else had he not met Elisa and things still went bad between him and Demona? Thanks for your time, and can't wait to hear your thoughts on the matter...I'm kinda hoping for a rant! :D But I totally understand if this is too hypothetical...I guess I just wondered if you ever thought about it. Thanks a lot!

Greg responds...

I don't know about "meant to be" but I don't think it was inevitable that Goliath would fall in love with SOMEBODY given the deterioration of his relationship with Demona. Gargoyles mate for life, and Goliath's love for Elisa is a rare exception. I do think of it as something special. Not simply a result of her filling a slot. As for your initial question, it's largely too broad a hypothetical for me. But if Goliath and Demona were happy, and she wasn't trying to kill the human race, then no, I doubt Goliath would have ended up with Elisa.

Response recorded on April 26, 2010

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taylor writes...

Is golaith and ilsisa ever goig to be together.

Greg responds...

Aren't they now?

Response recorded on April 21, 2010

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Random Fan writes...

I'm realy nervous to ask you this because I realy dont like showing my perverse side to people I respect, but I've already asked one perverse question so I might as well ask another, even if this one is more blunt then the other.
Is Elisa a virgin?
There I asked it!

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 31, 2010

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Random Fan writes...

Sorry for asking so many questions. I hope you've at least found them interesting. Any way, on to the next one I want to ask you. When Grandmother healed Elisa was that realy just the plants she used that did the trick or was it a little magical intervention supplied by a loophole of some sort?

Greg responds...

I think the former.

Response recorded on March 30, 2010

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

One last question before bed....

From what little we've seen, it seems that Brooklyn and Katana are parents, not just rookery parents. (All those years with just each other would make it seem inevitable. There are no rookery siblings or other parents.) You wrote that Broadway and Angela ~choose~ to raise their children in the gargoyle style. So...

1. Are there currently any clans who have adopted human parenting, like they adopted human naming? Will there be by the future series?

2. Even those choosing to raise children collectively, are their strong human influences to that thought? (For instance, noting a rookery child looks like you.)

3. Am I correct in my assumption that Brooklyn and Katana are more like human parents in that respect?

4. It has been strongly implied that Elisa and Goliath will in some way adopt. Should they raise a child, would it be as individual or collective parents?

More later, (when I can hopefully decipher my handwriting).

Greg responds...

1. We'll have to wait and see.

2. See above.

3. See above.

4. See above.

Response recorded on March 23, 2010

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Aeschylus writes...


I always enjoyed the relationship of MacBeth and Demona on the show for its intensity and sorrow, as well as Xanatos and Fox with their unique understanding of companionship and love. And it makes me think...

With all the love triangles, the magical bonds, the promises, oaths, or senses of duty to consider, which relationship between any set characters of the series were you most passionate about writing and why? What do you think drove that relationship? And do you think it is the simplicity or the strife of that Character Relationship that makes it more appealing to you as a writer and does that opinion change as a viewer?

Greg responds...

I suppose the top relationship in my mind is probably Goliath-Elisa, but truly I'm interested in all of them. And a lot. They're all fascinating to me, for a variety of reasons. Basically, I don't have a standard answer to your questions.

Response recorded on March 15, 2010

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TK writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman,

After Goliath falls in love with Elisa, would her menstrual cycles have any biological effect on him? Yes, I know...that's a very ODD question, to say the least. Thank you, regardless.

Greg responds...

Why would it?

Response recorded on February 17, 2010

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Gargoyle Fan writes...

in Goliath and Elisa's relationship can Hummans mate with Gargoyles.has it done so in the past?

Greg responds...

It depends what you mean by mate. Check the archives for a fuller answer.

Response recorded on December 18, 2009

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Masterdramon writes...

Gargoyles and Politics

I know that you generally like to keep politics out of this site, which is why I hope that this question isn't too out-of-line. All the same, I'm very interested in the role that politics plays in the "Gargoyles" universe.

What, generally, are Elisa's political views? Does she belong to a particular political party? And does she discuss politics with the Manhattan Clan at all?

For that matter, how politically literate are the various members of the Manhattan Clan, particularly Goliath and Lexington? Do they read any political texts? For that matter, does Hudson ever catch "60 Minutes" or any similar shows on television? How much do Elisa's political views (assuming that she shares them with the Clan at all) color their political viewpoints?

I'd also be greatly interested in any information you would be willing to share regarding the politics of other human characters in the series, most particularly Xanatos, Fox, Matt, Renard, and especially Macbeth. For that matter, what does Demona think of human politics (I expect that I can guess the answer to this one, but still)? :)

If you can't tell, this is coming from a prospective Politics major who to some degree or another views all things through a political lens. If you wish to leave these things up to the viewer then I would completely understand, but any information at all would be tremendously appreciated.

Thank you very much for your time, and I eagerly await the widespread release of the two remaining Trade Paperbacks. I've been trying to spread word of them (and of the DVDs) in the Comments section of Gargoyles-related YouTube videos; every little bit helps, I hope.

Greg responds...

Based purely on stereotypes of ethnicity and labor and location, I'd guess Elisa's a democrat.

I don't think politics is something that would attract Lex's attention much. I would think that Hudson, who prefers Celebrity Hockey to 60 Minutes, would feel lost rather quickly in political discussions. Goliath is all about the classics. I don't think Elisa's proselytizing much.

Xanatos seems like a likely Republican. At least fiscally. (Don't really see him or Fox as social conservatives.) Matt must be a Dem. Renard is probably a Republican. Macbeth... I don't think he's an American citizen. Demona... come on.

Response recorded on November 25, 2009

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Geoff writes...

Is Elisa's hair really blue?

Greg responds...

No. It's black. See the archives for a more detailed explanation of why in cartoons and comics we use blue highlights for black hair.

Response recorded on October 28, 2009

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Anonymous writes...

You stated that, when in response to Elisa and Goliath having kids, "Elisa could never be pregnant with Goliath's child without assistance from science or magic. I've already stated that I don't see them going that way."

I was wondering, what makes you think Elisa wouldn't want to use magic or science to carry Goliath's child?

Elisa seemed happy and esily adjusted to her as a gargoyle during "The Mirror". She even hinted this at the ending of the very episode, thus you can see my confusion.

Greg responds...

I don't think that's what she was hinting.

Response recorded on October 23, 2009

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STEPHANIE writes...


Greg responds...

My high school Spanish is pretty rusty...

"My question is the [?]: [??] posible that Goliath will be transformed to human for [??] with Elisa and [??] reality... ugh, I give up.

I'm afraid I can't be sure enough of your question to answer it well...

Response recorded on October 09, 2009

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K writes...

Dear Greg,

I was reading through the archives just a moment ago, when a question occured to me about Demona and her actions during "The Reckoning." You stated that the reason Thailog did not clone Angela was that he did not have the opportunity to get her DNA at that point because Demona controlled the release of the mosquito that took the blood samples and when Angela was around, she just didn't release it. But she DID release it when Elisa was around (hence Delilah). My question is: Why did Demona, who despises Elisa, want to steal her DNA and clone her? My understanding is that she didn't know Thailog was creating a female replacement for herself, but was cloning Elisa or making a hybrid human-gargoyle part of the plan Thailog and Demona hatched together? If cloning Elisa was part of their plan, what was the purpose of it? What justification did Thailog give Demona to convince her to capture Elisa’s DNA? If cloning her were not part of their plan, why would Demona snatch a blood sample from Elisa?

Greg responds...

Demona controlled the release, but not who the mosquito stung. She released a mosquito once when Elisa AND a few gargoyles were present. She didn't anticipate that Elisa would get bit, nor what Thailog and Sevarius would do with the DNA.

Response recorded on October 02, 2009

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stanley dean cowens writes...

I reading a question someone asked you about if demona and goliath would ever be a couple again and you said no. I was some what unhappy about that development as I was always had hope they would be a couple again at some point. I also find Elisa to be a some what uninteresting character to be honest compared with demona. I know many shows will take into consideration input from the fanbase and bring certain characters back to life,give popular characters with a small amount of screen time more time and so one. I was wondering if you basically have a vision set in stone for your characters or do you ever make any changes in gargoyles or any other show based on fan feed back? I hope this questions does not violate your rules for answering questions,but I was really wondering about what level you take fan input into consideration regarding existing characters and events? Great show and keep up the good work. I'm kind of burnt out on spiderman to be honest,but now that I know you're involved in it I guess I'll have to buy the box sets and check it out.

Greg responds...

Hmmm... I really don't change stories based on fan desires. First off, fans don't all agree on what they want (for example a lot of folks think Elisa is great), and sometimes (like Demona getting back together with Goliath) they want things that just don't make any story sense and would be bad for the property.

On the other hand, I do respond to what the fans respond to. Brooklyn's popularity was probably one of the things that lead me to the creation of TimeDancer.

Response recorded on September 22, 2009

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G2009 Radio Play

G2009 Radio Play - Act Three

Act Three.

Norman Osborn was a fool. So obsessed with the power of science, he kept the Crown of Thorns in this vault as if it was just another souvenir â€" albeit an expensive one â€" to hang upon his wall. But with the Crown and the Spear of Destiny together, I now have the power to force all of humanity to its knees.

These are Christian icons, Demona. Not every human being is a Christian.

Not every human being speaks Latin, but that didn’t stop me from using a Latin spell to turn a city-full of humans to stone. The magic I wield is potent beyond measure. Mine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory. No human may resist. No human will be spared. None will be spared who oppose me. Just look at this fool…

Her name is Obsidiana.

Of course it is. For she wears the mystic Obsidian pendant fashioned by human sorcerers. Even that is enough to put her in my thrall. She has relinquished her gargoyle birthright.

I have relinquished nothing.

Demona waves the Spear of Destiny, and Electro rises and blasts Goliath back into the wall.


Yes, I’m surprised you’re unaffected… since you reek of humanity. The stink of your human whore is in your hair, on your lips, everywhere. And nothing in this world will give me more pleasure, Goliath, than watching your detective on her knees to me, as she draws her service revolver and thanks me with tears of joy in her eyes… before gratefully blowing out her own brains.

(coldly furious)
That will never be.

No? My power expands with every second. I doubt she’s far away.

You will not harm Elisa.

Goliath advances on Demona. Electro blasts away, but Goliath will not be stopped…

No one ever said you weren’t persistent, Goliath. But what do you hope to gain?

(through gritted teeth)
I will turn these forces back upon you.

Impossible. I am the last true gargoyle left on this world. The Crown’s magicks cannot touch me.

So you believe. But I am not the only one who reeks of humanity. Am I… Dominique?!

Goliath grasps the crown. The thorns bite into his hands, drawing blood. They struggle for control of the immense power…

<roaring to the heavens>


Goliath’s intervention â€" and his complete immunity to the Crown’s effects â€" creates the smallest of fluctuation in Demona’s control. In a haze, Spider-Man lifts his arm…


He shoots off a web, yanking the bloody crown from Demona’s head.


There is a massive explosion of mystic energy and light! Demona, Goliath and Electro collapse.



The Spear… the Crown…

Gone. I think they… blew up. Calypso’s gone too. But I’m betting that’s just a talent of hers. And I’d guess she’s taken Kraven and the pussycat with her.

<unconscious moan>

But the Big Bad’s still here…

Leaving behind, as always, nothing but a handful of thorns…

Goliath, Spider-Man and Demona sit. Jonah, Elisa, Matt and George STAND.

While Goliath helps Obsidiana, Spidey webs up Demona, Electro and Ock. In the outer vault, Zafiro and the Trio recover, finding only an unconscious and de-venomed Eddie Brock. Outside, the bad guys have all been beaten. Goblin and Vulture, their tech badly damaged, barely manage to fly away. Carnage and Jupiter are once again Cletus and John.

706. JONAH
I’m here, Johnny. Your old Pop’s here…

707. ELISA

708. MATT
Call an ambulance, Elisa. Old Man Dracon said something about seeing a light. Then he collapsed. A stroke or something. I’ve been giving him C.P.R.

709. ELISA
Matt… Matt! You can stop. Stop. He’s gone.

You’re gargoyles are flying off, Detective.

711. MATT
(breathing hard)
Really? Not sure I see ‘em myself. But is that Spidey web-slinging away?

You think? I must have missed him?

Margot STANDS.

Are you all blind?! They’re right over there!

Oh, give it a rest, Margot…

Elisa, Matt, George, Margot and Jonah sit. Peter, May, Harry and Gwen STAND.

Back at the bus…

716. PETER
I’m back. And not a single decent picture to show for my efforts.

717. MAY
Well, you tried your best, Peter. I’m sure Mr. Jameson will appreciate that.

718. PETER
Oh, yeah. He’s a sweetheart that way.

Emily Osborn watches as her son finally emerges from the bathroom.

720. GWEN

721. HARRY
Hey, Gwen. I feel much better.

Harry, Gwen, Peter and May sit. Jonah and Robbie STAND.

Later that night, at The Bugle…

723. JONAH
Whaddayou mean I can’t publish it?! How else can I make them all pay for what they did to Johnny!

You can’t publish because the authorities refuse to comment. We have no pictures or statements to corroborate a story that includes gargoyles, a dead Green Goblin and everything except the kitchen sink. No one will believe it. I was there, and I don’t believe it! Print this, Jonah, and The Bugle becomes the next Daily Tattler.

725. JONAH
Ms. Brant, call the bomb squad. BECAUSE I’M ABOUT TO EXPLODE!!

Jonah and Robbie sit. Gwen, Peter, Kong, Curt, Harry, EMILY OSBORN and Mary Jane STAND.

Later still, aboard OsCorp’s private jet en route to Miami…

727. GWEN
I still can’t believe we ran into you in the airport parking lot, Doctor Connors.

728. PETER
Yeah, and we’re so sorry you got mugged.

729. KONG
Dude, they took your shoes?! That’s hilarious! <laughs>

730. CURT
Yes, well, I just really appreciate the ride back to Florida…

731. HARRY
Anytime, Doctor C. Anytime.

732. EMILY
Harry, could I have a moment… in your father’s office?

733. HARRY
Uh, sure, Mom.

Curt, Kong and Gwen sit.

Pete, help.

735. PETER
What’s wrong?

Tiny. Cute enough, but it’s like talking to a tree stump.

737. PETER
Tried to warn you.

Just say we’ll spend the week as a threesome, okay, Tiger.

739. PETER

Not that kind of threesome.

Mary Jane and Peter sit.

Meanwhile, Harry follows his mother Emily into the jet’s private office.

742. EMILY
I know you were playing at being the Goblin, Harry.

743. HARRY
What?! Mom, that’s crazy! I was in the bathroom…

744. EMILY
Don’t lie to me, baby. You hired the worst chauffer in the city to delay our progress. You had a secret hatch installed in the bus bathroom, so you could slip in and out undetected. And you left a pre-recorded “vomit tape” with voice recognition software. All very impressive for a sixteen-year-old. But you need to understand… the Green Goblin is not what your father wanted for you.

745. HARRY
I have no idea what Dad wanted for me…

746. EMILY
Then let him tell you…

She slips a DVD into the computer and Norman Osborn appears on screen…


Harry, my son. If you are watching this, then I am dead. And I have instructions…

Norman, Emily and Harry sit. Big Man, Blackie and SHARI STAND.

Meanwhile at the Big Man’s office, he and Blackie Gaxton are visited by Shari, a young woman wearing a pendant depicting an eye atop a pyramid…

750. BIG MAN


752. SHARI
Nine. Any problems?

753. BIG MAN
Not particularly. Ms. Destine was ready to believe I could find Dracon and the others useful.

And that faux Goblin was happy to believe I’d been fooled into thinking he was the real thing.

Blackie removes his false face, revealing that he is actually the Chameleon in disguise.

Just as he was happy to believe I was the real Blackie Gaxton. But I’m still not sure why the Society wanted all this…?

757. SHARI
Isn’t it enough to know the Illuminati appreciates your efforts?

CHAMELEON and Big Man sit. THAILOG, BRENTWOOD, Homunculus #1, Homunculus #2 And Homunculus #3 STAND.

Shari leaves Lincoln’s office and pulls out her cellphone…

759. SHARI
Dial Nightstone Unlimited.

Alexander Thailog.

761. SHARI
The Spear? The Crown?

Waiting for you to send to Duval.

Brentwood capture little robot. Use it to control other little robots. When bright light shine, robots take spear and crown.

764. SHARI

What should we do with the Homunculi?

766. SHARI
Set them free. Maybe they’ll get their own series some day.

Free, free, set them free…

On basic cable and DVD…

Jazz hands!

Homunculus #3, Homunculus #2, Homunculus #1, Shari, Thailog and Brentwood sit. Elisa and Goliath STAND.

At the castle, Elisa’s cell rings.

771. ELISA
Maza… Yeah, Captain Stacy said you might call. Sure, he’s right here.

She hands the phone to Goliath, who doesn’t quite know how to hold it. She takes it back and puts the call on speaker.


Spider-Man STANDS.

Hey, Goliath. It’s your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.

You protect your… neighborhood.

Just like you do the super-hero thing without the tights.

Spider-Man, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Hey, I was just gonna say that. You saw that movie too?


780. ELISA
God, I love you… <kiss>

Elisa, Goliath and Spider-Man sit. Kafka STANDS.

And finally â€" yes, finally â€" we end where we began. In the offices of Dr. Ashley Kafka at Ravencroft. She’s on the phone to her Board of Directors.

782. KAFKA
After all that tsuris, little has changed. Otto and Eddie are still disassociative. Max still needs a cure, and John still wants power. Cletus? He just keeps repeating, “I got a taste now,” over and over. Yes, we lost Dominic, I’m afraid. But we do have a new patient…

Dominique STANDS.

…Dominique Destine.

Just wait until the sun goes down…

Dominique and Kafka sit.

The End.


NEXT: I finally get back to answering questions...

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