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Hey! I'm a recent gargoyles fan (and am currently obsessed), and I actually have a couple of questions about the comics.
1) If you were to ever adapt the comics into a cartoon or a comic dub/radio play, for the comic exclusive gargoyles, like Katana and Gnash, who would your dream cast be for their voices?
2) Also, have you ever thought about adding onto the comic series after "Phoenix", or do you feel like the Clan Building arch is good where it was left and it would be good to move on to a new chapter of the Gargoyles saga?
1. I've learned not to answer that in advance of actual casting. You can't always get the person you're thinking of, and I prefer not to make the actor who actually helps bring the character to life to feel like a second choice.
2. I've been DYING to make more Gargoyles comics and have been trying to sell Disney on the idea ever since.
I've recently rewatched Awakening, and the scene where Goliath tells Demona that she can't kill an enemy unless it is "in the heat of battle" sparked a question in me: as of Phoenix, which members of the Manhattan Clan have actually killed someone?
Most have, in battle, in the tenth century. Angela hasn't. Egwardo hasn't. Nashville hasn't. Maybe Lex & Broadway haven't. But that seems unlikely/unrealistic.
Oh, and if you're counting her, Elisa hasn't.
Hello! Big Gargoyles fan here! I want to ask about Katana, Nashville, and Fu-Dog! This is probably be too spoiler-y, but I'm gonna give it a shot.
1.) We don't much about Katana as a character. Are there details you can give to the fans about her personality, her interests, her quirks, etc.? You described Brooklyn and Katana's relationship as a Sam-Diane, Bertrand-Beatrice thing, so I imagine Katana being a lot of more serious than the wise-cracking Brooklyn, which probably why the had conflict. Being raised in the way of Bushido, I also imagine she's honorable and from what we've seen from her appearance in the comics, she's very protective over Egwardo (Taichi).
2.) Nashville is about 10 in human years, and 20 in gargoyle years, right? He's really young, though, no matter how you look at it. I find it a little hard to imagine Brooklyn and Katana allowing him on dangerous missions. I think he is quite skilled, but are there any limitations they set for their son?
3.) Katana and Gnash are both bilingual. What's their speech pattern like? Gnash seems more like Brooklyn in personality, so his way of speaking is probably similar to his father. I imagine Katana being more formal with her words. When they speak, do they string English and Japanese words in a sentence? Does Katana speak solely in Japanese sometimes when speaking to Gnash?
3.) Fu-Dog is Brooklyn's first companion in his TimeDancer adventures. What kind of personality does he have, besides being fiercely loyal to Brooklyn? Is he similar to Bronx or dissimilar?
1. I think you mean Beatrice-Benedick. But beyond that, I'm not saying anything. You'll have to wait to see her in execution, hopefully in future comics.
2. When we first meet Nashville, he's 19-years-old chronologically. Ten-years old biologically. I'm sure B&K set limitations for their son, but by necessity, since they didn't want to risk leaving him behind while TimeDancing, they kept him close, even if close meant he was occasionally in danger.
3. Again, this is about execution. I'm not going to preempt myself.
4. No spoilers.
I just realized that the second question I asked two days ago (about how Tom got from Avelon to Manhatten) is REALLY stupid...for some reason I was misremembering the entire situation and was thinking Tom went to Manhatten AFTER Goliath and co. got back from their trip (which makes absolutly no sense now that I remember correctly)...OOPS! Sorry. I'm verry much expecting a "Hey stupid, what the heck are you talking about?!" response to that question.
Anyway, since I don't want to clog the que with just an apology for screwing up a previous one, I'll ask a couple of actual questions too, this time regarding Brooklyn and Katana.
1. You once described their relationship as: "there's conflict." Can you elaborate (in a general sense, not specific situations...ie. they bicker a lot, they disagree on many things, ect.)?
2. I know that the real-world reason for Katana's name is the sward, but in-universe, did her clan use names? (Also, I know it's a "spoiler request," but if you feel like saying who gave her the name if it wasn't her clan, that would be awesome -- same for Foo Dog).
3. Were the parallels between the casts of the World Tour and Timedancer (ie. the lead Gargoyle: Goliath/Brooklyn; his mate: Elisa/Katana; the child: Angela/Nashville; and the beast: Bronx/Foo Dog) a deliberate decision or just a coincidence?
4. Has/will Foo Dog ever had/get a mate?
1. Watch Sam and Diane on Cheers or Beatrice and Benedick in Much Ado About Nothing.
2. We've established that the Ishimura Clan uses names. Whether they did back then is a SPOILER REQUEST.
3. More organic than anything. Keep in mind, it's just Brooklyn. Then it's Brooklyn, Finella and Mary. Later it's Brooklyn and Fu-Dog. Later still it's Brooklyn, Fu-Dog and Katana. Later still, it's Brooklyn, Fu-Dog, Katana and an egg. Then Brooklyn, Fu-Dog, Katana and Nashville. Then Brooklyn, Fu-Dog, Katana, Nashville and Egwardo. And that's assuming no one else temporarily joins them for some of the Dancing, a fact I'll neither confirm or deny.
Hi Greg, I'd like to ask how skilled & powerful are Demona and Katana compared to one another? I realize with the comic canceled for now we may never get to see these two in action against eachother, so I'd like to know in your opinion how well the two gargoyle femme fatales would fare against each other one on one. Would it be an even fight or would one dominate the other?
I'm not interested in HYPOTHETICAL QUESTIONS OF PROWESS or in OFFERING UP SPOILERS to my future plans. Sorry.
Hey Greg, first time asking a question. I'm a big fan of the Timedancer series so I've got a question about Katana, Nashville, and Tachi. What are their personalities like? I don't need the general details so a vague anwser or something like that is fine. Thank you.
I'm not going to reveal this in this forum at this time.
I'm kinda going on a question spree now that I have some down time and this is something else that poped into my head that I haven't seen yet. Are Brooklyn and Katana biologicly the same age when they meet?
What inspired you or what ideas came to mind when designing Katana? or did you (as in, was an art director/Greg Guler in charge of her design?)
also, I wanted to ask, as smart as Brooklyn is I doubt he's very fluent in Japanese. I recall (mistake me if I'm wrong) that the Phoenix Gate allows for translations (the reason Goliath, Angela and Elisa could understand people during the World Tour). Would the same standards apply for Brooklyn when me meets Katana and her clan?
I guess I was "in charge" of it, but the designer was Robby Bevard. I just had a basic vision in my head of what she looked like. It seemed way past time for us to see a beaked female gargoyle, and as to her coloring, I have some notions as to her ancestors/descendents that defined that.
One last question before bed....
From what little we've seen, it seems that Brooklyn and Katana are parents, not just rookery parents. (All those years with just each other would make it seem inevitable. There are no rookery siblings or other parents.) You wrote that Broadway and Angela ~choose~ to raise their children in the gargoyle style. So...
1. Are there currently any clans who have adopted human parenting, like they adopted human naming? Will there be by the future series?
2. Even those choosing to raise children collectively, are their strong human influences to that thought? (For instance, noting a rookery child looks like you.)
3. Am I correct in my assumption that Brooklyn and Katana are more like human parents in that respect?
4. It has been strongly implied that Elisa and Goliath will in some way adopt. Should they raise a child, would it be as individual or collective parents?
More later, (when I can hopefully decipher my handwriting).
1. We'll have to wait and see.
2. See above.
3. See above.
4. See above.
Some questions bubbled up in my mind while reading Gargoyles Clan-Building, first about the Timedancer arc.
1)Is Fu-Dogâs gold collar affected by the humility spell?
2)Does Katana speak English? I note that she had no lines in âPhoenixâ and in the non-canon Radio Playâ¦is the reason she doesnât speak because she canât speak English?
3)Somewhat related to question 2, is Brooklyn able to understand the languages of times/places he goes automatically, or does he need to learn them?
1. It's up to him.
2. She speaks English.
3. I haven't fully decided, but I'm leaning toward the Phoenix compensating magically.
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