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I'm back with some questions regarding the skiff Goliath and co. rode arround on during the World Tour.
For the life of me I cannot recall whether they kept the skiff with them in Manhatten or sent it back to Avalon, or if it was ever even shown what happened to it.
1. If they did keep it, would whoever rode it next be taken back to Avalon or resume the World Tour?
2. Also, if they kept it, how did Tom get from Avalon to Manhatten?
3. Kind of a related topic, but if not I'll understand if I have to ask again later...what brought King Arthur's body to Avalon?
It wasn't shown, but you saw what happened to Arthur's skiff. The same thing happened to Goliath's. Since the skiff/Avalon "knew" it was the last stop, it sank away and returned to Avalon. Recycled, don'tcha know.
1. See above.
2. There is, by the way, more than one skiff.
3. A skiff.
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