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Aris Katsaris writes...

I don't believe this breaks the story idea rule. It's a question meant to understand the limits of the "eventually including every myth" idea. Were you planning to include characters from ballads? (Such as Robin Hood, Tamlin or Thomas the Rhymer) From fairy tales such as Alladin? From stories which though not strictly religious would have religious controversy such as Faust?

Greg responds...

Yes. Given enough time and episodes, everything was fair game.

Response recorded on August 23, 1999

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Aris Katsaris writes...

1) Is there faster-than-light travel or faster-than-light communications in the Gargoyles universe? If so, why is Nokkar so isolated from the rest of his species and uninformed about the status of the war?

2) What about technological time-travel? Can it exist? And if yes, has it been discovered by any of the species mainly involved in the space war?

Greg responds...

1. The second part of question 1 has no bearing on the frs part. Whether or not there is faster-than-light travel and/or com doesn't explain or not explain Nokkar's isolation.

2. I don't see why Technology driven time travel can't exist. But I had no immediate specific plans to give it to any of the three main species involved in the space war. Individuals on the other hand....

Response recorded on August 22, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

You mentioned that eventually Vampires would have appeared in the Gargoyles Universe. Would they be "live at night only ala Interview with the Vampire" or would they be more like "extremely weak but can function in daylight ala Bram Stocker's Dracula"?

Greg responds...

At this time, I'd prefer to keep my options open.

Response recorded on August 21, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

1. Which is the oldest of the three races in your mind?
2. In HERITAGE, when Raven in Gargoyle form first introduced himself to Goliath and Angela had five fingers. Later when he again appeared as Gargoyle, he had four fingers. Was this an animation error or was it done on purpose as a sort of hint to Raven's true identity?
3. Who designed the Golem? In all the legends I read of the Maharal's (Rabbi Loew) Golem, he was a huge giant but of Manlike proportions, not like he was in the episode, but more like a taller version of Bane from BATMAN & ROBIN.

Greg responds...

1. Probably the Gargoyles. I know that comes as a surprise. The obvious answer is the Children, but I have this notion that the magic that birthed them needed a longer gestation time.

The Gargoyles, on the other hand, strike me as very symbiotic with the planet. The first sentient race Earth gave birth to. (Well, the second technically, but we're only counting the three that are still hanging in.) In many ways, tragically, their time has clearly passed. Humanity is ascendant. But Gargoyles aren't dead yet. And ironically, though it was largely humans who wiped out their race, it is also humans who will help to save them in the future. Though many will be dragged kicking and screaming toward that destiny.

Response recorded on August 21, 1999

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