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Greg Bishansky writes...

So, I've got to ask.

Does "Hello Megan" have a small but dedicated fanbase that petitions for the series to be released on DVD, that has held at least ten conventions celebrating it with Greg Vietti and Branden Weisman as guests... and which actor from the show drops his pants at conventions?


Greg responds...

"Hello, Megan!" does have a small but dedicated fanbase that petitions for the series to be released on DVD. But no conventions.

Curiously, the president of the "Hello, Megan!" fan club is Edmund Tsabard.

Response recorded on May 22, 2012

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Primrose writes...

Are Superman and Wonder Woman in a relationship on this earth?

Greg responds...

Is it really any of your business? Can't their private lives remain private. ;)

Or if you prefer a serious answer: SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

Response recorded on May 07, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

First I want to say that I love Young Justice but I have few questions
1. Will there be any completly original heroes and/or villians
2. Will there be any character that have only been animated and not in the comics, for example See-More from the Teen Titans series
3. What exactly are rocket's powers
4. Is the team a strictly sidekick team or can idividual teen heroes join
5. We have seen the covert, snow, and regular suits for the team are there any other suits

Greg responds...

1. Terror Twins, anyone?

2. There are certainly characters that originated in cartoons. Can't be sure if they've all made it into the comics or not.

3. Flight and force fields.

4. There are no rules in that sense.

5. There's the 70s disco versions.

Response recorded on April 25, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

In Alpha Male when Brain prepares to escape, he starts dispensing sorts of compartments/tools(?) and then he vanished. Did he teleport or did he simply slip away in the darkness? What happened?

Greg responds...

The world may never know.

Response recorded on March 08, 2012

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The Question writes...

Could you describe every member of The Team in one word (each)?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

who founded the jsa?

Greg responds...

Sheldon Mayer and Gardner Fox, I think.

Response recorded on January 09, 2012

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Another fan writes...

Without spoilers

how would you compare Lex Luthor from earth 16 with David Xanatos?

Greg responds...

Lex has less hair.

Response recorded on November 12, 2011

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Alma writes...

Love this series, it was the best Cartoon show of my childhood and now, almost 30 I am revisiting the series and am finding ALOT of adult humor, situations and no little amount of (sexual) tension between carachters.
I could babble on but I honestly don't have the time to do it now, so I shall ask away...
At what point in Awakening do Goliath and Demona "break-up".
Yes I understand that he figured her dead for 1000 years but once he saw her, wouldn't he feel the same about her?

Look forward to hearing from you, and again, thanks for bestowing the awesomeness that is Gargolyes into our lives!!!!

Greg responds...

There's no one moment, though when she tries to kill him, the relationship really starts to go south.

Response recorded on July 28, 2011

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Grey Wolf writes...

In as far as Brooklyn traveled into the future, did disco ever come back?

Greg responds...

Yes. And went away again.

Response recorded on July 27, 2011

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Algernon writes...

“Schooled” Review



Yo Greg, sorry I’ve kinda fallen behind with these reviews but life sometimes gets in the way. Anyway, I enjoyed this ep a lot. I have to admit I did find Superboy’s anger issues a bit one not in “Welcome to Happy Harbor” even though I did understand why it was so. Lets face it, being raised in a tube by psychic goblins is probably going to leave you a little lacking in social skills. But this ep, (and to a certain extent “Drop-Zone”) has done a great job of letting us see other sides of his character, as well as exploring the underlying reasons for all that anger.

I particularly liked his exchange with Clark, poor kids practically giving Big Blue puppy dog eyes. Not that I don’t sympathise with Clark. Even with the best will in the world, dealing with your own clone/son has got to be a pretty daunting prospect. If I were brutally honest, I’d have to admit Clark is handling this way better then I would be. I know if I met a clone of myself, my first instinct would probably be to reach for a torch and pitch fork. Hardly the rational or ethical response I’ll readily admit, but luckily the Man of Steel is a lot more level headed then me.

Loved Peter MacNicol as Professor Ivo, he brought a great sense of humour and menace to the character without making him sound like a clone of Doc Ock. I just dig the idea tha this short skinny middle-aged nerd is able to strike terror into the hearts of the Justice League. I also noticed that his character design has a very similar colour scheme to AMAZO, red hair and green clothes. I loved this because it neatly explains AMAZO’s goofy silver design, Ivo designed the android to basically look like and idealised version of himself, brilliant! Hope we see the M.O.N.Q.I.s again. J

Black Canary was pretty cool, it’s good to hear Vanessa Marshall again. I’ve heard she’s your favourite DC character so I’m interested to see how you handle her.

All and all another great ep, I’ll try and get my “Infiltrator” review up sometime tomorrow.

Greg responds...

Vanessa Marshall is indeed my favorite DC character, so she'll be joining the Justice League in Season Two. Since Vanessa will be voicing/playing herself, we'll be recasting Black Canary to avoid confusion. Our leading candidates are all single-named celebrities: Roseanne, Cher, Lindsay, Madonna or Prince.

Oh, and in case it hasn't been clear for this and the last four questions as well: APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!

Response recorded on April 01, 2011

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