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Smart-Ass Responses

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Scott Iskow writes...

That last question of mine got me thinking...

Are there flying pigs in the Gargoyles Universe?

(Believe it or not, that's actually a serious question. Go fig.)

Greg responds...

I've got the bacon, do you have the catapult?

Response recorded on August 19, 2000

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Aaron writes...

Oh sure Greg. The boxers or briefs question gets a straight answer, but Joxter and I keep getting smartass answers. ;)

So, do gargoyle talons leave marks when they walk across a hardwood floor?

Greg responds...

Didn't we answer this at the con?

[And by the way, I'm no more a carpenter than a biologist.]

Response recorded on August 19, 2000

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Anonymous writes...

What did Odin whisper to the dead Balder the Light?
What did Titania whisper to Fox?

Was Norse myth the source that inspired you to put in the scene that had Titania whispering to Fox?

Greg responds...

Haven't thought about this.
Maybe something about Balder?


Response recorded on August 18, 2000

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Todd Jensen (repost by Aris) writes...

In the recent "Meet the Pros" chat, Cary Bates said that there might have eventually been introduced into the series a gargoyle named "Staten". Is that the case, or was he just joking?

Greg responds...

Joking. Trust me. Joking.

Response recorded on August 01, 2000

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Todd Jensen (repost by Aris) writes...

A slightly silly question, but: do gargoyle beasts ever suffer from fleas, ticks, and other parasites?

Greg responds...

Not during the day.

Response recorded on August 01, 2000

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LSZ (repost by Aris) writes...

Why I didn't like Odin's portrayal so much and Odin in general.

First of all, Odin was supposed to be the wisest of the gods, who sacrificed his very eye for wisdom and had to hang from a tree nine days dead, really dead, gone-to-Helheim-dead to gain even more wisdom of rune-making knowledge. He also interacted with humans frequently in the myths, and not always as a god-to-lesser-beings attitude. Odin in Gargoyles seemed kinda..dumb. His comment to Goliath about not being used to dealing with mortals seemed out-of-character. The mythological Odin seemed the type of person to try more subtle methods to gain the Eye. And also:

1) Where were Odin's ravens at the time?
2) Why has Sleipnir so few legs? He should have eight.
3) Where's Odin's magic spear Gungnir?

Greg responds...

Well, know one said that he'd been interacting with humans recently. He seemed somewhat hermetic to me.

1. In Miami.

2. I've answered this before. I know he should have had eight. He had eight in the script. The real reason he didn't in the show was because it was felt that the animators couldn't handle it and it would look horrible. The in-Universe reason is that Sleipnir is also a shape-shifter and can have as many legs as he wants to at any given time. He was in a four leg mood right then.

3. In Barbados.

(Sorry, Odin didn't please you. But I don't think our interpretations are mutually exclusive. I certainly don't disagree with yours, nor do I find it inconsistent with ours. I certainly don't think he was dumb. Just rusty. In any case, he achieved his ends.)

Response recorded on August 01, 2000

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Aaron writes...

Y'know, it's amazing how many of my questions seem to end up in the Smart Ass Responses category.

Please tell me the Magus' given name.

And since you asked, Xellos is a character from the Slayers anime series, who has a habit of simply side-stepping any questions he doesn't want to answer. (Like someone else I could mention)

If you haven't seen Slayers, I recommend it highly. Hey, it's got a destructive magic-using redhead for a main character. What more need I say?

Greg responds...

It's also amazing how many of my responses end up in that category. I wonder why that is?

So, I'm confused. Are you saying Xellos is the Magus' given name?

Response recorded on July 30, 2000

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Garg Chick writes...

Hey Greg ^_^

I'm a huge E&G fan (Elisa and Goliath, but I'm sure you know that o.O) and I was wondering, in absolutely any way, would Goliath and Elisa EVER have kids? *waits for beating* >;)

Greg responds...

Admit it, for a huge E&G fan, you couldn't be bothered to check either the E or G archive and get your answer immediately. Instead you post a question here and wait over a month for a response that I've already posted MANY times before. Right?

Anyway, "kids" plural?

Response recorded on July 30, 2000

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Frederick writes...

As a curiosity, how tall are the gargoyles? Any specific heights are appreciated.
thank you

Greg responds...

They're not all the same height.

Response recorded on July 29, 2000

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Vashkoda writes...

The question of what Titania whispered to Fox has been very popular, most likely because your refusal to answer it implies that it is something significant. My question to you is whether Titania's message does indeed contain important information, or whether you simply find it amusing to mislead the fandom into thinking she is saying something important.

Greg responds...

Both, of course.

Response recorded on July 29, 2000

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