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Clans: I know I don't have them all right, but it's worth a shot...
1)Manhattan, New York
2)Clones, New York
5)New Olympus
6)Ishimura, Japan
7)London, England
8)Paris, France
9)Wyvern, Scotland
10)Bei-Jing, China
11)Delphi, Greece
12)Belfast, Northern Ireland (aka Ulster)
13)Kilaminjaro, Africa
14)Easter Island
Where is "Clones, New York"? Is that near Yonkers?
8 full. 2 half.
1) Manhatten
2) Clones
3) London
4) Ishimura
5) Avalon
6) New Olympus
7) Guatemala
8) China
9) Italy
10) Paris
11) Ireland
12) Russia
13) Turkey
14) Greece
7 full. 1 half.
Hey again
um sorry for spelling china weird..typo.
1) Manhatten
2) Clones
3) London
4) Ishimura
5) Avalon
6) New Olympus
7) Guatemala
8) China
9) Italy
10) Paris
11) Ireland
12) Russia
13) Scotland
14) Greece
Too late! I was already obnoxious about it!
7 full. 2 half.
heres a guess *shrugs*
1) Manhatten
2) Clones
3) London
4) Ishimura
5) Avalon
6) New Olympus
7) Guatemala
8) Chaina
9) Rome
10) Scotland
11) Italy
12) Paris
13) Ireland
14) Greece
Is "Chaina" China? I'll assume it is.
But Lexy, you're a big girl now. Time to start PROOF-READING!!!! (You spelled Manhattan wrong too.)
Seven full points. Two half points.
Let's see how lucky I can be:
London, Ishimura, Guatamala, New Olympus, Avalon, Manhattan, Paris, Easter Island, Loch Ness, Wyvern
(I foresee a lot of 1/2 points here:) clones, China, not on Earth but within our galaxy, Antarctica
Nine full points.
Two half points.
Another 14 clan guess.
1) Manhattan
2) Clones
3) Ishimura
4) Guatemala
5) London
6) Avalon
7) New Olympus
8) Mt. Everest
9) Mt. Olympus
10) Wyvern, Scotland
11) Loch Ness
12) Camelot
13) Valley of the Kings, Egypt
14) Mt. Kirkpatrick, Antartica
Eight full points. Two half points.
My guess at the 14 gargoyle clans:
1. Avalon
3.The Labyrinth
5.Ishimura, Japan
6.New Olympus
7.London, England
8.Loch Ness, Scotland
9.Paris, France
10.Bejing, China
11.Athens, Greece
12.Rome, Italy
13.Dublin, Ireland
Nine full points and two half points.
Here's my try for the 14 clans, Greg:
1. Manhattan
2. Avalon
3. London
4. Guatemala
5. Ishimura
6. Mutates/clones
7. New Olympus
8. the Coldtrio
9. India
10. Paris
11. Ireland
12. a Space Station
13. China
14. Camelot
Thanks for your time!
O.K. Once more. "Mutates/Clones" isn't a place. "Coldtrio" isn't a place. I won't say whether the Mutates/Clones and/or the Coldtrio represent an entire clan or not. But we're looking for locations here. LOCATIONS. PLACES named with as much specificity as they've been named in the show.
For example, saying "Japan" would get you only a half point, because we've been more specific. Saying "Ishimura" would get you a full point. Saying "Ishimura, Japan" would get you that same full point, because the "Ishimura" implies the Japan, so you haven't added anything. On the other hand, saying "Guatemala" also gets you a full point, because in that case, we've never been more specific. But saying "Obsidiana, Zafiro, Turquesa, Jade and some eggs" as complete as that is, would get you ZERO points, because they are the Mayan clan's POPULation, not its LOCation.
(Sorry, Ambrosia, I didn't mean to pick on you. I just want to make sure everyone gets the rules. And I don't want to have to explain them again.)
Seven full points. Two half points.
14 clans:
1. London
2. Ishimura
3. Guatemala
4. Australia
5. New Olympus
6. Loch Ness, Scotland
7. County Clare, Ireland (I just like the name)
8. Avalon
9. Manhattan
10. Clones (Labyrinth)
11. Easter Island
12. Camelot (Somerset, England)
13. Paris
14. Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica
Nine full points. Two half points.
Clan contest
3.Labyrinth with clones
8.New Olympus with halflings and gargoyles coexisting
9.mountains of China
14.Region around St.Florence island
Eight full points. Two half points.
But this is another pointless Anonymous entry. If you were right, how could I reward you. You may say you're not in it for the reward, but that would frankly be a bit TOO anti-climactic for me and everyone else. I want to see someone WIN this thing.
So, Todd and Gore, I'm giving you official permission to delete any and all ANONYMOUS entries to our contests.
No tyca for this one.
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