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Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

April 1st...

Forty-five members of the Paris orchestra meet in the catacombs in full tuxedo to perform a concert.

Dr. Anton Sevarius recruits two homeless men off the streets of New York.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

January 5th...

Convinced that David Xanatos is responsible for Elisa Maza's disappearance, Talon leads the Trio in an attack on the Eyrie Building. Xanatos and Owen Burnett test out their new (Thailog motivated) security system and Owen's new stone fist. Ultimately, however, they allow the foursome to fruitlessly search the place once Xanatos discovers that Goliath and the others are missing. Meanwhile, Fang has staged a coup down in the Labyrinth. He takes Talon prisoner upon his return. Maggie the Cat, however, escapes with Claw's aid and seeks help at the Clock Tower. After sundown, Brooklyn leads the gargoyles and Maggie against Fang and his minions. Talon is freed and Fang is captured.

Dingo, Matrix, Hunter, Yama and Fang are approaching an island when their battle-copter Redemption is blown out of the sky.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

December 10th...

Talon, Maggie the Cat, Fang and Claw return to David Xanatos and take up residence at the Eyrie Building.