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POSTINGS 2008-01 (Jan)

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Laura From Illinois writes...

Dear Greg,
This will be a comment with a question stuck in here somewhere. But it's mostly random praises from a fan.
I just got the first 6 comics of the 'Clan Building Saga' for my birthday and am so excited! I watched this show when I was little and fell in love with it. I thought it was gone for good, but I saw a music video on Youtube dedicated to the 'old cartoons'. I saw a clip from Gargoyles and fell in love again. After doing some digging I found out that it has been released on DVD and is living on in comic book form. For this, I wish I could give you and everyone there a hug and some cupcakes, but sadly I don't know where you are. So my heartfelt thanks will have to be enough.
I've read and reread the comics. I can 'hear' the actor's and actress's voices while I read. I hope that I will hear when or if (I really hope when) you can get the audio comics produced as you mentioned in #3. I am also trying to get the last few dollars so I can get the DVDs for myself. And I've started on the 1000 people you asked me and I have converted 3 people in my class that are now hooked on Gargoyles as well.
Reading a comic is very different from watching a cartoon, but the artwork is breathtaking, amazing, incredible! Combine all those adjectives together and you still don't have how wonderful it is. This comic is so good I turn off the back-round noise I usually have on when I read so kudos!
The story is so exciting. I thought for sure that Demona and Thailog weren't going to show up for a while... boy was I wrong! And hooray for that! I'm so glad they are back. I can't wait to see what Thailog is planning. In #6, that Shari is driving me nuts!!! What's happening? Who is she? What is going on? And that is what I love about this comic. You always leave just enough hanging to make sue you're audience is on it's toes.
I only have one thing to say. Did the clan forget what happened in 'Possession'? I thought they knew about Coldstone, Coldfire, and Coldsteel. If that is coming up in the story then don't tell me. That episode was one of my favorites and I really hope it is still relevant in the story, at least a little. 'Possession' in 2nd only after the episode 'Future Tense'.
Which brings me to my next point. This is my question, Is Lexington's costume at the party supposed to look like the suit from 'Future Tense'? I saw it and felt so much foreshadowing... not to mention Brentwood and Thailog becoming allies. Wow. I did not see that coming. I have no idea if anyone else spotted that, but if it's meant to mean something, I can't wait to find out!
You are the best Greg, and everyone else over there working on the comics, I love you all, and if I'm in the country during the Gathering in Chicago I hope I can give you all cupcakes, or at least money for some food- you all deserve cupcakes.
That's about all I have to say. I am trying to buy the DVDs and am getting #7 as well as the 'Bad Guy' series. I hope that helps Disney release the rest of the episodes.
I can't wait until the next episode. By, the way, so far my favorite scene in the comics is a tie between #4, the panel where Goliath and Thailog are put as half of each other's face. I love the irony that Thailog, the evil one, is smiling while Goliath looks murderous, in #3 when Brooklyn and Malibu are staring at each other while Al and Shari are talking, it makes me laugh, #2 Lexington's face while Alex is pulling on his ear, #1 after Goliath says that he is going to see Elisa Brooklyn looks so cute!, and (last one I promise!), #1 John Castaway as he is destroying the statue with his hammer. That scene gives me chills.
This comic is adding new dimensions to the show. I wish it was still a cartoon but the comic is so good I can hardly tell the difference. Please keep this going! You have no idea how much this show changed my life. Sorry I'm getting a little over dramatic here, but it's true! So please, keep this comic going, it's so good and it deserves to live forever. I have already promised myself to have my children learn the lessons from this show. Thank you. All of you. You are angels! You are amazing! And please don't ever stop. This comic is rising higher and higher. It is absolutely above and beyond what normal people can do. Know that you are giving so much joy to us little readers down here. And that we worship you like gods! Because that is what you are- gods. Comic book, genius gods!
I hope the actor's can someday come back to create the audio comics.
But more importantly, I hope and pray this comic can live on for a long, long time so it can enchant others like it has me.
Here's hoping!


Greg responds...

If you're referring to issue #6 - that was a flashback story which took place prior to "Possession".

Lex's costume is consciously evocative of his Future Tense look. I'll leave the reasons behind that to your own interpretation.

I do like cupcakes, but showing up to the Gathering is present enough for me, Laura.

Response recorded on January 31, 2008

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Anonymous writes...

Is there anymore episodes after "Angels in the Night"? I really hope so.

Greg responds...

Yep. They're called "Gargoyles: The Comic Book" Pick up an issue... PLEASE!!!!

Response recorded on January 30, 2008

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Spen writes...

I have a silly little question. In your "Buffyverse geek-out" exactly how did your scoring system work?

Greg responds...

It was a point system. A strange combination of the objective and subjective. There were points for being a regular. Points for being a lead. Points for recurring. Points for importance in a given episode. Etc.

It was a flawed system -- and I came up with a better one too late to implement it. But the results were still interesting - to me, at least.


Response recorded on January 30, 2008

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Todd Jensen writes...

You've mentioned that many of the Goliath Chronicles stories were based on stories that you'd planned to do for Season Three, but which the new production team drastically altered (so that "Runaways" was based on Brooklyn's Timedancer story, and "Ransom" on the multiple tricksters and Alex story). Was "Genesis Undone" (the story about Thailog and the Clones dying) similarly based on the Double Date story that we got to see at last in #3 - #5? Both involved Thailog, the Clones, and Sevarius - and both had Sevarius obtaining the DNA of Goliath's clan for his experiments.

Greg responds...

I honestly don't remember. Sorry.

Response recorded on January 30, 2008

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Todd Jensen writes...

I bought my copy of Gargoyles: Clan-Building: Volume One yesterday. I was amazed at the size of the book (I'm used to trade paperback collections of comics being larger), but enjoyed it, all the same. I was pleased with the corrections.

Here's hoping that sales are good for it (and for the upcoming issues).

Greg responds...

Here's hoping.

Response recorded on January 30, 2008

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Ryan writes...

Where is my copy of Clan Building Volume 1? Amazon.com hasn't shipped it yet, and my comic book store only has one left in stock, so I am in indecision as to whether to wait for amazon or possibly take away a copy that someone else could pick up... or ending up with two copies (guess I could make it a great gift if I can afford it).

And now for two questions:
1) You tend to be able to announce on here when an issue or trade is coming out a day or two before hand - do you have any word on a release date yet for Bad Guys 2 or Gargoyles 8?

2) Having read the archives here for years, I know you have plenty of stories and plans. I'm curious about specific plots for specific issues. Assuming there are no liscencing renewal problems, how many issues have you plotted (as in, issue 8 looks to be called 'The Gate' so you probably have at least that far plotted out. Do you have basic details worked out through 12, the end of clan building, or further)?

It is great to see Gargoyles stories back in the world. You and the team are doing an amazing job. Thank you!

Greg responds...

1. Neither issue is quite finished, but both are close... though both also need approval from Disney.

2. It depends what you mean by "plotted". I have a very clear idea on the stories for Gargoyles 10-12. But I haven't plotted them in a "on this page this happens" sense yet. Same for Bad Guys 5 & 6. Beyond Gargoyles 12, I know what the next basic arc is - but I haven't worked out the specifics in any detail...

Response recorded on January 30, 2008

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Rebel writes...

Unfortunately, my comic book guy didn't get the TPB in yet, so I'll have to wait until next week to offer my praises. *sigh* So far I've heard good things from everyone else who already has it.

In the meantime, I do have a question about #7 that I meant to ask before. After Brooklyn decides to stay in Manhattan, Goliath says that Hudson can lead the expedition in London. I know Brooklyn has great leadership skills (after all he is the second) and Hudson is a proven leader, but to me that line made it seem like Goliath doesn't think any of the other clan members could be leaders, if given the chance. Surely Broadway and Lexington have SOME leadership capabilities, even if they are not as suited for a leadership role as Brooklyn. And if I had to guess, I would say Angela could DEFINITELY be a good leader, given an opportunity. After all, she's smart, intuitive, and she's got great parentage as well as her experience as second-in-command of Avalon on her side--though her leadership "style" would certainly be different than Goliath's or Brooklyn's.

So basically what I'm wondering is:
1. Does Goliath think any of the other clan members have leadership abilities?
2. Do YOU think any of the other clan members have (or will have) leadership abilities?
3. If any of them do, do you think they'll ever get a chance to show it?

I know it's kind of a silly question since the Manhattan clan already has a second-in-command, but I was just wondering. I informed a lot of my internet friends about the TPB, and many of them are now making plans to buy it :).

Greg responds...

1. I'm sure he does, but Goliath has a tendency to rely on Hudson for, I think, understandable reasons. Consider it a failing, if you like. I'm fine with that.

2. Yes.

3. Of course.

Response recorded on January 29, 2008

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

January 29th...

It starts to snow. Elisa Maza gives Derek Maza a recording of Fox's revelations. The gargoyles hide the helicopter - permanently. Jackal and Hyena are arrested on charges of attempted murder.

Rory Dugan wakes, unsure if his previous night's adventures were a dream. That night, he and Molly enter the Cairn, and Rory recovers Gae Bolga, the Spear of Light. The Spear transforms Rory, revealing he is the reincarnation of the ancient Irish hero Cu Chullain. In order to defeat him, Molly becomes first the Banshee and then the death-worm, Crom-Cruach. With Bronx's help, Cu Chullain defeats Crom-Cruach, banishing the Banshee. Cu Chullain transforms back into Rory, but he keeps possession of Gae Bolga and will remain the Hero of Ulster. The travelers return to Avalon, where it is morning. The gargoyles turn to stone.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

January 28th...

Lexington begins to repair Jackal's helicopter. Elisa Maza confronts Fox in prison. Fox reveals that David Xanatos created the Pack, and is using Jackal and Hyena to cement Derek Maza's loyalty. Elisa records Fox's conversation. Derek flies Xanatos to his upstate retreat, 'Xanadu'. Again, Jackal and Hyena attack. And again, the Manhattan Clan intervenes, using the repaired helicopter to defeat and capture the twins.

In the morning, Rory Dugan returns home and argues with his father, Mr. Dugan. That evening at sunset, Elisa Maza, Goliath and Angela wake up to find themselves trapped inside Cairn na Chullain by the Banshee, who is convinced they have been sent by Oberon to bring her back to Avalon for the Gathering. Rory, looking for Molly, encounters Bronx instead. When the Banshee realizes that Rory and "the Great Beast" are together, she appears to Rory and lures him away from Bronx.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

January 27th...

Derek Maza starts working for David Xanatos. Jackal and Hyena attack them, but the Trio intervenes. Lexington manages to land Jackal's helicopter and hide it.

In Ireland, Rory Dugan and his girlfriend Molly steal a jacket from a local shop and manage to elude the police - just as the four travelers arrive from Avalon. The Banshee quickly captures Elisa Maza, Angela and Goliath.

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