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Bruno writes...

Hi, Greg.

My last question (edited)

"Bruno writes...

2- Why every one of them join the group? Blackmail, redemption, who is who?

Greg responds...

2. Bruno, I don't give novel-length responses here. And if you don't know who is who then what makes you think it would be a good spin-off?

Hunter is a highly trained human (and former gargoyle hunter) who first appeared in "Hunter's Moon". She's Scotish.

Dingo is a former mercenary and member of the Pack who first appeared in "Thrill of the Hunt". He's Australian. Both Hunter and Dingo have prison sentences hanging over their heads.

Matrix is an artificial intelligence comprised of millions of nanotech robots. He/it first appeared in "Walkabout". He is a friend and ally to Dingo.

Yama is a Japanese Gargoyle from the Ishimura clan. He was banished from Ishimura after the events of "Bushido".

Fang was an American human mutated by Sevarius in "Metamorphosis". He was one of the Redemption Squad's first opponents. After being defeated, he was recruited.

recorded on 09-16-00"

A small comment about my last question: You're right. My second question about the 'Redemption Squad' was bad written. It really sounded how if I didn't knew who was Fang, Matrix, Yama, etc. But I know. The trouble is that, when I realized my mistake, I'd already posted it. My mistake. I'm sorry.
And, well, yes, I have a fairly, yet vage, idea about these guys' motivation. Except for Yama. If that's alright to you, I'll especulate a bit about him, ok?

Yama is in a quest, searching for his own honor - for both a gargoyle and a samurai (or Bushido warrior), one of the top important things in the world - then why should him join up with the Bad Guys? (and the Squad leader is Robyn Canmore, the Huntress!! Funny, huh?)
He should may had given up of his honor, but I dont't believe this. I believe that this was a voluntary action. Yama believe that "If I can teach some honor for these felons, maybe I can recover my own". And the Director may wish to have a true Good Guy in the Squad, why not?
Then I believe that he will be the group "conscience". And that, eventually, he may just leave and come back home. (But he will not make this, off course: The contrast among him and the others can make great storys.)
Well, that's it.

PS. When I watched 'Bushido', it was recordered in my VCR. But a trouble in the tape erased the sound. Yes, video but no sound in all the episode. And do you want to know? Even without sound, I could understand the story basis perfectly: The friendship among the gargoyles and humans in Ishimura, the idea of a theme park with the gargoyles, and the great final fight. The scene where Yama and Goliath argue in the 'Wyvern castle', I near could ear Goliath talking something as "It seems to me that he wants you and your clan as animals in a circus". Congratulations: These great storys survive everything, even lack of sound.

PS2. In the fight, one of the gargoyles, an old female, has a beak. Coincidence, or a descendant of Brooklin and Katana? (Sorry, silly question ^-^)

PS3. Another thing I noticed: Taro burned ALL his money with that park. For this, he could not mind with the fact that some gargoyles didn't want to be part of that. He must be paying the money losses until today. (he, he :-)

Greg responds...

Bad Guys is the title of the show. But an earlier title was "The Redemption Squad". The idea is that working for the good guys (even if you're working WITH bad guys) offers each of these characters, but particularly Hunter, Dingo and Yama, a shot at redemption. That's the carrot. But there's also a stick. In the case of Fang, Hunter and Dingo, that stick is a prison sentence. In the case of Yama it's a threat against his clan.

PS1 - cool

ps2 - lots of gargs with beaks.

ps3 - Maybe not all. Limited liability partership and all that.

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Ed writes...

How would Fang come to join the Redemption Squad: I mean, would he escape the Labyrinth first or have to be broken out, as in "THE RECKONING"?

Greg responds...

Not telling. But it involves Sevarius.

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

Re the Falstaff "villain/antagonist" business... Thanks for correcting me on this one. You're right; the two terms have different connotations to them.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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Bruno writes...

Hi, Greg, I have some questions about 'Bad Guys'. I believe that this should have been the best of all the spin-offs. But I had searched at the Big and at the 'Bad Guys' archives and I'm puzzled whit some things:

1- The 'Redemption Squad' formation: Robyn Canmore, Dingo, Matrix, Fang, Yama and the leader Director. Rigth, or someone more or less?

2- Why every one of them join the group? Blackmail, redemption, who is who?

3- How is the relationship between the Director and they? Friendly or 'shut up and obey me'?

4- Why is the Squad created? They're a Task Force? Working for who?

Sorry if anything is already answered. Go on whit your amazing work!

Greg responds...

1. Hunter (Robyn Canmore) is the field leader. She reports to the Director, i.e. her boss. But I wouldn't call him the leader. Otherwise, yeah, Hunter, Dingo, Matrix, Yama and Fang.

2. Bruno, I don't give novel-length responses here. And if you don't know who is who then what makes you think it would be a good spin-off?

Hunter is a highly trained human (and former gargoyle hunter) who first appeared in "Hunter's Moon". She's Scotish.

Dingo is a former mercenary and member of the Pack who first appeared in "Thrill of the Hunt". He's Australian. Both Hunter and Dingo have prison sentences hanging over their heads.

Matrix is an artificial intelligence comprised of millions of nanotech robots. He/it first appeared in "Walkabout". He is a friend and ally to Dingo.

Yama is a Japanese Gargoyle from the Ishimura clan. He was banished from Ishimura after the events of "Bushido".

Fang was an American human mutated by Sevarius in "Metamorphosis". He was one of the Redemption Squad's first opponents. After being defeated, he was recruited.

3. Shut up and obey me said in a friendly style.

4. The Director.

Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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Lexy writes...

(Questions on Yama and Sora)

1) In "Bad Guys" you had planned on Yama being part of the crew. But I doubt that will occure exactly that way if the regular "Gargoyles" series ever comes back. So..
Did you plan on having Yama try to redeem himself in some other way?

2) You mentioned that Sora was going to be one of the females included in the Manhattan Rookery. Why did she go all the way there to lay her egg? Was it do to some clause in Bushido? (I personally don't think that gargs have a hang up on dishonor being passed down ..but thought I'd ask)

Greg responds...

1. No. If any garg-related series ever came back, I'd find a way to incorporate Bad Guys into it.

2. I categorically did not say that. I said they'd all be laying eggs around the same time. Not the same place.

Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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Jackal's Love writes...

G'day Greg

Would any of the spinoffs featured the Pack (or at least members of the Pack) as villains?

Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

Sure. Most. Let's see...

Bad Guys
Gargoyles 2158 (revised)

for sure...

And I wouldn't be surprised if we also saw them in

New Olympians

But I would be surprised if they showed up in

Dark Ages

Response recorded on September 14, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

I was just reading your latest batch of answers for "Ask Greg", and was amused to notice that you had planned to include a new villain in "Bad Guys" named Falstaff. What particularly got me about it was that you'd earlier mentioned that you'd planned for Dingo's real name to be "Harry Monmouth", an aka of Prince Hal, and that made it seem all the more appropriate to me that you'd have a Falstaff in "Bad Guys" (although I doubt that it would be the original Falstaff, assuming that he even existed in the Gargoyles Universe - sounds to me more like an analogue a la the Coldtrio to the characters in "Othello" or Terry and Sphinx to Romeo and Juliet).

Greg responds...

I never said Falstaff would be a villain. (Or at least I didn't mean to.) The word I used (or meant to use) was antagonist.

Response recorded on September 12, 2000

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LSZ writes...

1) Who would the main villains and antagonists of BAD GUYS be?
2) Would any of them start out as unique BAD GUYS-only villains we never saw before in any of the other series?

Greg responds...

1. Illuminati. Sevarius would be in there. Matrix. Fang. The Director. Castaway. The Gargoyles. Falstaff. A bunch more...

2. Yep.

Response recorded on September 02, 2000

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Sixshot writes...

In the Bad Guys spin-off, only Yama is a Gargoyle and the main cast the in the New Olympians spin-off are not Gargoyles. How will the episodes take place, most during the day or during the night?

Greg responds...

Mostly, but not exclusively, at night.

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky writes...

Does the Director know that Duval is Percival?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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