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In "Gargoyles"#8, Hudson at one point called Constance "Lassie" during the battle at Westminster Abbey. This fits his speech patterns, but I wondered if there was some additional significance to it.
In the original comedy proposal, the equivalents of the trio were named Coco, Amp, and Lassie. Constance and Staghart are nicknamed "Coco" and "Amp", as a reference to that. Was Hudson's use of the word "lassie" intended as a way to get all three of the original names into the story? It was a great way of doing so, since those who didn't know about the comedy development wouldn't even realize they were missing something (for the reason that I gave in the first paragraph).
Ya caught me, laddie.
It's really late, but hey, better late than never, right? So here's the page-by-page review on Gargoyles #8.
Gargoyles: Clan-Building
Chapter Eight: Rock & Roll
Part 1 Pages 1-12
Cover: It's cool. Glad that Hudson got a front row seat on it.
Page 1: It's Griff! I was really excited when I found out Griff would be in the comics, and I'm so glad to finally get to see him in this comic. He's one of my favorite gargoyle characters. I like the estate that the London gargoyles have. It looks nice and very secluded. And I love the name: Knight's Spur. Cool.
Page 2: Another one of those pages that gives us a glimpse into the near future. I was glad to see Vinnie. I was also surprised to see Vinnie. I didn't think I'd see him for a while, but very glad at the surprise. He's a good guy to have around. Funny too. We see more about a bomb, which we still don't get much info on in this comic. We'll just have to wait for #9. And of course, at the top of the page we find Hudson duking it out with Cold Steel while exchanging harsh words.
Page 3: More of Shari's storytelling time. Thailog looks weird and creepy in the bottom picture on the page.
Page 4: Thailog thought he had one up on Shari, but then she gives her famous line "The story is told… though who can say if it be true?" I guess she has to cover herself by saying stuff like that so Thailog can't call her a liar.
Page 5: Arthur and Macbeth learn to play nice. They have a moment of doubt when they think the gargoyles will "be at each others' throats", but they worried for no reason. I really liked the two pictures of them being crowned as kings on the Stone of Destiny. They both have a connection to the stone (though in different time eras), and now, they'll have to work together to make sure it stays safe.
Page 6: The gargoyles are having a good time seeing old friends and making new ones. We also see Xanatos looking sly, pulling out some sort of mechanism with a button, and then pushing it. Can't wait to find out what that's all about.
Page 7: This is one of the two pages that are my favorites in this comic. I love the idea of Macbeth and Arthur getting to know each other better and sharing past experiences, seeing as they've both been around for a while. I love the lines exchanged between the two of them and hope to see more of this in the next comic. My favorite line is from Arthur after Macbeth tells him he's been "sleep-walking" for 939 years. "Guess I got the better bargain." Loved it.
Page 8: More of Shari's stories about the Stone of Destiny as she plays chess with Thailog. Thailog and Shari are so much like Xanatos and Fox in this aspect, it's scary.
Page 9: Some new gargoyle introductions. I like Coco. She's a go to kinda gal. I like Hudson's line, "Watch who you're callin' a yank, lass…"
Page 10: And we meet Staghart, or Amp. How did he get Amp out of Staghart? I like the transition where it goes from Coco saying no one calls him Amp to the scene where Lex does call him Amp. I also like on this page how Griff is confused about the robots looking like Goliath. Honestly, after watching the show so many times, I don't even think of the robots as looking like Goliath, they're just known as the Steel or Iron Clan robots.
Page 11: More fighting, and Macbeth figuring out that Xanatos is in on the game now. And then Arthur mysteriously disappears. I just figured he walked off to go help fight or he saw something else that was suspicious, but others think he might have been kidnapped or something. That thought never crossed my mind while reading this, but then I wouldn't cross that off as something that could happen. You never know with people like Xanatos.
Page 12: More chess playing and more storytelling, except now Shari is telling the story of Arthur. She sure does know a lot. She must be a reader.
Soon to come, part 2! And hopefully I'll be getting Bad Guys #2 & #3 in the mail soon so I can do them too. Then I'll be all up to date.
Thank you for your time and all that you do.
Thanks for buying the books.
Not a question so much as comments- REALLY enjoying the hopping in time for issue seven and eight as well as the art gets better and better each issue. (Hedgecock's pencils are strong and improve as he's getting more familiar with the characters and Bevard's colors are beautifully crisp and more in touch with the style the show was done in.)
So, yeah. Keep on keeping on.
Thanks, Mara.
Inspired by your "It's not a cowboy hat" response to my review of "Gargoyles" #8.
I'd forgotten to mention this in my review, but on my way back from the Gathering 2001, the airplane I was on showed a movie called "Just Visiting" about a medieval knight and his peasant-servant who get transported via magic to the modern world. At one point, the wizard who sent them there followed them into modern times and changed into more present-day-looking clothing: the precise clothes that he wore looked (I recall) extremely similar to the ones that Merlin was wearing in #8.
At the time, the airline's choice of that particular movie startled me enough, since the notion of medieval people in the modern world fitted in so well with "Gargoyles" (the plight of the gargoyles, King Arthur - and, to some extent, Macbeth, though at least he got to live through all the changes and adapt to them instead of having to face them all at once). But when the Merlin of the Gargoyles Universe dressed that much like the wizard in the movie, that astonished me even more.
Just thought you might like to know about that.
3 months of waiting. This issue made it all worth it, and then some.
Nice little touches with Shari and Thailog, and playing chess, no less. Somehow oddly fitting. I noticed that Shari gives two different versions of the Stone Of Destiny's arrival in Ireland. Which version, in your opinion, do you consider accurate?
Nice reference to Cu Challain. Props. Will Cu make a return in future issues?
Also, nice throwback to 'The Edge' with Thailog's 'I'd fire you if you did' in response to Shari's offer to pretend losing the Chess game.
Nice 'Monsters' reference as well. Damn, but this issue is stocked with references and episode homages. Geez. :D
'Coco'. Heh. Brought back memories of the "Original Broadway" when I read that. Again, props to you, Greg.
Staghart seems like a very cool (his crack about the kitchen sink at the end? LOL.) character.
I suspected that Staghart (having not known his name at the end of #7, I'd thought of him as 'that deer-like Gargoyle') = Amp. Nice to have confirmation of it. Although, for a time, I also wasn't sure if Lex was naming Staghart in that infamous panel from #7, or if he'd found a stray pet or something. At least I can stop wondering now.
Speaking of Staghart/Amp, I picked up on a few hints of a thing between him and Lex. Though I may also be reading too much into it.
More narrative time-jumping. I'm having trouble keeping the events of this arc chronologically straight. But then, that just makes it more interesting. Glad it's not a constant thing, however.
Great to see Griff again. Fighting the Steel Clan robots. Nice. He's even more bad-assed in the comics then he was in the series.
Knight's Spur. Very nice name for their habitat. How British sounding. I like it. And I also dig the panel with the London Clan in stone sleep, too.
Xanatos is at it again. No surprise to anyone who'd read the end of issue #6, but still... what is his game? And what IS the obsession with Fox's shoes? How do Fox's shoes play into the Stone of Destiny? *scratches head* You are evil, Greg. Keeping me guessing like that. EVIL. :P
More legend telling from Shari. Nothing I can say about it that I haven't already in my #7 review.
I knew Hudson would escape his dismemberment (Coldsteel = heartless bastard.) but that last panel with Coldstone and Coldfire, out of the blue but I really should've seen it coming, was a great plot twist.
That's all I really have to say about this issue. Fun to read, great story, and the new characters (Staghart) seem really cool. Great twists and nice characterization (Griff rocks!) all sum this up into one neat, nicely-written package.
Bring on #9.
Glad you liked it! (Couldn't tell if all those questions were rhetorical, so -- because I'm lazy -- I've decided they are.)
I didn't get my copy of #8 until last Friday (I was working the day it came out and by the time I got to Golden Apple, they were sold out--mostly because they had cut back on their orders). Well, I'm on a list now, so hopefully that won't happen again any time soon.
The extra wait was painful for me, but it was still worth it.
I enjoyed the "previews" of what was to come. "Knight's Spur" is a cool reveal, as is Hudson vs. Coldsteel (and their lines directly follow their initial exchange later in the book). And I was pleasantly surprised when Vinne showed up. I'm still wondering how he enters into this story, but we'll find out eventually.
Ahhh...I recall some people posting about different tales of the Stone's journey to Ireland, and now Shari starts telling them. I like how Thailog (speaking for the audience as well) points out that this contradicts her earlier story, and she is not fazed but subtley reinforces the "..who can say if it be true" bit.
Wow, Arthur and Macbeth share the same coronation day. Maybe they should throw themselves dual coronation day parties.
I don't know who called that Mac and Art would compare notes and then become chummy again, but they were right. I love how they suddenly panic that the gargoyles "will be at each others' throats" when, in fact, they're getting along like a house on fire.
I wonder what Xanatos's little button-thing is for. Like Phil, I'm half suspecting he may have summoned Colstone and Coldfire with it....
-I absolutely LOVED the scene where Mac and Art compare their immortal lives. Who knew Nightstone had coffe shops?
I did not miss that the second half of Mac's line, "Here's to the Immortals--there aren't many like us..." topped a page (and panel) of Shari...telling a tale of Chu Chullain.
I was surprised at how much like Rory young Chu Chullain looked here.
I enjoyed Hudson's objection to being called "yank." And kudos to whoever called the (nick)names.
Just as Coco says that no one calls Staghart "Amp," We flash forward to the big battle where Lexington calls him by that name. I'm not ready to say there's anything special going on yet, but it certainly seems like Lexington's already pretty close to Amp.
I was surprised that this particular section of the fight scene (very cool, BTW) lasted as long as it did (seriously, how often do we follow a specific time for more than a page?). I, too, noticed the Iron Clan robot alongside the Steel Clan one. I also like how Griff recognizes the resemblance to Goliath, and Macbeth knows the robots are Xanatos's. Just as Mac says the battle might be a diversion, he notices Arthur's gone. I thought I knew why he was missing, intially, but some theories have been flying around that make me wonder....
Nice Arthurian story bit, and we finally get our first true glimpse of Merlin. His design surprised me, I must say. I expected something like blue or grey garments with a hood, if not the typical pointy hat. But I really like this design (and the use of the word "clep'd"). Took me a minute to remember who Pelles was, though.
"All things are true...few things are accurate." "Aye. No bloody kidding." I enjoyed that exchange, and that Arthur's trying to catch up on his Arthurian literature.
London Clan 101. A very informative look at just how fricken' HUGE this clan is, along with other interesting tidbits (like "enforced isolation"--ouch!). Good reactions to Lex's question (whether Coco and Amp are mates), and also to Lex's unspoken query about beasts.
Nice bit with Loch Ness, but why is "story time" advancing by one minute each day? It seems too regular to be coincidence.
I liked Coldsteel's "no sign of life" quip. And it's confirmed that the Xanatos-head in Coyote's mouth IS a view screen. Good to know.
Like Demonskrye I recognized the Philip K. Dick reference.
I liked how we jumped from Lexington saying they weren't going anywhere until they figure out what Xanatos *and Fox* are up to (showing how much he still distrusts her) and we jump back to Fox buying her shoes. Now, about those shoes...at this point, they're starting to become a bigger mystery than anything else in this story.
Thailog doesn't like losing (or even getting close to it), but he's like his father (one of them anyway) when it comes to subordinates pretending to lose.
I thought Kenneth Macalpin looked cool.
Seeing Coco's happy reaction to the Iron Clan's "delimbification" coupled with her "Like I need a gun" line led me to believe she was dangerous. This impression lasted until I turned the page and saw that she was REALLY dangerous.
She's topped by Coldsteel, though, who's willing to do it to his own father. But his tentacles are melted before he can (and I am NOT used to seeing anything but a scowl on his robotic face, so his surprised look here caught me by...well, surprise).
Since the fire came, I knew Coldfire was there at least, so Coldstone couldn't have been too far behind. I second Amp's "Anyone order up the kitchen sink?"
All in all, I'm just waiting for the concluding chapter.
It's jam-packed, I promise.
Hey Greg,
Have to do a first time post finally, too many things in Gargoyles #8 that made me smile. Been a fan since it first came out when I was 7 or 8 and it stuck with me, but I'll keep it a short review.
First, noticed the thicker paper on the cover, more like the first one. Both ways are fine, but I'm hoping thats a good sign as to the success of the comic.
Second, noticed two of our heros drinking Nightstone Unlimited coffee. Made me smile, but also made me wonder, what all does Nightstone actually produce and own?
I liked that Hudson resented being called a Yank, he's a true Scott at heart and it shows.
All the back story on the English Clan was also great, all that kind of stuff is fascinating, and it was great to see a few more gargs, even as statues. Hopefully we'll get to see more of them awake, you've really left the openings for it there in a nice way. Did I miss somewhere where Griff may have met Hudson and Lex before? I thought he'd only ever actually seen Goliath, and the phrasing made me think they may have met in person at some previous point.
The bit where Thailog used Xanatos's line "I'd fire you if you did" actually made me laugh out loud. Loved that so much. I forget the episode, but remember the Judo match against Owen.
Also, I also must send praise for what Hedgecock is doing with the art now, he's on a great track and it shows that he's really learned the characters we love so much, and the new ones look great! This combined with Robby's coloring was a real treat. The only thing that even remotely bothered me was the inconsistency of Shari's nose, specially with all the closeups in this issue. Pg 4 and 20 she has a very prominent nose bridge, yet on 12 it's perfectly smooth. It also varies a bit in issue 7. Both ways are fine, but it would be nice to see just one for those of us that like to do our own fanart.
Overall, no major complains, and you continue to amaze and give more each time. Keep up the great work, it's really appriciated!
As to Nightstone, you'll just have to wait for things to be revealed in the fullness of time...
I must make a brief comment on the terrific advances David Hedgecock has made since this series has begun. A lot of fans were quick to criticize his early work. Unfortunately, now that his art has improved by leaps and bounds, I have not seen a corresponding amount of praise.
Right off the bat, we have the cover. Since I was ten, I've thought Hudson was the coolest looking gargoyle, and Hedgecock and Jorge Molina prove it in style! I was really disappointed to hear that Guler would no longer be doing the covers, so I was biased against Hedgecock in that regard...but even with that bias, I feel that this is the second coolest cover, after #5!
Other highlights for Hedgecock this issue: Thailog's victorious grin (and subsequent contrite look) upon catching Shari in a lie, and then being reminded of her disclaimer. Macbeth's look when he talks about "sleep-walking" (what a PERFECTLY written scene, by the way!). The wide-eyed optimism in Lex's eyes when he asks about the beasts, and the sadness in Griff's face when he replies (this exchange is odd and without context at this point, and yet Hedgecock lends it exactly the right tension and emotion to make us curious for an explanation). The design of Merlin...precisely the right balance of benevolence and mystery. And our first foggy glimpse of Castle Carbonek...! What a thrilling moment for us Illuminati nuts, after all these years of waiting.
I never thought Hedgecock's work was "bad" by any standard. However, I think the improvement from issue one to the current issue is comparable to the difference between a TV episode animated by Sun Woo and one animated by Koko...the art goes from supporting the story to elevating it. This is a massive testament to Hedgecock's commitment to this project...I cannot begin to imagine the hours he must have put into exploring this world, not to mention the new characters he has to learn for every issue. So I hope that you will forward this comment to Dave as some small motivation to keep up the terrific work. And as always, Greg, thanks for making all of this possible, and for bringing David and the rest of us to your world!
I've always been a fan of Dave's, so you're preaching to the converted over here.
Here's my review for #8
A good all-around issue. I'm usually more interetested in the stories dealing with the Manhattan happenings, but there was some really interesting stuff in here that I enjoyed.
I love Staghart and Constance. Fun characters-kind of like modern teenage gargoyles. I hope we see more of them after this story concludes. And I like all the little tidbits about the London Clan. I bet their numbers make up at least half the world's gargoyle population-probably more.
It seems almost selfish for them to keep couples from laying a third egg, being such a decimated species. I wonder what Goliath would think of that. I hope the issue is brought up again-could make for some nice drama.
I like the new bit of info on gargoyle biology-that it's hard to keep gargoyles in heat from mating-like it's more of a biological imperative. I've always wondered about that.
I love how Shari's stories sometimes contradict each other. Goes back to Hudson saying "Maybe we shouldn't believe everything we see on television." Not all stories are true-but there's usually some bit of truth in each of them. (Also reminds me of what Goliath says in "Mark of the Panther". I really like how the comic makes me think of happenings from past episodes). I like how all kinds of different myths and legends from around the world are incorporated-and that they're not stated as fact-but we have to make up our own minds about them. And I just love those scenes with Shari and Thailog-they have a strange sort of chemistry that I'm really starting to like.
Arthur and Macbeth-So cool that these two are becoming friends. Trading their strange tales over coffee...Nightstone's coffee, lol! I bet it's WAY overpriced ;)
"All things are true...few things are accurate"-Great line! I've been wondering about Hudson's enigmatic look though-maybe he's thinking about the human/gargoyle relations trouble at home, and humans' thoughts about gargoyles in general, and what it's cost his species.
Fox's shoes-erm, ok hehe. I personally think that it really has nothing to do with the story at all-except as a humorous commentary on the people behind the scenes. While this big battle is going on, the wife of the man responsible for all this mayhem is doing something totally mundane as buying shoes. I can almost hear the Musak in the background of that shoe store lol.
And again, the timeline format really does this story justice-I love all the little hints you drop with the logistic placing of the panels. Not a whole lot of people would have the patience to do all the work you do for this comic book. That's just one of the reasons why we love you ;)
I can't wait for #9!
Keep Hudson's look in mind. You'll love me even more if you do.
Just got done reading issue #8 and wanted to write to let you know how great I think the comics are. The story is actually richer through this medium I think. I watched the show as a kid and was thrilled to see you continue the story line. As I read this issue with all the kings being crowned I thought "this is about the time period of King Kenneth" and a few pages later there he was! Thank you for writing such an imaginative story that draws so much on history. I can't wait to read this to my children and use it as an excuse to teach them about a piece of their family history. So a big thank you from the McAlpine Clan.
Your post seriously tickles me. (Not literally, though.)
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