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Marjorie writes...

Hey Greg,

Just finished reading your latest post about the SLG license expiring, and my feelings can be summed up in one word: bummer. It's such a shame that we won't be able to see the rest of the story arcs in Gargoyles and Bad Guys in issue form; I really enjoyed looking forward to each issue and the size of the artwork on the page....but at least we'll still see the end of it, which is a great thing.

I suppose I have two questions concerning this development:
1. I understand that the content of each issue had to be approved somehow before it's okay to print. Was this the cause of the large release delays for some of the issues, and possibly why time ran out on the license before the series could be completed, or was there some other factor?

2. Now that Disney has its own publishing house for comics and it seems unlikely that SLG will continue the license, are there any plans to continue the series at Disney?


Greg responds...

1. It was a cause, but not the cause. Ultimately, it's hard for artists to draw fast and well and for so little money that they have to take other work to pay the bills. Everyone tried very hard to stay on schedule, but...

2. Not that Disney has said.

Response recorded on October 22, 2008

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg lets just say if the comics are sucessful and thier that popular. Do you think we will have a new series of Gargoyles or a remake of season 3? In the future I hope we get a live action movie of Gargoyles and hopefully there will be new products such as games, toys, cups, keychains, posters, etc.

Greg responds...

Anything's possible.

Response recorded on October 22, 2008

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Darkflame writes...

Not a question, just an exclimation;
ARHhhhhh!.....I only just found out/started reading your excellent Gargoyles comics recently and Disney are pulling the licence already. I got a load more to read, which is a blessing, but I still feel cursed by my timeing.
If the sales are good, yet Disney licence costs too much for them to admin, it seems to me someone has got a serious bureaucracy problem.
-sigh- Oh well, thanks for the fantastic series resurection, and I only hope and pray it happens again soon!

Greg responds...

Me too.

Response recorded on October 21, 2008

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

Well, I sadly can't buy the individual comic issues anymore. Since Disney won't let SLG publish any after 9/31, I'll have to wait for the trades. I can't afford to buy each issue twice.

I do have a question about the Labyrinth Clan, who are sort of topical:

We know that gargates gain energy by absorbing heat or sunlight during the day, and that if a gargoyle were deprived of this for enough nights in a row, she would eventually start feeling some kind of negative effects.

Given this, what will happen to the clones as they continue to sleep underground every day? It's dark and probably cold and damp down there.

Greg responds...

Um, there are no individual issues anymore, I'm afraid.

I'm not sure it's all that cold in the Labyrinth.

Response recorded on October 20, 2008

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Juan Reyes writes...

How can the Gargoyles comic be saved?

Greg responds...


The current comic -- with single issue releases -- cannot be saved. But the trades will come out finishing both the Gargoyles Clan-Building arc and the Bad Guys Redemption arc. If those sell well enough, SLG wants to do graphic novels and will approach Disney about it. If not, I'll look for a new publisher. But again, high sales on what we have and eventually release will make finding a new publisher easier -- not to mention convincing Disney to license the book to SLG or a new publisher.

Response recorded on October 15, 2008

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Drew L. writes...

Hello, Greg. Before I ask my question: I love Gargoyles. Have loved it ever since I saw it on its very first week in 1994. I also love the comic series (don't much like the change in the look of the characters, though, but that's just superficial).
Anyway, onto my question:
I'd heard that the comic book series is in trouble. Is that true?
If so, is this going to be the straw that makes you give up on the Gargiverse (as I call it)?

Greg responds...

SLG did lose the license, though we will be finishing out both "Clan-Building" and "Redemption" in the Gargoyles and Bad Guys trade paperbacks, respectively. And we are hoping to come back eventually.

And, no, I'm not giving up. Ever.

Response recorded on October 08, 2008

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Phalanx writes...

Hello, Greg.

Now that SLG decided not to renew the license, will we be seeing any more Gargoyle comic books? From Boom, perhaps?

Greg responds...

We'll be seeing two more trades from SLG. After that, nothing's known for sure. SLG is still interested in doing more with Gargoyles. Boom has not contacted me.

Response recorded on September 26, 2008

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slayer38 writes...

Iam very interested for the 3rd season as comics. But i want to know, comes this comics also translated into german language in the german book stores? My English is not the best, << you can see that in my text. and another question? in 1996 at the moment disney do not produce season 3 with you as author, why you dont changed to another company at this moment. (btw. The goliath chronicles sucks, the liason between goliath and eliza are also ignored.)

And btw. My favorite Episodes is Hunters moon part 1 - 3. Great story, very dramatical, and the lovely end, << at this moment between goliath and eliza, the fans waited since episode "the mirror" / german titel "Der Spiegel"

And is that true. Episode "the mirror" is cutted in usa (in tv) because the "world trade center"?

Greg responds...

I'm afraid I have no information on German translations.

And I don't own the property. Disney does. It wasn't and ISN'T mine to take anywhere else.

As far as I know, "The Mirror" still airs with all the others.

Response recorded on September 24, 2008

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anonymous writes...

Dear Greg,

After issues 9-12 are out, along with the rest of Bad Guys, do you think you will continue Gargoyles, by getting a new liscense with another comic book publisher, like Kingdom comics, or will you stop all together.

Thank you for everything you do,

Greg responds...

I'm hoping to continue with someone. Hopefully SLG. But I'm not done telling these stories in any case.

Response recorded on September 23, 2008

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Peaseblossom writes...

Hiya! It's me again. I'm a persisent lil' fay. Since the the story of what the star of arabia is and how Xanatos got it, is a story for another day...my question is this: Do you think that story will be touched upon in the comics as all?

Greg responds...

Not in Clan-Building. But hopefully someday.

Response recorded on September 22, 2008

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