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Clan-Building #9: Rock of Ages

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Chip writes...

"I have waited three months for this moment...And it was worth the wait." Gargoyles #8 "Rock and Roll" really does just that. ROCKS AND ROLLS! We learn so much about the London Clan, which was always my favorite clan, (and Knight's Spur, their estate, this clan has really strong ties to Arthur) Whoa! 196 members strong (or not so strong considering their form of Birth Control) with 25 to hatch in 2 years. I can't say for sure, but I believe that that is more than we saw in Japan, which makes the London Clan the strongest known clan. I wonder if other clans (Like Ishimura and Loch Ness) have similar breeding policies...hmmm No beasts though, that surprised me, as I figured Barghests, Grims, and other spectors were London beasts run amuk. Old Pog (Who looks cool as a Hypogriff type gargoyle) is prolly Griff's Biological father, (sorry, it's the human in me) and his staff having turned to stone with him was a nice touch, and cute little Lunette was obviously Leo and Una's Daughter. Cool.

Then there's Shari, who contradicts what she said last time (and nullifies my last review with my comments on Egypt, oh well now I feel "electric" sheepish.) "All things are true, few things are accurate." So which story is accurate? The first,second, both, or neither? And of course we've also got Cu Cullain, Carbonek, Moses, Jeremiah, Pelles, and not to mention Merlin. Major props for Merlin's design, very different from his stereotypical look, and very cool. (Ironicly Disney is primarily responsible for his look and Disney's Gargoyles is a sharp contrast I like it!) Plus the whole St. Columba story is just plain cool.

Let's give it up for Constance and Staghart, two very cool new gargs, I shall call them Coco and Amp. :) Do I sense something between Lex and Amp?

Arthur and Macbeth become better acquainted, and begin a friendship, and cement an alliance too. Nightstone? Thailog owns Starbucks?

And the meat of this story...tasty meat too. A battle with Lex, Hudson, Griff, Amp, Coco, Mac, and Arthur Vs. Coldsteel, Coyote 5.0, a Steel Clan Robot, and an Iron Clan robot. (Yes I caught that!!! You don't waste anything!) Naturally the Steel and Iron Clan robots are the first to go, and I'm sure Coyote is next. It remains to be seen weather Coldsteel will "live" or not. Coco's mid-air summersault was very cool as well. Dare I say it, but David Hedgecock's art has improved to the point where I actually love it! He has done a fantastic job, and Bevard's coloring is Phenominal.

And just when the chips are down and it looks as though Hudson is going to be dismembered, who should arrive but Coldstone and Coldfire. Time to Really Rock and Roll. I absolutely cannot wait for Gargoyles #9 there's just so much good stuff packed in here. Let's Rock and Roll. "Anyone order up the kitchen sink?"

Rock on.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 21, 2008

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Anthony Tini writes...


Based on the information you shared with us on Monday, February 11, 2008, I compiled the list below for my website. Would you say the list below is accurate on the potential release dates for the future comics of Gargoyles? If not, what dates should I change? Thank you.

March 2008
Gargoyles #8

April 2008
Bad Guys #2

May 2008
Gargoyles #9

June 2008
Bad Guys #3

July 2008
Gargoyles #10

August 2008
Bad Guys #4

September 2008
Gargoyles #11

October 2008
Bad Guys #5

November 2008
Gargoyles #12

December 2008
Bad Guys #6

Greg responds...

It's as accurate as anything I guess. We're still waiting on Disney to approve G#8 and BG#2. They're both done.

Bad Guys #3 is fully penciled and inked. It's being finished and lettered.

Gargoyles #9 and Bad Guys #4 are both being pencilled now.

Gargoyles #10 is being scripted.

That's where things currently stand.

Response recorded on March 10, 2008

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Where things stand...

Uh... they don't. Not for me. They run at break-neck speed, these days. Here's what I'm up to.

Issue #8 is complete. Late last week it was sent to Disney AND the printer, so that the moment the former approves it, the latter can send it to press.
Issue #9 is written. David Hedgecock is doing roughs and original designs now. The cover, already pencilled and inked by Greg Guler,is being colored by Robby Bevard.
Issue #10 needs to get written. I'll get to that as soon as I'm done writing Red Tornado #1 (see below). Dave will be pencilling that cover off his rough.

Issue #2 is currently being lettered. The art is complete: pencils and inks by Karine Charlebois, finishes by Karine and Robby. The cover, a Guler/Bevard job featuring Yama, is done.
Issue #3 is currently being roughed out by guest artist Christopher A. Jones. Chris is the regular penciller on The Batman Strikes, and he and I worked together on the Captain Atom/Gargoyles/Justice League Europe parody from a few years back. The cover, a Guler/Bevard job featuring Hunter, is done.
Issue #4 is currently being roughed by Karine. The cover, a Guler/Bevard job featuring Fang, is done.
Issue #5 will get scripted as soon as I'm done scripting Red Tornado #1, Gargoyles #10 and Red Tornado #2. Guler is currently working on the cover, which features Dingo.

DC Comics has hired me to write a six issue limited series featuring one of my favorite characters, i.e. Red Tornado. (Duh.) I'm currently scripting issue #1. I'm hoping that any attention I get on this book will help us over on the Gargoyles books.

And, oh yeah... there's my actual job... and the main reason why I'm completely exhausted these days.
Episode #1 - This week we have a music and fx preview. The episode will preview at WonderCon on 2/23 and premiere on KidsWB on 3/8.
Episode #2 - We had a music and fx spottting session last week. This episode will ALSO premiere on KidsWB on 3/8. Or so I've been told.
Episode #3 - I've seen the Teaser and Act One. Hopefully, I'll see the missing acts this week, so that we can do our first pass edit and call retakes. We also have a music spotting session late this week.
Episode #4 - We should get it back from Korea this week to edit and call retakes.
Episodes #5-12 - We're waiting to get these back from Korea.
Episode #13 - Reviewing final color models.
Episodes #14-15 - Seeing design work daily and waiting to see storyboards.
Episodes #16-17 - Seeing design work daily. We'll be recording some pick-ups this week with a couple of actors who missed the main recording sessions earlier this month.
Episode #18 - We're recording this one on Thursday of this week.
Episode #19 - I need to finish editing the script for this one tonight.
Episode #20 - I'll start editing this script tonight or tomorrow.
Episode #21 - The writer should deliver this script late this week.
Episode #22 - The writer's working on this script now.
Episode #23 - The writer's working on this outline now.
Episode #24 - The writer will start this outline when she finishes writing the script to #21.
Episode #25 - I have to write this outline... you know, on my free time.
Episode #26 - The writer will write this outline when he's done writing the script for #22.

And I think that's it. Whew!

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