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Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky writes...

1. King Arthur
2. Merlin
3. Lady of the Lake
4. Perceval
5. Palamedes
6. Morgana
7. Blanchfleur
8. Nimue

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 11, 2000

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niner writes...

Hello again Mr.Weisman, I thought I would take one more stab at this Arthurian contest:

2)The Lady of the Lake
5)Morgana Le Fey

Thankyou very much.

Greg responds...



Response recorded on March 11, 2000

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Kar -kwannon@yahoo.com writes...

Arthurian Survivors:

1. King Arthur
2. Merlin
3. Lady of the lake
4. Morgana le Fey
5. Percival
6. Nimue
7. Galahad
8. Pelles

Greg responds...

six points

TYCA (Thank you. Come again.)

Response recorded on March 11, 2000

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Vashkoda writes...

Hi again. By the time you see this question, the last Arthurian survivor will probably have been identified and a lot more about Pendragon be known, possibly making this question irrelevant, but just in case: 1) Does Duval share the immortality granted by the Grail with anyone else? 2) Have any of the other survivors made it to the present day through time-traveling? 3) If the answer to #2 is yes, was the Pheonix Gate involved?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. No.

3. Yes. (You figure it out.)

Response recorded on March 09, 2000

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Tana writes...

Arthurian Survivors:

1. Arthur Pendragon
2. Lady of the Lake
3. Merlin
4. Nimue
5. Galahad
6. Percival
7. Morgana le Fae
8. Lord Oberon

Reason for #8 Um, can we say Loop hole? You said yourself that Oberon is Merlin's father, therefore he's from the Arthurian period. And we can clearly see he's still alive. :)

And YES, I'm a goober.

Greg responds...

Six points. (See my previous answers and forty lashes for you, since you didn't check the archives which long ago ruled out Oberon, Puck, Titania and Mab as contest-answer survivors.)

Response recorded on March 09, 2000

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Tana writes...

Arthurian Survivors:

1. Arthur Pendragon
2. Lady of the Lake
3. Merlin
4. Nimue
5. Galahad
6. Percival
7. Morgana le Fae
8. Queen Maeb

Reason for #8 well, Maeb did figure into some of the Arthurian legends...even in the NBC miniseries "Merlin." And you've talked about possible inclusion of her in the series, that Oberon merely imprissoned her...She's still alive.

Greg responds...

Well, as I mentioned once before, I wasn't counting Mab as particularly Arthurian. Frankly, before the "Merlin" mini-series, I had never encountered that character in an Arthurian context. So yes, Mab survives. But she doesn't count in my book. By the same token, Merlin's father could be considered an "Arthurian Character" and thus Oberon could be considered a survivor too. But that's not the kind of thing I had in mind for the contest.

Having said all that, you scored six.

Thank you. Come again.

Response recorded on March 09, 2000

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Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky writes...

1. King Arthur
2. Merlin
3. Lady of the Lake
4. Percival
5. Blanchefleur
6. Morgana la Fay
7. Nimue
8. Lancelot

Greg responds...

Seven points.

(This is a cheezy strategy, Greg. But it's working.)

Response recorded on March 09, 2000

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Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky writes...

1. King Arthur
2. Merlin
3. Lady of the Lake
4. Percival
5. Blanchefleur
6. Morgana la Fay
7. Nimue
8. Bedivere

Greg responds...

Seven points. (Didn't someone guess this combo already?)

Thank you. Come again.

Response recorded on March 09, 2000

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DougJoe writes...

Third shot at the Arthurian Survivors...

1. Arthur
2. Merlin
3. Lady of the Lake
4. Morgana
5. Nimue
6. Sir Percival
7. Sir Galahad
8. Pelles

Greg responds...

Six points.

You're backsliding.

Thank you. Come again.

Response recorded on March 09, 2000

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DougJoe writes...

Second shot at the Arthurian Survivors...

1. King Arthur
2. Lady of the Lake
3. Merlin
4. Morgana
5. Nimue
6. Sir Percival
7. Blanchfleur
8. Pelles

Greg responds...

Seven points.

A new plateau.

Thank you. Come again.

Response recorded on March 09, 2000

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Blaise writes...

Me again, Greg! Just trying my hand at the Arthurian survivors.

1) Arthur
2) Merlin
3) Lady of the Lake
4) Parcival (Percival, however you spell it)
5) Morgan Le Fey (Morgana)
6) Nimue
7) Blanchfleur
8) (alright, this is the one I DON'T know, so I'm just going to take an [egotistical] shot in the dark with what limited Arthurian knowledge I have) Blaise

Just let me know the score!

Greg responds...

Seven points.

Whew. Someone finally got over the six point barrier.

Good work. (Just not quite good enough.)

And of course...

Thank you. Come again.

Response recorded on March 09, 2000

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Kalara of the Land of Athiria writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In your mind do you think dragons are evil or good? In the course of the show there are several references to these fantasy creatures. In the Gargoyles world are there any good dragons or only evil ones. Because in the episode "Pendragon" the stone dragon seems to be bad. It was only a stone dragon. However, is there a race of dragons like gargoyle or are they only a species of fantasty creatures?

Greg responds...

The stone dragon in "Pendragon" was a magical construct. Or at any rate it was brought to a semblance of life by magic. It wasn't truly alive. And I don't consider it a true dragon. Nor do I consider it evil. It was "programmed" to perform a specific function. To test for the one true king.

I'm not going to confirm or deny the existance of real dragons in the gargoyles universe, but if you've watched the series, you'll know thematically that I would never define an entire species, gargoyle, fae, human or dragons (if there are dragons) as either good or evil. To quote Goliath, "There is good and evil in all of us, human and gargoyle alike."

Nothing is one thing. Let alone an entire species.

Response recorded on March 08, 2000

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Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky writes...

1.Arthur 2.Merlin 3.Lady of the Lake 4.Perceval 5.Galahad 6.Morgana 7.Bedivere 8.Nimue

Greg responds...

Six points.

Thank you, come again.

(I feel like this guess came in already.)

Response recorded on March 08, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

Thanks for answering my "religion" question. Actually, there are two human characters in the series that you left out whom I'm curious about:

a) Macbeth
b) King Arthur

What (in your opinion) are their current religions? In particular, do you see the King Arthur of the Gargoyles Universe as a Christian (as per the traditional legends) or something else?

Greg responds...

I think Macbeth has been many things over the years. Obviously, he started as a Catholic. Now, I figure he's fairly omnireligious.

As for Arthur, I think he's a Christian. Officially, something of a Catholic... He probably hasn't had cause or opportunity to change.

Response recorded on March 03, 2000

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Greg Bishansky writes...

Which of the seven series was Queen Mab supposed to appear in?

Greg responds...

Gargoyles. Maybe TimeDancer, though I had no specific plans for that. Possibly Pendragon too.

But mostly Gargoyles.

Response recorded on March 03, 2000

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Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky writes...

Here I go again

1. Arthur
2. Merlin
3. Lady of the Lake
4. Percival
5. Morgana la Fay
6. Galahad
7. Nimue
8. Mordred

Greg responds...

six points

Thank you. Come again.

(This is getting scary.)

Response recorded on March 03, 2000

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Anonymous writes...

Sorry to be back so soon with another line up for the Arthurian survivors but this one I just came up with seems more likely than the previous one (boy am I going to look stupid when this one turns out to be wrong too).

2)Lady of the Lake
4)Morgana Le Fey

Thankyou again.

Greg responds...

six points

Thank you. Come again.

(I should have a function key, that just types that up.)

Response recorded on March 03, 2000

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niner writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman,

First of all, thank you for answering my questions.

Here are my guesses for the Arthurain survivors:
3)Lady of the Lake
5)Morgana Le Fey
8)The Green Knight

Thank you very much.

Greg responds...

six points

Thank you. Come again.

(This is getting a bit repetitive.)

Response recorded on March 03, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

An earlier guess of mine but with a different Grail Damsel :).

1.Arthur 2.Merlin 3.Lady of the Lake 4.Perceval 5.Galahad 6.Morgana 7.Nimue 8.Cundry

Greg responds...

six points

Thank you. Come again.

Response recorded on March 03, 2000

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Greg Bishansky writes...

Another shot at the Arthurian Survivors

1. Arthur
2. Merlin
3. Lady of the Lake
4. Percival
5. Morgana la Fay
6. Lancelot
7. Bedivere
8. Nimue

Greg responds...

six points

Thank you. Come again.

Response recorded on March 03, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

In your opinion, what's Titania's attitude towards Merlin? (I hope for Merlin's sake that it's nothing along the lines of Hera's attitude towards Zeus's illegitimate offspring such as Heracles).

Greg responds...

Her attitude when?

Response recorded on February 24, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

In both "Avalon Part Three" and "Pendragon", it was made clear that King Arthur had been awakened "ahead of schedule", well before the time of Britain's greatest hour of need when he was meant to return from Avalon: Arthur admits it in "Avalon Part Three" and the Stone of Destiny and the Lady of the Lake both say as much in "Pendragon". If you had made the "Pendragon" spin-off, would this element have been addressed in it, that Arthur had been awakened by Elisa before the appointed time - and what the possible consequences for it could be for Britain when it reached the point that it needed Arthur's return?

Greg responds...

Absolutely. Believe me, I wouldn't have gone to so much trouble to point it out if it wasn't for a reason. I'm not really that subtle a guy, am I?

Response recorded on February 24, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Is there a special story behind the flute of Puck that was seen in "Gathering, Part I"? Or the harp seen in "Lighthouse in the Sea of Time"? Were you planning to do stories on either or both of the two?

Greg responds...

I had planned on using the flute in THE GATHERING, PART TWO -- and it's probably a mistake that I didn't. I wanted Puck to use it to temporarily subdue Oberon, but it got away from me somehow.

But yes, the flute definitely interested me, and I would have done something with it eventually.

The harp, I hadn't given any real thought to. But it could probably come into play down the road in Pendragon.

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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Alaxk writes...

When the your envolvement with the series ended, where you happy with the character of Arthur.

Greg responds...


I was happy with him up to that point...

As many of you know, I had hoped to spin him off into his own show, PENDRAGON. And I'm sorry I didn't get to tell those stories, but I'm happy enough with the two stories we did tell with him.

Response recorded on February 01, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

You gave a list here once of Arthurian writers that you've read: Geoffrey of Monmouth, Sir Thomas Malory, T. H. White, Mary Stewart, Roger Lancelyn Green, John Steinbeck, Thomas Berger, and Norma Lorre Goodrich, as I recall. I was wondering if you might be interested in giving your opinions (in brief, of course) on their Arthurian writings - and Goodrich, in particular. Having read her Arthurian books myself, I'm curious as to what you thought of them. (My own response to them was that the author had an engaging style, but a lot of her notions struck me as improbable - such as her effort to substantially revise Arthurian geography by putting everything up in Scotland - and I even detected a number of factual errors and slip-ups in them).

Greg responds...

Believe it or not, I've never read Malory from cover to cover. I've read huge chunks of it. And I've skimmed the whole thing. But he doesn't really engage me as a writer. I'm not sure why.

Thus, it is Roger Lanelyn Green who almost acts as my so-called primary source. God, I loved that little book.

Geoffrey was endlessly fascinating.

Steinbeck didn't finish, which was frustrating. It wasn't the best read.

Berger was a lot of fun. Though I don't personally "believe" many of his interpretations of the legends, it was a great read.

I loved Stewart's THE CRYSTAL CAVE. But with each successive book, I found less and less to connect with Stewart's interpretations. And her Mordred book really bummed me out. It seemed like she felt a need to turn Mordred into a real hero at the expense of just about anyone else. Bugged me.

T.H. White's ONCE AND FUTURE KING. I love this book. And I love his "Book of Merlyn." Beautiful writing. Human and fanciful. Irresistable to me.

As for Goodrich, well, I don't have the background to argue her facts. I found much of the material unconvincing and flat-out dull. But I thought she had one real insight. Lancelot has always been viewed as a late addition to the mythology. As a character who was probably NOT historical. (Whereas Arthur likely was.) Her linguistic explanation, connecting Malory's Lancelot with Monmouth's Angus was very convincing. I'll try and duplicate it here...

ANGUS latinized becomes something like ANGUSELUS.

But Anguselus was a title that could properly be rendered as THE ANGUSELUS.

Frenchifying this would make it L'ANGUSELOS. With the last letter silent.

Over time, it would not be unlikely for the name to be simplified. If a syllable got dropped it could very easily become L'ANSELOS.

And if the last S is silent (as it likely would be in French) then it could easilty become an equally silent "T". Thus L'ANSELOT.

Or LANCELOT once it was anglicized again.

This may sound like a stretch. And I may not be doing it justice above. But early Celtic accounts include the character of Angus. Lancelot was assumed to be a later and fictional French addition to the legend. (And thus a character from France.) If Lancelot is in fact Angus, then that lends a certain credence to the entire legend. And I just love that idea.

Response recorded on January 24, 2000

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