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Todd Jensen writes...

This is about your mention once that King Arthur and Griff would visit the South Pole during their quest for Merlin:

1. I understand if you don't want to answer this question, but I'm a bit curious as to why they'd think of looking for Merlin in Antarctica. Back in the 5th century, nobody in Britain would have been aware of Antarctica's existence, so it would be a rather unlikely place for Merlin's Crystal Cave. Why would Arthur and Griff consider it a candidate, then?

2. Was your decision to include the South Pole on Arthur and Griff's itinerary influenced at all by the fact that Antarctica was the only continent that Goliath and Co. never visited on the Avalon World Tour?

Greg responds...

1. Nobody in Britain? Or nobody with normal resources?

2. Not particularly.

Response recorded on August 19, 2000

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Aris Katsaris (repost by Aris) writes...

This comes with some delay but better late than never... Concerning Morrigan (to give credit where due) Todd had already guessed that in the Gargoyles Universe she may have been Banshee... I had my doubts, in part because I hadn't guessed that the 'love' part in their love/hate relationship went back to their earlier life...

Anyway... So, the Morrigan of legends is an amalgation of Banshee and the Weird sisters... interesting and ofcourse quite fitting. (I also wonder if the idea of the Weird Sisters in love with anyone could ever pass S&P - it would seem a bit like a group orgy or something... :-)

I was intrigued (and quite pleased) when I found out that you had further plans for Banshee as Molly - the episode had left me rather unsatisfied, Rory transforming into Cuchullain and attacking/killing the Banshee as if Molly had meant nothing to him... it felt kind of a letdown (especially since I quite liked Molly while the Banshee seemed two-dimensional). So I'm glad this is not the end of their relationship, even though I agree with you that it would be difficult to near-impossible to focus a whole series on the two of them.

Hmm... here are a couple of questions. Does Rory know that the Banshee is still out there or does he think that he has killed her? And that 'transformation' into Cuchullain... would you have it happen again, or even on a regular base? (I rather disliked the transformation - I didn't much like Cuchullain's form...) And how does Rory feel now about Molly/Banshee/Crom Cruach?

Thanks btw, for the compliment on my usage of English... However the specific post concerning the Morrigan was in great part a copy-and-paste job from a mythological website... :-)

Greg responds...

I think to the extent that Rory is only just starting to remember his past life, he probably realizes taht Cuchullain has "killed" her before and will probably have to "kill" her again. He doesn't expect Molly to reenter his life though. That should come as a surprise.

Some transformation will be part of the equation. But I too wasn't satisfied with what we had. For starters, it seemed to much like Marvel's Thor to me. And I wasn't wild about the Cuchullain model either. It was servicable, and we were on deadline. But I'd like to come up with something stronger. Something that mixes Rory and Cuchullain more. Something that better integrates the Spear of Light. I have some ideas about it, if I ever get the chance to revisit.

As for Rory's current feelings, I think he largely felt betrayed by Molly. Felt she had been using him, felt she never had any real feelings for him. I think she thinks that he's right about that. But "going undercover" as Banshee did gets complicated. Nothing's as cut and dry as either of them think.

Response recorded on August 01, 2000

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Demona (repost by Aris) writes...

Hi, Greg! I have a quick question for you -- why did Avalon send Demona and MacBeth to Paris? Goliath, Angela, Elisa, and Bronx were sent to Paris because of Demona and MacBeth. So, why were Demona and MacBeth there? Thanks!! :)

Greg responds...

Thailog. And a need for them to confront each other one more time.

Response recorded on August 01, 2000

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LSZ writes...

At what period in history was Karadigi built?

Greg responds...

The long ago period...

Response recorded on July 24, 2000

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LSZ writes...

What's the Emir's real name?

Greg responds...

Why do you want to know?

Response recorded on July 24, 2000

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Justin writes...

The guatemalan clan was almost nearly wiped save four.
did any eggs survive? If so, how many?

Greg responds...

A full rookery of eggs survived.

Response recorded on July 24, 2000

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Nyrtleka writes...

It seems that naming is not a gargoyle custom. Yet the other clans in the World Tour (London, Ishimura, Guatemala) have names. My question is how did Griff and Una and Leo get their name?

Greg responds...

The more gargs live with and interact with humans, the more likely they are to have names. Thanks to their Soho store, the London clan has been interacting with humans for centuries.

Response recorded on July 24, 2000

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Pamber writes...

Great work on Gargoyles, Mr. W!

With the Guatemalan gargs, the names Obsidiana and Turquesa are similar to the stones obsidian and turquoise. Jade is spelled like another stone, jade. On that sun amulet thing in "THE GREEN", some of the stones were black, green, and I think bluish, which are the same colors as obsidian, jade, and turquoise. I think there's another color also, but I'm not sure. My question is this: is the name Zafiro based on another type of stone?

Greg responds...

Sapphire = Zafiro

Make sense?

Response recorded on July 11, 2000

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Pamber writes...

have jade and turquesa returned to guatemala from avalon yet? did they go on adventures wherever avalon sent them?

Greg responds...

Yes. Yes.

Response recorded on July 11, 2000

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Kevin Catchpole writes...

How come you didn't use the silent c pronunciation for Cuchulain (phonetic: Koo-hul'-in)..I noticed this in a reference guide in the Morgan Llywelyn novel Red Branch. Is she in error listing it thusly, or is either pronunciation considered acceptable. Just curious :)

Greg responds...

The pronunciation we used is the pronunciation we were told was correct. I can't verify it. And at this point, I don't remember who told us. It might have been Sheena Easton and/or Scott Cleverdon. It might have been Diane Duane and or Peter Morwood. It might have been Michael Reaves. I don't remember. I just know, I didn't know, and asked. The pronunciation we used was the one we were given.

Response recorded on July 10, 2000

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