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POSTINGS 2008-05 (May)

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Vasy writes...

As A sPiderman fan through the ages...

No show or movie has ever got it right with Venom...

He got the costume int he Secret Wars...which involves outer space and alot of Super heors and Villians




Greg responds...

We aren't using other Marvel characters in the series, save those from the Spider-Man corner of the Marvel Universe (which is huge, btw). So that eliminates the possibility of using Secret Wars as a source for the Symbiote. (Can't say I'm sorry, either. Not as big a fan of that series as you obviously were.)

Response recorded on May 28, 2008

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Matthew writes...

In "High Noon", MacBeth stops Demona from killing Elisa and the Gargoyles as they slept. Now I get Demona wanting to kill Elisa, but why did she want to kill the Gargoyles? That would be exterminating the rest of her species. I mean I could see her killing them to keep them from thwarting one of her plans, but just killing for revenge is a bit odd.

Greg responds...

Isn't it though? I'm sure she'd say she was being necessarily preemptive.

Response recorded on May 28, 2008

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Matt H writes...

Suggestions for someone to write the intro for Volume 2:
I think it would be nice to have an opinion of the show from someone else in television animation, but unrelated to Gargoyles. Get Bruce Timm or Paul Dini and I'll be happy.

Greg responds...

Don't know if either of them are Garg fans...

Response recorded on May 28, 2008

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alex and Jemaa writes...

wats your name >?

Greg responds...

Gregory David Weisman

Response recorded on May 28, 2008

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Brenden Thoreson writes...

Hello Greg, long time fan of gargoyles, and most of my questions about the Gargoyles universe have been answered by browsing the archives but these questions.
I see from the archives that Angela and Broadway will raise their children in the traditional gargoyles fashion, and I am assuming that Brooklyn and Katana will try to do the same. But this has led me to some interesting questions about the relationships between generations of gargoyles in the same clan.

I have seen that from the first episode that gargoyles from the same rookery generation call one another rookery brother or rookery sister, or if there are close bonds just brother and sister. So my first question is do gargoyles have the same endearing names for an older or younger generation with in the clan, for example rookery mother, rookery father, rookery son, rookery daughter, or some other term like those? Yes I do know that Goliath's generation calls Hudson My Mentor, I am assuming that is so only because he was the leader and teacher of the clan before Goliath.

Another is I have noticed that Hudson has a stronger relationship with Goliath then any other of Goliath's rookery siblings, or at least just the ones we have met so far. I am assuming this is do to, that Hudson saw Goliath's potential as a successor and paid special attention to him to prepare him for the role. I have also noticed that gargoyles in one generation develop strong ties with a few siblings like Coldstone's and Goliath's relationship. My next question is do stronger relationships develop between certain hatchlings and certain members of the parenting generation or members of another older generation of gargoyles?

But in Mark of the Panther Goliath, who is having trouble dealing and even understanding Angela's unusual need for parents and her attachment to him after she finds that she is his biological daughter, says to Elisa's mother Diane "gargoyle hatchlings belong to the whole clan, I cannot hold one hatchling over the others." So are these kinds of relationships, I have asked about in the previous paragraph, taboo, shunned, frowned upon, or generally accepted as a part of the growing up process of young gargoyles, or are they just Goliath's personal words do to the fact that he is the clan leader?

Thanks for even putting up a general questions website, not many writers do that or post the site on there publications. I apologize for my long winded questions but it just the way I write. Just to let you know Gargoyles has been a huge influence in my own stories and don't worry I have absolutely no fan fictions of Gargoyles and I have never understood why people have to do them, they don't make sense to me any ways.
I can't wait for Brooklyn's little trip, especially the clan's reactions when he gets back five minutes later, they will be priceless. I might have to scan the images in and use them as a desktop. I just can't see Time Dancer done in six issues like I heard the spin offs will be done in, too much happening from what I have found on Ask Greg. Well I guess that is why it is third in line and thanks again.

Greg responds...

Some gargoyles will develop stronger relationships with some. With that many parents, siblings, children, etc. running around, it's natural. But neither "shunned, frowned upon, or generally accepted" fits the bill to my mind. Amd citing Hudson/Goliath hardly proves anything. Hudson's pre-massacre relationship with anyone else in Goliath's generation has not been explored. Nor has Goliath's relationship with anyone else from Hudson's generation even been touched on.

In Panther, Goliath is NOT having trouble with Angela's "unusal need for parents". He's concerned about what her specific need to acknowledge their BIOLOGICAL relationship might mean... both in terms of his relationship to the rest of the Avalon Clan and especially HER relationship to her biological mother.

Not all of Brooklyn's TimeDancer adventures are designed to fit into one six episode mini. Just one six-part story. I could tell TimeDancer adventures for forty years. And I hope I get that chance.

Response recorded on May 28, 2008

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Todd Jensen writes...

Inspired by your "It's not a cowboy hat" response to my review of "Gargoyles" #8.

I'd forgotten to mention this in my review, but on my way back from the Gathering 2001, the airplane I was on showed a movie called "Just Visiting" about a medieval knight and his peasant-servant who get transported via magic to the modern world. At one point, the wizard who sent them there followed them into modern times and changed into more present-day-looking clothing: the precise clothes that he wore looked (I recall) extremely similar to the ones that Merlin was wearing in #8.

At the time, the airline's choice of that particular movie startled me enough, since the notion of medieval people in the modern world fitted in so well with "Gargoyles" (the plight of the gargoyles, King Arthur - and, to some extent, Macbeth, though at least he got to live through all the changes and adapt to them instead of having to face them all at once). But when the Merlin of the Gargoyles Universe dressed that much like the wizard in the movie, that astonished me even more.

Just thought you might like to know about that.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 28, 2008

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Todd Jensen writes...

The other London gargoyles whom we've met (Leo, Una, Griff, and Staghart) all have names that reflect the animals which they most resemble. But Constance's name doesn't. Is this significant? (Of course, it obviously works as a logical name to derive "Coco" from.)

Greg responds...

Constance's name has important significance, but I'm not prepared to go into what that significance is yet.

Response recorded on May 27, 2008

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KingCobra_582 writes...

3 months of waiting. This issue made it all worth it, and then some.



Nice little touches with Shari and Thailog, and playing chess, no less. Somehow oddly fitting. I noticed that Shari gives two different versions of the Stone Of Destiny's arrival in Ireland. Which version, in your opinion, do you consider accurate?

Nice reference to Cu Challain. Props. Will Cu make a return in future issues?

Also, nice throwback to 'The Edge' with Thailog's 'I'd fire you if you did' in response to Shari's offer to pretend losing the Chess game.

Nice 'Monsters' reference as well. Damn, but this issue is stocked with references and episode homages. Geez. :D

'Coco'. Heh. Brought back memories of the "Original Broadway" when I read that. Again, props to you, Greg.

Staghart seems like a very cool (his crack about the kitchen sink at the end? LOL.) character.

I suspected that Staghart (having not known his name at the end of #7, I'd thought of him as 'that deer-like Gargoyle') = Amp. Nice to have confirmation of it. Although, for a time, I also wasn't sure if Lex was naming Staghart in that infamous panel from #7, or if he'd found a stray pet or something. At least I can stop wondering now.

Speaking of Staghart/Amp, I picked up on a few hints of a thing between him and Lex. Though I may also be reading too much into it.

More narrative time-jumping. I'm having trouble keeping the events of this arc chronologically straight. But then, that just makes it more interesting. Glad it's not a constant thing, however.

Great to see Griff again. Fighting the Steel Clan robots. Nice. He's even more bad-assed in the comics then he was in the series.

Knight's Spur. Very nice name for their habitat. How British sounding. I like it. And I also dig the panel with the London Clan in stone sleep, too.

Xanatos is at it again. No surprise to anyone who'd read the end of issue #6, but still... what is his game? And what IS the obsession with Fox's shoes? How do Fox's shoes play into the Stone of Destiny? *scratches head* You are evil, Greg. Keeping me guessing like that. EVIL. :P

More legend telling from Shari. Nothing I can say about it that I haven't already in my #7 review.

I knew Hudson would escape his dismemberment (Coldsteel = heartless bastard.) but that last panel with Coldstone and Coldfire, out of the blue but I really should've seen it coming, was a great plot twist.

That's all I really have to say about this issue. Fun to read, great story, and the new characters (Staghart) seem really cool. Great twists and nice characterization (Griff rocks!) all sum this up into one neat, nicely-written package.

Bring on #9.

Greg responds...

Glad you liked it! (Couldn't tell if all those questions were rhetorical, so -- because I'm lazy -- I've decided they are.)

Response recorded on May 27, 2008

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melissa writes...

Little question about the stone healing. I noticed that some of your characters have piercings. Would they heal up if the rings weren't in when they went to sleep? Can gargoyles get tattoos? Also, do gargoyles have belly buttons? I'd think being oviparous means they wouldn't.

Greg responds...

If a piercing's completely scarred over, it might not heal -- or at least not in one night. But otherwise, yes.

Tatoos... I may not know enough about tatoos to answer that, but unless I'm missing something I don't see why not. Though you'd need a pretty thick needle, I'd think.

I wouldn't think they have belly buttons.

Response recorded on May 27, 2008

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Armanda Rudeau writes...

I am asking the same question that many of the other people have been asking about when will Gargoyles season 2 Volume 2 come out and im also asking when Gargoyles Season 3 will come out? I know that you have had many other people ask the same question.

Greg responds...

Then why are you asking again?

Response recorded on May 27, 2008

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