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Dear, Greg
I have a question regarding some strange postings I've recently come accross on amazon.com
They claim to be for the dvd releases of gargoyles season 2 vol 2 and season 3, are these really being considered by disney? There is no release date on the page either, but it looks like an official posting. Anyways these are the links, let me know what you think.
Asked and answered.
In the present day, let's say October 31, 1996, would you say the total world-wide gargoyle population - not counting eggs or gargoyle beasts - is somewhere between 400 and 600?
I wouldn't say... one way or another.
CON-ODYSSEY: ComicCon - Sunday, July 27, 2008
1:45am - Went back to my room to watch TV and read more BONE.
4am - Finally went to sleep.
9:30am - Wake up time. Said goodbye to Michael Vogel, Mike Ross, Chris and David Hedgecock.
10:30am - Talked with Paul GIacoppa for a bit.
11am - My last SLG signing with Karine. Lots of people stopped by, and I said goodbye to Karine, Jen, Faith, Sammy, Seth, Chris, Gargy, Dan, Jen, Joe, etc.
1pm - Left the con. Went back to the hotel to get my duffle and my car. Headed for home. Finished BORN STANDING UP and started Michael Chabon's YIDDISH POLICEMEN'S UNION. Ate peanut M&Ms, Pringles, Water, Coke.
4:30pm - Made it home.
And that ends my con-journaling until later this month when I head for CopperCon in Phoenix, Arizona: http://www.casfs.org/cucon/
By the time of the French revolution, were there any gargoyle clans left on mainland Europe?
I'm not answering this at this time.
This is question in regards to censorship in Spectacular Spider-Man. Back in the 90s series, there was an obnoxious amount of censorship (Spidey couldn't throw a punch?!) that sometimes hindered the story in obvious ways. Now, Spectacular Spidey is obviously a bit of a lighter tone, so I don't expect to see people dying all over the place or anything, but I am curious about how the censorship from the studios of this series differs from other shows you've worked on, like Gargoyles--which I think was great about being delightfully edgy whilst still obeying the censors. Gargoyles was much darker that Spider-Man currently is, obviously; I'm just curious as to how similar the rules regarding the amount of death and violence and such are and if it has changed a lot since your work in the 90s.
And just to be clear, I'm not complaining or asking for Spider-Man to be darker or more violent or anything, I'm very happy with how everything has been handled and balanced without getting too "gritty" thus far (and I'm usually a sucker for dark stories). I'm just curious, you know?.
I'm hinky about the way you throw the word "censor" around. The biggest rule is, was and always has been our own personal standards of what's right and wrong, what is and isn't appropriate. After that, both Gargoyles and Spectacular Spider-Man benefited from having smart, intelligent and understanding S&P executives (Adrienne Bello for Gargoyles, Patricia Dennis for Spidey). As I've mentioned before, there wasn't much we wanted to do on Spidey that was disallowed. The realistic sound of gunshots comes to mind... and those are being restored on the DVDs. I think it has less to do with the era, and more to do with the individual looking over your shoulder.
Hi Greg,
I know you've probably gotten about a billion "When is Spectacular Spider-Man on DVD?!!" questions, which so far it seems you have absolutely idea about, but I do have a question in regards to it.
Just out of blatant curiosity, do you have any idea about (or choice regarding) audio commentaries on episodes on a future DVD? I imagine that's probably more related to Culver Entertainment or whoever, but I am just curious as to if you are planning on doing any commentaries, and if so, whether you have any idea what episodes you would (or would like to) do. Commentaries are my favorite features on any DVD, and your Gargoyles commentaries were absolutely fascinating and entertaining, so I know I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on any of the Spider-Man episodes.
Can't wait for Season 2!
The first Spidey DVD will be released on September 9th, 2008. Vic and I would like to do audio commentaries, but none have been recorded so far.
CON-ODYSSEY: ComicCon - Saturday, July 26, 2008
12:30am - Back to the room.
1:30am - Sleep.
8:30am - Wake-up. Seven hours, not bad. The sleep-gods giveth and the sleep-gods taketh away.
9:30am - Breakfast with Michael Homler of St. Martin's Press. He's been trying to cajole me to finish the rewrite of my RAIN OF THE GHOSTS novel for a couple years now. I just never have time. I did have time for oatmeal, bacon and orange juice.
11am - SLG Signing with Karine. Simultaneously, I lost a contact lense deep inside my right eye, various fans stopped by for autographs, various friends and acquaintances stopped by to say hi, I was interviewed on camera and Dan was telling me that the Gargoyles comic book license would not be renewed. It was... somewhat stressful. I won't go into the details of the non-renewal here. I've rambled about it on ASK GREG earlier this week. Check the archives. But obviously, this was not a fun piece of news. The good news is that we will finish the Clan-Building and Redemption storylines. Beyond that, we'll just have to see...
1:30pm - SLG Panel. We showed the reels for both Mecha-Nation and Prodigy. Two new comics that Vic Cook and I will be doing for SLG over the next year. Then we had to announce the Gargoyles bad news. The sound was problematic throughout the panel, and the whole thing was a downer. No one's fault of course, but not too fun.
2:30pm - Back to SLG Booth for more signing.
3pm - David Hedgecock joined me.
4pm - Vic & Greg Guler came to sign Spidey posters and talk about Mecha-Nation and Prodigy on camera for SLG's website. I was definitely feeling burned out.
6pm - Went back to my room.
7pm - I went out to dinner with Vic, Greg Guler, Kevin Hopps, Phil Weinstein and their families. (Table for NINETEEN!) I had bread, a pepperoni/sausage/mushroom pizza and root beer. Then Vic, Kevin and their families wanted ice cream so I led them back to Ghiradelli's and had another Domingo. From there we returned to the Omni. I got a bottle of San Peligrino and we took up residence at the far end of the lobby as various folks came and went, including: myself, Vic, Phil, Kevin, Nicole Dubuc, Ian Mackie, Jennifer Anderson, Seth Jackson, Sammy, Kyt, Scott Sakai, Alisa, Cindy, Joey Mason, Cheeks, Marina and others, I'm sure. (Sorry, if I forgot anyone.)
I just heard that Season 2 Volume 2 was now listed on Amazon.com, I checked and sure enough it was there. Has Disney contacted you about this or asked you to participate in any way? I really hope this pans out and gets released.
Guys... please check to make sure the question your posting wasn't JUST posted.
who is sitting next to me?
On your right or left?
Hi Greg,
Hopefully I'm not beating a very dead horse here, but was wondering whether you'd seen- http://www.amazon.com/Gargoyles-Season-Two-Vol-2/dp/B00198X0YA/ref=pd_bbs_5?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1213507811&sr=8-5
It looks like Amazon's letting people sign up to be notified when Gargoyles S2V2 is released, and add it to their wishlists (of course, I'd scoop it up in a heartbeat if I could).
Do you know anything about this? Is there a good word on the much-anticipated release? At this point I'd even take barebones episodes (though I certainly wouldn't complain about commentary tracks).
Thanks for all the energy you've spent on this series, past and present.
I have no new news, but it can't hurt to let Amazon know you'd buy it if it became available.
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