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Una has elements of a unicorn, Coco looks like a wild boar, and Zafiro has a lot of reptilian elements, are there any animals that you don't think could be incorperated into a gargoyle design?
There's not much point in me committing to the answer to this question.
Hi greg i just Watched The Batman :Strange Minds and that is your strongest joker episode Yet.
Here is my question will there be a strong green goblin episode in season 2 that you wrote ?
I like to think all our Spidey episodes are strong. I did write one episode in Season Two, which I hope will turn out well. Goblin's in it. You can be the judge when it comes out.
Dear Greg,
I am a major fan of your work (espescially The Spectacular Spider-man). Unfortunately I have never been able to watch Gargoyles, but I have been trying to get the first season. I loved The Rubberface of Comedy and Meltdown in the Batman. That is my favourite version of clayface. I think you did those episodes.
Anyway, questions on the spectacular spider-man, great show.
Firstly I LOVE Dr.Octopus! He is my favourite spider-man foe in comics, movies and your show. However I love all the villains, from the cowboy shocker to the nightmare on elm street vulture. My first question is that in season two I know that the master Planner will appear early in the second season but wil his other persona be Dock Ock. I'm not to sure because of that surprising, yet brilliant Tombstone/Big Man change from the Foswell/Big man.
My second question is that because the Master Planner is appearing, will the famous story in Amazing Spider-man 33# appear?
My final question. I discovered that you will not be on CN any more. What network will you be on then?
I can't wait for season two.
Thank you very much!
1. I'm not using this site for spoilers.
2. Ditto.
3. We were never on CN. We were on the CW. I'm not allowed to say which network we'll be on in March.
Something I thought of while playing around in the iTunes store: Do you think that Gargoyles has a chance of being put up on iTunes for purchase and, if so, what effect that would have on its future?
Now I dont know much about how iTunes works but it doesnt seem like something Disney could really lose money on. They just put the episodes up there and theyre either bought or theyre not. It seems cheaper than relesing them on DVD because then Disney doesnt have to spend money on designing box art, gathering extra/special content, advertising, and other stuff that has to do with selling a DVD set. Probably cheaper than if Disney finally made the Season 2, Part 2 DVD set.
It doesnt seem like there's really a way to lose money if they put it up on iTunes. Its not like the episodes could waste money by gathering dust on a shelf if they were avaliable on iTunes. And if the episodes made decent money, maybe it would reflect positivly on the comic's future. What do you think?
I think it would be a great idea.
I asked some questions about Rory/Cuchullain and Banshee/Molly a while back and when your responses were discussed in the Comment Room, Ed pointed out that the Rory-Banshee spinoff was the only one of the spin-offs (that we know of) that you never gave a name to. So, do you have a name for that spinoff at this point?
Also, would there be any gargoyle or beast characters in this spinoff? Besides Rory and Banshee (and I suppose Mr. Dugan) do you know any other members of the main cast?
Thanks Greg!
I have answers to a lot (though not all) of these questions, but I think at this time, I'll refrain from answering. As a working title, i.e. something to refer to it by, let's call the spin-off "Heroes of Ulster".
I know that gargoyle children belong to the entire clan, but who is Goliath's real parents?
Me, Tad Stones, Greg Guler and Keith David.
related to my previous question: Will the episode involving Molten Man (assuming they are related as in the comics) provide more insight into Liz such as why her last name is Alan (not a hispanic name)?
Not really. But another episode will.
I have a question regarding Liz Alan. Is she Puerto Rican? I am Puerto Rican myself and judging from the shows setting (New York) I've made the assumption that she is buecause of the large population of immigrants from the island, but wanted to make sure.
In our minds, Liz's mom is Puerto Rican and her dad is Caucasian. Liz spent her early years in Puerto Rico, where her dad built and operated hotels. Then they moved to New York, when dad opened the Park Allan there.
You went to college with Heather Langenkamp and dated her? That's cool, I never knew that. But I guess you learn something everyday, right? :)
Anyway, how was she? Did you had a good experience with her?
She was a very nice person. I like to think we had a good time. I know I did. But I don't want to make it sound like more than it was. For all intents and purposes, we only really went on one real date. We hung out a bit -- did a couple scenes together in drama class -- but we were never exactly an item.
Hi there:
1.) I didn't know if you knew, but your show currently holds the record for the most episodes to feature Sandman on any Spider-Man animated series, as he's never appeared in more than one episode of a Spider-Man cartoon. I've noticed some villains that have appeared on the various cartoon shows have been used surprisingly little. Mysterio's had no more than four episodes (as shown on the Fox Kids, 1990s "Spider-Man" show), Electro's had three (from the 1960s animated series), and Kraven's had three or four appearances at the most, I think (also from the Fox Kids TV show). Do you have any plans for future seasons to try and break these villains' current records and let the villains appear in more episodes?
2.) Is there any chance we will see Doctor Octopus meet with Mysterio in season two, or maybe in another season?
3.) When season two is a huge hit (which I'm sure it will be), will you guys get started animating season three or does it usually take a few months of planning before you can get right back to work on another season?
1. I'm not interested in records, just in telling the best possible stories I have in my arsenal.
2. There's always a chance.
3. Planning, arcing, outlining, scripting, voice recording, pre-production, design, direction and all sorts of levels of approval must happen before animation can start. If we don't get a pick-up - for scripts at least - until Season Two airs and is (hopefully) declared a success, than there will be over a year gap between Seasons Two and Three.
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