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3x3 Eyes

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Andrea Marbry, marbryalm@AltaVista.com writes...

Dear Greg,
I'm a fan of your great work on MAX STEEL, and am sorry
that you won't be back. Do you have info on what's up for
the second season and, what will your next project be?

Greg responds...

I have no idea what they're planning for season two. Maybe a bionic dog. (Just kidding.)

As for me, watch for 3x3 Eyes coming out on video this Halloween. And on DVD this Christmas.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Sylia writes...

3x3 eyes...

was wondering how blantant the gargoyles references/injokes are in the new 3x3 dub. and please dont tell me you commited the same sin as the old dub with the "princess perl" remark for pai :( i just hope the flavour of 3x3 eyes is kept without turning it into gargoyles with a 3 eyed girl. sigh. you can tell i'm dreading this new dub....
please quash my hesitations. tell me they are a tiny and subtle part of the dub!

Greg responds...

I hope you don't dread it. The in-jokes are minor. Not that a garg fan wouldn't notice them immediately, but give me a little credit for not betraying one project to satisfy another. Please. I'm a professional. And I'd never get hired again, if I did that kind of crap.

I only ever listened to a small part of the "old dub" so I don't know what "princess perl" remark you're talking about. But we never say that in the new dub. It doesn't ring a bell. At any rate, we did NOT use any of the "old dub" as a reference of any kind.

As for the "new dub", which I'd prefer to call the first "complete dub", I'm actually very proud of it. I think the voice work is pretty terrific. Particularly Christian as Yakumo and Brigitte as Pai/Sanjiyan/Pabo/Parvati/Howasho. Susan Chesler, who plays Ling-Ling was a great find. I'd never worked with her before, but she was terrific. I did use a bunch of former garg voice actors, but I hardly think having Thom Adcox, Keith David, Gregg Rainwater, Edward Asner, Bill Fagerbakke, Elisa Gabrielli, etc. should qualify as a strike against it. They're all very good.

My advice (and at this point, I've made all the money off it that I'm going to, so it's less obviously selfish than it may seem) is get the thing and decide for yourself. If you don't like it, you know where to come to let me know.

But try to approach it with an open mind.

Response recorded on September 09, 2000

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Ray Kremer writes...

It's cool that you did the 3x3 Eyes dub, I love anime and will be sure to see it. But, um, it's been dubbed to English before, why did they have you do another one?
(I know because I saw the first ten minutes of a part of it on TV years ago. It wasn't part 1 though, so I got confused and changed the channel.) Just curious.

Greg responds...

It was dubbed by a different company, and never completed. So now that we were going to do the entire seven episodes (available on two volumes starting in October) we started from scratch. In addition, neither myself or Producer Jonathan Klein cared much for the old version. We're all quite pleased with this new version though. People at G2K seemed to like it. I hope you do as well.

Response recorded on September 02, 2000

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hlbimages@juno.com writes...

I've been watching a show called Roughneck: Starship Troopers Chronical and I notive that you are the story editor on it. Great jobs on it by the way. I guess my question is how did you get involve in that and are there any other new shows that you may be attach to because I love your story telling ability.

Greg responds...

I was one of the story editors on it. Hired by Sony after they liked my MEN IN BLACK scripts.

I have a few projects in the works, but it's premature to talk about any of them except 3x3 Eyes. (Check the 3x3 EYES ASK GREG archive for more info.)

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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Ambrosia writes...

It's been almost a week, but I'm gonna ramble on AnimeExpo now.
Yeah, it was great to see you too! And meeting in the *Avalon* wing... was that just erie? Unfortunately, I had to run off and call work and tell them I'd be late. My cursed car overheated in the cursed Pinocchio parking lot.
Wow, um, 3X3 eyes was... gory. I don't know, I think I set myself in El Hazard mode or something. The voices, of course, were excellent. Jenny and I must have annoyed the entire theater because as soon as Monkey said something we both squealed "LEX!!!" And whoa. Keith David. Greg, in Sophomore biology we watched one of those Discovery Channel videos on marine life and Keith David was doing the narration. Hearing Goliath talk about fish spawning was much less disturbing than this.
Angela... er, Brigitte... did an unbelievably good job. *shudders in fear* I kept thinking of her line in Hunter's Moon where she says, "We're not demons. And we're not monsters. We're gargoyles and we're going to teach you to respect the name." She can really be frightening.
Well, thank you for your time!

Greg responds...

Thank you. Yeah, it's a great cast. The garg/3x3 overlap was fun, but I wouldn't have used any of them (including Bill Faggerbakke, Gregg Rainwater, Elisa Gabrielli, Ed Asner, in addition to he ones you mentioned, if they hadn't been just RIGHT for their parts.

But what about me? Didn't you like my work as Hide? Or as the homeless hummer?

Response recorded on August 19, 2000

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joe c. writes...

I was just wondering why you don't use the original english voice for yakumo since he did a pretty good job at the part. And is the anime going to be digitally remastered when it comes out.

Greg responds...

Joe, I'm not sure I agree with you, but in any case that wasn't an option. We didn't have access to any of the "original English voices" for 3x3 EYES. We HAD to recast everyone from scratch. The new Yakumo is a very talented actor named Christian Campbell. (Neve's brother by the way.) Christian is the voice of Max Steel, and he's a regular on a new prime time series that will premiere this fall: "The Street".

Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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jp12@mail.csuchico.edu writes...

I love the show. I can't watch it here in Chico, Ca. But, your work with villians is great. One vision for 2 seasons is very rare.
1. How much does it cost to produce 66 episodes?
2. Does it vary much for different studios/companies?
3. Any way I can get some of the material you show at the gathering? NY is pretty far from CA. I can't afford the trip.
4. What do you feel is your best work (not a specific "1", but things you'd recommend)?
5. I know and like Max Steel. Anything else you're working on now (even single episode plots)?

Thanks for listening. If you're even half as busy as I am, you'd be pressed to answer these in a timely manner. I'm glad just to hope for a response eventually.

Best Wishes, John Peacock
P.S.: Gargoyles is one of the few shows I'd be proud to watch with children. Hope yours keeps enjoying it.

Greg responds...

1. We averaged between 400K and 500K per episode in the first two years. The third year had, I believe, a lower budget.

2. I'm not sure what you mean.

3. New York isn't that far from Orlando, Florida -- which is where this year's Gathering is. (Next year's is in California.) And where were you during the TWO NYC Gatherings in 97 and 98? Anyway, what material did you have in mind?

4. On Gargoyles or period? Gargoyles is my best work. I'm fond of Starship Troopers and the comic book Captain Atom too.

5. I just completed voice directing a Japanese Anime video series called 3x3 Eyes. It should be available in September.

Response recorded on July 24, 2000

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Lexy writes...

Hey Greg!

Hmm This isn't really a Q so I hope it dosn't get booted. But I just had to say this.

You are working on 3x3 with a nice lil chunk of garg voice actors??? *sighs blissfully* wow..first Nazca now this?

To have my FAVE ppl get together and work on an ANIME just ..well, it brings a tear to my eye. *sniffs* I'm glad you guys are having a good time. ;)

Greg responds...

It was fun. Come see the preview at Anime Expo this week-end or at the Gathering in August. Or buy the tapes or DVD.

(End of commercial.)

Response recorded on June 29, 2000

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Coldplasma writes...

Max Steel questions:

1.In the first episode of Max Steel, I noticed the reference to "biting the knee caps off". It was amusing to see that, at least for us Gargoyles fans :-) Will all the Max Steel episodes have references to Gargoyles, just like Futurama has reference to The Simpsons?

2.What company created the CGI Max Steel? Is it the same that did Roughnecks? These are the best CGI I've seen so far. The hair detail and the backgrounds are very well made.

Greg responds...

1. I doubt I slipped a garg reference into EVERY episode of Max. For starters, you want those things to be fairly organic. If they're forced they're not funny, even to those in the know. They're just labored. And besides, for those not in the know they'd stick out like a soar thumb.

But trust me, there are a number of Garg references, though to be fair, the one you cite above is really a Monty Python reference common to both shows.

The fun thing was slipping garg in-jokes into our English dubbing of 3x3 Eyes. Once both volumes are out on video and dvd, I'm gonna hold a contest here to see who can find the most garg references in that one. Some slap you in the face and are pretty funny. Some are much more subtle.

2. Two different companies worked on Max Steel. The first was Netter Digital. They did episodes 1-4 and 9. That's "Strangers", "Sacrifices", "Shadows", "Sportsmen" and "Sabres". Then Netter and Sony had a parting of the ways. And Foundation Imaging, which did the bulk of the Roughneck/Starship Troopers episodes took over for 5-8 ("Seraphim", "Spear-Carriers", "Snow-Blind" and "Sharks") and 10-13 ("Sphinxes", "Swashbucklers", "Scions" and "Shattered").

But I'm afraid I can't agree with your glowing assesment of the CGI. Generally, I think Starship Troopers is MUCH stronger.

Response recorded on June 23, 2000

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IRC Goliath writes...

This subject is very off topic, so I apologize in advance. In fact, it's not a question for Greg but for his good friend who worked on Nazca. Last night I was watching Malcom in the Middle and I saw a quick shot of Thom's character from Nazca in the opening sequence. I was just wondering how that came about.

Greg responds...

Rick Simone who is a very good friend of Thom Adcox, did the voice of Dan in Nazca. (He also did the voice of Tatsuya in the episode of 3x3 Eyes that will premiere at the Gathering this August. Tatsuya, Monkey and Hide are the best buddies of Yakumo, our hero. Rick plays Tatsuya. Thom is Monkey. And I voice Hide.) Anyway, Rick also produced opening title sequences for a number of different prime time series, including Malcolm. That's the connection.

Response recorded on June 23, 2000

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