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How many seasons would you have planned for Gargoyles and its Spin-offs to realize your own vision?
1. Gargoyles
2. Bad Guys
3. Time Dancer
4. Dark Ages
5. Gargoyles 2198
6. Heroes of Ulster
7. New Olympians
8. Pendragon
1. As many as possible until the series caught up to Gargoyles 2198.
2. As many as possible until the premise resolved or the series caught up to Gargoyles 2198, whichever came first.
3. As many as possible until Brooklyn's journey catches up to his return with his family to Gargoyles.
4. As many as possible until we catch up to the Wyvern Massacre in Gargoyles.
5. As many as possible.
6. As many as possible until the premise is resolved or until the series caught up to Gargoyles 2198.
7. As many as possible until the series caught up to Gargoyles 2198.
8. As many as possible until the series caught up to Gargoyles 2198.
Since from what you've said it sounds like Banshee wouldn't have been the villain of the piece in Heroes of Ulster, would you please shed some light on who or what the antagonists/challenges would have been?
No spoilers. Sorry.
I asked some questions about Rory/Cuchullain and Banshee/Molly a while back and when your responses were discussed in the Comment Room, Ed pointed out that the Rory-Banshee spinoff was the only one of the spin-offs (that we know of) that you never gave a name to. So, do you have a name for that spinoff at this point?
Also, would there be any gargoyle or beast characters in this spinoff? Besides Rory and Banshee (and I suppose Mr. Dugan) do you know any other members of the main cast?
Thanks Greg!
I have answers to a lot (though not all) of these questions, but I think at this time, I'll refrain from answering. As a working title, i.e. something to refer to it by, let's call the spin-off "Heroes of Ulster".