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Hello, Mr. Weisman,
It's been a while since I got to ask you some questions. I'm glad to see Ask Greg is back up again. I don't want to take up too much time and slow down the answers to the other previous questions other people have asked, but I have a lot to say. I'll try to keep this as brief as possible.
Now I must say from the beginning that I don't get Disney XD, so I'll be waiting longer than most to see all thirteen new episodes from season two. I've also noticed in the Unanswered Questions that people have seen it elsewhere and so I'm being very careful not to catch any spoilers, because I want to be surprised.
Anyway, my questions and comments in regards to the inevitable, but sadly still not picked up, season three:
1.) I know that this is simply just waaaaay too early to talk about season three. I know that, you know that. I also know you can't spoil anything in regards to season three. But I would like to say a few things about the villains we've seen in season one and will see in season two. Besides, it never hurts to ask, right? Anyway, I would love to see the Lizard come back in season three if possible, as he's only been in one episode so far on your show. I would also love to see the Chameleon make an appearance or two in season three, since he's only gotten one episode in season one and it was confirmed he will appear again in season two somewhere. Other villains I'd personally love to see more of in season three are Mysterio, Venom, the Vulture, Sandman, the Rhino, and of course, my favorite Spider-Man villain of all Doctor Octopus. I especially hope that Peter MacNicol pops up for multiple episodes in season three as Doc Ock like he did in season one. He's done a brilliant job on your series. I also love the design for Mysterio on your show and look forward to seeing what he does in season two. As I said before, I also love the Sandman/Rhino friendship you introduced on your show. Clancy Brown and John DiMaggio do a wonderful job as Rhino and Sandman. I know that you guys have only discussed ideas for a third season and, as of now, are awaiting a confirmation for a new season. But still, I just wanted to say that I'd love to see more of the current villains since several new characters always get introduced every new season of a popular show, and I just hope that certain already-seen villains don't get lost in the shuffle when there's a third season. I know I'm way ahead of you on this topic and on the next two below, but I just thought I'd mention to you while I can while you're still answering questions and commenting here.
2.) In regards to new villains in season three and beyond:
I know season two has introduced a lot of new villains, and that a few more will be in season three. I know that you confirmed that the Scorpion and the Hobgoblin will be introduced in season three. I've also read online that fans hope guys like Hydro-Man, the Prowler, Man-Wolf and Carnage, among others, are possibilities for season three too. However, I wanted to say that I hope that, eventually, we'll get to see some of the other comic villains on the show that have rarely been on any of the previous Spider-Man cartoon series. Villains like Swarm, the Beetle and the Owl haven't been on a Spider-Man cartoon show in years. In fact, Owl has only appeared once on only one Spider-Man cartoon show to date (in the season premiere episode for season two of Fox Kids' "Spider-Man" cartoon series) and has never even spoken. Other villains, like Jack O'Lantern, the Rose and Man-Mountain Marko, have never appeared on a Spider-Man animated series at all and I hope they get to appear some day (though in Rose's case, that maybe unlikely considering that villains like Kingpin are off-limits from appearing on your show). Again, I know you can't comment on who will be back and who will be introduced for the new villains because, as mentioned, there is no season three pick-up yet... but I really, REALLY hope there is a confirmation soon. I'm not saying that you have to use all of these guys I mentioned, but I'd love to see at least some of the lesser-used villains on your show, is all.
By the way, thank you for finally introducing some of Spider-Man's classic villains on "The Spectacular Spider-Man", since I've read that the show will introduce the Tinkerer and Molten Man in season two. It's nice to see that they will finally appear on a Spider-Man animated series.
3.) Do you think we could see the Sinister Six at least once every season on this show? Also, would you be open to the idea of using one of the Sinister Six rosters from the comic books on your show (like Doc Ock, Mysterio, Vulture, Electro, Sandman, and sixth member Kraven or Hobgoblin)? Now I know that you can't give away any spoilers, but still, I think it'd be neat to see the Sinister Six pop up again.
4.) For a third season, would you be interested in doing more with Peter's supporting cast, like J. Jonah Jameson and his son John, Mary Jane Watson and Joe "Robbie" Robertson? I'd especially love to see Peter's relationship with M.J. get developed more and see Robbie get more of a storyarc, maybe a Robbie/Tombstone story since they know each other in the Spider-Man comics. Then again, maybe this will happen in season two.
I also wanted to answer two previous false casting rumors about "The Spectacular Spider-Man" from the archives for you, because you said you didn't know where the rumors were first reported. The summer 2008 movie preview issue of ToyFare Magazine said that Cam Clarke was picked as the voice of Molten Man (while that was incorrect, the issue did get the other voice actors right, like Josh Keaton as Spider-Man and Peter MacNicol as Doctor Octopus), and the Comics Continuum website said that Charles Napier had been cast as Montana/Shocker, respectively. I hope that helped.
Finally, I just wanted to say that I have a Spectacular Spider-Man Fan Site, in case you or anyone else would like to check it out. There are no images on the fan site yet and it's still a work in progress, but if you're interested, you can find it here:
Thanks for your time and patience reading this, and thanks for any answers. Keep up the excellent work, Mr. Weisman.
1. If a third season happens (and if I'm still in charge of story) we will introduce new villains, but we will also play existing villains as well. That's all I'll say at this point.
2. I know I don't have access to the Owl for the same reason I currently don't have access to Kingpin. Beyond that, no comment.
3. The Six would be back eventually.
4. We'll give as much attention to the supporting cast as we have room for.
Thanks for all your support!
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