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I finally got my Bad Guys paperback! With all my homework I don't have time to write a review yet, but I do want to ask you a question or two about the New Olympians, if you don't mind.
1. After the (New) Olympians founded New Olympus to escape human persecution, how long did gargoyles still survive in Greece?
a. Were gargoyles still alive in Greece in the time of Augustus Caesar and the Humility Spell? b. During Byzantine times? c. During Ottoman times?
2. How long did the halfling "monsters" of Classical myth (centaurs, minotaurs, snake-people, etc.) survive in Europe after New Olympus was founded?
a. Were any half-breed "monsters" still alive in Europe in the time of Augustus Caesar? b. During Byzantine times? c. During Ottoman times?
Thanks again.
I don't have exact dates on this stuff, and I'm not ruling out possibilities at this stage.
hey greg was just curious about something.ive read a few times that in the Gargoyles universe the Olympian gods(Zeus,Apollo,Hades etc)are all half mortal,seriously?
You've misinterpreted what you've read, confusing the Olympians with the New Olympians.
Hello again,
I have a questions about the original Olympians in the Gargoyles universe. I hope you aren't sick of my curiosity about the Third Race, but the links to mythology are my favorite parts of Gargoyles, since I've always loved mythology.
I was looking in the Archives about the New Olympians, and I found two entries that interested me. In 2000, concerning the New Olympians and their ancestors, when asked about those ancestors who were worshipped as gods, you wrote:
"They weren't actually immortal."
Later in 2001, you wrote:
"The ancestors were the "gods and monsters" of legend. Many of whom were known as the Olympian Gods of Ancient Greek and Roman mythology.
Most of them were of the Children."
I'm sure I am misinterpreting your responses, but I find these two seem contradictory. The 2001 response indicates most of them were "of the Children" but the 2000 response seems to me to mean that most of them were not Children of Mab.
1. With regards to the original 12 Olympians, were most of the 12 Olympians Children of Mab, or just some of them? Or were most of the original 12 Olympians hybrids?
Thank you.
Just some of them.