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WEISMANSWERS 2009-06 (Jun)

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Phillip A writes...

Hello Greg,

Big fan. I apologize in advance (as I know this is a question I'm sure you are just BOMBARDED with), but IGN TV just posted an article listing shows that have been officially renewed, and Spectacular was on there. However, it's IGN, so I thought I'd ask you.

Here's the link so you don't have to go looking for it.

"The Spectacular Spider-Man (Officially Renewed)"

Also, please don't be angry with me... I checked the archives for IGN.

Greg responds...

I'm assuming that's referring to Season Two. We have not yet been picked up for Season Three.

Response recorded on June 30, 2009

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Aaron writes...

I recently caught up with the Spectacular Spider-Man and been very impressed by what I saw. In light of that, I gave the new X-Men show a shot too and have been equally impressed by it's choice of setting. Obviously the different networks (and decidedly different settings) prevents a crossover, but does the existence of the show prevent X-Men characters from ever cameoing in Spectacular Spider-Man?

Since I was never a comic book fan, I was introduced to the extended Marvel universe thanks to the Spider-Man animated series from the 1990s. Without it, I probably never would have gone and saw movies like Iron Man and Hulk (or at least not one day one). I'm hoping this series will have the same effect on my younger counterparts. This series looks to be the real successor to Batman: TAS.

Greg responds...

It's not the existence of Wolverine and the X-Men that prevents cross-overs. It's the contracts that state we only have access to characters in the Spider-Man corner of the Marvel Universe.

Response recorded on June 30, 2009

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,
I finally got a chance to watch some epsiodes of Spider-Man yesterday, and I just wanted to congratulate you on more excellent storytelling. I particularly enjoyed making use of a little-known character (Tombstone), and accurately portraying the plight of the nerd; every girl's friend, no one's lover. Well done, and I look forward to catching more of this series.

Greg responds...

Thanks. I hope you do!

Response recorded on June 30, 2009

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Will Keaton writes...


The first two seasons of Spectacular Spider-man have been, well, spectacular. I think it can honestly be said without hyperbole that this is the best adaptation of the Spider-man franchise since the birth of Stan Lee. You know we are all waiting to hear word about season 3 being commissioned and we will keep our fingers crossed, hoping for the best.

I should warn you there will be spoilers for season 2 from this point on.

Amoungst the other things this series has done especially well one thing I've enjoyed is the set ups to story arcs still down the road. For example; With Eddie in custody, probably "bonding" with his new cell-mate as we speak, and the symbiote on the loose you've done a nice job of setting up another Venom arc. Before the symbiote came to earth Eddie was one of the most honourable people on the show. Being based off the Ultimate version he was a much more decent fellow than the guy from the comics or the 90's animated series, who was a complete jerk. With someone other than poor Petey to hate on this Eddie may have a shot at redemption. Maybe. The earlier Spider-man series that aired on Fox back in the 90's was notorious for heavy censorship it got from the network. Have you ever felt restricted in the stories you are allowed to tell because of network censors? And are you worried that this could be an issue in the future, especially when dealing with a certain red-headed serial killer?

You've already mentioned plans to use the Hobgoblin and Scorpion, both of whom we've already met or had their name mentioned. Other people we've already met are Carnage, Hydro-man, the Prowler, Sin-eater and of course the Jackal, who I'm sure will play a major role in the not-to-distant future. I'm also kind of hoping to see some spider-slayer action in season 3, but that is neither here nor there. You've also included numerous homages to earlier Spider-man shows; like the Spidey vs. Mysterio fight that took place in a western bar set just like in the 60's animated show. That show also had a lot of really lame or ill-thought out villains that shouldn't by any right have posed a threat to Spidey. Looking back do you think there is one guy made specifically for that show that you particularly like or think you could turn into a credible threat?

At first glance Molten-man seems very similar to Electro, especially his first appearance in season 1. Both guys had their lives wrecked in a lab and walk away with powers that literally fry everything they touch and that they can't turn off, (themselves). However, despite similar reactions to their powers and some anger management issues Mark and Max still come across as unique characters. At any point in production were you worried about two different villains coming across as being too similar to one another due to similar powers or backstory?

The naming system for the story arcs has been a nice touch. I wouldn't be surprised if a story arc about aunt May ended up being called Geriatrics 101. What I'd really like to see however is History 101, as there are a few past events I'm sure we'd all like to see explored in a bit more detail. For instance the events surrounding the deaths of the Parkers and the Brocks, how Foswell got his Silvermane scoop and how Tombstone took control of the criminal underworld thus becoming the Big Man. (Complete with Hammerhead/Sable romancin'.) Of course Pete and Felicia still have some issues they need to sort out, and it's only a matter of time before the events of Uncle Ben's death are brought to light. From what we know of Felicia's dad it seems almost impossible to believe he would murder poor Ben, especially after decades of priding himself on never hurting anyone, (physically that is, financially is another story.) There is definitely more to that story than meets the eye.

One little nitpick. Actually, given how important this little detail became in season 2 this is more than a nitpick, but I digress. Ol' Norman has repeatedly said he never apologizes, he was willing to face an angry buzzard to avoid doing so and this was the one flaw in Chameleon's otherwise flawless performance as Osborn. However, way back in season one episode 4, Market Forces, during his conversation with Hammerhead he says, "My apologies for the interruption." It seems like a minor gripe at first but since the phrase "I never apologize" becomes so important later this earlier inconsistency is now a genuine plot hole. If you think you can find a way to fix this minor/major inconsistency when/if season three comes out, well actually that'd be par for the course for you.

Speaking of the Osborns; in every Spider-man related work I have ever seen Harry's mom has been either explicitly stated as dead or not mentioned at all. Yet you decided to have her alive and conspicuous. I understand why you altered Shocker's/Montana's and Silver Sables' history as it helps streamline the plot. However, Mrs. Osborn has served no purpose at all outside of one (totally awesome) gag in Final Curtain. What made you decide to go against popular consensus and include her when she isn't doing anything? Also, how was anyone able to convince people Norman was dead? They obviously never found his body and the only people who knew Norman was the goblin where Spidey; who isn't likely to tell the authorities anything, Chameleon; who is even less likely to do the same thing, Menkin (maybe) and Harry; neither of whom would want the Goblin/Osborn connection made public. So who set up the funeral and everything? Speaking of the funeral, I think Harry knows his dad isn't dead. I honestly don't know if he can be as manipulative as he was in the graveyard scene if he was still distraught about his dad's death. Besides, after Normy exclaims he "needed to make a man out of Harry" and has "never been more proud" of his son (was Harry able to hear that line? I'm not sure if he could hear inside the helicopter,) and being outed in front of Harry anyway I think he may trust him enough to let him know he's not dead. Maybe. Norman loves his son in his own twisted little way but he's still a domineering psychopath in a Halloween costume and after successfully manipulating almost every single character over the course of two seasons I wouldn't trust him if my life depended on it.

Oh, and about his whole "Greg doesn't like Carnage thing". I believe there was a rumour that the director of the Spider-man movies didn't like the symbiotes in general. Maybe someone got the two of you mixed up somewhere down the line. It's obvious you do like Venom though so that might explain why no one has said "Greg doesn't like Venom," leaving Carnage the only one who gets all your fictional hatin'.

Just for the record, I was never fooled for a minute when Harry was revealed to be the Goblin back in Season one. I know better than to trust anything you tell us during a conspiracy Mr. Greg I-invented-the-Xanatos-gambit Weisman.

By the way, how did May's cook book; "1001 Ways to Prepare Banana." sell?

Anyway, good luck getting the go ahead for season 3. We're all rooting for you.

Greg responds...


I'm not particularly concerned about censorship.

Your memories of the sixties' series are clearly clearer than mine.

I felt fairly confident that Molten Man and Electro would remain fairly distinct from each other.

Emily has already had her uses. And we have more planned for her as well. As to why we included her, we felt we had too many single parent families, between Pete and Gwen. It seemed essential to both of those characters that Aunt May and Captain Stacy were single parents. It didn't seem essential to Harry's character, however.

A body was found. You can work out the rest for yourself.

May's cookbook hasn't hit the shelves yet.

Response recorded on June 30, 2009

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Joltman writes...

Any more specifics on a season set for The Spectacular Spider-Man? Some people are worried that it's either not going to happen, or that all it will just be the four volumes repackaged.

Greg responds...

All I know at this time is that it's due out this summer.

Response recorded on June 30, 2009

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

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Spidey Ratings


THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN episode "Blueprints" delivered 1.57 B6-11 rating, up +76% from prior 4 week time period average, retaining 89% of Catch that Kid lead-in in B6-11 and delivering the time period's highest B6-11 Rtg in over one month… since THE INCREDIBLES on 5/4/09.

"Destructive Testing" delivered 1.86 B6-11 Rtg, its highest ratings yet on DXD, while up +54% from prior 4 week time period average, delivering the time period's highest B6-11 rating in over one year...

Nobody here but us chickens.

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Clark Cradic writes...

What do you think Xanato's opinion of Norman Osborn would have been, both as a business rival, a person, and a father would have been?

Greg responds...

I think he would have been appalled at Norman's parental approach. He'd of course have to admire his business acumen and respect his machiavellian bent. But I find it hard to imagine the two has friends.

Response recorded on June 29, 2009

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???????? writes...

greg before i ask my question i've got to say i like the work you have done espacially gargoyles and the spectacular spiderman, so my question is well...

how tssm doing raitings wise on Disney XD?

Greg responds...

The reruns did pretty well, as far as I know. Still waiting to hear how last week's Season Two premiere went.

Response recorded on June 29, 2009

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Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

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Michael writes...

has season 3 been confirmed yet

Greg responds...

Check the archives.

Response recorded on June 26, 2009

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Maester Olorin writes...

What can the fans do to help insure new seaons of The Spectacular Spider-Man are greenlighted?

Greg responds...

Watch the shows. Buy the merchandise. Spread the word.

Response recorded on June 26, 2009

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Eric writes...

Will the second season of The Spectacular Spider Man debut on Disney XD right after season one is over or will we have to wait a month?

Greg responds...

Season Two had debuted. Check it out.

Response recorded on June 26, 2009

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justin writes...

I would like to ask you if there were any updates on a season 3 for the spectacular spider-man?

Greg responds...

I would like to ask you if you noticed that over a hundred people had ALREADY asked this question by the time you posted it?

Response recorded on June 26, 2009

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Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

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Paul writes...

I heard that you have a 5 season plan and ideas for the DTVs too. If that's the case, does that mean you definitely know (and have no doubt whatsoever in your mind) when, if ever, you will attempt storylines like The Death of Gwen Stacy, The Death of Captain George Stacy or The Clone Saga?

Greg responds...

The phrase "no doubt whatsoever in [my] mind" gives me pause.

Response recorded on June 25, 2009

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sasuke writes...

can spider man punch more often?

Greg responds...

More often than who?

Response recorded on June 25, 2009

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N-Jay writes...

I just have a quick question about something from season 2 of Spectacular Spider-Man.
In the episode 'Opening Night', various people try to get a hold of Harry on his Ozberry (spelling?), but they can't reach him. In the same episode, Black Cat pulls out an Ozberry and mentions that she stole it. Are these two things connected or related?
I love how you and your team put little discrete things like that in the show.

Greg responds...


Not connected.

Response recorded on June 25, 2009

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Antiyonder writes...

Before I forget again, here's the rest of the reviews for Season 1 of TSSM:

Group Therapy:
- Have to say that each member gets decent screentime and focus in a single 22 minute episode.

- Would of liked to have seen more interaction with Sandman and Rhino since they've worked together before receiving their powers, but otherwise it was good to see their past association touched upon here.

- I find the scene with Eddie to be both funny and sad at the same time. Funny because of how he describes it, sad because of what's being said.

- Reading the original Alien Costume saga, I wasn't completely surprised that Peter was sleeping during the fight, but it was just as entertaining regardless considering the intensity of the action.

- As for the origin itself, I'd say that merging the movie and comic version was a good move creative wise.

- Hearing Ed Asner in another Spider-Man role was a nice surprise. Makes a good Uncle Ben.

- The Black & White tone didn't bother me since I've seen several B&W shows, cartoons and comics/manga. Heck, it's pretty fitting for an episode based off a 1962 story.

- Seriously though, Sally felt sorry for Peter? Sounds like we're veering into a What If? territory (kidding).

Nature VS Nurture:
- Not much to say on Venom, but that the character is easily better than the comic. Eddie is more likable, and his transformation into Venom is coherent and well put together.

- Getting into the earlier stories through The Essential Spider-Man, it was easy to appreciate the appearances of Peter's various love interest.

- With that in mind I'm aware that Pete and MJ won't hook up right away, which is fine since this is about his early years. Besides, I find the Peter/Gwen dynamic to be just as good as the comic, maybe even better (And I'm not just saying it because of the look that she gives either, honest).

Greg responds...

Glad you liked the stuff!

Response recorded on June 25, 2009

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

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marvelman writes...

when will the spectacular spider-man season 3 come?and will other superheroes be in the series like ironman,x-men,prowler,fantastic four and captain america?

Greg responds...

I've answered these questions many times. I'm tired of rewarding people for not checking the archives. So check the archives.

Response recorded on June 24, 2009

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

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Alexnader writes...

Hey Greg
I've just watched the last episode of season two and I'm askin' myself - when you introduce a character by his name (like Gragan in the last episode, or Ben Reily) just for 2-3 seconds, do you plan to include them to the storyline or just for making us glad that we heard the name of Reily (cuz lots of people wanted Reily to be part of the show)?
And one more - God, how do you come up wit this stuff - the storyline, the relationships? (You're awesome)

Greg responds...


When did you hear the name Reilly? I honestly don't recall putting that in anywhere. It is, of course, May Parker's maiden name. But I don't even recall using it for that.

As for Gargan, I've already stated that Scorpion is part of our proposed Season Three.

Response recorded on June 24, 2009

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Anton writes...

Would you make an episode with Spider-man 2099 (aka Miguel Ohara, Parkers successor in the future)?

Greg responds...

I honestly don't know if I have the rights to that character.

Response recorded on June 24, 2009

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Paul writes...

1) If The Spectacular Spiderman gets a third season, will Aunt May, Betty Brant and Robbie Robertson get more screentime than they did in season 2? They were criminally underused in season 2.

2) If there's a third season, will Debra Whitman actually speak and be an important part of certain episodes?

Greg responds...

1. I've answered this before. Check the archives.

2. No comment.

Response recorded on June 24, 2009

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

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Forrest writes...

Greg do you think Spectacular Spider-Man will do good on Disney XD. I have been watching it every Monday, and the other days its on, (I tell my mom I'm sick, so I dont go to school, because its always on when I'm at school). So If you CAN, could you change the hour to like 4:00 or 5:00 P.M., instead of 9:00 and 10:00 A.M. (I'm at school at that time). Thank You

Greg responds...


I appreciate your love of the series, but...

I have ZERO control over the time period. I don't know what timezone you are in, but in most of the country the newest episode premieres somewhere between 4pm and 8pm on Mondays. And if you are REALLY skipping school to watch the show, then I'm NOT happy. Cut it out. No television series is worth that, including any or all of mine. It would be much better, if it's at all possible, if you could find a way to record the show, using TiVo or some other DVR or a VCR. There are also DVD releases. But skipping school is NOT okay with me. And telling your mom that you're sick when you're not is even worse.

Response recorded on June 24, 2009

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Mo writes...

Hello. I've recently watched the second season of Spectacular Spider-Man and I gotta say, this is the best cartoon to come out of Marvel. Spider-Man is an amazing character and seeing him get such great animation treatment is an absolute godsend. So thank you for that.

Now onto the questions:

1) I understand that the 3rd season is very under wraps at the moment, but I just want to know if you plan to introduce any other Marvel heroes in the series (e.g. Daredevil). Spider-Man is known for his encounters with other heroes and I want to know if that will play out here.
2) Was the revelation of the Green Goblin's identity planned from season 1 or did it just come about when season 2 was being developed?
3) Is there any character you'd really like to see in the series?

Thank you.

Greg responds...

1. Mo, I've answered this over and over. Please check the archives.

2. Planned from day one.

3. Yes.

Response recorded on June 24, 2009

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Thailog (from Wikia) writes...

P.S.: Forgot to ask these:

1. Why did Doc Ock go from shy to psycho after the accident? It has something to do with the neurotransmitter that short-circuited (or melted?), or was the traumatic event pushed him over the edge?

2. Was Mysterio a robot right from the get-go (in "Reinforcement") or was the real Beck arrested and then escaped, leaving a robot in his place?

3. How did Sandman, Rhino, and Vulture escape in "Reinforcement"?

Greg responds...


1. I think physical trauma from the "accident" played a part, certainly. But I think subconsciously, the key moment is when he cries out, "But I've been good!" right before the explosion. Now, (a) one could argue he hasn't actually been good, but (b) from his point of view "good" means obedient, subservient, nebbishy. And his "reward" for that behavior is, well, <BOOM>! So his mind rejects his past behavior entirely and does a complete personality 180. Otto Octavius was ALWAYS smart enough to be Doctor Octopus. Now he had the mindset to go with it.

2. Wouldn't Spider-Man like to know? (And you too, I gather.)

3. You forgot Electro and Kraven. Anyway, I don't think the specifics are too important. But I imagine that Rhino sank to the bottom of the river (putting on the oxygen mask/tank that Spidey gave him) and slowly WALKED to shore. Then busted Sandman out of the ice. Tinkerer had some of the Master Planner's men cut a hole out beneath Vulture and cut Electro out of his rubbery confines. Kraven, I think, just slipped out during the confusion.

Response recorded on June 24, 2009

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Thailog (from Wikia) writes...

Hi, Greg.

Sorry for using this Gargoyles platform to ask you yet another Spider-Man question, but this one has a constructive purpose, of sorts. I've been writing character bios for the Marvel Animated Universe Wiki and I have one question about the show's timeline that I can't seem to find in the archives:

When exactly was Peter bitten by the radioactive spider? In "Survival of the Fittest" Peter's teacher reminds him of the field trip hosted "last year" by Dr. Connors. However, judging by Peter's overconfident narration, he didn't have his powers before his summer vacations... So, he must have gotten his powers by the end of the previous school year, right? Late June? His opening narration also seems to convey the same idea.

However, and this is the biggest source of confusion, Uncle Ben died after Peter became Spider-Man and before school started ("Survival of the Fittest"). So that must have happened in July or August. Although when Aunt May speaks about him, it sounds like she got over it (isn't two months too soon?). Moreover, Peter doesn't sound too shaken up in the opening narration for someone who must have lost his beloved uncle only two or one month before...

Does that make any sense? Anyway, I'd like to clear that up for the sake of accuracy.

Great season finale btw, didn't see that coming.

Hope we get a season 3.

Greg responds...

When Mr. Warren says "Last year..." he meant the last SCHOOL year, not the last calendar year. So, yes, in my mind, Peter was bitten in late May of his sophomore year of high school. He DID have his powers over summer vacation. I think that's fairly clear from his voice overs. He just never faced any super-villains until September, the Vulture and the Enforcers.

Uncle Ben died shortly after Peter got his powers, in early June.

Aunt May is NOT over his death by any means. Neither is Peter. But we missed the HARDCORE grieving that took place over the first couple months of summer. In "Survival of the Fittest", May is -- largely for Peter's sake -- trying to put a good face on the new school year. And I think she's also not the type to just completely fall apart. But--


I think one reason she's SO oblivious to Doc Bromwell's overtures is because she cannot fathom the thought that she isn't still married.

As for Peter, I don't think of him as shallow, but you cannot deny he's had a TON of distractions -- in both of his identities -- to keep him from dwelling overmuch on Uncle Ben. Still, I like to think we've made Ben a strong presence in the show whenever possible (i.e. whenever we could afford the screen time) in episodes like "Survival of the Fittest", "Natural Selections", "Nature vs. Nurture", "Reinforcement", "Opening Night" and, of course, "Intervention" (among others).

I'd like to do more with Ben, admittedly. I had initially hoped to bring Ed Asner back as Ben once a season. But we just couldn't find room for a Ben flashback or appearance in Season Two. Hopefully, in Season Three. That's not a spoiler, by the way. I haven't got a specific plan. Just a desire to include more Ben and an excuse to see Ed again.

And speaking of Ed, how about his work in Pixar's "UP"? LOVED THAT MOVIE!!! And Ed's performance was wonderful. So funny and heartbreaking and everything. Seriously, I feel blessed to know the guy and to have been able to work with him.

Good question, by the way. Happy to clear this up. And much relieved not to be answering another "Has the Third Season been picked up yet?" or "Will you please spoil all your future plans?" question.

Response recorded on June 24, 2009

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Last Gathering

The announcement has been made that the current Gathering of the Gargoyles (the thirteenth annual) will be the last in this form. I'm saddened by this of course, but even more saddened by some of the vitriol I've seen toward the constaff. So I posted this at Station 8:

Hey folks,

Thought I should speak up. In part to defend my friends, I suppose, but also just to make my position on all this clear.

I'm the person who suggested we end the thing. Me. Frankly, I was simply horrified to discover how much of their own MONEY the con staff was putting toward the convention year after year... with it costing them increasingly more with each succeeding convention and with attendance falling at a steady clip. And that's on top of the incredible amount of hard work that these people put in. There have been other individuals and groups who have run individual Gatherings here and there, but most burn out after one year and don't do it again. This group volunteered their time year after year. Stuck with it when others wouldn't. They deserve praise, not scorn.

Are they my friends? Of course. Are they loyal to me? I think so. I like to think I'm just as loyal to them. Are they cliquish at times. Yeah. I've noticed that too. It happens with any group of people who work very hard together to do something and, frankly, feel largely unappreciated for their efforts. They get tight.

But I don't buy the notion that this is an impenetrable clique -- especially since new members join the group all the time. I've known some of these folks for over a decade. Others, just for a couple years. And even if you aren't admitted to this so-called "Inner Circle", what difference should that make? The Gathering is big enough for multiple cliques. Big enough for you to bring your own clique. The Gathering has interesting and informative events whether or not you're in ANY clique.

When someone asks "Why would I want to give any money to hang out with people who have no interest in including me?" I think the question itself is off point. They're throwing you a convention! They're including you! Does that mean they have to personally enjoy your company? Personally, spend time with you? That's unreasonable. You may be great. You may be annoying. I don't know. But they don't have an obligation to coddle you. Just to put on a great show, which I think they've done year after year.

And you're not paying to spend time with them anyway, you're paying to attend the con. Or not. No one's holding a gun to your head, but then don't complain if the thing isn't somehow able to continue indefinitely on SOMEONE ELSE'S DIME.

Don't get me wrong. No one is going to miss the Gathering more than I. I think there's some real truth to the accusation that the thing became Greg Weisman's annual ego boost. Because without a doubt it is a HUGE ego boost for me personally. Year in and year out, I have a blast. I'm treated VERY well, and I enjoy that treatment. I'd be lying if I said otherwise.

But it's not as simple as that. For starters, the reason that the con has consistently featured me and the various series that I've worked on is because I'm willing to do the work to help put the convention together. Frank Paur, just as an example, is ALWAYS welcome, but he doesn't always choose to come. I ALWAYS want to be there. So it's something of a not-so-vicious circle. I provide the convention with contacts -- and the convention uses those contacts to hold panels on Starship Troopers or WITCH or, this year, The Spectacular Spider-Man. All of which is an attempt to INCREASE the attendance by bringing in other fandoms and exposing them to Gargoyles. It's worked to some degree, but not enough.

I've also provided contacts for shows like Darkwing Duck and TaleSpin and Kim Possible, and we've had panels on those that I wasn't a part of because my involvement on those series was nearly non-existent. But I knew those guys, so I got 'em to come. I'm sure everyone would have loved it if I had gotten, uh, say, the Avatar/Last Air Bender guys to do a panel on that show. Trouble is, I don't know those guys. So no luck.

And, hey, I did create the show that we're theoretically celebrating. I am the guy who's fought to get the DVDs and the comics, etc. It's because of the fandom that I never gave up. But it doesn't change the fact that I'm the guy who never gave up. So maybe it's not SUCH a bad thing that I've been the primary beneficiary of the con. Or maybe it is. I'm not going to worry about it.

What I am going to do is enjoy the last convention. I really think we'll be going out with a bang with a ton of special guests. And, ironically, because of the low attendance the BEST FAN-TO-PRO RATIO you'll find at any convention EVER!!! If you can't afford to come this year, we're very sorry. We'll miss you. Really. But if you can, you should try, because once again, I think it'll be a great show.

But of course I'm biased. ;)

And as Jennifer pointed out, if anyone else wants to have a Gargoyles convention in 2010 or 2011 or 2198, no one's stopping you. I'm still willing to attend, still willing to help. Or willing to stay away, if that would be best. But I'd advise thinking long and hard about both the time commitment and the financial aspect of it before jumping in. Cuz it's tough. Not for me. It's easy for me. But for whomever happens to be the constaff in any given year, it's a lot of work and not cheap.

Now, I suppose for some people, all I've done in this post is prove their point. I'm tight with the constaff. They're tight with me. All true. But they've still put out an open invitation year after year to friends and so-called-foes alike. All they're really saying is that they're done. You think you can do better? Go for it!

Greg Weisman

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

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