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Kenneth Kenneth_81@yahoo.com writes...

Is ther a way or place where I can buy all the episodes of Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

I give up. Is there?

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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puck40 writes...

www.animationondvd.com has a petition for Gargoyles to go onto DVD up there. I wanna see everyone here sign it. :)

That other DVD link that person posted a handful of weeks ago btw was dead so heres for anyone interested!

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 02, 2000

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Jacob writes...

Where Can I Find Pictures(esp.) And Story Snop. OF The Macebeth, Three Weird Sisters(withches), and Spells?

Thank You,

Greg responds...

Don't know. Did you try the comment room?

Response recorded on November 01, 2000

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Arlo writes...

Hi, sorry to bother you. If you never feel like answering
this at all it's okay. You've probably heard inquiries
such as this more than you'd like to. If you don't want to
read this eaither becasue it's so long that's okay too.
Anyway, Puck, who is, in my opinion the greatest character
ever created, stars in a broadcasting entilted
"The Mirror" I've been searching but haven't found the
episode on a VHS recording. Maybe I just haven't been
trying hard enough. I was just pondering if it is on a
VHS somewhere and if so could you state the title of the
main VHS it may be on or where else I may locate the
performance. Any help would be greatly appriciated.
Thanks again and sorry to occupy your time. Also, could
you thank Gore for putting up with this question if he
has? Thanks, have a excellent day!

Greg responds...

You to. And don't apologize.

As far as I know, "The Mirror" is not available on VHS. Only first season episodes.

And thanks for giving me the opportunity to thank Gore for providing us with this site in the first place. And Todd for keeping it running efficiently.

Response recorded on October 26, 2000

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Rick Puck2r@hotmail.com writes...

Is there anyway I can still catch either on vhs or dvd the series? I am a huge fan and got perturbed when it was cancelled.

Greg responds...

VHS tapes exist out there. DVD's do not.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Brian writes...

Hey greg, Dvd Animania has a petion going to put gargoyles on dvd. The site is http://www.wildcoast.org/cgi-bin/petition.pl Everyone sign!

Greg responds...

Cool. Everyone sign!!!

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Klay Menard writes...

Where can I find a good picture of Lexington?

Greg responds...

Did you try asking in the comment room?

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Maximum Cng, llc writes...

This is a serious more business oriented question and I hope it does not break any of the guidelines. In fact I doubt it would be the kind of thing you would post.
I'm the President of a Roleplaying game company and I'm wondering who would I talk to in Disney about getting the License to create and market a Gargoyles roleplaying game book and suplements. I see it as nothing short of a shame that such a well made and loved world is rotting away.

Your the first part of my search for the information we need and hopefully you can help.

Thank you

Malcolm Harris
Maximum CNG, llc


Greg responds...

I don't know who you'd talk to specifically, though God knows I'd love to work on something like that.

My advice is to contact the Walt Disney Company's Consumer Products Division. And ask them to direct you to the proper individual.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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jim tharp, trhunter59 writes...

hello, when then scrolls of merlin are taken from their
original hiding place in the chest a image of merlin apears.How may I find this image? Looks like a ghost or
spirit of merlin. can you help? have seen the episode several times but cannot get the image. thanks.

Greg responds...

I'm not a clearing house for this stuff. Did you ask in the Station Eight Comment or Chat rooms?

Response recorded on October 19, 2000

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Melody writes...

When "Gargoyles" was canceled I was greatly disappointed because my family does not have cable. Do you know if there are any videos of "Gargoyles" videos available on the market?

Greg responds...

I don't know how easy they'd be to find these days, but the entire first season was at one point available on Home Video.

Response recorded on October 19, 2000

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