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GREG-SPONSES 2010-01 (Jan)

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Young Justice Character Countback

#402. Damian al Ghul

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Young Justice Character Countback

#411. Beth

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Just got this message from the folks at Ape Entertainment:

Just a heads up to let you know that MECHA-NATION #1 is now available to order from the February edition of the Diamond PREVIEWS catalog!

Tell a friend!

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Anonymous writes...

Question 1: When can you tell us if there is going to be a third season or not of TSSM at the most and the least.
Question 2: Is there any other possible plot details that you can tell us about the third season if it gets comminsioned besides that the Scorpion and the Hobgoblin are going to be in it and the Human Torch might be in it.
Question 3: Can you tell us if the story on Spiderman wiki about the third series of TSSM (tv series) is true or not.

Greg responds...

1. No idea.

2. "Can"? Yes. "Will"? No.

3. I just went to check Wikipedia and saw no story about the third season. But any story that said anything more than "We don't yet know if there will be a third season." is most likely false.

Response recorded on January 28, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, I checked the archives and I didn't see these questions asked, but if they were and you have answered them already, sorry. I had some questions in regards to "The Spectacular Spider-Man". Please keep in mind, I'm asking you this on September 1st, but it'll be a while before this reaches you, so if any of these are answered in between the time it takes these questions to reach you to be answered, sorry for the repeat questions.

Warning, SEASON TWO SPOILERS herein:

1.) Now that Disney and Marvel have merged, does this mean you CAN use forbidden guys like Kingpin, The Incredible Hulk, Ant Man or anyone else like that? I hope so. I'd imagine the X-Men or Daredevil or any Marvel characters Fox owns might be tricky, but still, you never know, right?

2.) Now that Sony has given the Spider-Man TV rights to Marvel and Disney, do you think when (not if) you get a third season, you might be more restricted by Disney or less restricted on what you can and can't do on the show?

3.) Why is the Rhino an American? I know on the show he's Alex O'Hirn, but in the comics, he's a Russian named Mikhail Sytsevitch. Why was the nationality changed? I find it weird Rhino's a Russian but never has been on any Spider-Man cartoon series.

4.) You listed Ian Bassett as the voice of Cletus Kasady/Carnage for the Gargoyles/Spidey crossover, so I guess you do like Carnage after all. Stupid internet rumors and false reports. Would you be interested in having Mr. Bassett reprise the role of Carnage on "Spectacular", or maybe have him as another voice if he's available?

5.) Do you know when Season Two comes out on DVD? Have you been told yet?

6.) Can Doctor Octopus improve his harness now that he's bonded to it? Like can he add some kind of security system to keep Spider-Man from stealing his power packs, like he did in "Gangland"?

7.) This isn't a question. I just want to say that I hope you guys get a third season and that I hope to see multiple episodes with all of Spidey's returning and new foes in season two (Scorpion, Doc Ock, Mysterio, Hobgoblin, Electro, Lizard, Rhino, Sandman, Tombstone, etc., etc.).

8.) Last question: If Disney and Marvel can work out a way to have Spider-Man on Cartoon Network's "The Super-Hero Squad Show", what would you think of Spidey being on there if he's allowed to appear? Do you think Josh Keaton could guest voice on there when he's not busy on a third season of "Spectacular"? I know this is speculation right now, but even so, I just wanted to know what you thought.

Thanks so muc for reading, sir. Best wishes with the series and I hope you guys get a pick-up for season three sooner rather than later. 'Nuff said.

Greg responds...

1. You never know.

2. I wouldn't think there'd be any change. We've been on Disney for almost a year now with no change.

3. It felt like we had enough Russians. I actually wanted to make him South African and black, but Marvel nixed that.

4. Ian was a member of the Gathering Players, not a pro. He did a great job, but I don't even know if he lives in Los Angeles.

5. I don't know.

6. Eh...

7. Me too.

8. I'm fine with it. And I'd never begrudge Josh the work.

Response recorded on January 28, 2010

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David B. Jacobs writes...

Hey Greg!
I am really upset that I couldn't make it to the Gathering (no seriously, I am - and it was THE LAST ONE??? ;_;), but unfortunately, plane tickets ARE kind of expensive.... And I'm somewhat broke.... (No seriously, I really DO wish I could've gone! I don't care that I would've been a newbie there! I ACTUALLY wanted to go!)
What I most regret missing is that Spidey/Gargoyles crossover. I would've LOVED to be able to see that! (In fact, it was when I heard about that that I was convinced I wanted to go.) But then, just last night, I thought of this: Is there any chance that you could post the script here on Ask Greg?
I understand if you can't, but I would REALLY appreciate if you did, and I'm sure a lot of other people would too.
Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

Already done.

Response recorded on January 27, 2010

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The Fox Bandit writes...

I see there are two other questions about Disney buying Marvel - but I'm going to ask two other related questions:

(1) Were you aware ahead of time that Disney would be purchasing Marvel?
(2) I'm sure the legal complexities involved in this transaction are very... well, complex... as they interface with your show. However, to your knowledge, how does Disney's purchase of Marvel impact the possibilities of using previous off-limits characters on Spectacular Spider-Man? (Especially Kingpin, but also other characters you said you wanted to use on rare occasion, such as Human Torch.)

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. No idea.

Response recorded on January 22, 2010

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Joltman writes...

Now that Disney is buying Marvel, do you think will affect, positively or negatively, The Spectacular Spider-Man's future?

Greg responds...

I really don't know.

Response recorded on January 21, 2010

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RSG(again) writes...

I also was wondering if you get the go ahead to produce a 3 season do you already know the fate of gwen stacy? like you have it all planned out on what will happen to her?

Greg responds...

I know what I want to do next with her.

Response recorded on January 20, 2010

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Tomi writes...

I have heard a rumor that if Spectacular Spiderman continues, Tony Todd would possibly play Hobgoblin. Have you ever considered this possibility yourself?

Greg responds...

Where did you hear this rumor?

Response recorded on January 20, 2010

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David B. Jacobs writes...

Hey again Greg! Got a few more TSSM questions here.
1) You have said in the past that you have a general map for the entire series. But of course, since there's no finite end, I was wondering how far your ideas stretched. Since you've set 5 seasons as your goal, is that where your plans end or do you have plans stretching into the possible DTVs/Season 6?
2) Regarding the potential DTVs, would you be allowed to get away with more things in there? I mean, you obviously manage to get away a lot in the series itself ("Don't get your goop in my hair!"), but there are some plots, like Kraven's Last Hunt, for example, that they would NEVER pass for TV. But would you be allowed to tackle these darker plots in DTVs, or would they still be censored to the same level?
3) Also regarding DTVs, how many do you think you'll aim for?

Greg responds...

1. The latter, but they are vaguer the further out you go...

2. I have no idea, but I would think so.

3. No idea.

Response recorded on January 19, 2010

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Jim writes...

So now that you've released the cast list/title of the Spidey crossover radio play, I have to ask: Is "Religious Studies 101" out of the running for arc titles?

Greg responds...

Probably, but not because of the Radio Play.

Response recorded on January 18, 2010

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Clark Cradic writes...

Have Peter and Aunt May ever seen the Cat Burgler after Uncle Ben's murder? I assume they would have been there for the his conviction.

Greg responds...

I imagine they went to his trial -- or more likely his elocution.

Response recorded on January 15, 2010

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Aidin writes...

Hi Greg,

I didn't know it until a few weeks ago, but I'm a pretty big fan of your work (Buzz Lightyear of Star Command, The Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot, The Batman, Men in Black: The Series, Gargoyles and the Spectacular Spider-Man).
I was very excited last year when The Spectacular Spider-Man premiered on the CW, and I thought the first season was beyond fantastic.

I have a few questions for you and I hope you don't answering them.

First off, I've noticed that there seems to be a lot of doubt and uncertainty regarding future seasons, is there anything we as fans can do to help?
I'd hate for tSSM to die like the last spider-man series I enjoyed (Spider-Man Unlimited; which while heavily panned I enjoyed greatly.)
(Then again my opinion may be tainted being that I just a younger kid while that was still on the air;but I digress)

How long does it take to produce one episode, and a complete season?

What kind of animation is being used? Traditional pen and paper? Computer? or Hybrid?

Why is the airing of season two in the US being delayed? I just noticed that the next episode has been delayed until October 5th; which adds two months in between episodes.

What is your stance on creating original characters for the series? I do believe that every character has appeared in the comics in some form, and I'm just curios as to see whether you'd consider creating any new characters.

Will the series get any "darker" in tone and style as in progresses? Or will it remain mostly up-beat?

Would the series adapt the One More Day/Brand New Day (the greatest Spider-Man FAIL ever in my opinion) If the series were to continue that long?

Next to last, I'm starting to view tSSM as a series not unlike Batman Tas; that being said, do you thing tSSM could become the starting point for animated series based on other Marvel comics Characters; not unlike the way Batman Tas "spawned" Superman:Tas, Batman Beyond, Static Shock, Justice League, etc.?
So Basically, Is tSSM to Marvel as Batman: tas was to D.C.?

And lastly, I've read several times that there won't be any cross-over with characters from other parts of the marvel universe because you don't have the rights to them. IF you had access to any Marvel character(s) in the Marvel Universe, would you have cross overs and what kind of cross overs would you have?

Greg responds...

You hope I don't answer them? Hmmm....

1. See the archives.

2. It takes between eight to ten months from start to finish to produce an episode, add a week or two per additional episodes and you'll get the total time for the season.

3. It's cel animation, but with computerized color and a few toon-shaded computerized elements, like vehicles or the occasional building.

4. I think they saved the later episodes for sweeps.

5. We made the decision early on not to have any original characters.

6. It is what it is.

7. I liked Mr. Negative a lot.

8. I'd be all for it, but no one's asked me.

9. Check the archives.

Response recorded on January 06, 2010

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Anicomicgeek writes...

Hey. I wanna start off by saying I love our work, Greg, especially on Gargoyles and Spectacular Spider-Man. Anyway, I know why you decide to diversify the cast and think it's okay.

So, it may be a stupid question, but was Jean DeWolff one of the characters whose race you'd changed? I mean, her skin seems darker, so I thought I should ask.

Greg responds...

We made DeWolff Native American.

Response recorded on January 04, 2010