A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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So, with "Chaw" becoming canon you have established that at least some female beasts' eyes are red. First of all, I love this feature. It becomes a common tie in gargate physiology, it gives us a visual cue to determine beast gender (which would otherwise be readily lacking) and it just looks cool.
I do wonder though if you have any thoughts about any future appearances of Boudicca. Perhaps you've seen the Gargoyle Beast page on the GargWiki where Boudicca's eyes have been modified to be red rather than white as we saw in the show. Would you make this minor ret-con official if we see Boudicca in a Gargoyles project down the road? In your mind are all female beasts' eyes red? Or is there a reason that Chaw's are and Boudicca's are not?
What about the beast we saw briefly in Ishimura (with white eyes)? Is that beast male or female?
All female gargate eyes glow red. Mistakes may have been made and may continue to be made. But the rules are the rules. Boudicca's eyes should have burned red. Are you sure they didn't? I know sometimes the red tint is fairly washed out...
As for the Ishimura beast, for the time being, if his eyes glowed white, let's assume he was a male.
You mentioned that True, Chomp and Chaw aren't among the Gargoyles that made up Demona's Clan in 1020 would that story have been picked up in the main Gargoyles series or Timedancer?
I 'mentioned' that? Or is it just an assumption because they weren't seen in City of Stone? Anyway, I don't have a specific plan at the moment that would define where I would tell their stories. But someday, maybe...
A lot of new faces were seen in Demona's clan in CB2 - and it sounds like some interesting facts were given out about the whole clan's relationships to Wyvern clan members during this last Gathering. So a couple questions:
1) Were all of the Gargates seen in the cell that Demona's Second/True/etc were part of from the Wyvern Split clan?
2) What year were these Gargates born in?
a - Demona's Second's Mate/Sacrifice
b - "Bro" the red Gargoyle Brooklyn spoke with.
c - Brooklyn's bioBrother, seen behind Brook and "Bro"
d - the little Green gargoyle standing next to True.
e - Bronx's parents
3) Was Sacrifice related biologically to any other Gargoyle we've seen from Wyvern? If so which?
4) The little Blue Gargoyle from City of Stone was not seen here (that I found). Where was he?
1. Yes.
a. 918.
b. 958.
c. 938.
d. 978
e. 898
3. Don't know.
4. Another cell, probably.