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Don't you find it amazing that the show which aired in the mid 90's produced a character, who was only in 4 episodes mind you, the Puck... so important and so popular that he has made such an impact on the fan culture... that over 20 years later people are still making new fan art and fics about him on a daily basis. When you created him did you think he would gain such a following?
I don't know if I thought that about him specifically, but it became clear once Brent Spiner recorded the voice that we had something special there.
This below was my question and response from you 17 years ago! I been patiently waiting for more on Puck and nothing.. ofcoarse I read "Puck of Pooks Hill" and "The Ballads of Robin Goodfellow, and "Sisters Grim", and any literature with him in it. I have even been to Pucks castle in Dubin, Ireland. What else about the Pucks history can you share with me?
Question received on Sun, April 08, 2001 06:53:00 PM
lorienne writes...
Hey, I've read a while back somewhere that you said that you were going to have puck play his flute to temporarily put oberon in some kind of trance. and also that you were going to name him goodfellow instead of puck. also that ransom was going to be an episode with puck and other tricksters. (that idead would of totally rocked) anyways where i am getting at is puck is my ablosute favorite character. my friends and family actually wanted to get me help cause i have printouts of him all over my house. it worries them :P i was wondering if you had any ohter plans for him, or if like there were other ideas such as the flute thing that you guys were going to use. just brainstorming maybe that wasn't actually in the show. i'm just trying to dig up as much information as i can about him. thanks for taking the time to read this.
Greg responds...
Yes, I had other plans. (Though maybe it's NOT such a good idea to feed your obsession.) Have you read Rudyard Kipling's Puck of Pook Hill?
Now, it's been over twenty years. (Sorry.) But I'm afraid I don't have anything to add. Any new story material would be a Spoiler. Beyond that, I'm sure you can (and probably have) research Puck as well as I can or could.
What's Owen's middle name?
What makes you think he has one?
But probably Robin. Maybe. Or maybe not.
Hi Greg, I was looking at the archives on Team Atlantis and noticed that you once gave a general synopsis of the Loch Ness monster episode (http://s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=7499).
I am a huge fan of Puck and although I know that the Team Atlantis Puck may or may not be the same character as the Gargoyles Puck, I was wondering if you could give the same sort of synopsis for the Puck episode as you did for the other ones (Loch Ness Monster and Demona episode). I understand if you consider it a spoiler request, just being hopeful based off the other ones! Regardless of whether or not you answer the question, thank you so much for the awesome universes that you have helped to create!
I'm afraid it's just been too long. I don't remember anything really about it.
Hi again. As long as rules require to group questions by different topics, I've written that as separate questions.
1. If Puck is Oberon's servant, why can he be summoned by Titania's mirror? Not some Oberon's possessions, but Titania's.
2. Does the spell, that Demona used to summon Puck, have any translation? Was it in Latin? I failed to find it on Wiki.
3. Why didn't Oberon just use the mirror as Demona did in order to summon Puck? Was he just in a mood for stroll?
4. In the way I see it, there's kind of tension between Puck and the Weird Sisters, as they say they can hunt him down for Oberon. I mean -Hunt-. Not to bring him, not to call him, not to remind to him. Hunt him down. Why? If this IS a spoiler, please, just forget you've read 2d question. If I just dramatize, feel free to tell it in any form you like.
5. Would - if heard - the ringing of the iron bell be at least painful to ANY one of Oberon's children in their true form? If not to all, then to who will it be?
1. If the spell is powerful enough, he can be summoned by any magic mirror.
2. It's Latin and can be found here: http://gargwiki.net/Summoning_Spell
I don't have the translation here at my Nickelodeon office. But you can probably get it from one of the fans by asking in the S8 Comment Room.
3. Yes. He pretty much says that. (Are you asking these questions from memory without looking back at the episodes? Cuz, if so, you're really waiting a LONG time to get answers you could've gotten yourself.)
4. It's a spoiler.
5. To all.
Hello, Greg! I hope you're doing well.
1. So long after I've seen "The Mirror" episode for the first time, and I'm still deeply curious: what was Xanatos look like as a gargoyle? Preeeeeeetty interested. I know, that this is not the best question to be answered in writing, but if only briefly...
2. Episode "The Edge" starts with a sparring between Xanatos and Owen. And Owen gets the upper hand.
a) Why did Xanatos stopped the following sparring?
b) Was the purpose of sparrings with Owen in training him in hand-to-hand combat?
1. I'll leave this to your imagination.
2a. Didn't he have an appointment?
2b. No, it was to maintain his edge.
Hello Greg!
Love all your work, so thank you for such a great stories.
In the episode "the mirror," Puck Says "All Humans on this concrete Isle." NYC has such a constant flux of traffic, between cars, cabs, ferries, and public transport, when people entered Manhattan did they magically become a gargoyle even after the spell was cast? Did those who left the Isle magically revert to human form? Since the populace appeared to accept the notion that they were always gargoyles, I imagine that if those entering/leaving the island did change, then they did not notice. Would that be correct?
Thank you so much!
Hi, Gargoyles fan here! Nothing plot-related, just curious about if Owen has as much of a sense of humour as Puck. Obviously Owen wouldn't show it for the sake of keeping up the Vogel-esque act, but do Owen and Puck share a funnybone?
Owen tends toward wry and dry understated humor. Puck, obviously, is less understated generally, but has that side to him, as well. Whether Puck is simply choosing to not exercise his whackier side while Owen, or whether the transformation is magically submerging it, is a matter of interpretation.
Are fairy-human shape shifts like Owen still bound by things like "Iron hurts you" and "No stealing magical items like the phoenix gate"?
Also just to say your shows inspired me to pursue a major/career in illustration and comics. I saw your shows and others like it and decided I wanted to find a way to contribute to them somehow. Hopefully one day I'll story-board something half as good as what you produce.
Thank you.
Owen can still be hurt by iron. Can't you?
why does everything have to happen so terrible for the puck.. it's bad enough what happened during the gathering part 2... no more powers, and locked as owen... can not be himself except when training or protecting alex... sucks,..but now with 2158 and gargs 2198.. alex is gone and he is just locked as owen?!?! really??? .. c'mon why does it have to suck so bad for him. what is your beef with puck? he barley was in the series, he was not in the comics, you're killing me man. we all need more puck in our lives. my question is why do you make it suck so hard for puck.
I tend to make things hard on ALL the characters. It's called "DRAMA".
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