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Brad676 writes...

Will Goliath and Elsa get further into there relashiship

Greg responds...


Response recorded on June 04, 2004

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Katalina Darkheart writes...

Hi Greg,
So I guess i'm in a way sort of a...um.."new" fan of gargoyles...i used to watch it all the time when i was younger but i guess i just had other things to do...but i'm watching it again now...way kul show dude...but i wantedto ask you...since i'm new and this is bugging the bejeepers out of me....does Elise Maza and Goliath ever put aside their differences and like wed r something?...i know i shuld continue watching the series....and i will try to watch it as much as i can...but disney likes to rerun them and they're not always in order...and now that i'm older unlike when i was a kid i have more responsibilities such as work and school that keep me from being able to watch it so i'd be extremely grateful if u'd fill me in on that subject...oh and heheh..Happy Birthday...may-b if i send it now it might reach u sometime around there...or if not merry christmas ^.^...heheh...see ya..

Greg responds...

Disney is actually pretty good about airing the episodes in order. Of course, we didn't get to tell all the stories we wanted to. I only worked on 66 episodes and they did 12 more after I left and that's it.

So the short answer is, no, Goliath and Elisa do not get married by the end of the 66 or 78 episodes.

What happens in the future is another story.

Response recorded on April 27, 2004

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julio writes...


Greg responds...

Demona said it was not forever? When?

As far as I know, it doesn't work because, (a) Elisa commanded Goliath to not let it work and (b) the page that was used to control Goliath was destroyed so that no one could countermand Elisa's command. Technically, I believe the spell is still in force.

Response recorded on April 14, 2004

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Cleo writes...

Who is Demona's and Goliath's parents?

Greg responds...

Don't know yet.

Response recorded on April 08, 2004

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kate oxford writes...

I was wondering does Golith have a grandson ? Did I hear right or am I just making it up?

Greg responds...

He will someday.

Response recorded on March 16, 2004

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April Currier aka Golden Claw writes...

Gooden! I've passed this place before many times and thought this time i should stop and say a few words.First off I love Gargoyles! Elisa and Goliath even got # 1 spot for fave tv couple.Beating out Mulder and Scully!
the show is sadly missed,but i will always have my tapes! Thanks!
now for the question:
1. What color is Goliath's hair? is it black or brown???? i think it looks better black,but sometimes it appears brown????

Greg responds...

I think it's largely black. (At least it is in my mind.) But it has a brown tint to it.

Response recorded on December 16, 2003

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Jen writes...

i was wondering if golitah & elisa ever become a couple

Greg responds...

Have you seen "Hunter's Moon, Part III"?

or said another way...

Define "couple".

Response recorded on December 04, 2003

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Mooncat writes...

Hello Greg,

The subject came up in the Adult comment room on the Gargoyles Fan Website, on wether Goliath and Elisa would ever be able to become mates. Physically.

So the main question is, can they become mates, in a physical sense, without physically harming Elisa?

How well endowed is Goliath (beneath the loin cloth)?

How well endowed are Brooklyn, Broadway, and Lex? Yes, inquiring minds want to know *^_^*. If not exact sizes, some general indication would be appreciated.

Thank you for taking the time to consider the question.

Mooncat >^,,^<
and the peeps in
the Adult Gargoyles Comment Room

Greg responds...

I think of Goliath (and all the gargoyles) as being proportional. So that would make him fairly well-endowed by human standards. I have no doubt that Elisa and Goliath could become intimate, but I do have some doubts as to whether they could engage in intercourse without harming Elisa physically. But there are of course, many ways to become intimate short of intercourse.

Response recorded on November 06, 2003

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Gus Gustafson writes...

Does Goliath have any biological brothers or sister? If so then how many and what sex?

Greg responds...

Odds are he had one or two (but no more than that). The odds of them still being alive are fairly slim of course. But I try not to think too much like a human and emphasize biological siblings over rookery siblings.

Response recorded on October 23, 2003

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Kim writes...

Settle a bet, will goliath and elisa ever hook up?

Greg responds...

Define "hook up".

Response recorded on October 17, 2003

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